Actually, it's not that big of a stretch. Currently, the Grip Attachment does not impact Center Speed by the same value/factor for all guns. For example, Grip may increase Center Speed by +200 for Gun A but only +100 for Gun B. Again, this is already currently present in-game.Skilotonn said:Why would you make an attachment purposely made to improve spread & kick worse just for that one gun and not the rest?
Please let this one happen. I think I'll dance a jig if it happens.divisionbyzorro said:They're considering giving kill credit to the guy who drops someone into second chance, and assist credit to the guy who finishes him off. s.
mr_boo said:Actually, it's not that big of a stretch. Currently, the Grip Attachment does not impact Center Speed by the same value/factor for all guns. For example, Grip may increase Center Speed by +200 for Gun A but only +100 for Gun B. Again, this is already currently present in-game.
Not saying you're wrong and I'm far far far aways from an AK74u expert, but from what I understand RF is the main bad guy with the AK74u and that most folks can run the AK74u with RF, without Grip. Again, I'm just spewing things out from what I read and I could be wrong.Skilotonn said:But we know that what they're trying to do is somehow make the AK74u w/ Grip less appealing to people using it so much, which is why they're targeting that gun's grip and that one alone, because it's the first and most of the of time the only go-to attachment for it.
mr_boo said:Not saying you're wrong and I'm far far far aways from an AK74u expert, but from what I understand RF is the main bad guy with the AK74u and that most folks can run the AK74u with RF, without Grip. Again, I'm just spewing things out from what I read and I could be wrong.
I do know this though - from my current usage of the M60, an LMG riddled with recoil, I'm not completely sold that Grip is the go-to attachment. I've run the M60 grip-less and in my small sample space, I've been fine (1st game was something like 24-7, and yes I do know there are a lot of contributing external factors). Anyways, food for thought.
They last until you get downed.vitaminwateryum said:Anyone know how long the buffs (juggernog, quick revive, etc.) in zombie mode last for?
sounds good...divisionbyzorro said:Interesting post from Vahn about some new possible gameplay tweaks incoming in the next title update (no word on when that will actually happen):
If you can't be bothered to click:
- They're considering giving kill credit to the guy who drops someone into second chance, and assist credit to the guy who finishes him off.
I really, really, really hope they do this.- They're considering limiting second chance revives to one per life.
- They're considering increasing the amount of time it takes to revive someone in second chance.
- They're "investigating" how players are using primary weapons/knives while falling into second chance.
- They're "evaluating" making changes to the damage, blast radius, and movement speed of the RC-XD. The kill requirement will not change.
[*] They're nerfing the kick reduction that the grip gives the AK74u
Treyarch :lol :lol :lol[*] No mention of network/lag/connectivity issues.
buy teh haloz said:They last until you get downed.
I haven't really sniped since the last patch, but before I used Scout simply cause SoH and Hardened seemed marginal at best; in previous CODs, I never used Iron Lungs/Steady Aim. In any event, I can't recall the new sniper characteristics since the patch. But regarding Scout, it's easy to overlook the weapon swap bonus, which comes in handy when you swap out your pistol for a AR/LMG/SMG.Stantron said:Does anybody here actually use the Scout perk for their sniper class? I'm working on unlocking the pro version while using the PGS1+ACOG so it's a waste. Think I'll switch over to Slight of Hand or Hardened when I'm done.
Once I unlock Scout Pro, I'll see if it allows me to quick swap to my RPG secondary, which will be useful in tight situations (in combination with flash + tactical mask promr_boo said:I haven't really sniped since the last patch, but before I used Scout simply cause SoH and Hardened seemed marginal at best; in previous CODs, I never used Iron Lungs/Steady Aim. In any event, I can't recall the new sniper characteristics since the patch. But regarding Scout, it's easy to overlook the weapon swap bonus, which comes in handy when you swap out your pistol for a AR/LMG/SMG.
It does not apply to pistols only.Stantron said:Once I unlock Scout Pro, I'll see if it allows me to quick swap to my RPG secondary, which will be useful in tight situations (in combination with flash + tactical mask pro). If the quick swap only applies to pistols, then I'll likely not use it.
Console gamers: do 360 no scopes to look "cool", have sub 1.0 k/dcuevas said:Two guys were quickscoping in a domination match today. One went 2-20 and the other 5-15 with 1 cap each. In postgame they were talking about how they got a couple montage shots :lol :lol
Presco said:What the hell is going on?? Playing tonight and my framerate was running between 5 and 10 fps on 360. I've been having a great time with this game for the most part but tonight was utterly unplayable. Was playing with my brother and he wasn't having issues. I went into theater and the framerate was screwed there as well but when my brother watched the same film from my fileshare he didn't see a problem. Then I watched another film of mine from a few weeks ago and the framerate was screwed in that as well. Is my brand new slim 360 dying or did a recent backend update screw something up? Really frustrating.
The topic of 2nd chance is too large to stuff in a general game-play thread. So here we go. This thread will only be open about 48 hours so get involved while it lasts.
I've looked into this as requested. Yes. The game has 0.5 seconds of invulnerability while falling. It's intentional. It's been like this forever. It was 0.5 in World at War. It also appears to have been 0.5 in Modern Warfare 2. I am not 100% positive. I think it was 0.8 in Modern Warfare 1/ Call of Duty 4. At least in the early days. It may have been patched.
2nd Chance has this invulnerability because if it did not have it, you would never fall and make it into 2nd chance. You would never get Last Stand/Final Stand/2nd Chance (these 3 things are all the same core mechanic with different features).
This mechanic frustrates some players. Removal or further reduction of the invulnerability would all but wipe the perk off the planet. I'm sure many people on these forums would be okay with that. We don't want to remove the Perk entirely. However, we are committed to working with people to tune it.
Ok. Know right this second any "Just remove the perk" replies are going to be ignored and get you blacklisted. I like interacting with the people who are engaging in civil dialog. If you like to nerd rage, scream, yell, or bounce out profanities be prepared to never discuss the game with a developer because that's all that will get you.
This said .... let's talk about what we are willing to do and get some polite and constructive feedback:
Some of this perk is handled in script. For example: a headshot means No 2nd Chance. Adding shotguns to that list is trivial and low risk. Something we would be willing to consider.
Some of this perk is handled in code. That automatically makes it more dangerous and risky. Any mistakes or desire to back out the changes would mean we need to wait for the next TU. It could be up to 6-8 weeks between TUs, so we just don't like making code changes for gameplay reasons.
We already test for certain types of damage (we call it MOD or means of death). This is why you can still knife someone "falling" and kill them. We would consider testing for other means of death such as fire, impact, explosive, impact, and possibly even sniper rifles.
In a sick way, 2nd chance is insurance against one hit kill weapons. It also rewards teamwork. This is partially why we are not prepared to flat out allow snipers to drop 2nd Chance users. As a sniper you have precision as your advantage so you can go for a headshot.
As a shotgun user, precision is not what you have. Headshots with shotguns is the very definition of chance and randomization. Shotguns are generally disadvantages over many other weapons except at extreme close ranges.
Treyarch COD games have usually had some type of "medic" sub-class, mechanic, or feature. We like that. We think the dynamic is interesting and can be rewarding. The intention of many perks is to create those dynamics. It's not to frustrate you for that one in a million ballistic knife shot where you ended up hitting him in the 0.5 seconds he was invulnerable. However, it's a "perk." Look up what perk means. It needs to offer something.
In summary:
-We are considering allowing shotgun users who do sufficient damage to a 2nd Chance user to put him out of his misery straight away
-- We would consider this because their is good precendt for it. Their are plenty of cases where you won't ever go into 2nd chance. Headshots and using objectives are good examples.
-We are considering allowing more items to be exempt from the "invulnerability frames."
-We are NOT going to remove the perk or flat out remove the "invulnerability."
-We are (still) considering other changes we listed in the gameplay thread (which was written before this post) including changing the revive time, making it so you can only be revived once, and perhaps changing who gets kill vs assist credit.
Discuss. Politely.
David 'Vahn' Vonderhaar
AnEternalEnigma said:
AnEternalEnigma said:
Yeah, if they do that I'll pretty much be completely fine with Second Chance.luoapp said:Change the kill credit assignment, and be done with it.
luoapp said:Change the kill credit assignment, and be done with it.
Thnikkaman said:Hmm, think I'll just wait until I hit the first level of prestige rather than reset my profile (don't even think I can). Even got a shopping list typed up so I don't buy guns I won't ever use.
Ed: Anybody used the G11 with the variable scope? I'm thinking all of the shotguns and that as a wildcard.
However difficult it is to get a headshot with a sniper, I assure it is a lot harder with a shotgun (and useless because headshots don't give you a multiplyer with a shotgun whereas with a sniper you should already be aiming for the head anyway)Freezie KO said:Re: Second Chance
I think snipers should cancel it out as should shotguns. Vahn argues that snipers have precision. First, fix your damn hit detection, then we'll talk about how easy it is to get headshots.
If they are far enough away that you can't throw a grenade at them, then you are likely already taking the time to steady your crosshairs. It's not the end of the world if your L96 doesn't get to 0HK on everything besides the legs.Second, Vahn condescendingly tells his audience to look up what "perk" means. A perk is an added value. When Second Chance allows a sniped opponent to fall behind cover and wait for 30 seconds for revival, it can be a complete cancellation of the sniper shot. The sniper has given up his position and is too far away to throw a concussion or whip out a pistol, unlike a shotgun user.
They said they were looking into the primary kills when falling into last stand, which means they probably going to do something that makes your attacks cancel when you get put last stand (like how in a normal gunfight the loser's bullets get cancelled). hopefully that means addressing knifing during the fall as well.I also think they need to disallow knifing while falling. That's just ridiculous. And they need to change the assist/kill credit.
TestOfTide said:However difficult it is to get a headshot with a sniper, I assure it is a lot harder with a shotgun (and useless because headshots don't give you a multiplyer with a shotgun whereas with a sniper you should already be aiming for the head anyway)
If they are far enough away that you can't throw a grenade at them, then you are likely already taking the time to steady your crosshairs. It's not the end of the world if your L96 doesn't get to 0HK on everything besides the legs.
DRE Fei said:AK74u is not the problem with this game. The problem with the game is GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST everywhere I fucking turn. The slow pace of black ops will eventually be its downfall if things keep going the way they are. Right now the game is very one dimensional. You'd think the removal of stopping power and jugg would add some variety to the game, but nothing in the 1st tier competes with ghost, and hacker is a must in the 3rd tier due to motion sensors/claymores. For the second tier do you think I'm gonna use anything but sleight of hand with all this second chance bullshit and shitty hit detection? Hell no. They need to nerf the fuck out of ghost and the motion sensor, otherwise the game will be unbearable a few months from now.
Seriously? Ghost isn't even the most common blue perk, it's much rarer than Lightweight.DRE Fei said:AK74u is not the problem with this game. The problem with the game is GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST everywhere I fucking turn. The slow pace of black ops will eventually be its downfall if things keep going the way they are. Right now the game is very one dimensional. You'd think the removal of stopping power and jugg would add some variety to the game, but nothing in the 1st tier competes with ghost, and hacker is a must in the 3rd tier due to motion sensors/claymores. For the second tier do you think I'm gonna use anything but sleight of hand with all this second chance bullshit and shitty hit detection? Hell no. They need to nerf the fuck out of ghost and the motion sensor, otherwise the game will be unbearable a few months from now.
Are you serious? Every TDM I play now has at least half the enemy team using teh haloz said:Seriously? Ghost isn't even the most common blue perk, it's much rarer than Lightweight.
DRE Fei said:AK74u is not the problem with this game. The problem with the game is GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST everywhere I fucking turn. The slow pace of black ops will eventually be its downfall if things keep going the way they are. Right now the game is very one dimensional. You'd think the removal of stopping power and jugg would add some variety to the game, but nothing in the 1st tier competes with ghost, and hacker is a must in the 3rd tier due to motion sensors/claymores. For the second tier do you think I'm gonna use anything but sleight of hand with all this second chance bullshit and shitty hit detection? Hell no. They need to nerf the fuck out of ghost and the motion sensor, otherwise the game will be unbearable a few months from now.
Well, maybe you're right, I don't actually play TDM. It's definitely less prevalent in other playlists.DRE Fei said:Are you serious? Every TDM I play now has at least half the enemy team using it.
DRE Fei said:AK74u is not the problem with this game. The problem with the game is GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST everywhere I fucking turn. The slow pace of black ops will eventually be its downfall if things keep going the way they are. Right now the game is very one dimensional. You'd think the removal of stopping power and jugg would add some variety to the game, but nothing in the 1st tier competes with ghost, and hacker is a must in the 3rd tier due to motion sensors/claymores. For the second tier do you think I'm gonna use anything but sleight of hand with all this second chance bullshit and shitty hit detection? Hell no. They need to nerf the fuck out of ghost and the motion sensor, otherwise the game will be unbearable a few months from now.
luoapp said:Change the kill credit assignment, and be done with it.
Freezie KO said:Another comment Re: Second Chance. I totally get why they're going to switch the Kill/Assist points on SC. My only wonder is if this actually discourages "teamwork." The way it is now, your greed in wanting the kill actually promotes teamwork by ganging up on Second Chancers and getting them out of the game as fast as possible. If they change it, I don't know if people are going to make it their duty just for that assist. The problem there is that the Second Chance user might have a better chance of revival because the CoD Killstreak Principle Of Greed says that you probably don't want to reveal your position just for some worthless assist points. Just a thought.
Scavenger for getting lots of kills with your main.DRE Fei said:nothing in the 1st tier competes with ghost,
That's the price you pay for using a gun with the largest OHK hitbox. If you want to be able to take a second shot more quickly, that's what the 3 other sniper rifles are for.Freezie KO said:You should only be aiming for the head because of Second Chance. A chest shot with the bolt action is perfectly legitimate. Also, the lines of sight aren't great as it is for these maps. Most of my sniping hits people on the run. Then if they fall, my aim is completely off (bolt-action), and I have to steady another shot if I can even take that shot.
And if you don't want people to trace your gunshot so easily, you can use one of the 3 semi-auto sniper rifles with a silencer (no point in using the silencer on the bolt action).Meanwhile, anyone nearby heard my loud ass gun and is running in with their noob famas and ak-74u. Whereas I had one shot to if I'm going to hit my target.
Let me rephrase it and ask what the point of using the other three sniper rifles should be. And if they can "accurately" fire towards where you are then you can definitely at least try and go for penetration shot.It's an ideal situation that you can steady your crosshairs for each longshot, but it's not reality. First off, there's the hit detection. Second, look at the sniping maps.
On Villa, there are two main posts - the villa itself and the small building facing it. On that map, yes, you should go for a headshot. But if you miss or it doesn't register as a headshot, in either building, the person falls behind cover. Kill, gone.
On Array, if your opponents aren't just camping the tower, you're hitting moving targets constantly. There aren't long, elevated lines of sight as with Villa. The lines of sight have hills and rocks and other crap. If they fall behind a rock or behind the crane or anything, you lose your kill. I get so many "revived victims" on this level, it's ridiculous.
On Launch, it's less of a problem because there's less stuff to fall behind given the lines of sight. Same with Jungle. But those are levels where it really hurts to give up your position because of the several routes to the spots. In a game based heavily on spraying your famas from the hip, they should reward the player that takes a single shot and downs the opponent.
And that's really it. I don't snipe on any other levels because Blops ain't a sniper's game. Also, Second Chance really hurts the sniper's game because the Second Chancer can just keep firing towards the sniper's position, sometimes quite accurately. If I risk giving up my position, it's pretty shitty that they get a chance to spot exactly where I am and let everyone know.
TestOfTide said:That's the price you pay for using a gun with the largest OHK hitbox. If you want to be able to take a second shot more quickly, that's what the 3 other sniper rifles are for.
And if you don't want people to trace your gunshot so easily, you can use one of the 3 semi-auto sniper rifles with a silencer (no point in using the silencer on the bolt action).
Let me rephrase it and ask what the point of using the other three sniper rifles should be.
And if they can "accurately" fire towards where you are then you can definitely at least try and go for penetration shot.
I wish it was slow paced. I play Search and it seems every game there's always one+ asshole(s) that rushes into our spawn (coming behind us) within the first 10-15 seconds. Using LW+M.DRE Fei said:AK74u is not the problem with this game. The problem with the game is GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST everywhere I fucking turn. The slow pace of black ops will eventually be its downfall if things keep going the way they are. Right now the game is very one dimensional. You'd think the removal of stopping power and jugg would add some variety to the game, but nothing in the 1st tier competes with ghost, and hacker is a must in the 3rd tier due to motion sensors/claymores. For the second tier do you think I'm gonna use anything but sleight of hand with all this second chance bullshit and shitty hit detection? Hell no. They need to nerf the fuck out of ghost and the motion sensor, otherwise the game will be unbearable a few months from now.
Mr Sandman said:The unlimited revives/revive time/etc is not a problem with SC, no one revives. It's the invincible frames (like he said, it's too long) and kill thieves.
Mr Sandman said:I wish it was slow paced. I play Search and it seems every game there's always one+ asshole(s) that rushes into our spawn (coming behind us) within the first 10-15 seconds. Using LW+M.
The unlimited revives/revive time/etc is not a problem with SC, no one revives. It's the invincible frames (like he said, it's too long) and kill thieves.
divisionbyzorro said:Invincible frames aren't the problem. The problem is that the bullets they fired while standing are still active while they fall without being able to take damage. As Vahn said - without invincible frames the perk is a joke. I think the current 0.5 timeframe makes sense, but only if they can't damage me while they fall (because they wouldn't have been able to damage me if they had been using any perk other than second chance)
divisionbyzorro said:Invincible frames aren't the problem. The problem is that the bullets they fired while standing are still active while they fall without being able to take damage. As Vahn said - without invincible frames the perk is a joke. I think the current 0.5 timeframe makes sense, but only if they can't damage me while they fall (because they wouldn't have been able to damage me if they had been using any perk other than second chance)
PalaceBrother said:Wouldn't flipping the kill/assist resolve this though? You may get killed as your target goes down, but if he remains unrevived you'll get the kill.
tsigo said:I think the largest problem with the invincible period is on non-automatic weapons. Automatic weapons, you just keep firing until they're dead. Simple. With something like the M16 or the G11 (or shotguns probably, which I don't use), if you "waste" your burst or shot during that invulnerability period, they have a much higher chance of actually killing you before you can kill them.