TacticalFox88 said:Wish there was an achievement for that called "Hot Wheels"
SumPog said:I let my friend use my Steam account for a month and... well...
K/D: 0.5
Highest Killstreak: 1
Most used weapon: RPK
It's totally ruined *epic facepalm*
3ur4zn said:1?! How is that even possible? You'd think the law of averages would suggest he'd get a lucky double grenade kill at some point... :lol
Still, .5 is better than I thought he'd be with a 1 killstreak. I've seen much worse, the lowest being .28. What a spastic.
That can't be right, I'm the worst at this game and managed a 6 kill - 0 death round the other day.SumPog said:I let my friend use my Steam account for a month and... well...
K/D: 0.5
Highest Killstreak: 1
Most used weapon: RPK
It's totally ruined *epic facepalm*
Thnikkaman said:That can't be right, I'm the worst at this game and managed a 6 kill - 0 death round the other day.
What is considered "average" k/d for a casual player?
I'm on PC if that makes any difference. No matchmaking (can't they drop me in a roughly even server?) but dedicated games are nice so no disconnects. There have been some very dodgy players recently though, knifing successfully at strange distances and knowing exactly which direction I'm approaching from. Probably just my imagination._Alkaline_ said:For a casual player who still has some general gaming skill, I'd say 0.75-1 is about right. That would mean they tend to go negative but break even or go positive from time to time. Inconsistent players generally go 1-1.5 and anything over 1.5 would represent a good level of skill and consistency.
K/D isn't an absolute measurement of skill though, especially when considering what kind of game mode they play. But it's about as good as indication as you can get - certainly better than W/L which is a complete joke given how many losing games you get chucked into. Not to mention getting a loss for every fucking disconnection (and there's a shitload of em in this game too). I'm amazed that my W/L is postive (1.47 with about 250 more wins than losses). I reckon I've got at least 50 losses purely from disconnections (and that would be low balling it).
Thnikkaman said:I'm on PC if that makes any difference. No matchmaking (can't they drop me in a roughly even server?) but dedicated games are nice so no disconnects. There have been some very dodgy players recently though, knifing successfully at strange distances and knowing exactly which direction I'm approaching from. Probably just my imagination.
That's probably it, thanks. Does it alter the radar? I can't see that on killcam.luoapp said:Motion sensor users:lol
It doesn't alter their radar at all. It's the best equipment in the game.Thnikkaman said:That's probably it, thanks. Does it alter the radar? I can't see that on killcam.
I have no problem with the sensor if it's short range like I think it is. What frustrated me with the players I talked about was how they sprinted around and suddenly stopped, pointed at a random corner and then I just happen to cross it. This is assault/sniper range, outside of AK74u effectiveness.DRE Fei said:It doesn't alter their radar at all. It's the best equipment in the game.
The problem I have with the motion sensor is that it's much easier to use than it is to counter it. I think it should be a level 50 unlock or something, because it completely slows TDM down once everyone starts using it.
I've used hacker on every one of my classes since the beginning, but it feels like a grind to get the pro version since I'm prestiging all the time. I wish non-pro ninja was the counter to the motion sensor. Is there a way for them to patch something like that into the game at this point? This game will be in huge trouble once everyone starts using the motion sensor.
I was using Ghost and Ninja with the suppressed Spas-12 for a while, but I dropped it in favour of Flack Jacket and Hacker. Hardly anyone uses silencers anyway and in the matches where I bother to look behind myself I perform better anyway.DRE Fei said:It's short-ranged, but really effective at securing an area. I just think that it forces both the rushers and campers into a one dimensional playstyle. It makes the game slow and boring and more of a grind than I think it should be. I want to use marathon and ninja, but I'm at a disadvantage in TDM if I do. Also, many more people are using ghost now which is really annoying.
It's short-ranged, but really effective at securing an area. I just think that it forces both the rushers and campers into a one dimensional playstyle. It makes the game slow and boring and more of a grind than I think it should be. I want to use marathon and ninja, but I'm at a disadvantage in TDM if I do. Also, many more people are using ghost now which is really annoying.Thnikkaman said:I have no problem with the sensor if it's short range like I think it is. What frustrated me with the players I talked about was how they sprinted around and suddenly stopped, pointed at a random corner and then I just happen to cross it. This is assault/sniper range, outside of AK74u effectiveness.
Do you at least get to keep the gold camo when you prestige? That's pretty fucked up if you don't. I'd be tempted to just stay at 14th.LeMaximilian said:So I hit 14th Prestige last night and anxiously hit the level to unlock Camo and purchase Gold for all my guns. I presumably thought that the cost was 10k per gold camo, and was disappointed by this because that's relatively easy to get. However, I never had concrete info on how much Gold camo actually costs until last night...
50,000 CP per weapon, which I think is fair to be honest. Pretty much means that by the time I'm 15th Prestige and actually start collecting golds and purchasing everything the game's got. I'll be spending the majority of my time in Wager matches, which I've got NO problem with lol
I have a friend who bought Blops a few weeks ago. This guy... I think this is the first non-sports game he's played in about ten years, and probably his first FPS since GoldenEye (extremely casual gamer), and well, it really shows. After ten hours of play or so his K/D ratio is 0.13 -- and his most used weapon is the Dragunov (since he's clearly just using the default classes). I feel sort of bad; I mean, he's so clueless about this game that he doesn't realize that a sniper rifle is the LAST weapon he should be using. I guess I should give him a "tutorial" sometime, but I think he may have quit playing already. :lolSumPog said:I let my friend use my Steam account for a month and... well...
K/D: 0.5
Highest Killstreak: 1
Most used weapon: RPK
It's totally ruined *epic facepalm*
vatstep said:I have a friend who bought Blops a few weeks ago. This guy... I think this is the first non-sports game he's played in about ten years, and probably his first FPS since GoldenEye (extremely casual gamer), and well, it really shows. After ten hours of play or so his K/D ratio is 0.13 -- and his most used weapon is the Dragunov (since he's clearly just using the default classes). I feel sort of bad; I mean, he's so clueless about this game that he doesn't realize that a sniper rifle is the LAST weapon he should be using. I guess I should give him a "tutorial" sometime, but I think he may have quit playing already. :lol
DRE Fei said:Do you at least get to keep the gold camo when you prestige? That's pretty fucked up if you don't. I'd be tempted to just stay at 14th.
3ur4zn said:How many days did it take to get to 14? I'm struggling to muster the motivation to prestige even once. :lol
MarshMellow96 said:Ergh, tired of knife lunge/latency problems. Guns should send people back, right?
3ur4zn said:How many days did it take to get to 14? I'm struggling to muster the motivation to prestige even once. :lol
LeMaximilian said:8 1/2 days for me. On track to be done with it before 10 days total.
TestOfTide said:you may as well make it challenging and use the worst guns in the game:
HK-21 & Python w/ACOG
Prestiging is less of a pain in the ass in this game because the perks aren't restricted by rank anymore. I basically just worry about sleight of hand pro and ghost pro most of the time. The leveling up is pretty fast too. If I really got attached to something like flak jacket pro or tac mask pro etc. I can see how it would be hard to give those up. Some of this pro shit is downright ridiculous.TacticalFox88 said:So I'm still on first prestige...with no desire to do it again. I still say prestiging was far more painful in WaW. Some utterly AWESOME weapons at the later levels.
Strider2K99 said:Ummm, no.
HK21 is great, RPK is the one that sucks.
divisionbyzorro said:Yep.
Sometimes I wonder why the RPK and Olympia were even included in this game.
Olympia is awesome with Sleight of Hand. I can seriously tear up the battlefield with that sucker.divisionbyzorro said:Yep.
Sometimes I wonder why the RPK and Olympia were even included in this game.
divisionbyzorro said:Yep.
Sometimes I wonder why the RPK and Olympia were even included in this game.
vatstep said:It still irks me that they're primary weapons again, but are completely nerfed compared to MW2.
vatstep said:I really don't like any of the shotguns; if I use one, I just end up going with a silenced SPAS. It still irks me that they're primary weapons again, but are completely nerfed compared to MW2.
TestOfTide said:Wait. How can you like the HK-21 and hate the RPK? The RPk has higher recoil, but at least I can use dual mags for a decent reload and use Iron Sights that let me see stuff below the center.
MarshMellow96 said:Call me crazy but I'm getting some massive PM63 love currently. It has a really nice vertical-rising recoil. Tends to get me a few headshots every now and then.![]()
FerranMG said:What do you lose when you prestige?
I guess all weapons unlocked, as well as all pro perks, etc., but do you lose also the earned CoD points?
Camos, emblem layers...?
What about challenges?