cuevas. PhD.
Brian Fellows said:Ok I really think its time they show us something from the map pack. Its less than 3 weeks away now.
Is Treyarch making the maps? I remember reading something about someone else doing it or something.
Brian Fellows said:Ok I really think its time they show us something from the map pack. Its less than 3 weeks away now.
subversus said:I reinstalled Black Ops to test my new card + old CPU (because the word on the net was that the game still runs like shit) and it hooked me once again. It looks VERY crisp in 1920 4XAA and runs silky smooth. No hiccups at all, only one or two at the beginning of a match.
I like this game. Very relaxing and pretty tactical. I'll keep BFBC2 for team play and this I'll play solo.
subversus said:I reinstalled Black Ops to test my new card + old CPU (because the word on the net was that the game still runs like shit) and it hooked me once again. It looks VERY crisp in 1920 4XAA and runs silky smooth. No hiccups at all, only one or two at the beginning of a match.
I like this game. Very relaxing and pretty tactical. I'll keep BFBC2 for team play and this I'll play solo.
Tkawsome said:Did they completely nerf the Olympia or is it just me? It used to tear people up but now I'm lucky to kill an unmoving target with both barrels. Point blank.
divisionbyzorro said:I'm gonna say that I never saw it tear anyone up. Ever since the game launched I've seen double blasts go right through enemies and they don't even seem to get scratched. That gun has been pure shit from day one.
divisionbyzorro said:I'm gonna say that I never saw it tear anyone up. Ever since the game launched I've seen double blasts go right through enemies and they don't even seem to get scratched. That gun has been pure shit from day one.
Melhisedek said:Do you guys watch the minimap constantly or just play? How often do you check it? I find myself checking often and getting killed for it
Melhisedek said:Do you guys watch the minimap constantly or just play? How often do you check it? I find myself checking often and getting killed for it
Somnium986 said:I also ran in to something weird involving the chopper gunner last night. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Everything looked farther away , and I kept turning. :S
That's the same sens I play at, awesome! Though maybe it feels differently since you play on 360 and I play on PS3. Looser sticks on the Dualshock...divisionbyzorro said:Don't ask other people what their sensitivity is. Start low, and then slowly work your way up until it feels too fast. Then drop it back down until it feels too slow. I've settled at about a 4 and it works just fine for me.
EDIT: Am I the only person here who's turned the music volume all the way down? I know it makes the menus eerily silent, but not having to hear the music drown out the game volume at just the wrong moment is totally worth it.
When I tried Black Ops on my nephew's 360, I also played on 7. The 360 controller's sticks feel way tighter. But on PS3 I can't seem to play at a sens higher than 4. Weird...RSTEIN said:I play Halo at 10 and BLOPS at 7.
RSTEIN said:wait. you can zoom in with the chopper gunner?
corkscrewblow said:It's probably just the lag on this game has gotten worse. In hardcore SD I just shot a guy THREE times with a 74u, he goes on last stand, shoots me once, I die. Fucking Treyarch :lol
FerranMG said:So, I've played already around 20 hours of the game, and I still haven't got myself to go sniping.
I feel like the maps used to be more open in other CoD games, in Blops I don't know where to go to snipe with that giant guns, every corner I turn could be the death of me.
Not that I'm a great sniper, but I used to enjoy it in Wasteland, for example.
Can anyone provide a few tips, or good locations to snipe?
Brian Fellows said:I miss Wasteland so much. So many snipers it was hard not to go 25-5 in TDM every time.
Don't work with your scope, work with your cross hairs. Make sure to only zoom in when there's a target. Try to do that until you feel like it's a natural thing for you to just scope in, shoot, look for a new target. Everything else won't work in Black Ops since there's almost no way you'll ever find a great sniper spot. Change your location as often as possible, because you'll most likely not be able to win a 1v1 against someone you killed moments ago.FerranMG said:Can anyone provide a few tips, or good locations to snipe?
Tkawsome said:Did they completely nerf the Olympia or is it just me? It used to tear people up but now I'm lucky to kill an unmoving target with both barrels. Point blank.
Since last week, we've made a few more gameplay changes. If they clear QA will appear in the next update.
Second Chance gets a scoring overhaul.
If you shoot the guy and he falls into Second Chance you will get the +100 (in TDM) and kill credit. You don't get this if the guy is revived. You get it if: (1) you finish him off (2) he takes Coward's Way Out (3) he "times out" and dies anyhow or (4) a teammate finishes him off.
If a player is already in Second Chance and you finish him off, you get an Assist and the appropriate credit.
Many community members expressed that they felt "cheated" out of a kill if they dropped someone into Second Chance and a teammate got the kill. In my opinion (which does not necessarily represent the views of Treyarch or every Treyarch developer), if you feel this way you might be taking the game just a little too seriously.
This might have unintended consequences. Perhaps more people will leave guys hanging around in Second Chance. Maybe this will be a problem. Maybe it will benefit Second Chance users. We will see. In the end, we were willing to do this because it doesn't impact how Second Chance works in any significant way.
Additionally, Second Chance users are going to get blown to bits if they die by a shotgun blast. You will not fall into Second Chance. It works the same way it does if you die by a headshot. This might be going too far, but it's something we talked over at length and are willing to try.
The RC-XD has had its top speed and maximum damage reduced. Not much, mind you. Flak Jacket users will survive an RC-XD attack way better than someone without Flak Jacket. However, it won't make you completely immune.
The AK74u also gets some minor tweaks.
SumPog said:Besides the MP5K and AK74u, what other submachine guns are generally considered to be 'good'?
(Last Updated 1/12/11)
MP Audio stuttering on certain systems.
Playercards sometimes not showing properly.
Added three Private Match Server Settings: Team Change, Team-Up Period, and Keep Balanced Teams.
Added Alternate Color Scheme for accessibility: Settings / Multiplayer / Player Name Indicator.
Changed Team-Up Period countdown interval to 10 seconds.
Combat Training sessions are no longer counted in Server Browser Unranked tab.
Friends on your team will now show as blue on your minimap.
Prevention of various exploits.
Objective markers localized for all languages.
SP Audio stuttering on certain systems.
Addition of new contracts.
Addition of the Dolly Cam editing mode in Theater.
If a player cancels an invite to a Wager Match, then attempts to join another server, they will join the server from the declined invite.
Issue where the incorrect perks would appear when spectating another player under certain conditions.
Addition of round start explosive delay to China Lake grenade launcher to give it the same spawn toob protection as other explosives.
Ensure reticle purchases are reset on prestige in all circumstances.
Contracts should reset on prestige.
Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions.
Prevention of Gunship and Chopper Gunner failing to give player full control under rare conditions.
Prevention of an issue where a player will get teleported outside the map boundaries under very specific conditions.
Limit the ability to re-roll supply drops using Hardline Pro to Care Packages only, no other killstreak drops.
Increased headshot multipliers for sniper rifles. Sniper rifles with suppressors equipped will now always be ensured one-shot kill headshots.
Added a render delay to the red diamond player indicators that appear when controlling the Gunship, Valkyrie Rocket and Chopper Gunner. When a player first spawns, this will not appear for a period of time.
Additional minor reductions in knife lunge.
user_nat said:Somehow i just earnt a UAV whilst shooting from a chopper gunner..
user_nat said:Somehow i just earnt a UAV whilst shooting from a chopper gunner..
i like everything except the re-roll one.Ogs said:What there working on (PC Version) -
These all make me happy, roll on patch.
divisionbyzorro said:You know what the worst thing in this game is? One in the Chamber. In theory it's great, but in practice it highlights the worst things about this game: lag and hit detection. It should be a fun game of cat-and-mouse and risk/reward decisions, but in practice it's total fucking horseshit. Ugh.
So yeah; I've been trying out the high-roller wager matches just because I have nothing better to do with my CoD points. That said, I don't feel like continually flushing them down the toilet in game modes that emphasize chaos over skill. The only one that I even like is Gun Game, and that seems to never get voted for in the high-roller matches.
Meh. I think I'll just stick to Domination; it's what I enjoy the most and it's what I'm best at.
divisionbyzorro said:You know what the worst thing in this game is? One in the Chamber. In theory it's great, but in practice it highlights the worst things about this game: lag and hit detection. It should be a fun game of cat-and-mouse and risk/reward decisions, but in practice it's total fucking horseshit. Ugh.
So yeah; I've been trying out the high-roller wager matches just because I have nothing better to do with my CoD points. That said, I don't feel like continually flushing them down the toilet in game modes that emphasize chaos over skill. The only one that I even like is Gun Game, and that seems to never get voted for in the high-roller matches.
Meh. I think I'll just stick to Domination; it's what I enjoy the most and it's what I'm best at.
corkscrewblow said:So they're really nerfing the 74u and not the G11? Treyarch are fucking clueless.
Finally blue names for friends. One of the best WaW features they left out in BO PC. Too bad I mostly play HC now.Ogs said:What there working on (PC Version) -
These all make me happy, roll on patch.
divisionbyzorro said:In my not-so-humble opinion, the AK74u isn't overpowered; it's just overused. This is in part due to the fact that it has a grenade launcher, in part because it's the first good SMG in the progression, and in part because it's the only SMG that can stand up to the assault rifles at mid-range in face-to-face combat (but if your style of play with an SMG gets you into a lot of face-to-face combat, I'd argue that you're playing SMGs wrong).
And after the amount of play I've put in recently, I personally don't think the G11 is overpowered either. You can't silence it, and the attachments for it are total shit. If anything, the ROF is a little high, and the hipfire accuracy at close range is ridiculous, but overall I don't think it's really that big of a deal.
Brian Fellows said:Yeah after the Last Stand and RCXD tweaks I'll be pretty much content with the way things are with weapons, perks, killstreaks, and attachments.
bobs99 ... said:What are they tweaking about the RCXD?
The RC-XD has had its top speed and maximum damage reduced. Not much, mind you. Flak Jacket users will survive an RC-XD attack way better than someone without Flak Jacket. However, it won't make you completely immune.
luoapp said:Decreased radius and damage.
It's over-powered compared to other SMGs. A gun with such predictable and easy recoil should have Idle sway like it did in CoD4. And notice how treyarch didn't allow a grip attachment for the MP5k. There's a reason for that.divisionbyzorro said:In my not-so-humble opinion, the AK74u isn't overpowered; it's just overused.
Thats because ARs in this game are also ridiculously overpowered. They were never considered overpowered in CoD4. That's because:This is in part due to the fact that it has a grenade launcher, in part because it's the first good SMG in the progression, and in part because it's the only SMG that can stand up to the assault rifles at mid-range in face-to-face combat
It would be perfectly fair if they made the damage drop-off occur at the same distance as the M60. That way it would have a disadvantage for at least one of the ranges of engagement. as it is has a ridiculous advantage at midrange, long-range, AND close range.And after the amount of play I've put in recently, I personally don't think the G11 is overpowered either. You can't silence it, and the attachments for it are total shit. If anything, the ROF is a little high, and the hipfire accuracy at close range is ridiculous, but overall I don't think it's really that big of a deal.