mojiimbo said:I thought you could only do split screen in the worthless 10(?)CP matches?
corkscrewblow said:PS I love absolutely murdering 14th prestiges that camp behind boxes. I'm kind of awesome.
3ur4zn said:I've been getting a few chopper gunners tonight, and every single one seems to get taken down almost immediately. Good on the other team, granted, but it makes the CG and gunship kinda worthless killstreaks.
So what about if the gunships needed three rockets to be taken down? It would promote team-work for the opposition, and give the player who's earned the killstreak time to earn his just reward from the 9/11 killstreak...
Just a thought.
best of luckLeMaximilian said:Woah, I might actually get a contract job making COD videos. We'll see tho, nothing concrete as of yet.
Good luck, I still go back and reference your videos when I'm on a bad streak.LeMaximilian said:Woah, I might actually get a contract job making COD videos. We'll see tho, nothing concrete as of yet.
Stallion Free said:God this game can be stellar when you are just rollin' with some buddies. This has easily become my fav multiplayer Call of Duty experience (PC) simply because two of my homies picked the game up pretty much right off the bat and we play almost every night together.
I loved MW2, but a lot of my buddies came in late to it so the first 5 or so months were pretty lonely. And when they finally got it they were coming in late so it was kind of overwhelming.vocab said:Ya I picked it up for $15 to play with two friends. It's a lot better than MW2, which I'm pretty surprised. Seriously that P2P was unbearable. My only complaint is the performance. I had to turn off shadows completely or I would get random hitching. Ran COD4 maxed, and MW2 maxed (MW2 had random lag performance issues), but blackops has iffy performance sometimes.
Idiot said:ok soo i was playn madden 11 yesterday just got a online pass well as soon as i tryed to get in a game is say disconected from xbox live try to sign back in but noo 12/31/9999 i mean rele i havent did nothing wrong but play xbox so what ever but tell me why i got banned cuz the only thing u can bann me for is my avitar and all u had to do was tell me to change it i mean dang u guys are gonna loose alot of gamer cuz the ps3 is gonna take over so if u could unbann this gamertag i would be more than happy D Beranek and just wondering why do u nerds even care so much about banning cuz i cant wait for the day when xbox dies and ps3 is gonna be on topbut anyway tell me what the heck i got banned for cuz its maken me mad cuz u guys have nothing better to do yeah i understand if i was hosting modded lobbies and stuff but i dont know how to do it never have never will...and why did u reset my gamerscore that took me 3 years to get and now i dont even have the games anymore so what ever gt D Beranek...
Microsoft rep said:As you admitted here you were permanently suspended for your modified avatar. However, in addition to that your bio read as follows, "1600 or $5 PayPal For 10th WaW 100% Legit .com/(Mod Edit)" not only violating the Code of Conduct for selling services but also cheating. Oh, and that was after your previous 6 profile suspensions.
Tkawsome said:Who thought it would be a good idea to allow split screen in wager matches?
yeah i had the twin towers and before that i had a *** spewing penis
so i don't know what got banned the penis or the towers
now i really like the towers emblem but i don't wanna get banned from editor
my question is if i put the towers what rule did i break as an offensive emblem
1. its not religious
2. its not sexual
3. its not a drug reference
1. its topical
2. its tasteless > (note these were not part of the rules for emblem editor)
3. its immature
but in reality it only effects those that have an over opinionated self righteous view on the world
and think only the U.S. have suffered through acts of terrorism
some towers fell big whoop thats not a "tragedy" tsunami's and massive earthquakes are tragedies
obviously the U.S. pissed of a nation enough to garner a reaction out of those with the resources to do something
i'm simply illustrating it in an emblem
so if i put a a-bomb above an island obviously i should be banned for making fun of hiroshima right?
Hubba-EX said:It is a good idea though, its fun playing split with a friend in wager matches.
Tkawsome said:I'm sure it's fun, it just destroys the whole purpose of the match when one of the accounts isn't real. You're giving them a free pass to cheat the system. Even if it is for a tiny amount of points, it's no fun to play against that if you're one of the other players.
luoapp said:Then how about clans equipped with headphone against random players? Is that fair?
Effect said:Have things improved PC wise with it's latest patch?
hatters gon hat, etc.Strider2K99 said:The two dislikes would disagree.
LeMaximilian said:
Raide said:That was horrific...
cuevas said:Why play TDM when you have domination!?
Tkawsome said:Question:
Are those people getting killed capturing points?
He actually gets more/most of his kills when he advances on the enemy spawn point(not including the killstreak kills). If there's someone constantly killing the enemy at their spawn point or nearby it, it makes it pretty darn easy to hold onto two flags as well. A good teammate doesn't just have to be constantly capping flags. Hell a lot of new people do that, get killed because they use no strategy and then it just makes things tougher for me because the other team has constant spy planes, air support, rc cars etc.cuevas said:That's his entire strategy, never put himself at risk and use the flags as bait. Great if you want a high k/d.
LeMaximilian said:
cuevas said:That's his entire strategy, never put himself at risk and use the flags as bait. Great if you want a high k/d.
Tkawsome said:Yeah, and it works great. I don't really see the problem. There would be an issue if everyone was doing that, but they're not, he's just playing a role on the team and is helping them quite a bit.
cuevas said:That's his entire strategy, never put himself at risk and use the flags as bait. Great if you want a high k/d.
LeMaximilian said:Hey! Thanks.
That's absolutely true and I won't deny it. But don't get mixed up in regards to me going for the win, because I want to get the win. I play Ground War, alone most the time, and have remained with a 2.5 win/loss. That's not amazing but it's pretty damn difficult to pull off wins when you have 5 horrible players on your team in such a game mode. I don't usually prefer the smaller 12 man playlists and actually enjoy the chaos of 18 players. Oh and I like to kill people...I like to kill a lot of people in these games.
cuevas said:Why don't you play TDM then?
cuevas said:Why don't you play TDM then? That's where K/D matters, you spent the second half of your cracked game just hiding trying to keep the perfect game intact :|
cuevas said:Why don't you play TDM then? That's where K/D matters, you spent the second half of your cracked game just hiding trying to keep the perfect game intact :|
LeMaximilian said:Because I have the choice. It's this amazing thing humans developed over time.
And I do play TDM. Half of Ground War games result in TDM. TDM also ends brutally fast, the games are over in a matter of 5 minutes or less.
Tkawsome said:You seem really hung up with how other people play the game. As long as they're not cheating or abusing something that's clearly broken, deal with it. If you're getting your ass kicked by them, change your strategy, otherwise it's your fault.
LeMaximilian said:stats
This includes ground war right?
cuevas said:Just confirm the friend request from Learbear.
LeMaximilian said:Did like 2 days ago, is this you?
cuevas said:The same people defending your playstyle here are the same ones complaining about people TDM in objective game modes but make an exception for you.
divisionbyzorro said:I only complain about people who ignore objectives and get mediocre scores. I have no problems with teammates who ignore objectives and consistently put up powerful air support. It certainly makes my life easier.