cuevas. PhD.
ismaboof said:You want to me not watch the Superbowl and play Black Ops instead? Screw off Treyarch
Yeah, maybe me being sick will make me play more though. Definitely not over the super bowl.
ismaboof said:You want to me not watch the Superbowl and play Black Ops instead? Screw off Treyarch
SpacLock said:These past few days I was wondering why I suck with the AK74U all of the sudden. Well, that was until I went to the update page at Treyarch and seen that they nerfed it.
So lame.
DRE Fei said:but certain weapons in this game will always be better than others. That's just the way it goes.
divisionbyzorro said:Still sticking to my guns and not starting the second prestige. Still loving it.
I totally understand why someone would choose not to prestige, especially in this particular COD. Some of the pro perks are a huge pain in the ass to get and it basically turns the game into a grind. Fortunately, the only pro perks I really care about are sleight of hand and hacker which are fairly straightforward with no dumb playlist requirements. With this minimalist approach to the game, it makes prestiging easier. The only hard part for me is the first 10 levels or so. I mainly prestige for the extra class slots, but 5 classes is really all that's necessary. I actually think it's smarter not to prestige in this game especially if you have all the pro perks already, but I cannot be attached to things I've never hadbobs99 ... said:Hi 5!
My friends keep bugging me to prestige, the irony is that im having fun and they are usually playing in a way they hate just to rank up quicker.
In my opinion this game is good enough that I will play without the need to fill up bars. For a lot of people prestiging gives them a chance to play the game in a different way, and have a challenge, so im not against it. I am against all the people that think EVERYONE should prestige though.
I'm mostly the same. I use Hardline along with sleight of hand and hacker and those get unlocked just through normal gameplay with the exception of Hacker Pro which also requires me to replace my claymores with a motion sensor for a few rounds.DRE Fei said:I totally understand why someone would choose not to prestige, especially in this particular COD. Some of the pro perks are a huge pain in the ass to get and it basically turns the game into a grind. Fortunately, the only pro perks I really care about are sleight of hand and hacker which are fairly straightforward with no dumb playlist requirements. With this minimalist approach to the game, it makes prestiging easier. The only hard part for me is the first 10 levels or so. I mainly prestige for the extra class slots, but 5 classes is really all that's necessary. I actually think it's smarter not to prestige in this game especially if you have all the pro perks already, but I cannot be attached to things I've never hadScrew it, I'll take the beatings until I hit 15th! I want that gold, son!
Stallion Free said:Prestiging pushes me to try out different weapons and class setups as I usually tire of one by the end of a prestige. I'm on my 4th prestige and this time I am focusing on LMGs. Also, I have started to enjoy working my way through most of the Perks getting them up to pro. Stuff like Scavenger get me to change my playstyle and weapon setup for the challenges and it can be a lot of fun.
Also leveling feels good.
bobs99 ... said:After being in love with the game yesterday I turned on my xbox this morning and it seems like every player is using Ghost. Crouching somewhere with a Claymore set up. Waiting to noob tube the doorway they are staring at.
My last match involved me going like even and struggling because every single person on my team was like 2 - 10. I was doing decent that game, but couldnt get a streak going because of the constant airstrikes. When I looked at the scoreboard and saw why I was getting subdued by air support I had to rage quit.
CoD is awesome at its highs, but AWEFUL at its lows. Treyarch did a good job removing 90% of the bullshit, but Ghost single handedly ruins the game when everyone uses it.
divisionbyzorro said:The only prestige with anything I would want would be 14th, and I'll never get there, so why bother?
CcrooK said:So play other game types. Learn the "camp" spots and how to work around them or completely avoid. Use Hacker. Win.
bobs99 ... said:After being in love with the game yesterday I turned on my xbox this morning and it seems like every player is using Ghost. Crouching somewhere with a Claymore set up. Waiting to noob tube the doorway they are staring at.
My last match involved me going like even and struggling because every single person on my team was like 2 - 10. I was doing decent that game, but couldnt get a streak going because of the constant airstrikes. When I looked at the scoreboard and saw why I was getting subdued by air support I had to rage quit.
CoD is awesome at its highs, but AWEFUL at its lows. Treyarch did a good job removing 90% of the bullshit, but Ghost single handedly ruins the game when everyone uses it.
bobs99 ... said:Thats besides the point. Ive played the game enough to know the camp spots on most maps, but that doesnt negate the fact that when people play in that way that the game is just boring.
The problem with Hacker is, by the time you realise your in a game with those kind of players you have already died to a claymore.- I keep a hacker class in backup though.
bobs99 ... said:Thats besides the point. Ive played the game enough to know the camp spots on most maps, but that doesnt negate the fact that when people play in that way that the game is just boring.
luoapp said:I actually think one to one confrontation is the most thrilling part of the game. See a red laser -> chuck a flashbang -> rush in and finish him off. If a game turn to be camper vs camper, should I say, you are at least half of the problem.
bobs99 ... said:If you want you can add me and watch my games. I dont camp.
The thing is, as someone who DOES constantly run and gun, when everyone on the other team corner camps + has claymores set up its very dull. I am not coming across people often, and when I am they are literally static in a dark corner and very hard to spot.
I dont even mind people who are crouching staring down at a hotspot or whatever, with better reflexes than them its easy to kill them. But the guys who pick obscure spots on the map and just sit there piss me off.
Meh, since posting I partied up with a group of 5 good players, and we literally tore people apartIm starting to love the game again.
divisionbyzorro said:Ghost isn't the problem; campers are the problem. Ghost has to exist, otherwise UAVs are far too powerful at 3 kills. Without UAVs, everybody would always be hidden, and the problem would be even worse!
bobs99 ... said:Meh, since posting I partied up with a group of 5 good players, and we literally tore people apartIm starting to love the game again.
Brian Fellows said:My friends and I had a string of 6 or 7 games yesterday where the other team scored less than 1500 points in TDM each time. We won 29 in a row overall.
You're such a BADASS!luoapp said:Those sound boring to me as well. I usually leave the lobby if my team is overwhelming.
RJNavarrete said:You're such a BADASS!
luoapp said:Those sound boring to me as well. I usually leave the lobby if my team is overwhelming.
Lionheart1827 said:Anybody have any solutions how they would fix camping? Just curious if anybody had ideas.
RJNavarrete said:OK, I know you guys are sick of Tomahawk kills, but I called bank on this one...
One in a million chance?
That's for direct hits, my man. Are you really going to downplay a bounce kill off a crane like that? SMH.luoapp said:I believe they have aim-assist for Tomahawk, B Knife, semtex.
RJNavarrete said:That's for direct hits, my man. Are you really going to downplay a bounce kill off a crane like that? SMH.
Of course, I rock scavenger, so your point is a little moot... And if you could see the original filename, you'd see I titled it "SoLucky"divisionbyzorro said:I stopped being impressed by those after about a week into MW2. Like you said; it's a one-in-a-million chance. You blindly threw away your tomahawk, which could have been used in a real combat situation, hoping to get an awesome killcam. How many times have you wasted that tomahawk doing the same thing? In this case, you got lucky; plain and simple. It's amusing, but not really impressive.
Just my personal opinion, of course.
divisionbyzorro said:My greatest contribution to the internet so far, from about a year ago:
Essentially, people camp because they're afraid of dying and losing their killstreak. So drop the killstreak system and replace it with something that still rewards skill, yet has a milder death penalty.
EDIT: I said something very similar back in the MW2 thread here:
I've been thinking about this for a long time![]()
Lead Based Paint said:Get ready for this system to be used without your knowledge in the 2nd CoD after this one.
Lionheart1827 said:Anybody have any solutions how they would fix camping?
RJNavarrete said:That's for direct hits, my man. Are you really going to downplay a bounce kill off a crane like that? SMH.
:_(zesty said:I don't understand this line of thought. Why does camping need to be "fixed"? Do the runners and gunners of the CoDiverse want to force everyone to play the same way they do? I think the Hacker perk and the Kill Cam help out with this as much as can be expected. I suck at running and gunning, so I make frequent use of the motion sensor to try to get the jump on people who come blindly charging into my little corner of the world. I'll get a couple kills, then pack up and (slowly and carefully) head somewhere else. My performance is almost always inversely proportional to the amount of time I spend trying to sprint all over the place to take on people Rambo style.
zesty said:I don't understand this line of thought. Why does camping need to be "fixed"? Do the runners and gunners of the CoDiverse want to force everyone to play the same way they do? I think the Hacker perk and the Kill Cam help out with this as much as can be expected. I suck at running and gunning, so I make frequent use of the motion sensor to try to get the jump on people who come blindly charging into my little corner of the world. I'll get a couple kills, then pack up and (slowly and carefully) head somewhere else. My performance is almost always inversely proportional to the amount of time I spend trying to sprint all over the place to take on people Rambo style.
bobs99 ... said:I understand where you are coming from but wouldn't you have more fun running and gunning?
Brian Fellows said:I don't have any problem with campers.
PalaceBrother said:Me neither. I've prestiged three times and have been killed by someone in a corner ADS maybe two or three times. Unless I have a different opinion of camping than everybody else.
WMD - Staying on the top floor of the building between A and B, running to cover both staircases and keeping an eye on the path down from C. Is this camping? Cuz I do that sometimes.
Brian Fellows said:
bobs99 ... said:Wouldn't you have more fun even carefully moving around the map? Predicting spawns and carefully moving towards the enemy positions?
Brian Fellows said:Generally that is what I do. I let my teammates contest the hotspots head on and I sneak around back the the enemy.
Brian Fellows said:Many people would say yes.
I've been cussed out for be being a camper for patrolling the whole area around B3 and B4.