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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Yeah KD ratio is pretty much meaningless in terms of my enjoyment of the game. I consistently fall below a 1.0 in servers where we run into a bunch of clan guys and I don't suddenly stop enjoying the game.

I feel good if I do over 1.0, but it's pretty meaningless stats.


Stallion Free said:
Yeah KD ratio is pretty much meaningless in terms of my enjoyment of the game. I consistently fall below a 1.0 in servers where we run into a bunch of clan guys and I don't suddenly stop enjoying the game.

I feel good if I do over 1.0, but it's pretty meaningless stats.
kdr means everything broham, i don't even know why you play the game.


divisionbyzorro said:
Amazing how much more difficult it is to play the game when you can't use abuse static spawns, huh? ;)
Hah! Yes, it is, but I don't think it's more difficulty in a sensible way. I'm getting so annoyed trying to play Kowloon Dom, man... Why does their spawn move to A all of a sudden when we hold A and B and keep them pushed back to C without us pushing too far into C territory? It doesn't make any sense, why did I suddenly get "flanked" by five guys when my team was doing it right?! Argh!

Demo for life for ever and ever!

Pennybags said:
I have a .86 lifetime because I play for fun and throw my lives at the objective, no regrets whatsoever.
You do realize it's possible to stay alive and defuse the bomb, right? It's also possible to have fun while you're killing instead of dying - in fact, I'd say it's the default.
PalaceBrother said:
Win ratio is even less meaningful than KDR in this game.

You really need to know the following:

  • Games won when starting from the beginning
  • Games lost when starting from the beginning
  • Games quit/disconnected from while losing
  • Games quit/disconnected from while winning
  • Games won while joining in progress while winning
  • Games won while joining in progress while losing
  • Games lost while joining in progress while winning
  • Games lost while joining in progress while losing
  • Games played solo
  • Games played with one party member
  • Games played with two or more party members

And of course the ability to break all of these numbers out across the various game modes.

Just as the K/D ratio doesn't tell the whole story, neither does the W/L. Even together, they aren't a foolproof indicator of skill (but they are the best we really have).

Honestly, my favorite new stat in this game is Score Per Minute. I think they were right to order the leaderboards by SPM; if you're looking for an indicator of the deadliest person in the lobby, it's usually a fairly good indicator.
divisionbyzorro said:
You really need to know the following:

  • good list

And of course the ability to break all of these numbers out across the various game modes.

Just as the K/D ratio doesn't tell the whole story, neither does the W/L. Even together, they aren't a foolproof indicator of skill (but they are the best we really have).

Honestly, my favorite new stat in this game is Score Per Minute. I think they were right to order the leaderboards by SPM; if you're looking for an indicator of the deadliest person in the lobby, it's usually a fairly good indicator.

I couldn't agree with you more. SPM is a very good indicator, but it obviously heavily favors the run & gunners for better or worse.

W/L is brutal because there's a very good chance you're going to start with a loss when you boot the game.
cuevas said:
The had a worse win ratio, if you don't win and don't get kills...
Who cares? If he sucks but enjoys the game, more power to him.

You are contradicting yourself because on one hand you criticize Max for having good stats and how he's "camping" for a good K/D but then post up shots of someone with bad stats.

If the guy you posted a screenshot from plays with his friends and they are of equal quality, obviously they aren't going to be winning a lot of games, but who cares if they are enjoying themselves? Well obviously you I guess, but if not for "bad" players, do you think you'd have the K/D or W/L record that you have(not even sure what it is, but I know they are good numbers).



Just saw this on WoodysGamertag's video. K/D wise, his team did very well , yet they lost the game by 40 points. I think it tells something about playing the game "right".
luoapp said:
Just saw this on WoodysGamertag's video. K/D wise, his team did very well , yet they lost the game by 40 points. I think it tells something about playing the game "right".

Woody and Wings both had five captures and seven defends; Onslaught didn't do quite as well, but still had two caps and five defends. I don't recognize the other gamertags.

And you can't just cherry pick a single game and call it indicative of a playing style. All three of those guys that I mentioned are excellent players, but even excellent players lose some games.
BigBlue1974 said:
Who cares? If he sucks but enjoys the game, more power to him.

You are contradicting yourself because on one hand you criticize Max for having good stats and how he's "camping" for a good K/D but then post up shots of someone with bad stats.

If the guy you posted a screenshot from plays with his friends and they are of equal quality, obviously they aren't going to be winning a lot of games, but who cares if they are enjoying themselves? Well obviously you I guess, but if not for "bad" players, do you think you'd have the K/D or W/L record that you have(not even sure what it is, but I know they are good numbers).
No I don't, that's why this game needs real skill based matchmaking.


divisionbyzorro said:
Woody and Wings both had five captures and seven defends; Onslaught didn't do quite as well, but still had two caps and five defends. I don't recognize the other gamertags.

And you can't just cherry pick a single game and call it indicative of a playing style. All three of those guys that I mentioned are excellent players, but even excellent players lose some games.

Yet they lose by 40 points, nonetheless. Look at the scoreboard, they win in every column by a good margin, except the final score. The players on the other team are just random players, and judging from the player badge, they are much lower ranked. It's not like they lost the game just because bad luck, like by 5pt. Woody's team was doing everything right and well, but lost for some reason.

Here is the game, and they were behind from the beginning:
luoapp said:
Yet they lose by 40 points, nonetheless. Look at the scoreboard, they win in every column by a good margin, except the final score. The players on the other team are just random players, and judging from the player badge, they are much lower ranked. It's not like they lost the game just because bad luck, like by 5pt. Woody's team was doing everything right and well, but lost for some reason.

Here is the game, and they were behind from the beginning:

Yes, they lost! They failed to control the map properly, and they lost. Allow me to quote myself.

divisionbyzorro said:
And you can't just cherry pick a single game and call it indicative of a playing style. All three of those guys that I mentioned are excellent players, but even excellent players lose some games.


luoapp said:

Just saw this on WoodysGamertag's video. K/D wise, his team did very well , yet they lost the game by 40 points. I think it tells something about playing the game "right".
never underestimate the power of a triple cap

game is pretty much even until 4 min mark where they get trip capped and the other team pulls a 40 pt lead

also it's 20 caps vs 19. the defends are high on woody's team but the other team was pushing for trip cap so hard that a lot of the defends came off the other team trying to cap the lone flag


divisionbyzorro said:
Yes, they lost! They failed to control the map properly, and they lost. Allow me to quote myself.

If they let the other lower-ranked, random team triple cap twice, they're not on the level talking about "control the map", they're on the edge of elimination.
luoapp said:
If they let the other lower-ranked, random team triple cap twice, they're on the level talking about "control the map", they're on the edge of elimination.

I still don't understand your point.

To use an NFL metaphor, the New Orleans Saints lost to the friggin' Seattle Seahawks a few weeks ago. It doesn't mean that the Seahawks are amazing or that the Saints are horrible. It means that the Saints had a bad game. Everyone has bad games, or games where the opposition comes in with a game plan that you aren't prepared for and can't defend against fast enough. A single game does not necessarily indicate a problem with your team, your skill, or your general strategies.


divisionbyzorro said:
I still don't understand your point.

To use an NFL metaphor, the New Orleans Saints lost to the friggin' Seattle Seahawks a few weeks ago. It doesn't mean that the Seahawks are amazing or that the Saints are horrible. It means that the Saints had a bad game. Everyone has bad games, or games where the opposition comes in with a game plan that you aren't prepared for and can't defend against fast enough. A single game does not necessarily indicate a problem with your team, your skill, or your general strategies.


I don't know much about football. But look at the comparison, one can at least say NO lost at rushing. Can you point out one stat where Woody's team did worse?


luoapp said:

I don't know much about football. But look at the comparison, one can at least say NO lost at rushing. Can you point out one stat where Woody's team did worse?

Here is one stat, the only one that matters in domination: 200-157.

You get points for holding flags. They held flags for less time than the "noob" team.
luoapp said:
I don't know much about football. But look at the comparison, one can at least say NO lost at rushing. Can you point out one stat where Woody's team did worse?


You are missing the entire point. It's one game. You cannot indict an entire playstyle based on the results of a single game.


divisionbyzorro said:

You are missing the entire point. It's one game. You cannot indict an entire playstyle based on the results of a single game.

Well, I am pretty sure NO's coach team ( and thousands of at-home-coaches) analyzed this game to death trying to find out what went wrong. That's what I am trying to do here. And what went wrong is much more interesting than what went right.
luoapp said:
Well, I am pretty sure NO's coach team ( and thousands of at-home-coaches) analyzed this game to death trying to find out what went wrong. That's what I am trying to do here.

From what I saw, they were unfamiliar with the map since it's new, and simply didn't approach it properly. Their initial rush to gain overwatch on Bravo was a good indication of this; by the time they got there, it was already captured. They should have known they couldn't get there fast enough without Marathon Pro to be able to set up properly.

In other words, the basic plan was good, but executed poorly.
eek5 said:
Here is one stat, the only one that matters in domination: 200-157.

You get points for holding flags. They held flags for less time than the "noob" team.
These guys could have gone 50-1 for the night and you're all giving them shit for 1 loss. I've had losses with 15 caps and 15 defends but it didn't matter because my team was hiding to get their 2 killatreak RC cars.


cuevas said:
These guys could have gone 50-1 for the night and you're all giving them shit for 1 loss. I've had losses with 15 caps and 15 defends but it didn't matter because my team was hiding to get their 2 killatreak RC cars.

That's the point. Luoapp is adding up their k/d's and trying to convince everyone that it means they should've won the match. It has everything to do with capping and HOLDING flags which they didn't do. Blame it on the 3 guys that were just green arrows or anything you want but that's what it boils down to.


cuevas said:
These guys could have gone 50-1 for the night and you're all giving them shit for 1 loss. I've had losses with 15 caps and 15 defends but it didn't matter because my team was hiding to get their 2 killatreak RC cars.

Did you read the posts? Who's giving anyone shit? And did you see their whole team was doing amazingly well except they lost. I just hope someone can figure out how the game turned out to be like that.

If anything, you can at least make a case against camping -- Woody probly camped too long from 4min to 5min on the second floor and eventually let the other team triple cap. Also, the best capper on the other team (6-2), DM PANTERA only has a less than 0.5 k/d.

Wings puts up a video of the same game. It's interesting to see and hear from his perspective.


Wings just blames "three teammates who don't play for the win" and ignores the fact even the worse player in his team has a 2-3 cap score that's the fourth on the other team.
luoapp said:
Wings just blames "three teammates who don't play for the win" and ignores the fact even the worse player in his team has a 2-3 cap score that's the fourth on the other team.

It's typical of Wings to blame other players for losses. I'd say more, but I think most of the community has settled on whether or not they think Wings is an asshole by now.

On a different note: Double XP is live!
Nope, still not prestiging again! :)
Stallion Free said:

Can we go back to talking about fun things like cheap class builds that piss people off?
<-- The MW2 thread is that way! Honestly there really aren't any classes that people have out there that bug me. I can't even complain and say that I've died that much from noob tubes, just doesn't seem very common. My main gripe is with myself...I really suck at knifing so when I remember to do it, I miss or I get knifed before I've even reacted.
Stallion Free said:

Can we go back to talking about fun things like cheap class builds that piss people off?
If you're playing hardcore, M60 + Grip* + Hardened (you said you've been using LMGs?).

Wall spam, especially at objectives, hot zones, and chokepoints. With hardened it's usually a one hit kill leading to multiple kills and lots of people calling you a waller. :lol Works wonders on Firing Range, Nuketown (spam fences), and Summit!

*has a big enough 'mag' that is doesn't need extended mags nor Scavenger if you want to roll with Ghost Pro/Flack Jacket
PalaceBrother said:
What's the advantage of the tomahawk? I don't think I've ever used it.
Nothing, really. Just to showboat and humiliate. It doesn't blow up, it can't stick to walls or objects for multi-kills.. It's just something fun to use. Especially fun to use when you pair it with scavenger.
Just a request from any amazing emblem makers, but has anyone made the trollface yet?


If someone could make that, I'd love you forever. :D Although, its probably really hard if not impossible.


PalaceBrother said:
What's the advantage of the tomahawk? I don't think I've ever used it.

It's pretty fast and quiet if you can hit someone with it.

TacticalFox88 said:
I think Hardened is a waste of perk space, but that's just me.

Hardened Pro's probably one of my favorite perks. Especially with the Stoner since it has AR ADS speed and penetration).


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
BigBlue1974 said:
My main gripe is with myself...I really suck at knifing so when I remember to do it, I miss or I get knifed before I've even reacted.
It feels noticeably different after the tweaks. It's probably more fair and realistic (if that matters in this game), but I haven't gotten used to it and miss all the time now. I rarely ever get knife kills anymore.
vatstep said:
It feels noticeably different after the tweaks. It's probably more fair and realistic (if that matters in this game), but I haven't gotten used to it and miss all the time now. I rarely ever get knife kills anymore.

Every time I knife I just feel the need to have them on my screen because missing a knife is almost certain death, in all my killcams it feels like they run past me and they still can knife me. It's like there's a radius around someone that the knife can kill you.
PalaceBrother said:
What's the advantage of the tomahawk? I don't think I've ever used it.

If you can get consistent with it, it's a fast, quiet, ranged, instant kill weapon that can be retrieved and used over and over again. The trouble is that it's incredibly difficult to use.


cuevas said:
Every time I knife I just feel the need to have them on my screen because missing a knife is almost certain death, in all my killcams it feels like they run past me and they still can knife me. It's like there's a radius around someone that the knife can kill you.
You have to be in the center half of the screen to activate lunge. A method I use for knifing in face to face/side to side battles is to run past the person and use my 8-10 sensitivity to spin around and activate the lunge once they enter the center half of the screen. It gives you an advantage since you're unlikely to be knifed in return unless they can spin fast enough to get you. Also if you miss, which is highly likely with the new knife tweaks they made, you're in an advantageous position to kill them with your gun or lunge again from the back while they are disoriented trying to find where you went.
Against my core beliefs I prestiged - I was just too curious to see what the Prestige playlist was like. Less people seem to use Ghost which is a good thing.

Am I right in thinking double exp ends at 6 O clock Sunday? It would be much better if it just ran till Monday morning? I want to get to AK to ease normal exp progression.
bobs99 ... said:
Am I right in thinking double exp ends at 6 O clock Sunday? It would be much better if it just ran till Monday morning? I want to get to AK to ease normal exp progression.

I believe it ends Monday morning at an unspecified time. Likely around the same time they turned it on today.

divisionbyzorro said:
If you can get consistent with it, it's a fast, quiet, ranged, instant kill weapon that can be retrieved and used over and over again. The trouble is that it's incredibly difficult to use.

I've watched enough tomahawk montages that I've convinced myself it's easy to use. Good to know that it isn't.
PalaceBrother said:
I've watched enough tomahawk montages that I've convinced myself it's easy to use. Good to know that it isn't.

Don't believe what you see in montages. :)

I've yet to see someone who is consistent with the Tomahawk. It's easily the hardest skill to master in this game.
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