aku:jiki said:Yeah, Rolling Thunder has the same issues for sure. (Except the "hey the flames are over THERE, not HERE!" thing, obviously.)
zesty said:If someone is seriously asserting that this game "never works," why are you still playing?
TacticalFox88 said:God, the ACOG sight on Sniper Rifles are F-ing horrible. No crosshair and literally only just a sight that rises up in the middle with no other reference point for centering a target? WTF is this shit?
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Got an iPhone or iPad? Check out the Official "COD Black Ops MP Map App" - It has detailed map layouts for 14 maps, and is a powerful asset for planning your objective-based strategies. You want to know every HQ transmission site? Every Domination flag post? Most popular player routes? This is the app you've been waiting for!
divisionbyzorro said:I haven't ever seen the Rolling Thunder glitch out, although I will say that it's not immediately obvious what buildings will and won't protect you from it. It definitely has an incredibly wide hitbox compared to what the directional indicator shows, but I can't recall dying from it when it was on the other side of the map or something.
As far as Napalm is concerned, the biggest problem is that the hitbox is continuous from the start of the napalm to the end, even if the game doesn't properly render the flames through that entire space (and sometimes it seems that the hitbox "leaks" through doors and windows by a few feet, but I haven't played around with it enough to know what causes this and what doesn't). The first time I ran between what looked like a gap in the flames and still died, I learned not to do that again. As it is now, I just completely avoid the area where napalm was dropped for a few seconds, and I rarely have issues. I will agree that it's annoying though; it makes sense that napalm would be deadly and sneak into places you wouldn't expect it to, but the game doesn't necessarily do a good job of rendering flames on all of the places where you're going to die.
laterVALKYRAY said:sold this POS, you aint gonna see me back again.
VALKYRAY said:sold this POS, you aint gonna see me back again.
Like I've already posted many times, I kind of "have to" play this because I recently moved across Europe and this is what my friends are playing. It's just a social thing for me - I get to "hang out" with 10 of my buddies from back home. Whenever I play alone, I play other games. If I go online with an FPS alone, I go MW2 or Blacklight (it was on sale this week).zesty said:If someone is seriously asserting that this game "never works," why are you still playing?
Only the L96 gets that cumbersome, unusable ACOG. The others have proper scopes for ACOG.TacticalFox88 said:God, the ACOG sight on Sniper Rifles are F-ing horrible. No crosshair and literally only just a sight that rises up in the middle with no other reference point for centering a target? WTF is this shit?
Mr Sandman said:We all know and we don't care.
AwesomeSauce said:I'm sure that you do, but some us care like myself![]()
AwesomeSauce said:I'm sure that you do, but some us care like myself![]()
AwesomeSauce said:Anyway with that out of the way, i just have to say that i enjoy playing Black Ops on the ps3 nonetheless. I hate getting the short end of the stick when it comes to multi platform games, but this game fixed a lot of the cheap stuff i hated in MW2 which was the tubing, people boosting, and a lot of people quickscoping to make youtube videos. Theres a lot more i hate about MW2, but it did many things right like the almost parity with the console versions, and smoother and steadier framerate. Also Black Ops was the only COD game i ever prestige in and i am actually 5th prestige now.
I checked all over iTunes and all I could find were u8nofficial ones - maybe it's not out yet?3ur4zn said:Anyway, I can't find any more info on the BO app anywhere. Help?
then you go back to BO, after first 3 deaths where to a Ghost camper, a second chance, a AK74, you broke your xbox controller?bobs99 ... said:First off I love Black Ops. I am feeling series fatigue in general, but Black Ops is one of the better CoDs. A lot of my friends do prefer MW2 so I recently played with them, and after my first 3 deaths where to a shotgun a camper and a noob tuber I switched my xbox off lol.
That said I haven't been able to get many smooth games since about double exp. This doesn't just seem to be affecting me ive heard it loads from a range of people... so what the hell?
VALKYRAY said:sold this POS, you aint gonna see me back again.
VALKYRAY said:then you go back to BO, after first 3 deaths where to a Ghost camper, a second chance, a AK74, you broke your xbox controller?
bobs99 ... said:First off I love Black Ops. I am feeling series fatigue in general, but Black Ops is one of the better CoDs. A lot of my friends do prefer MW2 so I recently played with them, and after my first 3 deaths where to a shotgun a camper and a noob tuber I switched my xbox off lol.
That said I haven't been able to get many smooth games since about double exp. This doesn't just seem to be affecting me ive heard it loads from a range of people... so what the hell?
cuevas said:
VALKYRAY said:then you go back to BO, after first 3 deaths where to a Ghost camper, a second chance, a AK74, you broke your xbox controller?
divisionbyzorro said:Yeah, I've noticed matchmaking has been pretty bad lately. I played some mid-level wager matches last night, and it took forever to find anything! Although I did win a Sticks and Stones match with only 45 points through some furious last-minute tomahawking. That felt good.Pretty sure Sticks and Stones is the single stupidest game mode in the entire game!
XeroSauce said:I'm sure you guys have watched Xboxahoy's videos (if you haven't, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHWnnK9JdQ), but have you tried any of his suggested classes? I've found them to be extremely rewarding when you pull off a good streak.
^ A small list of his suggested classes so far, try some of them out if you've just Prestiged or you're looking for a change of pace.
cuevas said:Once you go flak you can't go back.
People complain about ghost but flak jacket is the most overpowered perk out there.
divisionbyzorro said:The crossbow is just for shits and giggles when I feel like goofing off; this class is all about spewing as many bullets at your enemy as possible, and staying mobile to keep picking up deathbags. It's one of the most satisfying classes to use.
XeroSauce said:Feeding the troll, mate.
I'm sure you guys have watched Xboxahoy's videos (if you haven't, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHWnnK9JdQ), but have you tried any of his suggested classes? I've found them to be extremely rewarding when you pull off a good streak.
^ A small list of his suggested classes so far, try some of them out if you've just Prestiged or you're looking for a change of pace.
Actually he does shoot people through cover quite a bit with the Stakeout. Check the video. As for the RPK, it's only because he's doing every gun in the game, it wouldn't make sense to skip it for no reason.divisionbyzorro said:Some interesting stuff. Initially, a few things jump out at me.
- That "Marksman" class might as well be called "camper" (motion sensor, flak jacket, and tactical mask scream "I'm not moving and you can't make me!").
- On the "Raider" class; why would you put Hardened on the Stakeout? The only thing I can think is that he wants the Hardened Pro "anti-flinch" ability, but I'd can't imagine playing the Stakeout without Sleight of Hand Pro.
- On the "Tank" class, why would anyone subject themselves to using the RPK? Use the M60 with Warlord, Extended Mags, and a Grip.
Strider2K99 said:Unless I'm missing something, using Hardened on a shotgun class? Umm, noooo...
Hmm, I didn't think the classes were all that clever either...divisionbyzorro said:Some interesting stuff. Initially, a few things jump out at me
aku:jiki said:Hmm, I didn't think the classes were all that clever either...
What's with the Olympia on a sneaking class? SPAS silenced is the obvious choice there.
Also, why Skorpion RF with Sleight of Hand, when you can go AK74 RF with Steady Aim and have enough in the clip for four kills? No SoH needed, and Steady Aim is overall more useful for RF than SoH is.
luoapp said:I think you're missing the point, he's making a class for one particular gun, not choosing a gun for one particular class.
divisionbyzorro said:Ahh I see.
I still don't understand Hardened on a Stakeout though. Is there a link to a video where he actually uses this?
divisionbyzorro said:Okay, so I found and watched his video. His argument for Hardened is compelling; you should be ADSing, so Steady Aim isn't any good, and if you're picking your engagements correctly, you should be able to reload with plenty of time to spare. He's essentially trading faster ADS for less flinch, the ability to pierce bodies (as always, enemies count as penetrable surfaces), and insurance against bits of cover getting in the way.
I'm still not terribly convinced, but I might give it a shot to see what it's like.
XeroSauce said:You may not get the best score, but it's terribly fun to play with after a long time with rifles/SMGs.
divisionbyzorro said:His videos are incredibly well thought-out.
luoapp said:and very well produced. I will say his videos are among the best produced, the quality even surpasses the mojority of the "professional" gaming media.
AwesomeSauce said:lol to some of you about my earlier post.
Anyway does anyone go around using Tactical mask pro and Hardened pro? I feel like ever since I've been using the combo along with flak jacket that i just straight beast on people. Hardened pro lets me shoot people behind cover, and tactical mask pro is awesome in that i let people throw stun grenades or flashes at me and once they get the hit maker 99% of the time they run out and i just pop them off.