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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black


we all knew her
AwesomeSauce said:
lol to some of you about my earlier post.

Anyway does anyone go around using Tactical mask pro and Hardened pro? I feel like ever since I've been using the combo along with flak jacket that i just straight beast on people. Hardened pro lets me shoot people behind cover, and tactical mask pro is awesome in that i let people throw stun grenades or flashes at me and once they get the hit maker 99% of the time they run out and i just pop them off.

I want to use Tactical Mask, but it seems like it would take forever to unlock the Pro version and in the meantime, I'm running around with a mask that protects me from something I hardly ever encounter. It's tough to convince myself that it's worth ditching Hacker Pro for that.


zesty said:
I want to use Tactical Mask, but it seems like it would take forever to unlock the Pro version and in the meantime, I'm running around with a mask that protects me from something I hardly ever encounter. It's tough to convince myself that it's worth ditching Hacker Pro for that.

I honestly think it is worth it to get the tactical mask pro. Ever since me and a group of my buddies played a clan that threw nonstop stun grenades at every corner and demolished us at domination, i vowed to learn how to use stun grenades effectively and counter them effectively. It's such a great feeling throwing the stun in a room seeing the direction they are in with the hitmarker and then just rushing in and taking them out.


If you want to throw really good stuns and flashes without tacmask, try throwing for the assist instead of the kill. If you're tossing a stun into a room that your teammate is already about to enter it makes it a lot more effective since they'll be ready to kill before you will. The timing on it is perfect and a lot harder for the enemy to predict

The only map I'll switch marathon out for tac mask on is nuketown since you're likely to get stun/flashed in the center of the map a lot.
Finally got round to playing this. Loved the story, thought the game was a bit of a step back compared to the Modern Warfares though.
Is there a consensus on the ending? Did Mason
kill Kennedy
Dr Zhivago said:
Finally got round to playing this. Loved the story, thought the game was a bit of a step back compared to the Modern Warfares though.
Is there a consensus on the ending? Did Mason
kill Kennedy
That's what I like to believe.
Flashes and stuns slow gameplay too much, I love just running into a room hoping for the best. Decoys have the added benefit of being able to call out campers by throwing them on your teammates. I like to throw them on my friends when they're up in a chopper gunner.


cuevas said:
Decoys have the added benefit of being able to call out campers by throwing them on your teammates.
Fuck why didn't I think of this. You better not be a camping bitch on my team anymore.
So I gave that defensive HK21 class a shot. Its my first time building a class with an HK21; up until now, my experience has solely been with guns I've picked up. Sadly, I only managed to get two full games in before my wife said "Hey, the dogs need to go for a walk!" :)

Game 1: Domination on Hanoi. Started off great, but tanked towards the end. We somehow managed to win; at the end, I looked at the scoreboard and realized that I was the only one who ended up positive. I guess I have Mr "6-and-24-with-5-captures" to thank for the win, but it was still a frustrating experience to get overrun. At least we won, despite me playing rather poorly and my teammates apparently not knowing how to fire their weapons.

Game 2: Domination on Launch. I'm still getting used to this. I screw up the opening move; I don't realize that there are two enemies on Bravo (one was prone behind the other) and get killed because I stop firing after killing the first. They cap the point. I try to rush back to Bravo, but they've set up camp and I get killed twice trying to get back there before I decide it's not worth it. At this point my teammates have managed to lose Alpha as well. I switch to a Ghost class, and get killed by a guy camping prone in the hallway out. I'm not doing well, and rage quit at 1-10 after a couple minutes. Not proud of that, but I can't take it back.

Game 3: Join-in-progress. We're being dominated. I quit before picking a class.

Game 4: Another Domination on Hanoi. Ahha; now here it clicks. I move slowly; I pick my battles. I trust the hipfire accuracy of the HK21 (much better than I expected!). I try to stay near flags since I can't move very fast; I slowly move around and try to hold down the buildings. It's a very chill, almost zen-like method of playing the game. I end 36-4, with 1 cap and 8 defends. We win handily.

I feel like it's a good class, but it only works on defense. I think I'll keep it around for those times when I just want to chill and not really take the game seriously. It's definitely a total "try-hard" class; not nearly as exciting as a rushing AR or SMG, but it does get the job done, and I could see it being incredibly effective in a more linear game mode like Demolition.
"You have been signed out of the Playstation@Network"

I had a couple of days where this went away, but now it's back, and more frequent then ever. I can't even join a match right now, it just keeps cancelling out and giving me this stupid message.


divisionbyzorro said:
HK21 stuff
I quite like the HK21 too, except that I feel like it suffers from the same kind of weird imbalance as some of the SMGs. Why the tiny mag and enormously long reload? It just feels weird to have an LMG you have to reload constantly, but other than that, the damn thing feels powerful and accurate as hell. I guess I can't decide if I love or hate it yet, lol.

I had a match similar to some of the tones you describe yesterday. It was Demo on Radiation, and I ended up going 42-24 with 10 plants/defuses and a near victory, while my entire team had scores like 9-6 or 7-7 and 0 plants/defuses. Somehow, I ended up on an entire team of corner campers! Holy shit that was hard...but also kind of hilarious.
aku:jiki said:
I quite like the HK21 too, except that I feel like it suffers from the same kind of weird imbalance as some of the SMGs. Why the tiny mag and enormously long reload? It just feels weird to have an LMG you have to reload constantly, but other than that, the damn thing feels powerful and accurate as hell. I guess I can't decide if I love or hate it yet, lol.

I was surprised at how powerful and accurate it was. I'm still working on getting a good feel for the power, but it was way better than I expected. And the mag size is totally managable with extended mags, and since the irons are good, you don't need any optic attachments. Extended mags really is the only necessary attachment, which brings the magazine size to 60 bullets (as opposed to the criminally low 30 by default).

The only thing that I was considering mixing up on that class was the third perk. I was using the suggestion of Tactical Mask Pro, but I never once got stunned, flashed, or gassed in the matches I played. I started thinking about other perks to use, but I'm not convinced the others are necessarily better. I don't need to be running around like mad, so Marathon doesn't make sense. Ninja isn't much use either; it doesn't buff enemy footsteps enough, and I'm not rushing around so muting myself isn't worth it either. The only other choice would be Hacker, but again, I'm playing defense.

See , I just hate using perks that aren't constantly useful, which is why I usually like using Marathon. It's always helpful, whereas I can go for a dozen matches without ever using Tactical Mask. I totally get how it could be useful for a defensive class, but I just have a mental block against using perks which don't always help me every match.


divisionbyzorro said:
See , I just hate using perks that aren't constantly useful, which is why I usually like using Marathon. It's always helpful, whereas I can go for a dozen matches without ever using Tactical Mask. I totally get how it could be useful for a defensive class, but I just have a mental block against using perks which don't always help me every match.

I think Steady Aim Pro works pretty good with the HK21 and RPK's AR-level hip spread and the LMGs' long raise time. That'd probably work pretty well with Marathon.
Last week I was playing some Hardcore TDM. Array got picked, match started and nearly everyone on my team quit for some reason. 2 people left on my team. 2nd guy sees everyone quitting, so he quits. Half of the other team quits. 3 stayed, all in a party. I decided fuck it I'll see how I do 1 on 3, I'm gonna do this shit.

I was getting blown away in the beginning. I was 1-4 with the WA2000, but I switched over to my Galil and started catching up. Ended with a draw. Would have won if I hadn't decided to reload my magnum while entering the red building. Weirdly, no one joined the match my side or theirs for the entire game. The three guys were actually really cool about it. /story
PS3 question:

Is there any way to allow everyone the option of chatting with the enemy team in a casual Team game? My friend plays a few custom casual games on Tuesday nights and he wants everyone to be able to chat with people on the enemy team. Can this be done?
the m60 is a GREAT weapon on a good connection. Slap a grip on it and you can abuse the hell out of it. The m60 is also really fun to use, and it just feels so powerful. i swear i feel like 2 inches bigger when i use the thing


computers putin' said:
the m60 is a GREAT weapon on a good connection. Slap a grip on it and you can abuse the hell out of it. The m60 is also really fun to use, and it just feels so powerful. i swear i feel like 2 inches bigger when i use the thing

M60+grip+hardened+motion sensor : the ultimate camping class
cuevas said:
Hardcore is stupid so that's why I'll just get them when I stop.

Hardcore separates the men from the boys. Go there when you're ready to run with the big dogs. All joking aside, hardcore is a great mode. It fixes some of the most glaring issues I have with this game and changes the balance on the guns, making everything feel more fair and making certain perks far more useful.

I will say it makes Nuketown unplayable though. Especially in FFA. I just quit if I run into that map while playing Hardcore, unless I feel like getting spawn camped to hell and back for five minutes.

Edit: Got kicked again because of the retarded "PSN Signed out" issue. I feel like Treyarch is encouraging me to sell it back, because they're taking their sweet time fixing a game breaking issue.


Nuketown in hardcore SD is hilarious. Most people are pussies and camp so if you rush you get a bunch of free kills from kids laying prone in spawn or in the house. Stay free, scrubs.


Tkawsome said:
Hardcore separates the men from the boys. Go there when you're ready to run with the big dogs. All joking aside, hardcore is a great mode. It fixes some of the most glaring issues I have with this game and changes the balance on the guns, making everything feel more fair and making certain perks far more useful.

I will say it makes Nuketown unplayable though. Especially in FFA. I just quit if I run into that map while playing Hardcore, unless I feel like getting spawn camped to hell and back for five minutes.

Edit: Got kicked again because of the retarded "PSN Signed out" issue. I feel like Treyarch is encouraging me to sell it back, because they're taking their sweet time fixing a game breaking issue.

Really? From my experience Hardcore is where people go when they find that standard takes too many bullets to kill. I guess the 'big dogs' who struggle to get kills in core go to hardcore? :p

Just playing with you, I get the feeling a lot of people go into hardcore just for its name - I understand your reasons for playing it totally, but I have to say that the rare times I have gone into Hardcore I initially spectate my teammates... usually the majority of them are camping and I mean 'hardcore' camping lol.
bobs99 ... said:
Really? From my experience Hardcore is where people go when they find that standard takes too many bullets to kill. I guess the 'big dogs' who struggle to get kills in core go to hardcore? :p

Just playing with you, I get the feeling a lot of people go into hardcore just for its name - I understand your reasons for playing it totally, but I have to say that the rare times I have gone into Hardcore I initially spectate my teammates... usually the majority of them are camping and I mean 'hardcore' camping lol.
I completely agree with this. Whenever I've tried to give any of the hardcore maps, it's so quiet in the game because everyone is camping waiting for everyone else who is camping as well.

Don't last stand users also get a bit more of an advantage in hardcore? Example, in regular play I fire a burst of bullets and my enemy fires a burst of bullets. I do enough damage to drop him and although his bullets don't "disappear" they may not actually do enough to finish me so he at least has to do so while in last stand. In hardcore with the same scenario, even if one of those bullets that still haven't disappeared when he drops to last stand hits, he gets the kill.




bobs99 ... said:
Really? From my experience Hardcore is where people go when they find that standard takes too many bullets to kill. I guess the 'big dogs' who struggle to get kills in core go to hardcore? :p

Just playing with you, I get the feeling a lot of people go into hardcore just for its name - I understand your reasons for playing it totally, but I have to say that the rare times I have gone into Hardcore I initially spectate my teammates... usually the majority of them are camping and I mean 'hardcore' camping lol.

I have the same sentiment. Hardcore just feels like the anti-thesis to fun gameplay, moving forward, surviving random grenades, and less camping. Whenever I join a hardcore server, it's half the team camping their doorway, and the other half running Hardline/Steady Aim/Second Chance and Rapid Fire AK74us and Spy Planing everywhere.

And don't even get me started on S+D. There was a point where the game was silent for about a minute. I had Ninja Pro on and all I heard was the birds flying in the trees.
bobs99 ... said:
Really? From my experience Hardcore is where people go when they find that standard takes too many bullets to kill. I guess the 'big dogs' who struggle to get kills in core go to hardcore? :p

Just playing with you, I get the feeling a lot of people go into hardcore just for its name - I understand your reasons for playing it totally, but I have to say that the rare times I have gone into Hardcore I initially spectate my teammates... usually the majority of them are camping and I mean 'hardcore' camping lol.

That first part is real. The normal mode is insane with how many bullets people take, especially with the constant lag. Far too often I'll shoot an entire clip in someone and they'll turn around and kill me. That doesn't happen in hardcore unless you're lagging really badly. As for campers, they don't really get that many kills in Hardcore. Most of the equipment is rendered useless, and if you have hacker, you can spot them from a mile away because of their claymores. I constantly kill campers without even seeing them, because I'll chuck a grenade in the general area where a claymore is planted.

Some of the benefits of Hardcore:

-Change in killstreaks. Surviving is hard so the killstreaks that pop up are quite different from the normal modes. At the very least, they're far less frequent.
-Friendly Fire. It allows people to think before they shoot or throw that grenade, completely changing the pace of the game.
-Change in pace. Running around in the open will get you killed immediately. You need to plan your moves and carefully clear rooms. Not for everyone, but I love it.
-No radar. This really forces people to think about the maps. To know where people might camp, where an ambush could be set up and what killrooms are normally filled. It also forces you to pick up different ques to detect if an enemy is nearby.
-Reduced health. Like I said earlier, it allows more experimentation with the guns and attachments since everything is lethal in the right situations. For example, the Mac is awful in the regular mode because of its small clip and low damage. I was tearing people up with it in the last match.
-No popups. Just makes the game look a lot cleaner.

Basically it's a whole new game. It could take a while to get used to, but it's really hard to go back once you do.

vocab said:

I was joking. It's still a great mode though.


lol guns aren't balanced for hardcore at all. If you think HC is more balanced when the M60 has 100 bullet mag and kills in 1 bullet from any range you are crazy


Hacker pro was the easiest tier 3 perk for me to unlock, it was a joke. I played groundwar domination mainly.
first unlocked pro perks were: ghost pro, slight of hand pro, hack pro


Tkawsome said:
Hardcore separates the men from the boys. Go there when you're ready to run with the big dogs. All joking aside, hardcore is a great mode. It fixes some of the most glaring issues I have with this game and changes the balance on the guns, making everything feel more fair and making certain perks far more useful.

I would be more inclined to play Hardcore a lot more if it weren't the fact that the netcode and hit detection is still garbage.
eek5 said:
lol guns aren't balanced for hardcore at all. If you think HC is more balanced when the M60 has 100 bullet mag and kills in 1 bullet from any range you are crazy

I rarely see the M60 because it's slow to aim and it bogs down your walking/running speed. It's also loud as hell and the reloading animation takes half the match. Anyways, I never said it was balanced, I just said it changed the balance and allows more room for experimentation. In regular modes there are about five useful guns and very specific attachments that work with them. Hardcore makes almost everything useful, even if some are better then others.

Magik said:
I would be more inclined to play Hardcore a lot more if it weren't the fact that the netcode and hit detection is still garbage.

What's funny is that's a big reason why I like Hardcore. Those problems don't appear nearly as often in that mode. Though when they do, it really does make it unplayable.


sold this POS, you aint gonna see me back again.

please be a man of your word :/

Tkawsome said:
I rarely see the M60 because it's slow to aim and it bogs down your walking/running speed. It's also loud as hell and the reloading animation takes half the match. Anyways, I never said it was balanced, I just said it changed the balance and allows more room for experimentation. In regular modes there are about five useful guns and very specific attachments that work with them. Hardcore makes almost everything useful, even if some are better then others.



I've decided that my 3rd prestige is going to be my last one, I'm just trying to get all the Pro Perks now. Marathon and Ghost were the most annoying so far.


Slizz said:
I've decided that my 3rd prestige is going to be my last one, I'm just trying to get all the Pro Perks now. Marathon and Ghost were the most annoying so far.
wait for tac mask pro. my most annoying by far and now you can't cheese it with second chance guys


Tkawsome said:
You got me. I can't argue with montage showcasing a mediocre number of random kills.
that was me in my first 3 matches playing HC lol i spent the entire time spraying m60 and went above 2:1

Any reliable way to unlock it? Tac grenades are always so unreliable with me, so it makes getting those kills a massive chore.

the easiest is to have your teammates flash/stun since you dont' have to worry about throwing but doing it yourself will get you proficient at flashing/stunning. the hardest is probably nova gas since those kills are rarer but you do need a lot of flash/stun kills so it just takes a long time and i don't find the perk to be that useful anyway so it is kind of a waste of time
Tkawsome said:
Mind-reading stuff
^Give this man a cookie.
But, yeah, all I play is Hardcore for those reasons exactly. I tried to play a match of core TDM last weekend and it took me a clip and a half of Galil hitmarkers to down a guy running away from me and he still had Second Chance and nearly instantly did a 180 headshot on me.
eek5 said:
that was me in my first 3 matches playing HC lol i spent the entire time spraying m60 and went above 2:1

If you think that weapon is good you really need to try some others out. That may have worked for a little bit, but the spray playstyle is really hard to hold up in that mode since it's very easy to kill your team that way. It's a boss weapon no doubt, but it grounds you to one spot while you're alerting everyone in the area. So you'll probably get shot in the back. A lot.

The M16 is glorious in that mode. It takes me back to the CoD 4 days. I'm even playing with the Mac right now and I'm still one of the top scorers in the match.

eek5 said:
the easiest is to have your teammates flash/stun since you dont' have to worry about throwing but doing it yourself will get you proficient at flashing/stunning. the hardest is probably nova gas since those kills are rarer but you do need a lot of flash/stun kills so it just takes a long time and i don't find the perk to be that useful anyway so it is kind of a waste of time

I didn't know you could get the kills from your friends stunning them. Cool.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Nabs said:
hardcore tdm is pretty much my game of choice. normal is just way too easy for me.


eek5 said:
that was me in my first 3 matches playing HC lol i spent the entire time spraying m60 and went above 2:1

the easiest is to have your teammates flash/stun since you dont' have to worry about throwing but doing it yourself will get you proficient at flashing/stunning. the hardest is probably nova gas since those kills are rarer but you do need a lot of flash/stun kills so it just takes a long time and i don't find the perk to be that useful anyway so it is kind of a waste of time

Play Dom, the amount of times I've chucked a Nova on a point or a doorway and secured a kill is ridiculous. People don't expect it, so they don't run Tac Mask (and the less people running your perk, the better).
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