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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Does anyone else only seem to have connection issues when playing with friends?

I get home from work last night and my friends are playing Zombie mode so I just jump right in and start playing TDM. I play 3 games all with pretty good connections. Then one of my friends sends me and invite so I back out and join him. For the next two hours my connections range from not that great to complete dogshit. Then my friend signs off and I play for two more hours with good connections.

It was the same was last weekend. Play by myself Friday night and have good connections. Play with friends on Sat and Sun and get bad connections. Wake up early on Monday and play by myself and get good connections.


Brian Fellows said:
Does anyone else only seem to have connection issues when playing with friends?

I get home from work last night and my friends are playing Zombie mode so I just jump right in and start playing TDM. I play 3 games all with pretty good connections. Then one of my friends sends me and invite so I back out and join him. For the next two hours my connections range from not that great to complete dogshit. Then my friend signs off and I play for two more hours with good connections.

It was the same was last weekend. Play by myself Friday night and have good connections. Play with friends on Sat and Sun and get bad connections. Wake up early on Monday and play by myself and get good connections.

Possibly just Zombies? I ALWAYS have connection problems when trying to play with Friends on Zombies.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
XeroSauce said:
Possibly just Zombies? I ALWAYS have connection problems when trying to play with Friends on Zombies.

I was playing TDM. My friend joined me after they were done with zombies and our other two friends signed off.


Brian Fellows said:
I was playing TDM. My friend joined me after they were done with zombies and our other two friends signed off.
Depends on your friends ( and yours too) Nat type. I notice when I play with other people I have more connection problems as well.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
shadowcomplex said:
so i just bought this game, no clue what i am doing but i am lvl 16 =/ anyone remb how to make the gaf icon?

That's a tutorial on how to make it, but you'll need eight layers available, which you won't have at level 16. You might be able to do a more basic version, though.


Anybody notice that there are 2 million+ players on Xbox Live playing Black Ops as of 3:00 PM PST? Looks like people aren't bored of the game yet.
some kid was 22 and 0 then me and my buddy join andthe kid got 1.03 k/d and his party all got negative k/d. Right before the game was about to be won by us...they all dashboarded. Fucking k/d postings


nomoment said:
Anybody notice that there are 2 million+ players on Xbox Live playing Black Ops as of 3:00 PM PST? Looks like people aren't bored of the game yet.
I wish I wasn't. This game feels like a chore to play now.
corkscrewblow said:
I wish I wasn't. This game feels like a chore to play now.

Then don't play! :)

I decided that today I was going to let the contracts decide what my classes were going to be. That was fine until I got to "40 kills with an infared scope." I tried the M16 and went waaaay negative. I tried the M60 and did a little better, but still negative. Finally, the contract is about to expire, so I just throw it on the Commando and don't even pay attention to what I'm doing when I ADS (basically, I just followed the enemy with hipfire and used my instincts when ADSing). And I completed the contract - barely. Easily the worst attachment in the game; why the game even lets you put it on assault rifles is beyond me.

Skorpion cruelty also sucked (I can't ever do anything good with those guns), but I had some real fun with the Stakeout! I had a fantastic game on Villa (well, I consider a 2+ K/D with the Stakeout to be "fantastic"); I guess I was kinda killwhoring and we lost the game, but I didn't figure that I could be an effective flag capper or defender with such a close range gun, so harassing their spawn seemed like the best thing I could do for my team. I had the best score, and went 29-14, but we still lost the game - badly :(

Here's a clip of a couple of fun moments from the game! I started the game off with a 6-streak (the clip shows the first five kills), and I included a couple of other fun, quick streaks from later in the match too. And check out the bullshit in the final shot - remember, this is from Theater mode, so this is what the host sees. I wish I knew what the game was thinking when that happened!

Brian Fellows said:
Does anyone else only seem to have connection issues when playing with friends?

Absolutely. I'll be playing by myself, playing usually well above average. My buddy will get on, send me an invite and I'm honestly lucky to be a kill or two above .500 when I'm playing with him. Sucks because I really like playing with my buds, we have a lot of laughs. But I end up playing so mediocre that it kinda makes it bittersweet.

Doesnt much matter now as I've gotten to that point as I eventually did with MW2 where I'm totally bored with multiplayer and am hanging on mainly due to Zombies/ascension at this point. I've barely even played the new maps, maybe 3-4 times if that.


Brian Fellows said:
Does anyone else only seem to have connection issues when playing with friends?
I definitely have issues when playing with friends. I got so mad one night that I went to look at my recent games and read them out loud to my buddy so he would believe me. When I was playing alone, my scores were all double digit kills/single digit deaths. They were like
Then when he and I join up together my scores go right down the drain
Not sure if the game tries to match us up with other people who are partied together and therefore they play better and kill me more, but it's frustrating as hell.


divisionbyzorro said:
This is (one of the reasons) why I hate Second Chance.

If they insist on never killing this stupid perk, they need to at least make it so that the player officially dies before he falls and not after. That means they need to sacrifice the medic ability, but so be it.

- You shouldn't be robbed of a killstreak just because kill #9 had Second Chance and managed to get you. You still got him and he was still #9, so where's the Chopper Gunner?
- This knife shit shouldn't be possible at all.
- Exact same goes for bullets - when a non-Second Chancer dies, his bullets evaporate, while the SC guys bullets don't so if he had a shotgun or whatever you still die.
- Regular players drop grenades at their feet if they die while tossing, while SC users get to finish the toss.

That's a lot of little bonus features for the perk, none of which are intentional! The worst part is that the game designers don't even understand the perk usage - they think "oh, come on, it's just something extreme noobs use to stand a chance, so it should stay in the game to help those poor guys out." That's not how it's used at all! Unskilled beginners hide in corners with tubes or RPGs, only griefers use Second Chance and they only do it to annoy people.

TimeLike said:
I definitely have issues when playing with friends.
Could it simply be that your friend(s) are about as good as you, but the randoms you played before he/they joined were not? The more players on your team with similar skill levels, the fewer the potential kills for you.

Also, there's obviously the focus difference in zoning in by yourself versus having a bunch of buddies cracking jokes in the headset. I definitely don't think that's a technical issue anyway.
aku:jiki said:
Could it simply be that your friend(s) are about as good as you, but the randoms you played before he/they joined were not? The more players on your team with similar skill levels, the fewer the potential kills for you.

I wont answer for him but I'll answer for me, no. I'd buy into this theory if I was going 20-7, 15-4, 23-8 solo and then going 10-3, 13-5, 15-2, etc. No. I'll have three 20-5 ish games in a row. As soon as I party up with a friend or two, .500 if I'm LUCKY. Its some sort of lag issue and its very annoying. yet it doesn't seem to affect him? I have no idea.

As for the last stand issues, I'd vote to just get rid of it altogether. Its moved to the top of my hate list since MW2. Glad to see Black Ops didnt have severe problems with noobtubes and pre-fire. They cleaned that up decently. I just wonder what would be at the top of my bitch list if they did get rid of it in the next game.
aku:jiki said:
If they insist on never killing this stupid perk, they need to at least make it so that the player officially dies before he falls and not after. That means they need to sacrifice the medic ability, but so be it.

- You shouldn't be robbed of a killstreak just because kill #9 had Second Chance and managed to get you. You still got him and he was still #9, so where's the Chopper Gunner?
- This knife shit shouldn't be possible at all.
- Exact same goes for bullets - when a non-Second Chancer dies, his bullets evaporate, while the SC guys bullets don't so if he had a shotgun or whatever you still die.
- Regular players drop grenades at their feet if they die while tossing, while SC users get to finish the toss.

That's a lot of little bonus features for the perk, none of which are intentional! The worst part is that the game designers don't even understand the perk usage - they think "oh, come on, it's just something extreme noobs use to stand a chance, so it should stay in the game to help those poor guys out." That's not how it's used at all! Unskilled beginners hide in corners with tubes or RPGs, only griefers use Second Chance and they only do it to annoy people.

Agreed! To say nothing of the bullshit this perk can cause in Hardcore, where the muzzle flare from a pistol is enough to kill you half the time.

I fixed some of the annotations and re-uploaded the video:
corkscrewblow said:
I wish I wasn't. This game feels like a chore to play now.

The game has been out for 14 weeks. That's 98 days. How is your life so terminable that you continue to play a game you clearly don't enjoy. LIFE'S TOO SHORT. SELL IT. Spend you time ENJOYING yourself.

Otherwise, it's your own fault.


aku:jiki said:
Could it simply be that your friend(s) are about as good as you, but the randoms you played before he/they joined were not? The more players on your team with similar skill levels, the fewer the potential kills for you.

Also, there's obviously the focus difference in zoning in by yourself versus having a bunch of buddies cracking jokes in the headset. I definitely don't think that's a technical issue anyway.
I don't know. I just feel like when I'm playing alone, the games go good and my deaths seem to be pretty fair for the most part. I don't start shouting things like, "What the hell?" and "How in the fuck?" until I party up with my home skillets. Maybe it's just all in my head, but I doubt it's merely coincidence that it mostly happens when I'm partied together with folks.
Some more Stakeout fun!


I find it very difficult to swing the tide of matches with a Stakeout; yes, we lose again - I go 44-10 (admittedly I do switch to a silenced Galil with Ghost at one point while they have a Huey up), but the rest of my team is negative or near even. That said, I'm starting to get the hang of using it in a slayer/spawn-harassment role. With the right level of patience, and the willingness to control all your engagements, this thing is super deadly.

And that Xbox Ahoy guy is a genius; I feel like Hardened Pro has actually been a huge help over Sleight of Hand Pro. In both of the clips that I've uploaded so far, I've had streaks where I've faced down enemies hipfiring assault rifles/SMGs straight at me and I've won the engagement. Being able to stay on target under fire has been a HUGE help in those situations. I think I would still take Sleight of Hand Pro on the SPAS, since it has such a huge clip and you're spamming shots with it, but on the Stakeout, Hardened Pro has definitely been a huge help.

All in all, Treyarch might not have been too far off on the balance of the Stakeout. I'm really starting to have a lot of fun with it.
TimeLike said:
I don't know. I just feel like when I'm playing alone, the games go good and my deaths seem to be pretty fair for the most part. I don't start shouting things like, "What the hell?" and "How in the fuck?" until I party up with my home skillets. Maybe it's just all in my head, but I doubt it's merely coincidence that it mostly happens when I'm partied together with folks.

I sometimes have the same problem. I play with friends whose stats don't even compare, but then I'll have games where I can barely crack a 2.0 overall, whilst my brother, who rocks a 1.9 overall, will consistently pull 20+ kills and die no more than 4 or 5 times.

I think being 'in the zone' is more important than people realise. When lone-wolfing it, I think I'm concentrating more, I pick up little nuances of sound easier, and I tend to be the 'dictator' of score progression. With friends, I sit back and my game suffers.


What do you run as a secondary with the stakeout? I've been pulling it out for fun when we're steam-rolling people and do pretty well with it. I combine it with perks I never use like marathon and lightweight, and hate being visible when a UAV pops up, but I don't know if it's worth it to carry the strela.
3ur4zn said:
I think being 'in the zone' is more important than people realise. When lone-wolfing it, I think I'm concentrating more, I pick up little nuances of sound easier, and I tend to be the 'dictator' of score progression. With friends, I sit back and my game suffers.

Very true. It's also worth remembering that Call of Duty places more value on streaking than it does on consistent K/D ratios. I can go 10-5 with my guns, and my buddy can go 10-5 with his guns, but if I get those 10 kills in a row, followed by 5 straight deaths, I'll end up with a better overall score than my buddy who gets 2 kills and dies over and over again, because I got a Napalm Strike and a Chopper Gunner.

This is actually my biggest problem with the Call of Duty franchise; it's what prompted me to write up the "momentum system" proposal during the heyday of Modern Warfare 2. I want CoD to switch to a system that rewards overall good play rather than streaky play, and I think the best system is something closer to what CounterStrike does than what CoD currently does. Get points for for kills, assists, headshots, objective caps, etc, lose some of those points when you die, but don't completely reset it.

Mw182006 said:
What do you run as a secondary with the stakeout? I've been pulling it out for fun when we're steam-rolling people and do pretty well with it. I combine it with perks I never use like marathon and lightweight, and hate being visible when a UAV pops up, but I don't know if it's worth it to carry the strela.

A pistol is a MUST. If you're using a Stakeout, you only have four shots. When those four shots are out, you're screwed if you have to reload. This is one of those cases where a CZ75 Full Auto can be really useful; if you get a hitmarker with your last shot, your enemy is probably close to death. Whip out the CZ, spray at him, and he'll probably die.

A good tactic for non-Ghost rushing classes is to carry decoy grenades. When an enemy Spy Plane goes up, chuck your decoys down the paths you're not going, and it'll just add more dots to their radar that they have to pay attention to. If you get killed, don't be afraid to temporarily switch to a Ghost class until the Spy Plane is gone.


Mw182006 said:
What do you run as a secondary with the stakeout? I've been pulling it out for fun when we're steam-rolling people and do pretty well with it. I combine it with perks I never use like marathon and lightweight, and hate being visible when a UAV pops up, but I don't know if it's worth it to carry the strela.
Python + speed reloader




I have no words.


corkscrewblow said:
I refuse to believe somebody legit went 8-278

It can't be possible on a game as easy as CoD

It can't.

They didn't really have a chance, even if they had ghost pro equipped, thanks to the spawn system. The real question is, why they didn't rage-quit. I guess sadistic does exist.

Go watch the video, even just for the LOLs.


luoapp said:
They didn't really have a chance, even if they had ghost pro equipped, thanks to the spawn system. The real question is, why they didn't rage-quit. I guess sadistic does exist.

Go watch the video, even just for the LOLs.

They were probably well aware of what they were getting into by playing a game mode as shitty as Demolition.


For real, don't even ask why the level 17 people stayed. They were undoubtedly new to the game, add to that they were playing split-screen so they were probably just fooling around, not really paying attention. The facepalm of the year should go to that Devour guy for being 7th prestige yet still staying inside the lobby and getting that score.
cuevas said:
that screenshot is suspicious at best - who dies 300 times in a game?

I see only a couple people trying to move in that video...

They probably gave up after they realized they were spawning right in front of dudes.

Demolition is an awful gametype anyways. I didn't like it in MW2 and it's not any better here. They just need to remove the playlist and no one would care. Everyone who doesn't give a shit about spawn whoring wouldn't care at all.
Xux said:
They were probably well aware of what they were getting into by playing a game mode as shitty as Demolition.

Yep. This just goes to show what I've said before - Demolition is complete bullshit. If the only way you can get a good K/D is to spawn-whore Demolition, you aren't nearly as good at this game as you think you are.

Yes, you can spawn-trap in Domination, but it takes teamwork, communication, and if you get just a little bit too close, the spawns flip around. This...this is just awful.
I' done with this game fuck this leaving half way or at the beginning of the fucking game and leaving only 1 person to kill.

I am tired of this bullshit...every fucking game


divisionbyzorro said:
A pistol is a MUST. If you're using a Stakeout, you only have four shots. When those four shots are out, you're screwed if you have to reload. This is one of those cases where a CZ75 Full Auto can be really useful; if you get a hitmarker with your last shot, your enemy is probably close to death. Whip out the CZ, spray at him, and he'll probably die.

A good tactic for non-Ghost rushing classes is to carry decoy grenades. When an enemy Spy Plane goes up, chuck your decoys down the paths you're not going, and it'll just add more dots to their radar that they have to pay attention to. If you get killed, don't be afraid to temporarily switch to a Ghost class until the Spy Plane is gone.

Yeah, I've been running with a pistol (1911) but I normally never use one, so I get discouraged when I dump a clip and can't drop a guy lol. I'm probably better off with the full auto CZ and decoys do make more sense than screwing around with the flash/stun. I always run and gun in HCTDM with a stealth-class Famas, so this setup is hilarious. I love pissing people off so much that you start hearing shotties blasting all over the map.


luoapp said:

That ii DEVOUR sklz guy went 1-336, and he's on 7th prestige. Stick to the end, didn't rage quit. He is the real man.
not only did he went 1-336, but he planted the bomb 2 times. a real man indeed!

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
luoapp said:

That ii DEVOUR sklz guy went 1-336, and he's on 7th prestige. Stick to the end, didn't rage quit. He is the real man.[/QUOTE]
Meh. Wouldn't really be rage quitting. It's just removing yourself from a broken game. When you spawn in front of someone numerous times, it's all fucked up.
Bboy AJ said:
Meh. Wouldn't really be rage quitting. It's just removing yourself from a broken game. When you spawn in front of someone numerous times, it's all fucked up.


I'm speaking of Demolition only, of course. I still enjoy the rest of the game. :)
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