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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
aku:jiki said:
This past page of opinions made me realize something - it seems the Black Ops maps are not as versatile as previous CoD maps and each map's quality is very dependant on game mode. Maybe it would be more helpful if we include our game mode of choice when we post our map reviews?

I mean... To a Demolition player, it's crazy talk that you're all praising Stadium. Stadium came in and single-handedly destroyed Demolition because it's so fucking unplayable. That map alone is seriously making me drop my favorite game mode, which I haven't done for a year now. On the other hand, it's a totally fine map in TDM.

Kowloon is great in Demolition, but I suppose it's not very good for TDM or Dom since GAF hates it so much. So, yeah, post your game modes!

In time, you guys will see the Chopper Gunner behavior on Stadium and learn to loathe it too. You can't take the fucker down!

TDM only here.
corkscrewblow said:
How the hell does anyone hate Summit? It's a top 3 map in the game.

Firing Range and Jungle are both up there with it. Nuketown and Hanoi would make up my Top 5. Another TDM only player here btw.

Its hard to place DLC maps in withh the originals until they have aged some more but I like the first 2 very much.

Kowloon..Discovery....Berlin Wall..Stadium

Interesting thoughts guys -- thanks for the feedback. The mixed reviews on most of these maps is...uh...less than inspiring. Maybe I should've mentioned that I'm mostly a Dom player (the only way to cope with the spawns of BO with their tendency to go full retard), with a little dose of TDM when I feel like playing mindlessly and some TT on the side.

But even then, it sounds like there are some fundamental design flaws no matter the mode. Discovery and Stadium looked like the most interesting (Berlin did as well, but I hate wasted space on maps -- looking at you Array! -- and that no man's land in the middle looked like a turd of a design from day one)

So let's say I don't mind smaller, faster maps like Firing Range and Summit (as long as the spawns aren't terribad like on Launch) or well-designed, larger maps like Havana. And that I like Zombies (Kino more than Five). Do Stadium, Discovery, and Ascension justify 15 bucks? Likely not, but I haven't seen many impressions on Ascension in the thread as of late.


3ur4zn said:
Bullshit. And pretending that you weren't lying, why are you STILL playing it. You clearly don't like it?
lol you're a fucking moron. I'd never pay $15 for 4 maps.

and as for not liking the game... well I have a love/hate relationship with it, just as with every CoD after 4.


Gold Member
divisionbyzorro said:
And on another note

Low stakes "Sticks and Stones" is a blast to play. Totally stupid, completely chaotic, and there's nothing on the line. Good for some silly fun when you need a break. I rendered a clip of some moments from my last match, showing the five tomahawks I got (some impressive, some not so much :). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlvINEKv_GI

True that, true f-ing that. Almost every time I jump into a Sticks and Stones game I have a blast. I usually don't go for any points until the very last seconds, and just go around with the tomahawk up until then... I've had some incredible streaks, and here is one I posted before, but deserves to be reposted:
Yeah, I only ever play Domination. But then again, Domination is just about the only game mode I've ever played in a Call of Duty game, other than War (in W@W) and Free For All on occasion. I dabbled in Search & Destroy and Demolition in MW2, but I'd guess that 80% of all of my Call of Duty games played are Domination.

3ur4zn said:
Hate it. Perhaps the tight corners and constant action doesn't suit my playstyle, but I truly despise that map. Historically, I've never really liked small maps, beside Dome, which I consistently raped at.

I wouldn't call Summit small. And I actually really like that map.

Honestly, the only map in the original game that I hate is Havana. I don't particularly care for Crisis either, but everything else is just fine in my book. I even like Array; I've always enjoyed the super large maps on occasion just to mix up the pace of the game.

sweetfish said:
...here is one I posted before, but deserves to be reposted:



Stallion Free said:
Summit is easily the best map in the game.
Another casualty to Demolition... Used to love that map too, but it's too easy for asshats to spawn-camp so I always vote to skip it now. :(

That game Blacklight has something cool to counter that actually - there are permanent sentries in various places so you can't spawn-trap like a bastard. They should seriously have that in Demo.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Why are you guys so set on playing modes that ruin maps?

TDM feels good on every map in my opinion and other than Nuketown being too small for 18 person servers and Hanoi just not appealing to me on a visuals level (sooo boring looking), I don't really have any issues with any of the maps in the game.
Stallion Free said:
Why are you guys so set on playing modes that ruin maps?

TDM feels good on every map in my opinion and other than Nuketown being too small for 18 person servers and Hanoi just not appealing to me on a visuals level (sooo boring looking), I don't really have any issues with any of the maps in the game.

Well, I've spoken my opinions on TDM before, but I'll say it again: shooters need to provide motivation for people to move across the maps. Call of Duty actually does the opposite: it encourages you to camp because of the killstreak system. In the absence of any objective or map pick-up, I find the flow of Regular TDM to be slow and boring. Ground War TDM isn't as bad; the higher player count increases the number of encounters you find, but it's still not very entertaining. I much prefer an objective gametype in CoD.

Oddly, I'm just the opposite in games like Reach. The power weapons provide enough motivation to move, and the lack of any killstreak system means that there's no penalty for death other than surrendering a point to the enemy. It breeds more aggression.

That's just my opinion of course. Plenty of people love TDM; I just don't.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
divisionbyzorro said:
Well, I've spoken my opinions on TDM before, but I'll say it again: shooters need to provide motivation for people to move across the maps. Call of Duty actually does the opposite: it encourages you to camp because of the killstreak system. In the absence of any objective or map pick-up, I find the flow of Regular TDM to be slow and boring. Ground War TDM isn't as bad; the higher player count increases the number of encounters you find, but it's still not very entertaining. I much prefer an objective gametype in CoD.

Oddly, I'm just the opposite in games like Reach. The power weapons provide enough motivation to move, and the lack of any killstreak system means that there's no penalty for death other than surrendering a point to the enemy. It breeds more aggression.

That's just my opinion of course. Plenty of people love TDM; I just don't.

This is a load of shit. The few times I venture into objective based game there is always WAY more camping going on than I ever experience in TDM.
Brian Fellows said:
This is a load of shit. The few times I venture into objective based game there is always WAY more camping going on than I ever experience in TDM.
No need to be so aggressive, its given this thread enough trouble. I agree with him though, you get a lot more campers in tdm. Maybe you are a good player and play with good people; this means less campers because you can stop them before they hide.

There is a ton of campers in objective shit too, like he said its encouraged by the game. I remember in cod and cod2 tdm servers were where you worked on your aim to get better for s&d.
divisionbyzorro said:
That's just my opinion of course. Plenty of people love TDM; I just don't.

Brian Fellows said:
This is a load of shit. The few times I venture into objective based game there is always WAY more camping going on than I ever experience in TDM.

Glad to know you think my opinion is a "load of shit" ;) Agree to disagree and all that.

cuevas said:
There is a ton of campers in objective shit too, like he said its encouraged by the game. I remember in cod and cod2 tdm servers were where you worked on your aim to get better for s&d.

Yep! And the only way you fix it is to overhaul the killstreak system.
MarshMellow96 said:
Yeah, just played HQ on Nuketown. Spawns are broken on objective games. At least TDM half works, IMO..

No, that's just Nuketown :) Headquarters generally has good spawns; Nuketown just manages to screw them all up. In fact, Nuketown manages to screw up spawns in almost every game mode.

But I have seen what you're talking about before; I rendered this video a while back showing off the sort of thing that happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzXEgKVrJSs


So when is mercenary tdm coming back? I hate regular tdm, all I find are clans that won't stop talking shit when they're winning and that become the biggest crybabies ever if they're losing (complete with psn message spamming telling you to quit hacking, camping, using the noob gun, playing the game wrong). Seems like way too much 'serious business' going on.

Moshpit isn't any good because everyone either quits when something other than tdm comes up or just ignores the objectives anyway (its cool playing SnD where everyone one your team runs out and gets killed in the first 10 seconds and then complains later that you didn't die so the round could end. I also absolutely despise demolition).
tsigo said:
Every time I join a party with someone and they see I don't have the map pack, they say "Yeah, I wish I didn't buy it."

Stadium is the only good new map. Everything else is average to garbage.

Berlin Wall is a camper's paradise.
divisionbyzorro said:
But I have seen what you're talking about before; I rendered this video a while back showing off the sort of thing that happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzXEgKVrJSs

That video is awful..

We managed to get to the house in that last game - only to get trampled from behind soon after.

I dunno, I think it feels less pronounced in TDM. I mean, you still get the 'oh spawns have flipped' feeling, but you don't get spawned behind anyone like that (although you do get the dog's law spawn flip - which is arguably even more annoying).
MarshMellow96 said:
That video is awful..

We managed to get to the house in that last game - only to get trampled from behind soon after.

I dunno, I think it feels less pronounced in TDM. I mean, you still get the 'oh spawns have flipped' feeling, but you don't get spawned behind anyone like that (although you do get the dog's law spawn flip - which is arguably even more annoying).

That's why I don't like Nuketown :) It's just too small, there aren't enough spawn points, and it's too easy for killstreaks or lines of sight to screw up the spawn influencers.

I went back into another Headquarters game on Nuketown right after that (the whole lobby voted for it again - ugh) and used that knowledge to my advantage. Just drop a napalm strike where their spawn should be (on the house and over the back yard), sit back from the other backyard for a few seconds, and when you pop around you'll be greeted with at least three guys who just spawned and aren't prepared for you to spray 'em. Some of the easiest Chopper Gunners I've ever earned.


oh man Stadium is awful on Domination. The other maps are fine on Dom, except the ridiculous amount of people lurking in buildings on Berlin.


divisionbyzorro said:
Yep! And the only way you fix it is to overhaul the killstreak system.

I think Crysis 2 does it right with dogtags. Streak rewards are based on the dogtags you pick up from players you take out. It forces those who want the streak rewards to go out into the open just to get them.

I must be in the minority when it comes to people camping. If someone is hiding in a spot and I don't take him out, I interpret the situation as something only I am able to change. In other words, it's my fault I'm not taking out the player hiding, not the player himself/herself. It's just another challenge to me.

Edit: It's all a learning experience. If I get tagged by some guy in a spot that I didn't check, it's my fault for not checking that spot. Call of Duty has been giving players the tools to take out campers since Call of Duty 4. I can't help but laugh at players that constantly try to flush me out of spots using the same tactic over and over again only to then get frustrated and blame it on me when it was their fault they didn't change up their approach. It's honestly no longer an excuse. Of course, this is from the perspective of a PC player where I can check corners in a split second.


Nah there's that pointless ship flying over the map and the rain + thunder effects make it near impossible to hear footsteps even with Ninja pro. There's some dumb map effects on some others like the ridiculously loud trains on WMD and the machine noise in the middle of Launch but neither come close to Kowloon. Really don't know why they added this nonsense since it's never been in any other CoD game.


I don't really know what to think of the new maps. Sometimes they're okay and sometimes they're annoying but that's just like every other map in the series.
divisionbyzorro said:
No, that's just Nuketown :) Headquarters generally has good spawns; Nuketown just manages to screw them all up. In fact, Nuketown manages to screw up spawns in almost every game mode.

But I have seen what you're talking about before; I rendered this video a while back showing off the sort of thing that happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzXEgKVrJSs

vonderhaar: "errr people like the crazy balls to the wall maps errrr" fuck that map with a ten foot pole. If they would've opened the entire street up it would've been fine.

I always either back out or skip whenever Nuketown comes up, what a crapass map. I've never seen spawns so bad in any other CoD than this one and they still are pretty bad, like in Jungle. If you're on that hill next to the ruins, the entire team WILL spawn in the ruins behind you. Its incredibly lame.

Other than a few choice issues, its definitely the most balanced CoD, I just wish there was more stuff to do/earn.
Lionheart1827 said:
vonderhaar: "errr people like the crazy balls to the wall maps errrr" fuck that map with a ten foot pole. If they would've opened the entire street up it would've been fine.

Except people really do love that map! It gets loads of votes when it's in the rotation. It may be completely broken and unbalanced, but for whatever reason people really do love the killbox maps.


I gotta admit, I'm enjoying Mercenary Moshpit more than I thought I would. I was always a Merc TDM player throughout. Each of my forays into other modes always ended badly because of the team play. I don't have a mic, so I feel I'd be a burden to a team. This format lets me learn the maps(maps completely change from mode to mode it seems as certain pathways just take too long to be useful). Plus, it lets me finally Pro up some of my Ninja/Flak Jacket/Lightweight perks.

Been having a blast, especially in Demolition, a lot of tactics there.


Strider2K99 said:
This is why another reason why I love Flak Jacket Pro. You never know when Toss Back ability becomes useful.

I actually like non-pro better and wish you could choose between the two somehow. Most people don't cook their grenades so it becomes a pain when you have to recook it. Also people who are pro and do cook nades usually leave you little time to find and pick it up so risk of picking it up and dying are somewhat slim

Tamanon said:
I gotta admit, I'm enjoying Mercenary Moshpit more than I thought I would. I was always a Merc TDM player throughout. Each of my forays into other modes always ended badly because of the team play. I don't have a mic, so I feel I'd be a burden to a team. This format lets me learn the maps(maps completely change from mode to mode it seems as certain pathways just take too long to be useful). Plus, it lets me finally Pro up some of my Ninja/Flak Jacket/Lightweight perks.

Been having a blast, especially in Demolition, a lot of tactics there.

Haven't tried it yet but I bet Merc Demo/Dom are the best versions of Demo/Dom since you're less likely to encounter people who are partied up and spawn trapping without a full party is pretty difficult. In dom people are probably more likely to push for the trip cap rather than just holding two for the whole game since everyone is playing for themselves somewhat.


eek5 said:
I actually like non-pro better and wish you could choose between the two somehow. Most people don't cook their grenades so it becomes a pain when you have to recook it. Also people who are pro and do cook nades usually leave you little time to find and pick it up so risk of picking it up and dying are somewhat slim

Why do you like non-pro when you get both abilities at the same time? No choosing involved. Regardless, I would have survived the grenade blast, the bonus of being able to pick it up and toss it back for 2 extra kills was worth it.

The grenade was thrown from across the map, it was maybe 1 second away from exploding if I didn't pick it up to reset the timer. Also, one of the two people I killed with the grenade was the one who threw it.
Strider2K99 said:
This is why another reason why I love Flak Jacket Pro. You never know when Toss Back ability becomes useful.


Wait, are you able to pick up the grenade as long as the indicator is on your screen? In previous CODs, you could only pick up the grenade if you were basically RIGHT ON TOP of it. Makes sense if they changed it in Black Ops, otherwise the Pro version of Flak Jacket would be EXTREMELY useless.


Strider2K99 said:
Why do you like non-pro when you get both abilities at the same time? No choosing involved. Regardless, I would have survived the grenade blast, the bonus of being able to pick it up and toss it back for 2 extra kills was worth it.
Sorry you're right. It only resets to 2.5s if under 2 but there is no way to tell (or at least I've never noticed) if you're working on a high timer or a reset one which makes it less useful than it could be imo.

Jack Scofield said:
Wait, are you able to pick up the grenade as long as the indicator is on your screen? In previous CODs, you could only pick up the grenade if you were basically RIGHT ON TOP of it. Makes sense if they changed it in Black Ops, otherwise the Pro version of Flak Jacket would be EXTREMELY useless.

you still have to stand right over it


eek5 said:
Sorry you're right. It only resets to 2.5s if under 2 but there is no way to tell (or at least I've never noticed) if you're working on a high timer or a reset one which makes it less useful than it could be imo.

you still have to stand right over it

I just tested it and regardless of the original fuse timer (whether it's 4-5 seconds or 1 second), once you pick it up with FJP equipped, it always resets to 2.5 seconds. At least that's what it seems to me, I could be wrong.

Also, you don't have to be directly on top of it, but within roughly a foot of the Frag.


Strider2K99 said:
I just tested it and regardless of the original fuse timer (whether it's 4-5 seconds or 1 second), once you pick it up with FJP equipped, it always resets to 2.5 seconds. At least that's what it seems to me, I could be wrong.

Also, you don't have to be directly on top of it, but within roughly a foot of the Frag.

Incorrect; the fuse must be less then 2 seconds, if it is, then the fuse is reset to 2.5.

The time to pick up and throw the grenade is about 0.8 seconds, so unless the person who threw it timed it perfectly, you should have no problem with throwing it back.


As another random complaint lobbed at this game, I will say that there should be no such thing as a care package Blackbird. It's far worse than a care package gunship - at least I can shoot those down and make things right again, but a CP Blackbird just rapes the whole match for no real reason. Yeah, they're kind of uncommon but I'm the kind of person who cares about my stats (without dashboarding) so it's lame that it ever happens.

As a positive, I have to say that I spent some time this weekend playing Battlefield (BF1943 and BFBC2) and, man... Those games are just not for me in any way. I just can't stand spawning a mile from the action, waiting for cars, never seeing anyone because of the over-detailed graphics and the too-hidden ghillie suits*, etc... As many flaws as Black Ops has, it still made me feel great to go back to it after a few hours of BF.
aku:jiki said:
As another random complaint lobbed at this game, I will say that there should be no such thing as a care package Blackbird. It's far worse than a care package gunship - at least I can shoot those down and make things right again, but a CP Blackbird just rapes the whole match for no real reason. Yeah, they're kind of uncommon but I'm the kind of person who cares about my stats (without dashboarding) so it's lame that it ever happens.

As a positive, I have to say that I spent some time this weekend playing Battlefield (BF1943 and BFBC2) and, man... Those games are just not for me in any way. I just can't stand spawning a mile from the action, waiting for cars, never seeing anyone because of the over-detailed graphics and the too-hidden ghillie suits*, etc... As many flaws as Black Ops has, it still made me feel great to go back to it after a few hours of BF.
Why not run counter uav?
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