XeroSauce said:The time to pick up and throw the grenade is about 0.8 seconds, so unless the person who threw it timed it perfectly, you should have no problem with throwing it back.
Assuming you can find it.
XeroSauce said:The time to pick up and throw the grenade is about 0.8 seconds, so unless the person who threw it timed it perfectly, you should have no problem with throwing it back.
divisionbyzorro said:Assuming you can find it.Frag grenades have a tendency to want to roll around all over the place, and it can be tricky to actually find the spot where it's currently sitting.
XeroSauce said:Don't frags in BOps has the "heat-tracker" thing that the frags in older games had? That is, they are affected by gravity, but they are also affected by player proximity, and with naturally roll towards players. I always thought Black Ops had that too.
luoapp said:Yep. Auto-aim for grenades.
XeroSauce said:Don't frags in BOps has the "heat-tracker" thing that the frags in older games had? That is, they are affected by gravity, but they are also affected by player proximity, and with naturally roll towards players. I always thought Black Ops had that too.
cuevas said:Why not run counter uav?
Eh, because I can't conjure a Counter at will when I hear "enemy Blackbird incoming!" and after one comes in, I'm certainly not scoring 4 kills in a row unless the entire enemy team taped over the UAV part of their TVs or something.KoreanBarbecue said:I don't see how a Blackbird Care Package is really unbalancing the game since all it takes to counter it is a four-streak reward.
Whenever I run cuav I always get so many that I'm just timing them out with a huge reserve stockpile.aku:jiki said:Eh, because I can't conjure a Counter at will when I hear "enemy Blackbird incoming!" and after one comes in, I'm certainly not scoring 4 kills in a row unless the entire enemy team taped over the UAV part of their TVs or something.
Just because a counter exists doesn't make it practical.
divisionbyzorro said:So instead of chasing it to throw it back, I should just sit still and it'll come to me?
aku:jiki said:Eh, because I can't conjure a Counter at will when I hear "enemy Blackbird incoming!" and after one comes in, I'm certainly not scoring 4 kills in a row unless the entire enemy team taped over the UAV part of their TVs or something.
Just because a counter exists doesn't make it practical.
aku:jiki said:Eh, because I can't conjure a Counter at will when I hear "enemy Blackbird incoming!" and after one comes in, I'm certainly not scoring 4 kills in a row unless the entire enemy team taped over the UAV part of their TVs or something.
Just because a counter exists doesn't make it practical.
Full Recovery said:Anyone play COD4 on 360 lately? Is it full of hacks and cheaters or are there still good matches to be had?
Strider2K99 said:I have and it's just fine. Haven't seen any hacks or cheating.
divisionbyzorro said:So...if a game doesn't immediately show up in your "recent games" list, it's pretty much gone forever, right? I pulled off a 9-kill streak with nothing but Tomahawks in a TDM, and I can't prove it because I can't find the game in my recent games list to render it.![]()
Nope, I still play it regularly and have been crying about lag on here for a while. I have been playing both BO and Mw2. Whenever the lag in BO gets too bad I play Mw2, once the frustration at all the cheesy exploiting players gets bad enough I go back to BO. I have found that balancing out my frustration makes for a more enjoyable gaming experience.Stantron said:So am I the only one extremely annoyed by the lag, yet continues to play like a dumb-ass?
Stantron said:So am I the only one extremely annoyed by the lag, yet continues to play like a dumb-ass? I hear other people complain about lag, but I suspect some people have it way worse than others. I've got a 20Mbps connection, wired, port forwarding, open NAT, local only search... is there anything else I can do to help improve?
Stantron said:So am I the only one extremely annoyed by the lag, yet continues to play like a dumb-ass? I hear other people complain about lag, but I suspect some people have it way worse than others. I've got a 20Mbps connection, wired, port forwarding, open NAT, local only search... is there anything else I can do to help improve?
Stantron said:FUCK THIS FUCKING LAG! Every fucking kill cam shows a significant delay. I'm constantly getting robbed of kills at so many goddamn encounters. It pisses me off like no other game has. I'm starting to yell at my monitor like ElPresador.
I've recently tried the last shotgun (duel HS10s), and it has really highlighted how atrocious the lag is. I'll get three rapid successive shots to the body, boom I'm dead, kill cam barely shows me getting off one shot. Such a huge fucking handicap to play this way. This is why some people can beast with shitty guns... because the guns don't matter if your connection is superior.
So am I the only one extremely annoyed by the lag, yet continues to play like a dumb-ass? I hear other people complain about lag, but I suspect some people have it way worse than others. I've got a 20Mbps connection, wired, port forwarding, open NAT, local only search... is there anything else I can do to help improve?
cuevas said:SURE you did.
Using the Tomahawk on almost all my classes has revitalized BLOPS for me. It is so fun to use, and you feel awesome every time you get a good one.divisionbyzorro said:Yeah, you got me - I'm lying just to try to impress random internet dudes. I'll just go cry in this corner now that my secret is out.
But seriously: I started using the tomahawk on my stakeout class, and it's actually quite useful at times. Have a fast, deadly, long-range option at your fingertips really opens up your game. It's difficult to use, and I end up whiffing as often as I hit, but it's really fun and it's a lot more helpful than you'd think.
And then you sometimes come across a team who is (to borrow Yahtzee's phrase) completely pants-on-head retarded, and you get a dozen scalps with a 9-hawk-streak. Which brings me back to my original question: if the game didn't show up last night, it's not ever going to show up, is it.
Slizz said:Using the Tomahawk on almost all my classes has revitalized BLOPS for me. It is so fun to use, and you feel awesome every time you get a good one.
Pennybags said:Yup, but I miss the riot shield.
Shield/Throwing knives-only class was the only thing that kept me playing MW2 with friends. In fact, I got to a point where I could play better that way than with guns!
Hey, make that triplets. Only difference between mine and your setups is that I have 25mbps but that's like a non-difference. I have all the same issues and always have.Skilotonn said:No, you're not - and wow, you must be my twin or something, because we're word-for-word in the EXACT same situation: I ALSO have a 20Mbps connection (up & down), wired, port forwarding, open NAT, and only locale only search - and it's been like this since day one.
It's the other way around, dude. The player health is still 100, like always, and the guns still do about 25-45 damage per bullet, also like always. Some weapons are marginally weaker (handguns being the prime example, they all feel very weak to me), but the real difference is the lag. It only feels like they take more bullets because more of your bullets just evaporate instead of damaging the guy.cuevas said:Look at the three cod games before blops; They all take less bullets to kill people. This should be obvious to those of you who have gone back. I would argue the only reason the black ops lag stands out is because its magnified by the fact that it takes more hits to kill someone. It is the same lag that has been in the game since cod4, we have been getting killed around corners and bullets have not worked through the history of this engine.
Maybe its a poor design decision like other stuff in this game but that's another discussion.
aku:jiki said:It's the other way around, dude. The player health is still 100, like always, and the guns still do about 25-45 damage per bullet, also like always. Some weapons are marginally weaker (handguns being the prime example, they all feel very weak to me), but the real difference is the lag. It only feels like they take more bullets because more of your bullets just evaporate instead of damaging the guy.
I'm actually pretty convinced that it's not exclusively a matter of lag. If it was, why does it happen with that guy who's just sitting still in a corner? It can't be lag that he was not in the spot where you aimed, as he's been there for like 2 minutes straight, so why did my bullets miss and I died? That's some shady bullshit going on.
So, basically, you always used Stopping Power on all classes in the old games and never noticed what the game is like without SP on? That's the difference there.cuevas said:The thing I'm going off is hit markers. In the other cod games I could get a kill off one or two hit markers. Even with the m16 or g11 sometimes it takes three or four to get kills.
aku:jiki said:So, basically, you always used Stopping Power on all classes in the old games and never noticed what the game is like without SP on? That's the difference there.
cuevas said:The thing I'm going off is hit markers. In the other cod games I could get a kill off one or two hit markers. Even with the m16 or g11 sometimes it takes three or four to get kills.
divisionbyzorro said:...in Modern Warfare 2.
Rose-colored glasses, people. As always, I can only speak from my experience, but I don't remember noticing lag being significantly better in MW2. And as I've said before, lag doesn't much matter when you can launch infinite mini-nukes from your assault rifle.![]()
Detox said:One thing I would ask is how do you know the health is the same in this game as the others? Just because it's 100 in COD 4 and 100 in Blops doesn't equal the same. 100 could just be used as a indicator of full health.
cuevas said:Yeah it's called antilag. Lucky people who play on the PC used to be able to turn it off. I also think a problem in blops is the drop in frame rate, it sure doesn't help not to have a completely smooth experience.
I traded in mine few days ago, and got $36. $24 credits plus 50% bonus.Bumblebeetuna said:Holy shit this game suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks on PS3. How the fuck did they make such an amazing game on 360 but it runs like complete shit on PS3? All I had read about were connection issues regarding the PS3 version. After about 5 days of play time on the 360 version I traded it in and got the PS3 version because my brothers and coworkers are all on that one and shiiiiiiit it's like a completely different game. The graphics look terrible on some of the backgrounds and vehicles and the biggest issue is the frame rate. I have played on Summit, Havana, Grid, Crisis, and Firing Range. They all slow way the fuck down usually when there is a lot of action on the screen but then sometimes at just random moments. There also seems to be audio glitching, I sometimes hear an alert like I just completed a challenge but nothing pops up on my screen. Then I am in the lobby and my game freezes. Never once saw a freeze in over 100 hours of play time on the 360.
Since I just got it today I am wondering, has it always been this bad or have they actually been improving on it? Have they basically given up hope on improving this garbage?
Mikasangelos said:Apparently people are still playing Double XP playlists online. They kept their XBOXs on without turning them off and still today they are playing/earning Double XP.
How does Treyarch fix this?
bluehat9 said:So I guess a merc tdm-only playlist isn't coming back?
Maybe I'll go see about that gamestop trade in price.
bluehat9 said:So I guess a merc tdm-only playlist isn't coming back?
Maybe I'll go see about that gamestop trade in price.
I always blame lag, but I've always been a bit convinced that it's a combination of things:divisionbyzorro said:I will totally agree on frame rate.