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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

NightmareTrigger said:
Heard one of the best excuses for camping yesterday.

"If you move around the map, you get capped from errywhere. You stay in one spot, you know where theyz comin from. It aint campin, iz called havin a strategy."

He makes a good point.
NightmareTrigger said:
Heard one of the best excuses for camping yesterday.

"If you move around the map, you get capped from errywhere. You stay in one spot, you know where theyz comin from. It aint campin, iz called havin a strategy."

...and that's why I hate TDM :)

On another note, I had a particularly brutal day of Merc Mosh Pit. Well, I guess "brutal" is a little strong; I went even in terms of win/loss, but each one was a blowout. I felt like the game was deliberately grouping the idiots together and rotating them amongst the good players. One example that really stuck out in my mind was a game of S&D on Grid. I joined late, and in the first three rounds, my team got their asses handed to them, and I couldn't get anything done. So I ragequit. When I hit the playlist again, I got put back into the same game, but on the other side. And then this happened in Round 4:


I ended up getting a fifth kill to end the round. I'll admit it: I'm not a good S&D player. I don't know the spawns, I don't know good rushing routes, and I tend to have issues with strategy. All that to say - I probably made some serious mistakes running that route (and I got lucky in winning that first gunfight by milliseconds). But man - those guys were just completely clueless. And remember - these were the players I had to deal with on my team in the first round!
Mosh Pit has been fun these past few days but I'm already over it. It's still "My Connection is Better Then Your Connection: The Game" and no game type is going to change that. The framerate is still really bad on the PS3 version as well, so even if I have a good connection there's still crap I have no control over causing too many deaths.

I still prestiged more then any other CoD though so I had my fun with it. But I've run out of swear word to invent so it's about time to move on.


A lot of the multipliers don't make sense without Stopping Powe; it's like they took it out halfway through development and then forgot about it.

Like the Famas's damage. 35 damage, down from 40 a la Galil and Commando, is still a 3 hit kill in Softcore and 1 hit in Hardcore. But it does negate Stopping Power (if it existed) by only bring damage up to 49, needing a 3 hit kill in close range regardless. 40 damage guns are brought up to 56 (going from 3-hit to 2-hit) and 30 damage guns are brought up to 42 (4-hit to 3-hit).

And the M14 headshot multipliers make no sense. Who needs 75 damage instead of 50? It's still two shots, and it doesn't make a difference in Hardcore. Stopping Power would bring it up to 105 in one headshot, a HUGE buff to accurate gamers.

And then the FAL, with it's 1.4x headshot multipliers (not even neck, just head). Bring 50 up to 70, big whoop. This could be considered a downside to compare it to the M14, but then why include the multiplier at all? Why not include neck?

LMGs are useless because they don't give you huge magazines like they used to, unless you roll M60 or Extended Mags. And even then, it's a 3-hit kill (at all ranges), but ADS's and fires slower then all other guns. Plus 85% speed making objective games a bitch. At least give proper multipliers if you are gonna take out Stopping Power.

I like variety as much as the next guy, and only 2 of my classes has SP in MW2. But on some guns, it makes a difference between balanced and unbalanced because of 3arc's multipliers.


This is why you don't let dumbasses make their own player logos:

So I haven't played this for about 2 months or so, not missing it to be honest, but have any of the lag issues been fixed on the 360? I'm in the UK mind.


MarkMclovin said:
So I haven't played this for about 2 months or so, not missing it to be honest, but have any of the lag issues been fixed on the 360? I'm in the UK mind.
Haha, no, they're worse! Don't bother.
cuevas said:
If that's the worst you've seen consider yourself lucky.

Mmm, although I've seen less and less explicit or racist ones lately. Perhaps the feedback system is weeding some of them out...?

Anyway, I stopped playing BO last Friday cold turkey, and I haven't been tempted to play since. I think I'm over it. It's weird, because I played WaW for 30 days and am still not sick of it. Have I hit the wall?


Swastika emblem isn't that bad at all. If this were WaW it would be super appropriate and no one would have an issue with it.
3ur4zn said:
Anyway, I stopped playing BO last Friday cold turkey, and I haven't been tempted to play since. I think I'm over it. It's weird, because I played WaW for 30 days and am still not sick of it. Have I hit the wall?

I did the same thing a few days after the map pack came out. I played again for the first time a couple of days ago and it felt "fun" again.


we all knew her
NightmareTrigger said:
Heard one of the best excuses for camping yesterday.

"If you move around the map, you get capped from errywhere. You stay in one spot, you know where theyz comin from. It aint campin, iz called havin a strategy."

Since when do people need an excuse to play the game in a manner they enjoy that doesn't ruin the experience for everyone else?
Swastika emblem isn't that bad at all. If this were WaW it would be super appropriate and no one would have an issue with it.

It is when 15 year old's do it to incite a reaction, especially considering barely any of them have a concept of what the symbol represents.


zesty said:
Since when do people need an excuse to play the game in a manner they enjoy that doesn't ruin the experience for everyone else?
Uh, camping does ruin everyone else's fun? The only person who believes it doesn't is a camper.

hamchan said:
Swastika emblem isn't that bad at all. If this were WaW it would be super appropriate and no one would have an issue with it.
I can't believe you actually made that post. They should put your naivite in a museum or something.
aku:jiki said:
I can't believe you actually made that post. They should put your naivite in a museum or something.

I don't think he meant it the way you guys assume he did. He's right, the swastika was appropriate in WaW, as the game offered players a first-person snapshot of life as a WW2 soldier.

Which is, uh... probably why WaW was littered with swastika emblems and flags, even in multiplayer?!

3ur4zn said:
I don't think he meant it the way you guys assume he did. He's right, the swastika was appropriate in WaW, as the game offered players a first-person snapshot of life as a WW2 soldier.

Probably why WaW was littered with swastika emblems and flags, even in multiplayer.

Yeah keep defending people who want to be represented by a swastika.
USD said:
I still miss Stopping Power. The 1.5 head and neck multiplier for the M14 isn't entirely wasted on the gun, but it only factors in when using a suppressor and/or at long range. In COD4, the M14 (with Stopping Power) filled the gap between the assault rifle and the sniper rifle nicely. In Black Ops, not so much.

I'd suck dicks for a 2.0 head/neck multiplier. It will never happen though.

removing stopping power (and juggernaut) is by far and away best change they've made to this game

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Oh man things were pretty sweet on the PC side last night. We had a group of 7 or so of us shootin' the shit in Mumble rollin' in HC TDM and it was a ton of fun even though were almost always split up.
cuevas said:
You contradicting yourself makes me an idiot. Alright.

I'll break it down for you.

The prominence of swastikas in World at War is acceptable, considering Treyarch were providing players with the experience of either fighting for, or against, the Third Reich. WaW's single player campaign was littered with swastikas, be it in cut-scenes or in-game environments, with the symbol visible even in the multiplayer maps modeled on German battlegrounds.

Contrarily, the purposeful decision to create a swastika for you BO emblem is not acceptable, especially considering most are executed simply to garner a reaction.

It's all about context. I am sorry you were unable to grasp such a simple concept.


If WaW had player emblems, let's be honest here, anyone using a swastika is just being a dickhead trying to be controversial, same as they are here. They're not role-playing a soldier in the Third Reich. Stop trying to justify idiocy.
MrCompletely said:
removing stopping power (and juggernaut) is by far and away best change they've made to this game

I agree, but I also agree that the gun damage models don't make sense without stopping power. Without Stopping Power, having 35 max damage is functionally identical to having 40 max damage - it still takes three hits to kill. And in fact, the low-damage rifles tend to have higher RPM (with the exception of the Enfield), and thus actually have a higher DPS up close. The same goes for damage at range; the high-damage rifles do 30, while the low damage rifles do 25 - still a 4-hit kill.

I still don't understand why the AR damage models work the way that they do - the only thing that truly distinguishes assault rifles in Black Ops is their handling characteristics. The damage model isn't a factor like it was in Modern Warfare 2, where you would essentially trade damage for accuracy on the full-auto rifles.

But of course, as with every CoD game, the numbers are mostly meaningless. Each gun manages to have its own unique "feel," and players gravitate one way or another based on how it fits their style.


divisionbyzorro said:
Without Stopping Power, having 35 max damage is functionally identical to having 40 max damage - it still takes three hits to kill.
not if he's wounded.

I totally agree with you on this:
"But of course, as with every CoD game, the numbers are mostly meaningless. Each gun manages to have its own unique "feel," and players gravitate one way or another based on how it fits their style."


Stallion Free said:
Oh man things were pretty sweet on the PC side last night. We had a group of 7 or so of us shootin' the shit in Mumble rollin' in HC TDM and it was a ton of fun even though were almost always split up.

Can I add you? I have a severe deficiency of Friends that play Black Ops on Steam. :(


3ur4zn said:
I don't think he meant it the way you guys assume he did. He's right, the swastika was appropriate in WaW, as the game offered players a first-person snapshot of life as a WW2 soldier.

Which is, uh... probably why WaW was littered with swastika emblems and flags, even in multiplayer?![/url]
What are we, retarded? Of course that's what he meant and my post is a response to that.

You would have to be a complete and utter fool to believe that if people wore swastikas as a nametag in World at War, they're doing so because they're roleplaying and helping build up the WW2 atmosphere. I mean...LOL. Come back to reality, guys.

Edit: Oh, tsigos already said it. Oh well!

luoapp said:
not if he's wounded.
That's not an argument for that discussion though.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Holy shit this game suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks on PS3. How the fuck did they make such an amazing game on 360 but it runs like complete shit on PS3? All I had read about were connection issues regarding the PS3 version. After about 5 days of play time on the 360 version I traded it in and got the PS3 version because my brothers and coworkers are all on that one and shiiiiiiit it's like a completely different game. The graphics look terrible on some of the backgrounds and vehicles and the biggest issue is the frame rate. I have played on Summit, Havana, Grid, Crisis, and Firing Range. They all slow way the fuck down usually when there is a lot of action on the screen but then sometimes at just random moments. There also seems to be audio glitching, I sometimes hear an alert like I just completed a challenge but nothing pops up on my screen. Then I am in the lobby and my game freezes. Never once saw a freeze in over 100 hours of play time on the 360.

Since I just got it today I am wondering, has it always been this bad or have they actually been improving on it? Have they basically given up hope on improving this garbage?
Welcome to four months ago my friend! ;) It's been pretty bad since launch. They've improved some stuff like not getting dropped from your friends when trying to join a match. At least since the last time I've played the game, which admittedly has probably been over two months ago.

I've watched my nephew play BO on his 360 and the difference is nearly night and day. Now you know why a lot of PS3 players were disappointed in the game. Treyarch dropped the ball technically on PS3. I do appreciate the changes they made to the MP, but as far as the tech side on PS3? Not good.
luoapp said:
not if he's wounded.

Sure, but the odds of the enemy being wounded just enough so that the difference actually manifests itself is painfully minimal.

Honestly, I just wish that the devs would surface this information to the players, instead of leaving it up to folks like DenKirson to poke through game data files and conduct experiments.


divisionbyzorro said:
Sure, but the odds of the enemy being wounded just enough so that the difference actually manifests itself is painfully minimal.

It will make more difference if the health regenerates slower, say 100hp/30sec. I'd like to see how that changes the gameplay. On the other hand, the advantage of a 3-hit kill gun over a 4-hit one is a bit too big, IMO.
luoapp said:
...if the health regenerates slower, say 100hp/30sec. I'd like to see how that changes the gameplay.

I can tell you: more camping.

luoapp said:
On the other hand, the advantage of a 3-hit kill gun over a 4-hit one is a bit too big, IMO.

MW2 had this difference; the SCAR, TAR, and AK47 would kill in one fewer hit than the M4A1, ACR, and F2000. Yet they stayed balanced - high recoil came with high damage, and in fact the ACR was probably the best gun in the category.


Tkawsome said:
I thought they changed it so I could play combat training without needing to be online. I could have sworn I heard that somewhere.
Select local, split screen, f4a or tdm and then go to options and add enemies.


aku:jiki said:
What are we, retarded? Of course that's what he meant and my post is a response to that.

You would have to be a complete and utter fool to believe that if people wore swastikas as a nametag in World at War, they're doing so because they're roleplaying and helping build up the WW2 atmosphere. I mean...LOL. Come back to reality, guys.

Well of course they're doing it to get a reaction, I never said ever said they weren't or that they were doing it for some other reason.


divisionbyzorro said:
I can tell you: more camping.

MW2 had this difference; the SCAR, TAR, and AK47 would kill in one fewer hit than the M4A1, ACR, and F2000. Yet they stayed balanced - high recoil came with high damage, and in fact the ACR was probably the best gun in the category.
eh not really, the SCAR and TAR were far better than every gun in MW2 besides the silenced UMP. SCAR's only issue was the lack of ammo and the TAR really had no issue.


I've been playing a lot of MW2 recently on PC. I also started playing BC2, but, although the game is very polished and intense, I didn't like it at all.

And honestly, I don't know why, I just LOVE teamplay games, and Bad Company 2 has a lot of that feel. Probably I just didn't understand the game yet, and I will try to do it so.

But my concern in this post is about Black Ops: first, I say sorry for being repetitive, as all of my questions here may already be answered on this topic, but I think that I'll be a little frustrated if I try to read every post on the OT.

Well, coming back to my main question: As I said I've been playing MW2 a lot and got really tempted to get Black Ops. So my questions are: did BO, on PC, get all those problems fixed? I remember at the launch that a lot of people were complaining about the overall quality of the game, and wanted some refund on it. The matchmaking and dedicated servers are working well? And what about the cheaters?

Finally, do anyone here know some deal on the game? Surprisingly, at the launch I remember some websites selling the game at a low price, were those legit?



Sora said:
Well, coming back to my main question: As I said I've been playing MW2 a lot and got really tempted to get Black Ops. So my questions are: did BO, on PC, get all those problems fixed? I remember at the launch that a lot of people were complaining about the overall quality of the game, and wanted some refund on it. The matchmaking and dedicated servers are working well? And what about the cheaters?

The performance problems that a certain segment of the playerbase is experiencing? That depends on your setup. No performance problems here. Other than that, the overall quality of the game was fine at launch. The dedicated servers are working as intended and I could count on one hand how many blatant cheaters I've seen in my 290+ hours of playing Black Ops. I get accused of cheating more than I've seen cheaters.

Alternatively, I could count on one hand many cheaters I've seen in MW2 PC in one hour of playtime.


Mr Sandman said:
They fixed the issue for a lot of people by adding in the "shader warming" option. The game still doesn't run as well as it should on med to higher end machines considering the ancient/simplistic tech behind it. Let's just say it ran as good if not better on my 9800GT vs my GTX460. Makes no damn sense. Also, the game freezes if I choose extra textures vs high. Treyarch just sucks at coding.

It still runs 'fine.'

I haven't heard of any deals, but yeah a few days before launch I was able to snag the game on D2D for 45 bucks and activate it on Steam. MW2 is still 60; so don't expect any good deals/price drops anytime soon unless you shop around retail. smh

I can't really get why so many problems with a game with an enormous base like the COD franchise, I really don't.

vidal said:
The performance problems that a certain segment of the playerbase is experiencing? That depends on your setup. No performance problems here. Other than that, the overall quality of the game was fine at launch. The dedicated servers are working as intended and I could count on one hand how many blatant cheaters I've seen in my 290+ hours of playing Black Ops. I get accused of cheating more than I've seen cheaters.

Alternatively, I could count on one hand many cheaters I've seen in MW2 PC in one hour of playtime.

I see. I think I will not have many problems, though. My gaming setup (laptop): C2D P8700, GTX 260M 1GB, 4GB.

About cheaters, it's nice to hear that, hehe. Unforunately MW2 got crowded with cheaters. Altough it's still nice to play it, cheaters sometimes make the game totally unplayable.

I am looking for some deals, but I think I won't find any worthy, as COD always was a game that rarelly got any massive deals on it. $59,99 sounds too expensive for me, hehe.


I have no problems with performance of BLOPs on the PC. The lowest my framerates ever really hit is 60-70fps. Most of the time it's much higher.


I can understand why people don't care for Stopping Power, but most of the guns I've used in past COD games (M14, FAL+Holo) are completely different with the extra damage.

On a separate note, Am I the only that feels obligated to use Ninja Pro? I can't stand my character constantly blabbing-- giving away my position-- every time something happens nearby. Also, is the grunt when climbing obstacles (or diving) audible to other team, even with Ninja Pro? I'm not sure, so I always jump over low obstacles when possible just to be safe. And if it is, why?

The other thing I hate is there is no way to play in complete stealth. You get to pick between silent footsteps/no chatter (Ninja Pro) and invisibility to motion sensors (Hacker Pro).

I wished Ninja Pro made your teammate's footsteps quieter. I get distracted every time someone spawns nearby.


Ogs said:
What OS are you using, and try looking down the center of that map and tell me what FPS you get :)


Here's a shot in the exact center of the map taken IN COMBAT as myself and another guy were being shot at.


Windows 7
i7, 8 gigs of RAM, 1gig 5770.
Anyone else go back to MW2 and think it just looks fucking ugly when compared to blops? I hate the frame rate drop but at least you know where it went.
Morn said:

Here's a shot in the exact center of the map taken IN COMBAT as myself and another guy were being shot at.

Windows 7
i7, 8 gigs of RAM, 1gig 5770.

Sorry i meant looking down the middle at the "cracked" building, that bit (for me at least) kills the FPS (same with Havana looking from 1 end to the other).
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