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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

divisionbyzorro said:
The ignorance you display is baffling for someone who usually makes intelligent (albeint routinely inflammatory) posts. He's using a Stakeout. How would you suggest using a Stakeout other than baiting and flanking?

He's using a Stakeout on one of the most confined, short sight-lined maps on the game. The stakeout has great range (case in point the ridiculous kill he gets on the guy running away and jumping into the garden a good 20 metres away), has a good rate of fire and a decent spread, making it deadly in CQC and for room clearing.

My point is, he picked the easiest game mode and took advantage of the objective whilst simultaneously having no regard for it. This playstyle would not work against good players, or an organised team. FACT. The enemy team were a pack of dribblers, and several times sat in bunches and twirled around helplessly while he dined on their gormless meatsacks.

It's all opinion. I personally think he plays cheaply.

The enemy is triple-capped through much of the video; so I'm still not understanding what point you're driving at.

Precisely, they were unorganised bullet-sponges offering little to no resistance.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
3ur4zn said:
Yeah, Hacker Pro is a must. Although I love my Ninja Pro, the benefits of Hacker outweigh the benefits of Ninja. Hacker Pro is also quite easy to earn, making it even better.

For me nothing outweighs the benefits of not having to hear my own footsteps.
Brian Fellows said:
For me nothing outweighs the benefits of not having to hear my own footsteps.

Yeah, my own footstep's annoy me, but if you run a certain way you can minimise the noise. Only thing that annoy's me about Ninja Pro is that even though the pro perk is billed as making you completely silent, you STILL make noise climbing ladders or into windows. That's bullshit.
3ur4zn said:
Precisely, they were unorganised bullet-sponges offering little to no resistance.
I only play normal domination and we run into maybe a good player 1 every 20 matches and a good party of 3+ every 50. If we are lucky the don't leave the lobby. I agree about his playstyle but to hate on the competition is pointless because that's how bad most of the community is.


Alligator F*ck House
3ur4zn said:
Your first video went down like a lead balloon, so I can't comment on that, but if this EP 2 video is indicative of your playstyle, I don't respect it. You play Ground War like FFA, and use the bait of an objective to flank the enemy for kills. Is that commendable? Difficult? I personally believe it isn't. You look to be fairly average in terms of one-on-one encounters, but like most good players, you have a good understanding of spawn locations and general map flow.

I've also never seen you "dominate" against competent players, or even an organised team, and all your high kd videos seem to be populated with utter scrubs. You're clearly a good player, but to have the gall to put out these particular instructional videos is, so far, quite bemusing. :lol

In a rare sign of divine power, the middling nature of your videos is reflected in the views counter. I await your obligatory haters.gif with reckless abandon.

EDIT: And no matter how many times you crowbar 'CLOWN CAR' into a video, it's still not as funny or clever as you think it is.

I haven't been playing a lot of COD lately but yesterday I jumped on and caught 3 asshole boosters. Reported them, hopefully banned by now but I always wondered what more Treyarch could to to stop boosting?


3ur4zn said:
Yeah, my own footstep's annoy me, but if you run a certain way you can minimise the noise. Only thing that annoy's me about Ninja Pro is that even though the pro perk is billed as making you completely silent, you STILL make noise climbing ladders or into windows. That's bullshit.
I'm not sure about ladders, but when you're actually silent when mantling objects, even though you can hear your character grunt. It's probably the same case with ladders. Ninja Pro makes you completely silent, movement, reloads, everything. It's probably the best version of the perk in all the COD games. In the other games, for example, you still made that crunching noise when dropping a far distance. In BO, you don't.

Of course, in the other COD games, you didn't have to deal with your character shouting your position every time something happens nearby. Since I'm flanking 90% of the time, having Ninja Pro is a must for me.
USD said:
I'm not sure about ladders, but when you're actually silent when mantling objects, even though you can hear your character grunt. It's probably the same case with ladders. Ninja Pro makes you completely silent, movement, reloads, everything. It's probably the best version of the perk in all the COD games. In the other games, for example, you still made that crunching noise when dropping a far distance. In BO, you don't.

Of course, in the other COD games, you didn't have to deal with your character shouting your position every time something happens nearby. Since I'm flanking 90% of the time, having Ninja Pro is a must for me.

Really? I always assumed that if my character made noise, anyone could hear it. Hopefully I'm wrong? It just seems most of the time that other players don't pick up your running noises anyway, so in most cases I can live without Ninja and run Hacker to ward against claymores.
rehashing an old topic probably, but second chance needs to goooooooooooo. Its hard to respect a game developer who thinks annoying tit-for-tat game perks like this is fun or gives the game an added sense of depth. As is, the perk is just annoying for the sake of being annoying, and it seems impossible to even tweek it into something tolerable, let alone fun
So I spent the past couple of days going back and playing Modern Warfare 2. I probably put about five hours into it; the goal was to try to get some perspective around my current frustrations with Black Ops. I played Ground War the entire time, and it was actually rather enjoyable (much to my surprise). I took some mental notes while playing, so here's a brain dump of some of the things that stuck out to me:

  • In my first game back, I picked a Marathon/Lightweight/Ninja class with a silenced UMP. The speed difference was jarring, even thought I was prepared for it from my last (short) trip back to MW2 - it felt almost like playing with speed hacks. The result is that games have a much faster pace to them because it takes much less time to find action, even on larger maps.
  • Being able to pull out a claymore or C4 with a single button tap is fantastic. I like being able to carry equipment and a grenade in Black Ops, but I also really, really like being able to instantly drop equipment without having to pull it out first.
  • On a related note, not being able to pick up claymores in MW2 is really annoying (although somewhat offset by being able to get more from Scavenger bags). That said, I wasn't really doing much claymore camping, so it didn't really come into play that often (except when I subconsciously tried to throw a grenade and wasted a claymore out in the open...).
  • If there's one thing MW2 absolutely does right over Black Ops, it's shotguns. They're powerful when played correctly, have a range that actually makes them viable, and are extremely satisfying to use. I actually spent most of my time using the shotguns (they were the reason I decided to go back in the first place); I spent my time switching between the SPAS + Extended Mags and the Rangers. Why Treyarch nerfed the shotguns so badly I'll never understand.
  • MW2 also totally kills Black Ops in terms of weapon variety. I don't think anyone would call Akimbo Deagles "overpowered," but you can actually build a Deagle kit and have fun with it if you want (and I did just that in fact!). Nothing like that exists in Black Ops. The Black Ops AR category has some good, fun variety, but the other categories are really stagnant - it's actually rather disappointing.
  • Obviously we wish Last Stand would just go away, but at least it's less annoying in Black Ops than MW2. Last Stand really screws up a shotgun playstyle, and having kills stolen from you due to Last Stand is frustrating too. That said, I rarely ran into Last Stand, because most people were either running Ninja or...
  • ...Commando. Damn. This is every bit as bad as I remember. I actually played a few rounds doing MLC tact-knifing, and it's so unfair that it's not even funny. The added game speed, the lag inherent in any online shooter, and the increased lunge make it all sorts of bullshit. I never went worse than 2.0 K/D in any match using that kit, and I wasn't even using super-powerful killstreaks (I ran Counter/Pred/Harrier most of the time).
  • The usual sorts of other bullshit were all still present. Danger Close noob-tubes and Painkiller were the worst offenders, although OMA tubing seemed to be mostly gone (with Terminal being the notable exception; apparently nobody wants to play that map straight up). I never really ran into any quickscopers; at least, I never ran into any good quickscopers (or snipers in general). In fact, I really ran into a lot of...
  • ...noobs. I don't know if it's because I don't have the second map pack and I'm only getting matched up with the non-hardcore, or because the good players moved on to Black Ops, but I saw a shitload of idiotic behavior. And in fact, I ran into more corner campers in two days of playing MW2 than two weeks of playing Black Ops. (I'm not exaggerating here; the camping was out of control.)
  • Stacking killstreaks (especially ones as powerful as in MW2) really is a bad idea, and probably the best thing that Black Ops does for the series. Telling players that they should camp in a corner while their Harriers do all their work for them is stupid; let the reward be a reward and not a means to another reward.
  • My favorite killstreak reward in the entire series has to be the Predator Missile. Simple, satisfying, and if killstreaks don't stack it's a totally valid 5-streak reward. Consequently, my least favorite killstreak reward is the nuke; I shouldn't lose the game just because my teammates keep running in front of the AC-130 (and I shouldn't have to suicide to respawn with a Stinger to take it out).
  • Earning callsigns is more fun than building them. Plus, there aren't any gorillas with huge erections on the side of the gun I just picked up in MW2, which is a win in my book.
  • I really did miss theater mode and the combat record. Some truly badass moments from my sessions will now live on only in my memory; I can only hope that they iron out the kinks with that system and keep the theater in future iterations of the series.

In general, I enjoyed playing MW2 again because I embraced the chaos and chose not to take it seriously. There really is a good game buried beneath all that bullshit that I'd kinda forgotten about. Hopefully the next game can learn from the things MW2 and BO both did right and build on the strengths of both titles.


I started playing MW2 again about 2 weeks ago to prestige one more time to the 7th and stop once I reach 70.

Also, I needed more time to play the map packs that I finally bought when they went on sale for 50% off.

I agree with you about the shotguns. If the Olympia was even as powerful as the Rangers, it would be a much better gun. I was also in the camp that shotguns should have stayed secondary weapons, but that's just me.
Watching you guys dismiss the lag in this game is like staring into the mouth of madness.

Its not "just a little lag" or an "expected amount of lag." Its pervasive and extreme to the point that this is a game literally without any constants. Gun range,"bullet speed" and damage actually change from game to game. Tree hit markers one round..nine the next,lol It is always a dice role unless you are the host. Incredible 3 to 5 second advantages abound. I must say if you play on consoles and you are using this shooter as a gauge of your skill you should really stop. Its a fun toy, but...wow.

This game would not got past the QA phase from any other compentant developer known for online shooters in the state it was released in.
divisionbyzorro said:
So I spent the past couple of days going back and playing Modern Warfare 2. I probably put about five hours into it; the goal was to try to get some perspective around my current frustrations with Black Ops. I played Ground War the entire time, and it was actually rather enjoyable (much to my surprise). I took some mental notes while playing, so here's a brain dump of some of the things that stuck out to me:

  • In my first game back, I picked a Marathon/Lightweight/Ninja class with a silenced UMP. The speed difference was jarring, even thought I was prepared for it from my last (short) trip back to MW2 - it felt almost like playing with speed hacks. The result is that games have a much faster pace to them because it takes much less time to find action, even on larger maps.
  • Being able to pull out a claymore or C4 with a single button tap is fantastic. I like being able to carry equipment and a grenade in Black Ops, but I also really, really like being able to instantly drop equipment without having to pull it out first.
  • On a related note, not being able to pick up claymores in MW2 is really annoying (although somewhat offset by being able to get more from Scavenger bags). That said, I wasn't really doing much claymore camping, so it didn't really come into play that often (except when I subconsciously tried to throw a grenade and wasted a claymore out in the open...).
  • If there's one thing MW2 absolutely does right over Black Ops, it's shotguns. They're powerful when played correctly, have a range that actually makes them viable, and are extremely satisfying to use. I actually spent most of my time using the shotguns (they were the reason I decided to go back in the first place); I spent my time switching between the SPAS + Extended Mags and the Rangers. Why Treyarch nerfed the shotguns so badly I'll never understand.
  • MW2 also totally kills Black Ops in terms of weapon variety. I don't think anyone would call Akimbo Deagles "overpowered," but you can actually build a Deagle kit and have fun with it if you want (and I did just that in fact!). Nothing like that exists in Black Ops. The Black Ops AR category has some good, fun variety, but the other categories are really stagnant - it's actually rather disappointing.
  • Obviously we wish Last Stand would just go away, but at least it's less annoying in Black Ops than MW2. Last Stand really screws up a shotgun playstyle, and having kills stolen from you due to Last Stand is frustrating too. That said, I rarely ran into Last Stand, because most people were either running Ninja or...
  • ...Commando. Damn. This is every bit as bad as I remember. I actually played a few rounds doing MLC tact-knifing, and it's so unfair that it's not even funny. The added game speed, the lag inherent in any online shooter, and the increased lunge make it all sorts of bullshit. I never went worse than 2.0 K/D in any match using that kit, and I wasn't even using super-powerful killstreaks (I ran Counter/Pred/Harrier most of the time).
  • The usual sorts of other bullshit were all still present. Danger Close noob-tubes and Painkiller were the worst offenders, although OMA tubing seemed to be mostly gone (with Terminal being the notable exception; apparently nobody wants to play that map straight up). I never really ran into any quickscopers; at least, I never ran into any good quickscopers (or snipers in general). In fact, I really ran into a lot of...
  • ...noobs. I don't know if it's because I don't have the second map pack and I'm only getting matched up with the non-hardcore, or because the good players moved on to Black Ops, but I saw a shitload of idiotic behavior. And in fact, I ran into more corner campers in two days of playing MW2 than two weeks of playing Black Ops. (I'm not exaggerating here; the camping was out of control.)
  • Stacking killstreaks (especially ones as powerful as in MW2) really is a bad idea, and probably the best thing that Black Ops does for the series. Telling players that they should camp in a corner while their Harriers do all their work for them is stupid; let the reward be a reward and not a means to another reward.
  • My favorite killstreak reward in the entire series has to be the Predator Missile. Simple, satisfying, and if killstreaks don't stack it's a totally valid 5-streak reward. Consequently, my least favorite killstreak reward is the nuke; I shouldn't lose the game just because my teammates keep running in front of the AC-130 (and I shouldn't have to suicide to respawn with a Stinger to take it out).
  • Earning callsigns is more fun than building them. Plus, there aren't any gorillas with huge erections on the side of the gun I just picked up in MW2, which is a win in my book.
  • I really did miss theater mode and the combat record. Some truly badass moments from my sessions will now live on only in my memory; I can only hope that they iron out the kinks with that system and keep the theater in future iterations of the series.

In general, I enjoyed playing MW2 again because I embraced the chaos and chose not to take it seriously. There really is a good game buried beneath all that bullshit that I'd kinda forgotten about. Hopefully the next game can learn from the things MW2 and BO both did right and build on the strengths of both titles.

Agree with nearly everything here, but especially these two. I don't really care about the custom emblems and loved getting random emblem/titles for doing various challenges. Theater Mode in MW2 would have been great.
Got to prestige 11, I am probably going to stick with this one because I really like the dragon. I'll try and make a goku for my emblem. I was going to stop at 14 but it seems like everyone else is doing that. Pro perk time!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Anerythristic said:
Watching you guys dismiss the lag in this game is like staring into the mouth of madness.

Its not "just a little lag" or an "expected amount of lag." Its pervasive and extreme to the point that this is a game literally without any constants. Gun range,"bullet speed" and damage actually change from game to game. Tree hit markers one round..nine the next,lol It is always a dice role unless you are the host. Incredible 3 to 5 second advantages abound. I must say if you play on consoles and you are using this shooter as a gauge of your skill you should really stop. Its a fun toy, but...wow.

This game would not got past the QA phase from any other compentant developer known for online shooters in the state it was released in.

I have had a pretty good and consistent-feeling netcode experience on the 360 version. The game design itself probably absorbs a lot of net conditions I might otherwise be aware of. I rarely see anything unexpected in the Killcam. DSL, maybe I've been lucky.


Alligator F*ck House
divisionbyzorro said:

In general, I enjoyed playing MW2 again because I embraced the chaos and chose not to take it seriously. There really is a good game buried beneath all that bullshit that I'd kinda forgotten about. Hopefully the next game can learn from the things MW2 and BO both did right and build on the strengths of both titles.

Playing MW2 now after BO for a few months...BO makes me realize how much fun MW2 actually is.


divisionbyzorro said:
If there's one thing MW2 absolutely does right over Black Ops, it's shotguns. They're powerful when played correctly, have a range that actually makes them viable, and are extremely satisfying to use. I actually spent most of my time using the shotguns (they were the reason I decided to go back in the first place); I spent my time switching between the SPAS + Extended Mags and the Rangers. Why Treyarch nerfed the shotguns so badly I'll never understand.

This, exactly, right here. Shotguns are my favourite gun in all shooting games, and the fact that we really only have two viable choices really stuns me, considering how many loadouts you can make with Assault Rifles.

It's like they wanted to normalize the game. Most people use Assault Rifles, so let's make a bunch of powerful ones. Sniper rifles are hard to balance, so let's only make one bolt-action and make it the best one (PSG-1 still sucks on PC as far as I can remember). Shotguns are for goofing around, so let's not waste time on them.

divisionbyzorro said:
[*] ...Commando. Damn. This is every bit as bad as I remember. I actually played a few rounds doing MLC tact-knifing, and it's so unfair that it's not even funny. The added game speed, the lag inherent in any online shooter, and the increased lunge make it all sorts of bullshit. I never went worse than 2.0 K/D in any match using that kit, and I wasn't even using super-powerful killstreaks (I ran Counter/Pred/Harrier most of the time).

I can't be the only person who laughed out loud at this, can I?

"The worst thing about MW2 is the tac-knifers! The have an inherent advantage due to lag, and they're incredibly annoying to play against!

Anyway, after setting up my tac-knife class..."

Talk about an overreaction. Sure they're annoying, but they die just as easily as any other person, and as long as you have any situational awareness you shouldn't get caught by surprise. And that's great that you performed slightly above-average with that build, but the vast majority of MLC runners I play against would be lucky to break even. But I can use anecdotal evidence also! Watch:

"Last night I used a red-dot FAMAS with Sleight of Hand and never did worse than a 3.0 K:D. Obviously it's an instant win button, and whoever builds this class will automatically do as well as I did."

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I went back to MW2 alone and hated it. Then I went back a day later with Nabs and we spent the whole afternoon playing it. It was so fucking refreshing due to how much time we have been spending in BLOPS and I just had a ton of fun. It really surprised me after my solo playtime.
I went back to MW2 last weekend and was surprised by a few things:

1) The speed and controls. Did that game ever control well.

2) I'm way better at it than I used to be. Don't know why.

3) Stacking killstreaks is insane. It's a lot of fun, but definitely frustrating.

Also I don't remember there being this many 10th level prestiges the last time I played in February '10.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Just started prestige number 9. This is will be much more painful than the last one because I don't have any lifetime challenges queued up and ready to go. Last time I went from level 5 to level 12 in like 2 matches. Level 14 is the goal because the Famas is the first AR that doesn't suck.
PalaceBrother said:
I went back to MW2 last weekend and was surprised by a few things:

1) The speed and controls. Did that game ever control well.

2) I'm way better at it than I used to be. Don't know why.

3) Stacking killstreaks is insane. It's a lot of fun, but definitely frustrating.

Also I don't remember there being this many 10th level prestiges the last time I played in February '10.

I was doing much better than I used to as well. I think that either the hardcore players all moved on to Black Ops, or they bought the second map pack (which I didn't) and I'm not being matched up with them. I also noticed that I never played on a map from the first pack; I would guess that very few people just bought one pack like I did, so I was being matched with people who didn't buy either pack.

As to the 10th prestiges: In my first game back in MW2, I got (I kid you not) four invitations to 10th prestige lobbies. I'm sure that was an anomaly, but I turned off public messaging after that because it got more than a little annoying.
divisionbyzorro said:
I was doing much better than I used to as well. I think that either the hardcore players all moved on to Black Ops, or they bought the second map pack (which I didn't) and I'm not being matched up with them. I also noticed that I never played on a map from the first pack; I would guess that very few people just bought one pack like I did, so I was being matched with people who didn't buy either pack.

Good point. I burned out on MW2 a few weeks after the first map pack-I didn't get the second either.
I have never enjoyed MW2. It has been the only IW game that I haven't put days into playing, still better than WaW I think. I don't know why but it never felt "right" to me. The maps were average at best, killstreak stacking was flawed compared to CoD4 because they were so much more powerful, and the way you got kills and got killed felt cheap.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Oh yeah, I fucking hate normal mode in Black Ops, but IW really fucking nailed it in MW2. It felt pitch perfect in terms of damage values. And <3 all the weapons. It felt so good returning to my Scar and Famas <3 <3 <3. I will prolly play MW2 till I get this prestige back up to the ACR.


I don't usually care for normal mode, but when I need a break and want to cheese a bit, it can be fun. I just need the right class and kill streaks set up.

Finding a match in MW2 PC when you're alone is a fucking headache. Yikes. After a few minutes of trying to find a Normal TD, I just jumped out and went back to Black Ops. Took me 5 seconds to find a server with a good map rotation, ping under 40ms, and 15 players. I'll just wait until you and the other guys want to play.
Anerythristic said:
Watching you guys dismiss the lag in this game is like staring into the mouth of madness.

Its not "just a little lag" or an "expected amount of lag." Its pervasive and extreme to the point that this is a game literally without any constants. Gun range,"bullet speed" and damage actually change from game to game. Tree hit markers one round..nine the next,lol It is always a dice role unless you are the host. Incredible 3 to 5 second advantages abound. I must say if you play on consoles and you are using this shooter as a gauge of your skill you should really stop. Its a fun toy, but...wow.

I wish the lag change was only game to game. In my games it fluctuates all throughout the match making it impossible to adjust since every encounter with the enemy is different. Just yesterday I was jumping from one bar to four all throughout the match. Even as host it's still a dice roll, especially when the framerate starts crapping up.
Tkawsome said:
I wish the lag change was only game to game. In my games it fluctuates all throughout the match making it impossible to adjust since every encounter with the enemy is different. Just yesterday I was jumping from one bar to four all throughout the match. Even as host it's still a dice roll, especially when the framerate starts crapping up.

I had a match yesterday where one player probably killed me 10 times in a row. Each and every time I would get near him, the lag would make it impossible to even hit him. Watching his killcams, and bam, he had no lag whatsoever. I consistently get four bars on my connection. Annoying.

Also, played against someone who I swear was using an aimbot yesterday. Precision, reactionary headshots across the map using an Enfield, level 34, and he had a kill/death ratio of 6.5. Bleh.


cuevas said:
I have never enjoyed MW2. It has been the only IW game that I haven't put days into playing, still better than WaW I think. I don't know why but it never felt "right" to me. The maps were average at best, killstreak stacking was flawed compared to CoD4 because they were so much more powerful, and the way you got kills and got killed felt cheap.
That right there, I only ever play Mw2 when my Black Ops hating friends invite me over to play it. I immediately notice this the minute I start playing, that game is completely geared towards cheap kills and play styles I can't even blame people anymore because everyone does it so it's almost like you have to do it just to get even or whatever. I stuck with my Ak- Marathon, Cold Blooded, Ninja class but only out of principal.
Hopped on and the past five matches in a row have all been terrible when it comes to lag. Five bars one second, one the next, it's impossible to play the game like this. It's been doing this shit for over a week now and if it doesn't get fixed soon I'm going to have to sell this game back. Hell, having a constant two bars would be better then this, at least then I can learn to adjust and know what to expect in each encounter.

KoreanBarbecue said:
I had a match yesterday where one player probably killed me 10 times in a row. Each and every time I would get near him, the lag would make it impossible to even hit him. Watching his killcams, and bam, he had no lag whatsoever. I consistently get four bars on my connection. Annoying.

That's whats happening right now. Everything is silky smooth until an enemy enters my screen, then suddenly is starts chopping up all over the place and when it finally comes to, I'm dead. It's an unplayable mess lately.


Mr Sandman said:
The new patch gave PC users the off-center scope "fix" which no one asked for. Now the snipers are even shittier (includes IR scopes).

Treyarch sucks. :|

They just fixed this btw.
Tkawsome said:
I wish the lag change was only game to game. In my games it fluctuates all throughout the match making it impossible to adjust since every encounter with the enemy is different. Just yesterday I was jumping from one bar to four all throughout the match. Even as host it's still a dice roll, especially when the framerate starts crapping up.

I got a game winning kill tonight with a Stakeout. I fired the shot, nothing happens, a miss? The opposing player continues to run towards me he fires three shots off, and then a miracle, or mystery hit marker appears 4 seconds later and he drops dead. I saved the clip, its 4 seconds of bullet lag.
Anerythristic said:
I got a game winning kill tonight with a Stakeout. I fired the shot, nothing happens, a miss? The opposing player continues to run towards me he fires three shots off, and then a miracle, or mystery hit marker appears 4 seconds later and he drops dead. I saved the clip, its 4 seconds of bullet lag.

I've gotten quite a few of those lately, mostly with Claymores. I'll go on a nice four or five killstreak, die, then suddenly after I respawn I get a Claymore kill credited that happened before I died. Weirdness, to say the least.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
MoFuzz said:
So for those of you playing the PC version, apparently the game runs A LOT better on Windows XP. Some crude tests were done on the Steam forums, but there are at least a few people who confirm the same thing:


Anyone here still rolling with an XP setup? What kinda performance you getting?
I think Ogs reported that early (he actually tried it IIRC). I get locked 91 (I don't care to change the limiter) anyways.


Well the max fps is probably fine around 120 or so, but I'm more interested in the minimum not dropping below 60. Currently that seems to happen occasionally in multi and very often in single player.

Was hoping all the patches over the months would have improved things, but I guess it can't be as bad as what I was hearing at the game's launch.


Alligator F*ck House
Regarding this MW2 to BO discussions. The first week of MW2 felt like pure gaming magic. Just amazement around every corner, discovering new things, trying the insane killstreaks. I remember the first time I saw a Stealth Bomber coming my way, to literally scream..."OOOhh fuuuuuu" .

BO seems to be lacking this because it didn't really innovate. W@W heavily duplicated COD4, and BO heavily duplicates MW2. I'm just saying in general, and I'm not comparing how good of each one of the games is too the other. They're all amazing fun, because the formula works so well. It's just that with BO, I didn't feel that magic as I did with MW2...even tho it ended up being broken garbage over time.

TLDR; MW2 was magic when it first came out then time ruined it. But man, that first week was really something...
LeMaximilian said:
Regarding this MW2 to BO discussions. The first week of MW2 felt like pure gaming magic. Just amazement around every corner, discovering new things, trying the insane killstreaks. I remember the first time I saw a Stealth Bomber coming my way, to literally scream..."OOOhh fuuuuuu" .

BO seems to be lacking this because it didn't really innovate. W@W heavily duplicated COD4, and BO heavily duplicates MW2. I'm just saying in general, and I'm not comparing how good of each one of the games is too the other. They're all amazing fun, because the formula works so well. It's just that with BO, I didn't feel that magic as I did with MW2...even tho it ended up being broken garbage over time.

TLDR; MW2 was magic when it first came out then time ruined it. But man, that first week was really something...

Yep, this pretty much nails it.

And must that video have such annoying annotations? "He posts rape shots daily?" Maybe I'm just an old man, but...really?


Alligator F*ck House
divisionbyzorro said:
Yep, this pretty much nails it.

And must that video have such annoying annotations? "He posts rape shots daily?" Maybe I'm just an old man, but...really?

Yea it's pretty bad. Since I got one of the very first legit nukes ever recorded, it was duplicated like crazy and this was the first that poped up. Too bad Activision sent me a Copyright notice when the video was on my page back when the game came out....and nobody else, haha. Never bothered reuploading it again.
From a YT Video:

So there&#65279; was this crazy party at my&#65279; ESTATE last night,&#65279; which was&#65279; located next&#65279; to a TERMINAL, in AFGHAN, just 10 miles from a&#65279; local QUARRY.Everyone was totally wasted. The place was&#65279; like&#65279; a SCRAPYARD.There&#65279; was this girl that&#65279; said she&#65279;&#65279; wanted to DERAIL me.So i went to a RUNDOWN hotel in FAVELA, there was RUST everywhere.I felt her KARACHI, it was bare like a&#65279; WASTELAND.The&#65279; feeling gave me a HIGHRISE.I then entered&#65279; her UNDERPASS, went so&#65279; deep i hit her SUB&#65279; BASE.She loved&#65279; the&#65279; INVASION

divisionbyzorro said:
That video came out a couple of days before MW2 was officially released. :)
What does production date have to do with anything? As a matter of fact, your statement reinforces his point. This shit was going on from day 0... Sad.
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