O D I N said:
Nothing too spectacular, but I felt like sharing anyway. :-/
Nice work! That's my favorite map, and that area is a fantastic choke point if you're careful.
O D I N said:
Nothing too spectacular, but I felt like sharing anyway. :-/
PalaceBrother said:Nice work! That's my favorite map, and that area is a fantastic choke point if you're careful.
By chance did you submit this to Machinima's channel? I could have sworn I saw somebody tearing shit up like that on that same map. Either way, nice job.O D I N said:
Nothing too spectacular, but I felt like sharing anyway. :-/
purple cobra said:By chance did you submit this to Machinima's channel? I could have sworn I saw somebody tearing shit up like that on that same map. Either way, nice job.
This girl's pretty beast with the tomahawk imo...
aku:jiki was the one who first brought her to my attention. Sweet voice![]()
Damn, I've been trying to find that link for the last fifteen minutes! Can't find it, I'm sure it was on Machinima but they update so often and it was I think like two weeks or so back.O D I N said:I haven't submitted anything to anyone. Do you have the link by chance?
I'm a big fan of Ms.Danielle myself. I'm still learning how to bank shot like that. If you like her stuff, check out Vikstar123. I actually got clued in to Ms.Danielle from him. My 'thing' seems to be long range shots.
Example in the second kill here;
purple cobra said:Damn, I've been trying to find that link for the last fifteen minutes! Can't find it, I'm sure it was on Machinima but they update so often and it was I think like two weeks or so back.
Those long range Tomahawk shots are fun.I traded Black Ops in last month but once in a while I get the urge to play it again. Then I remember how the PS3 version turned out...
O D I N said:Also, you have my condolences on the PS3 version. :-/
Bullshit, PS3 version doesn't even running at 30fps in ground war. Piece of shit keeps freezing too.Brian Fellows said:I'm still playing it. Its not that bad at all.
yoopoo said:Bullshit, PS3 version doesn't even running at 30fps in ground war. Piece of shit keeps freezing too.
Perfecty described. Black Ops attempted to balance the game elements, but MW2 performs and handles a hell of a lot better._Alkaline_ said:Upon playing Black Ops at release (and coming off 25 days of MW2) I immediately noticed a considerable change in how things 'felt.' Hit detection and netcode just seemed overall chunky and laggy. Over time (nearly 10 days playtime) I've come to accept that it's just the way it is and perhaps I was overblowing the whole thing.
Today I decided for shits n giggles to give MW2 a few rounds. Damn. I didn't realise just how shit BO feels until now. Seriously, MW2 is absolute silk in comparison to Treyarch's game. Enemies die when you hit them, there's no bullshit of seeing enemies first but somehow dying, the whole thing flows much better without the awful hitches and lag that pops up too frequently in BO.
The whole thing is unbalanced as shit but the core game is superior to Black Ops for sure.
MDavis360 said:Perfecty described. Black Ops attempted to balance the game elements, but MW2 performs and handles a hell of a lot better.
computers putin' said:well in terms of how each game deals with latency, MW2 isn't perfect, but it is far better than black ops no doubt. I do agree, at the core MW2 is the better game, yet the poor balance in MW2 makes that point almost irrelevant when talking about which of the 2 games are better ;and deservedly so, for everything that game does right, it's still broken as shit
hamchan said:Shouldn't it be the other way around then? At the core Black Ops is a better game due to the better balance but it seems latency etc is all messed up.
aku:jiki said:Look at that flamethrower go!
I wonder why no one uses it or the masterkey, they're so much fun to use. (When the connection lets you get away with it.)
computers putin' said:the amount of hitmarkers you get with shotguns is disgusting. CoD should just make shotguns secondaries again if they're gonna be so ineffective
cuevas said:Ineffective? The spas is one of the most overpowered guns in the game. I think one of my highest weapon specific K/D is with the SPAS.
You are just playing it wrong, I'll admit that it has nothing on the SPAS in MW2 but the shotguns are workable. You'll just have to adjust to the shorter range in this game and you'll be fine most of the time.computers putin' said:the amount of hitmarkers you get with shotguns is disgusting. CoD should just make shotguns secondaries again if they're gonna be so ineffective
You are talking only about the silenced SPAS here. Pull off the same havoc with an Olympia and I'll pay your mortgages.sponk said:I cant believe people actually claim that shotguns are underpowered. I played couple of matches last week and i really kicked ass with the spas + silencer attached.
trow a flash, rush in with the spas on your hip and steady aim perk , kill all the guys that are blinded, stay practically unnoticed because of the silencer, repeat.
whats not to love about this "strategy"
The gun is a real monster, when used right. Please dont put the shotguns into the secondary weapon slot ever again, this didnt feel right at all in MW2.
I can do very well with the Stakeout (in fact, I have gold camo on it) and I definitely agree with him. Especially on host, shotguns are almost entirely useless.rezuth said:You are just playing it wrong
aku:jiki said:I just realized something very, very stupid and quite annoying. If someone hacks my care package, I get a warning noise! You get the same noise as if someone straight-up steals the crate. How stupid is that? That defeats the entire purpose of the feature!
bluehat9 said:As for the hacking, I'm pretty sure it does say 'your equipment is gone' and things like that when someone hacks your stuff.
Can you hack a claymore?
Actually there is no notice when your equipment is hacked.bluehat9 said:As for the hacking, I'm pretty sure it does say 'your equipment is gone' and things like that when someone hacks your stuff.
Brian Fellows said:I guess its a good thing I don't play ground war. Haven't froze up in a few months either.
xxjuicesxx said:
xxjuicesxx said:
xxjuicesxx said:
xxjuicesxx said:
Damn nice work. The FAL is an underappreciated monster sometimes.xxjuicesxx said:
xxjuicesxx said:Thanks for the kind words. I'll probably try and get more cool stuff but I don't really know what qualifies as cool in CoD. I had a blast last night I think I played for about 7 hours straight.
Does GAF get parties together? I just like the craziness of Ground War, and its mix of my two favorite gametypes Deathmatch and Domination.
Xux said:That was pretty cool. I like the semi-autos in this game.
divisionbyzorro said:Love the FAL, hate the M14.
And oh yeah - I'm back after a week of vacation. Did I miss anything good?
aku:jiki said:Really feel like an asshole troll when I have this scope on but I'm trying to complete the attachment challenges so on it goes. :/
Wow, nice clip man. Gotta play together more often.xxjuicesxx said:
divisionbyzorro said:Love the FAL, hate the M14.
And oh yeah - I'm back after a week of vacation. Did I miss anything good?
I'm in the same boat. Really not a fan of the FAL's horizontal recoil. And with the M14, body shot → headshot (or vice versa) is a guaranteed kill at all ranges.Xux said:Aww, I love the M14; the sound, the consistent recoil, and the head multiplier all add up to something good.
xxjuicesxx said:Ill have to try the M14, I know I used every gun for a really small amount then fell in love with the AK74u and running around, I was always a M16 and FAL guy in MW2.
I run Spy Plane Counter Spy Plane and Care Package, because I like giving my team radar and taking theirs away
Then I use Ghost Pro and Ninja Pro so I show up on less things. I need my Sleight of Hand though for my FAL reloads and quick ADS.
Secondary is always a Strela so I can shoot whatever I want down to help out.
You won't even know how much I'm helping even if I only manage to go even.
I'd love to play more backflip and dudes from GAF but 60 hour weeks are killing me.
Hostile Paradox said:XBL: Hostile Paradox
Eastern US Time Zone
Team player looking for a team basically.