_Alkaline_ said:Went 18-4 with 2 plants and 2 defuses in one game of Search today. The hate messages were delicious.
Apparently the MP5 is a noob gun now!
Only noobs use bullets. Real men only use Nova gas.
_Alkaline_ said:Went 18-4 with 2 plants and 2 defuses in one game of Search today. The hate messages were delicious.
Apparently the MP5 is a noob gun now!
MP5 Rapid Fire is on my tomahawk class. the amount of rage is amazing._Alkaline_ said:Went 18-4 with 2 plants and 2 defuses in one game of Search today. The hate messages were delicious.
Apparently the MP5 is a noob gun now!
_Alkaline_ said:Went 18-4 with 2 plants and 2 defuses in one game of Search today. The hate messages were delicious.
Apparently the MP5 is a noob gun now!
cuevas said::\ I haven't played in a while but I never really got hate messages. I just got spammed with friend requests and game invites.
Captain Bluey said:Got a great Crossbolt Shot on Havana from one end of the map to the other. Played around with my new capture card and came up with this:
Love me some awesome crossbolt shots in this game.
Also enjoying the new maps.
Captain Bluey said:Got a great Crossbolt Shot on Havana from one end of the map to the other. Played around with my new capture card and came up with this:
Love me some awesome crossbolt shots in this game.
Also enjoying the new maps.
_Alkaline_ said:Superb editing work mate. You have a good style going on.
Captain Bluey said:Got a great Crossbolt Shot on Havana from one end of the map to the other. Played around with my new capture card and came up with this:
Kermit The Dog said:Huh? The editing was shithouse. Clumsy, amateurish and elongated.
The kill, on the other hand, was brilliant. Props for that!
_Alkaline_ said:But it was amatuerish in a good way. Not trying to be anything special and excelling at its own style.
Do you just argue with everyone for the sake of it?
Captain Bluey said:Thanks for the feedback. I did it just for fun. New to video editing. If it seems amatuerish, I dont apologise, cause that's what it isThe shot was a good one though, so it was worth making a little video out of it.
Captain Bluey said:Thanks for the feedback. I did it just for fun. New to video editing. If it seems amatuerish, I dont apologise, cause that's what it isThe shot was a good one though, so it was worth making a little video out of it.
So you talk shit to your team, tag up to be hated, camp in corners, and you get hate mail? Shocker.Kermit The Dog said:I get hatemailed at least once a session. I made my clan tag 'H8ME' just to incite more hilarity. :lol
cuevas said:So you talk shit to your team
Tag up to be hated
camp in corners
And you get hate mail?
Mister Wilhelm said:These new maps are horrible for free for all. Way too many camp spots and not enough short range engagement where I can have fun with shotguns.
divisionbyzorro said:Shotguns are the only way to play free-for-all. It's just too easy otherwise. Sometimes, I even switch to akimbo pistols just for a challenge - for whatever reason, people in FFAs tend to be complete idiots, just waiting to be swept up by someone with a modicum of intelligence and skill.
Ok Kermit. Here is another one:
No music. No diagrams. Just pure crossbolt sweetness. Tried to tighten up the editing. What do you reckon?
I make these just for fun, but am always keen to learn.
Mister Wilhelm said:These new maps are horrible for free for all. Way too many camp spots and not enough short range engagement where I can have fun with shotguns.
Captain Bluey said:Ok Kermit. Here is another one:
No music. No diagrams. Just pure crossbolt sweetness. Tried to tighten up the editing. What do you reckon?
I make these just for fun, but am always keen to learn.
spiderman123 said:Yah!!! finally after 2 months of not playing and just studying for finals I can FINALLY PLAY!!. I AM FREE, FREEE, FREE!!!!!...............until Wed
Strider2K99 said:Heh, was wondering why I haven't seen you in awhile. I'm now neck deep in papers/presentations/finals for another week and a half myself. =/
Nope been killing ppl like it's my jobbobs99 ... said:Is it really laggy for anyone else? Its literally not registering my shots half of the time today!
Yeah it has been particularly bad today.bobs99 ... said:Is it really laggy for anyone else? Its literally not registering my shots half of the time today!
Captain Bluey said:Another crossbow/bolt video. Not as good as the last one, but I thought the shot was a good one.
bobs99 ... said:Does anyone else find it fun as hell to join matches in progress and try and end up on the other team? I love going up against friends and just annihilating them. This has ended in tears a couple of times as they have destroyed me, but generally nothing beats pulling out a chopper gunner and spawnkilling your friends as they scream in anguish "stop wrecking my K/D ratio". lawl.
I really hate it when my friends join in progress, because they always have to be assholes about it! It's nothing but RPGs and tubes with them. Rage!bobs99 ... said:Does anyone else find it fun as hell to join matches in progress and try and end up on the other team? I love going up against friends and just annihilating them. This has ended in tears a couple of times as they have destroyed me, but generally nothing beats pulling out a chopper gunner and spawnkilling your friends as they scream in anguish "stop wrecking my K/D ratio". lawl.
PalaceBrother said:I love the decisions people make having been just stuck with a bolt.
1) Run around in a circle
2) Reload
Nice and simple. Good video.
bobs99 ... said:Woah I need to check the TDM leaderboard more often, someone in my game randomly pointed out im like 1150 (weekly) I played a bit after that after actually being aware of it and trying to get it to go up but I couldn't crack 1100 ish. I know by midweek when I really have a chance to play again I will have dropped like a rock, but it feels good mang
When do 'weeks' start? Im guessing Monday? Which would explain why im doing so well, im guessing not everyone has gotten on the table yet lol.
cuevas said:Yeah and then you have people who play 5 good games and just stay on top all week.
bobs99 ... said:I edited my post a little:
By the way I really love how they assess you on that leaderboard, Score Per Minuite is a really interesting stat, simply because it encourages run and gunning more than camping and waiting for a kill to come to you.
But yeah thats the one downside to the table, either way though I know I would never be top, so the people using loopholes like that dont really bother me, its just nice to know your relatively high.
cuevas said:It also sucks that they merge normal gametypes with ground war. I'm like top 800 all time SPM in domination but I see people at the top who all they do is play ground war where it is way easier to get points.
bobs99 ... said:I didnt realize they did that. :/ Do they do the same with the various deathmatch modes? Ground War Deathmatch isnt lumped in with TDM is it? If so that would make it so much easier for the ground war folks.