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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

I've had a shit tonne of hate mail lately. One guy sent me a voice message telling me he hopes I die :/

I've only just prestiged as well so I must has been playing games from lvl1 to around lvl9 before I got them. Fuck is wrong with some people?
Played this for the first time in months earlier and got destroyed, I can't believe I used to be good at this game. Not sure whether to give up and wait for the next one or try and get good again.
RedSwirl said:
Starting to have more fun with Combat Training than actual online.

I played Combat Training yesterday and was side swiped by just how differently the bots play to human players. A lot of people have said they use Combat training to get good at the game before jumping online but that would be so counter productive. Im so used to knowing where to expect people in dodgy spots that when the bots are just sort of running around in the open its a bit jarring. Getting used to playing against bots could make the multiplayer seem less fun if you ever decide to switch again!


Junior Member
bobs99 ... said:
I played Combat Training yesterday and was side swiped by just how differently the bots play to human players. A lot of people have said they use Combat training to get good at the game before jumping online but that would be so counter productive. Im so used to knowing where to expect people in dodgy spots that when the bots are just sort of running around in the open its a bit jarring. Getting used to playing against bots could make the multiplayer seem less fun if you ever decide to switch again!

It's more for learning the maps and weapons. That's why I keep the bots on Regular. On Hardened and Veteran bots are quicker and more accurate than most human players I've seen. It'd be interesting to put an HC server up against Veteran bots.
RedSwirl said:
It's more for learning the maps and weapons. That's why I keep the bots on Regular. On Hardened and Veteran bots are quicker and more accurate than most human players I've seen. It'd be interesting to put an HC server up against Veteran bots.

Part of learning the maps is knowing the routes people take and the ways people play, based off that you might do something totally different than when playing against bots who are pretty random in how they move around.

I guess its a fun mode for those that dont really enjoy the multiplayer, but I would have rather had a spec ops type mode :p


divisionbyzorro said:
First, Ghost isn't overpowered. Second, what Xux said - you don't deserve to see the entire enemy team's location just for getting a 3-kill streak. The Spy Plane enhances your situational awareness, but should never be a crutch. To be honest, I'd much rather use Hardline or Flak Jacket than Ghost, except in very rare circumstances.

It's funny 'cause, at the same time, I feel pretty much completely vulnerable without Ghost. It feels like everyone I play against is completely aware of how cheap the Spy Plane and I'm at a massive disadvantage 80% of time 'cause there's constantly an enemy Spy Plane in the air and I'm shoehorned into being the Ghost/Strela guy 'cause I don't want my team's loss to be too embarrassing.


Hey guys I just started playing this and am terrible so i'd like a friendly crowd to play with :)

I couldn't find a gaf gamertag list anywhere so i'll just submit mine here: AShep5

On that note, is there a comprehensive list anywhere so I can add a few people?


I've actually been doing quite decent with lightweight, sleight of hand and hacker, with either a FAMAS or Ak74u. I used to use ghost and silencer a lot but I find running fast around the level is more fun for me.


AShep said:
Hey guys I just started playing this and am terrible so i'd like a friendly crowd to play with :)

I couldn't find a gaf gamertag list anywhere so i'll just submit mine here: AShep5

On that note, is there a comprehensive list anywhere so I can add a few people?

Once I get my account back, I'll probably have some space to add you.
I'll make a post about it.

MarkMclovin said:
Been playing a lot more Hardcore lately as it's a much slower pace than Ground War. It's also the only time I can use the M14.

Cool kill:
Grenade knockout

I got it I GOT IT! :BONK!:
AShep said:
Hey guys I just started playing this and am terrible so i'd like a friendly crowd to play with :)

I couldn't find a gaf gamertag list anywhere so i'll just submit mine here: AShep5

On that note, is there a comprehensive list anywhere so I can add a few people?

Feel free to add me: Korean B B Q
PalaceBrother said:
From the main MP menu you can hit "Y" to view friends. How come I can never hit "X" to join your games? I've tried a few times.

Might have been that I was already in a match that was full. You usually only get the "join game" option if the match isn't at capacity.

And, speaking of Hawaii and Korean B B Q...fitting. I just got back from Hawaii on Friday. :)
Xux said:
It's funny 'cause, at the same time, I feel pretty much completely vulnerable without Ghost. It feels like everyone I play against is completely aware of how cheap the Spy Plane and I'm at a massive disadvantage 80% of time 'cause there's constantly an enemy Spy Plane in the air and I'm shoehorned into being the Ghost/Strela guy 'cause I don't want my team's loss to be too embarrassing.

I've got a love/hate relationship with Ghost. Well, at least I used to. I went through basically 8 Prestiges using Ghost Pro, only to ultimately realize that my playstyle is totally in contradiction to how that perk works. I'm a run and gun style of player, so I wasn't really getting a great deal of benefit from it.

Ultimately, I decided on Hardline/Sleight of Hands/Second Chance Pro, and that loadout felt far more comfortable for me. True, I was on radar, but it actually helped me player smarter. I watch my back more often and I can usually string longer killstreaks more consistently now, making Hardline Pro pretty valuable.


I haven't been playing this for at least a few months, but went back to it tonight and tried out the barebones/pure playlist and it was pretty interesting... very weird to play Call of Duty for over an hour without a single bullshit death. Feels like a completely different, much less frustrating game. It does feel a little weird to not get any reward for racking up a nice killstreak, but overall, at least for me, it seemed worth the trade-off. I do wish pure had more than just team deathmatch though.


I wish you could assign specific killstreak rewards for each class, instead of having the same killstreaks for all classes. Mostly because of Hardline Pro, totally worth it to have Care Package as one of your rewards, but I rock UAV, Counter-UAV usually then either dogs or gunship regularly.


Hey guys, I just had a question about the video rendering system for Black ops. Is it completely free to have your video clips put online in HD?
Does it count as a loss if you lose connection to host? I pulled out my chopper gunner, someone must have dashed and the game crashed. :( This happens far too frequently for my liking.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
bobs99 ... said:
Does it count as a loss if you lose connection to host? I pulled out my chopper gunner, someone must have dashed and the game crashed. :( This happens far too frequently for my liking.
Yep. Doesn't count against a win streak though (luckily).
Just went 37 - 2 on Hotel playing TDM, and we won 7500 to 7100. I mean, SERIOUSLY. What the fuck?

Making it worse was I had a prestige 15 guy who'd played for 29 DAYS, and he couldn't even go positive.

Fucking ridiculous. Check it out for some serious ownage/team carrying.

GT: Mogg0
Heavy's Sandvich said:
Maybe you shouldn't have died twice. Could have given your team a chance to win.

We did win. By 4 kills. I was more referring to my worthless team-mates who couldn't even take advantage of my SR71, CG, dogs and house-cleaning abilities to get a few kills and help me out. (And the fact one of them was a guy who's played for 30 days, THIRTY, and couldn't go positive.)

What's everyone's opinion of the maps, a fortnight later?

I still love Hotel, Convoy and Stockpile, but hate Zoo.
I asked about this in the general PSN is back up thread, but I'll ask here too. Sony had said they'd been in talks with Treyarch and that apparently they were going to get the Sony players another double XP weekend to parallel what the Xbox players got a week or two ago. Any word on that, I'm not entirely sure where to even look for that sort of information. It's a long weekend for me so I'd be pretty jazzed if it hit this week.
Stallion Free said:
K/D ratio's especially don't impress me if you had to use a chopper gunner to get there.

:lol GTFO.

What if I told you my was shot down immediately? (It was) Does that make it more respectable?

Seriously, give up the subtle trolling Stallion. My kd isn't even that good (2.4) but I can assure you, I earn many more kills from the SR71 than I do the CG, on average. The CG is good for distraction, but most players have cottoned on to staying indoors or covered up, so it's not as effective as the SR71 or dogs.

BigBlue1974 said:
I asked about this in the general PSN is back up thread, but I'll ask here too. Sony had said they'd been in talks with Treyarch and that apparently they were going to get the Sony players another double XP weekend to parallel what the Xbox players got a week or two ago. Any word on that, I'm not entirely sure where to even look for that sort of information. It's a long weekend for me so I'd be pretty jazzed if it hit this week.

Probably Twitter, mate. That seems to be the most preferred tool the developers use to communicate with the fans. You can try the Black Ops Facebook page too, they are usually pretty good with up-to-the-minute news on announcements and the like.

Follow David Vonderhaar, he's Treyarch's Design Director: http://twitter.com/DavidVonderhaar
Kermit The Dog said:
37 - 2 in TDM on Hotel isn't classified too much? I tried very hard to win. I'm pretty much a try-hard, really.

Mate it was a joke and a subtle reminder that most people don't really care about other peoples KD. I don't even care for my own. Shit, I'll even go negative in order to complete some challenges, like the 5 grenade throw backs, or 2 knife kills in 5 seconds.

The only time I'm impressed by other peoples play, is in team based games, going for the objectives. If I see someone that has planted twice and defused a number of times, captured some flags, my hat goes off.

If I see someone that has a shit load of kills, but no captures, defuses or plants, then they can fuck off.

I might be impressed if you have an awesome KD when playing barebones TDM though.
MarkMclovin said:
Mate it was a joke and a subtle reminder that most people don't really care about other peoples KD. I don't even care for my own. Shit, I'll even go negative in order to complete some challenges, like the 5 grenade throw backs, or 2 knife kills in 5 seconds.

The only time I'm impressed by other peoples play, is in team based games, going for the objectives. If I see someone that has planted twice and defused a number of times, captured some flags, my hat goes off.

If I see someone that has a shit load of kills, but no captures, defuses or plants, then they can fuck off.

I might be impressed if you have an awesome KD when playing barebones TDM though.
Being that I play Demolition a lot and rack up a lot of kills I resent that.

I may only get one plant and one defuse per match but I'm usually the one providing cover fire allowing other people to plant or defuse. I'm on my mic 24/7 directing people to do different things such as fortifying a certain area, covering me while I move elsewhere, and generally guiding my team to a win.

I rack up a lot of kills and often we'll lose bombs / rounds on purpose against demolition rookies because we have the match firmly in hand. I don't see a problem with winning and getting a lot of kills.
I think it's clear that people define skill in comparison to their own playstyles. I mean, I consider going 37 - 2 on TDM rather good, and something most average players couldn't achieve.

People who play Domination and capture and defend well, while maintaining a high kd and a good W/L ratio, that's pretty impressive.

It's all relative, really.
I have never been as frustrated with this game EVER as I was just now, I was literally on the verge of throwing my controller out of the window.

I played a bunch of matches, it was all fine, I was doing pretty well, but then it put me into a match against a team full of Ghost users who crouched in corners. I dont normally mind as usually these guys suck and have aweful reflexes but they must have been partied up because there would always be 2 of them together in different corners watching eachother - so if you kill 1 the other one gets you. I was still doing ok but my damn team was giving them chopper gunners.

At the end of that match I was the ONLY one positive on my team. I backed out and ended up halfway through a game that we were losing badly and I guess still feeling the frustration of the previous game I just couldnt get going. Again I think I was the only one positive (but only just).

I literally felt like throwing my CD frisbee style. I controlled it but im still fuming now lawl. :(
bobs99 ... said:
I have never been as frustrated with this game EVER as I was just now, I was literally on the verge of throwing my controller out of the window.

I played a bunch of matches, it was all fine, I was doing pretty well, but then it put me into a match against a team full of Ghost users who crouched in corners. I dont normally mind as usually these guys suck and have aweful reflexes but they must have been partied up because there would always be 2 of them together in different corners watching eachother - so if you kill 1 the other one gets you. I was still doing ok but my damn team was giving them chopper gunners.

At the end of that match I was the ONLY one positive on my team. I backed out and ended up halfway through a game that we were losing badly and I guess still feeling the frustration of the previous game I just couldnt get going. Again I think I was the only one positive (but only just).

I literally felt like throwing my CD frisbee style. I controlled it but im still fuming now lawl. :(

I've been there man. You're in good company here. :lol

Hugs all round.


Most of my rage stems from the goddamn lag. Yesterday I went into the corner of the sauna room on hotel and turned around with my gun facing the entrance I came in to ambush a guy I knew was following me. I fire on him as soon as he enters, yet he's able to run through all those bullets and stab me. SMH Knifing is so fucking broken. Other bullshit things that happen: An enemy and I run past each other, he swipes his knife after we pass with no one on his screen, I die behind his back. And sometimes it seems a bit like commando from MW2; a guy lunges forward and stabs open air which registers as a kill even though I was at least two feet away. How the fuck are you supposed to responds to shit like this? >:[
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