Well, thanks a to a really nice deal got a digital copy of this and both DLC-packs on Xbox 360.
Was interested for some time, played the Wii version during launch..but never got much into it. But darn, Treyarch did an amazing job. The game looks quite nice and it's packed with a nice amount of content (Dead Ops alone was just worth it! XD ..but htere's te hcampain, the multiplayer, the unlocks, the zombies, customization..)
Online ..well..it's just like I remember (i.e. me sucking

)..I really need to continue practicing, but at least got to Level 3 in just 2 games...

...haven't tried any other Zombie Mode. Top bad I can't create an account online, to link it to the game and post pictures/videos/etc. But searching around, turns out i;m not the only one..and a friend tried to create an account across 3 computers and different browsers on each and couldn't neither.
But Kudos to Treyarch....oh! and nice OT. Quite informative and nice looking...
By the way, the "extra maps from the limited editions" haven't been released yet..right?