Kermit The Dog said:
I'm not sure what you're on about here, can you be clearer please?
Not really sure how I can be clearer but here goes. I outlined two examples of what I feel is camping. You quoted those examples and said that aku:jiki and I were wrong about that definition of camping. I asked if you thought in my examples that I was not camping. You answered that question by saying that if I'm up in the tower on firing range or the rock on Jungle (which are even more campier places than my examples) then I'm not camping, which I am.
My examples were:
"If I'm only staying in the top floor of the middle building on WMD, even if I'm moving around looking out different windows, I'm camping. If I'm just staying in the diner on Convoy, even if I am checking each door and looking out the window, I'm camping."
Is that clear enough?
Kermit The Dog said:
Well, isn't the entire point of camping to maximise your chances of survival and minimise your chances of dying? If not, what could possibly be the thought-process behind it?
I dunno, moving around is hard and they are scared? I'm not privy to the thought-processes of bad campers. They are campers, just not very good at it or not good at getting kills while camping or not good at getting killed etc etc. Shitty camping is still camping.
Kermit The Dog said:
For the third time, can one of you please define what is 'small' and what is a 'room'? It's hard to argue specifics when your definitions are so vague and limp-wristed.
I don't know why you need a room defined for you. It usually has a floor, a roof, generally four walls and oftentimes one or more doors. Sometimes there are windows.
I didn't say that camping can only be done in one single room, or has to even be in a room or not. I used it as an example, hence the "e.g".
Small as in not a big area of the map. My examples and your favorite camping spots on WMD and Array are some examples of small areas.
Kermit The Dog said:
How can 'if you move or not' possibly NOT negate 'camping'?
Because camping (as I and others see it) is not sitting completely still never ever moving.
Kermit The Dog said:
Be more specific. Do you mean the corrugated iron rectangle building parallel to the eagle's nest, or the building/vantage point that overlooks the ladder to the nest?
The vantage point, that house made out of wood. Specifically I was referring to the room with the sandbags with only one way in, through the door.
Kermit The Dog said:
You play demolition, where your opponents are distracted by the objective.
Many people playing demo really aren't though.
Kermit The Dog said:
No you couldn't, because I don't camp. :lol Many try to kill me, most fail. = )
Maybe, maybe not. As I said we aren't really arguing who is the better player or who could kill the other better.
Kermit The Dog said:
I think it's pretty clear that the main issue in this argument is the vague definition of camping. Most have wildly differing views on what is constitutes, and you couldn't say there's a consensus among anyone as to what defines camping. As much fun as these debates are, they're pretty pointless when nothing can be nailed down in regards to a definition. Ah well.
I don't think that I have been vague in my definition. The problem is that we disagree on what constitutes camping. You say that camping is sitting in a corner far from the action and not moving. I disagree.
Slizz said:
Lol this thread is useless now.
Hasn't it been that for a while now though?