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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

"Corner campers?" What, now we have to start grouping them in specific categories now? There's no such thing as corner campers, just campers. How you choose to define that is up to you.

And while I'm at it, there's no such thing as "rage quitters" either. Just quitters.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Go fuck yourself. I'm not trolling. I'm just expressing an opinion.


And a perfectly valid one at that.

And I know you hate Nuketown, but wouldn't you agree that it's pretty shitty of Treyarch to advertise it as "Nuketown 2.0" when it's nothing of the sort? I was disappointed by that lame trick. :(

I hadn't heard it being billed as Nuketown 2.0, but that is ridiculously misleading if true. Like you said, it's at least twice the size of Nuketown, especially width-wise. Nuketown is narrow and long, whereas Drive In is just a big square/rectangle thing.

How are the firefights hectic and fun? All they are is the guy in the tower killing the guy in the open field easily.

Nah, I find that because that tower is so visible from every corner of the map, you're pretty certain to be headshotted from any angle if you get up there. You might get a few kills, but from what I have played it's a dangerous spot to park yourself. A good team/good player will make that position nonviable. I mean, it's the first place I look when I'm scoping that map, and I'm sure it's the same for others.

I'm lucky Google does, then. About 63 million times for "corner camping cod.

There's 691 million hits for 'Jesus' on Google. Doesn't make it true.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Just played some normal mode with buddies and holy shit it is such a joke. I went 25/6 with just ballistic knives (didn't even fire any) because you have so much health and it all comes back.


Stallion Free said:
Just played some normal mode with buddies and holy shit it is such a joke. I went 25/6 with just ballistic knives (didn't even fire any) because you have so much health and it all comes back.

Is that how you would normally play or were you trying to prove that the game is somewhat broken?


Stallion Free said:
Just played some normal mode with buddies and holy shit it is such a joke. I went 25/6 with just ballistic knives (didn't even fire any) because you have so much health and it all comes back.

I've had similar luck with a Ballistic knife class on FFA. My first match ever with that class, I went like 29-11 (got a few kills with Suppressed MP5k, but sometimes you have to on FFA). It's even easier on FFA cause everyone is a target!


Stallion Free said:
That's how I normally play normal mode for kicks and giggles.

I do a similar thing only with tubes, people get so pissed off when you start tubing especially when you do it to the same guy five times in a row lol. I get kicked all the time for doing this and sometimes I even get banned lol. I hate all those servers with restrictions on what is allowed and what isn't I usually break the rules out of spite. Even though servers have their advantages at the same time a lot of Admins change the rules of the game to suit their preferences and perception of how the game should be played. Most of the time I like to play games exactly as the developer intended and not with stupid restrictions.


Kermit The Dog said:
Treyarch has made sure every room or vantage point has several access points
Yeah, no. There are several places on blops maps that only have one or two ways to access. You claymore one of them and you only have to be vigilant of the other. Every vantage point does not in face have several access points, the big rock on Jungle, the tower on Firing Range, the tower on Silo just off the top of my head only have only one single way to get there.

And I'm with aku on this one, camping is staying in one small area the whole or most of the match, you don't have to be sitting still in a corner to camp. If I'm only staying in the top floor of the middle building on WMD, even if I'm moving around looking out different windows, I'm camping. If I'm just staying in the diner on Convoy, even if I am checking each door and looking out the window, I'm camping.


Randomizer said:
Even though servers have their advantages at the same time a lot of Admins change the rules of the game to suit their preferences and perception of how the game should be played. Most of the time I like to play games exactly as the developer intended and not with stupid restrictions.
Some clan wanted to play a clan match against us once and they had a long list of rules with what weapons, perks, equipment, lethal and tactical grenades you weren't allowed to use that basically amounted to "you can only play with this one specific class that we always use".

I mean I'm all for playing competetive matches where you rule out stuff like "no tubing" "to tac-knifing" etc, but not to those extremes.
zam said:
Yeah, no. There are several places on blops maps that only have one or two ways to access. You claymore one of them and you only have to be vigilant of the other. Every vantage point does not in face have several access points, the big rock on Jungle, the tower on Firing Range, the tower on Silo just off the top of my head only have only one single way to get there.

I said several. That means more than one. All of those single-access areas you mentioned are vantage points that can be attacked easily and with little effort. The crows nest on Firing Range is a grenade haven, or you can shoot through the wooden walls from any angle. One of my favourite things to on Jungle is to grenade those big rock-campers from directly beneath the rock. Cunts never see it coming and the arc of the grenade gives them no time to react. Brilliant. I haven't played around with the Solo tower but I'll give it a go.

Point being, you won't survive long if you setup on one of these aforementioned vantage points. Who lasts longer than 30 seconds in the Firing Range eagle's nest? Things were different in WaW and COD4 because you were gifted two claymores, but with just one, it's very hard to consider "area holding" as camping.

And I'm with aku on this one, camping is staying in one small area the whole or most of the match, you don't have to be sitting still in a corner to camp. If I'm only staying in the top floor of the middle building on WMD, even if I'm moving around looking out different windows, I'm camping. If I'm just staying in the diner on Convoy, even if I am checking each door and looking out the window, I'm camping.

Cool, you can both be wrong. = )


Stallion Free said:
Just played some normal mode with buddies and holy shit it is such a joke. I went 25/6 with just ballistic knives (didn't even fire any) because you have so much health and it all comes back.
Randomizer said:
I do a similar thing only with tubes, people get so pissed off when you start tubing especially when you do it to the same guy five times in a row lol.
I'm sorry, why are we bragging about tubing and tac-knifing now? You guys have to be kidding.

Kermit The Dog said:
I said several. That means more than one.
Really now?


Kermit The Dog said:
I said several. That means more than one. All of those single-access areas you mentioned are vantage points that can be attacked easily and with little effort. The crows nest on Firing Range is a grenade haven, or you can shoot through the wooden walls from any angle. One of my favourite things to on Jungle is to grenade those big rock-campers from directly beneath the rock. Cunts never see it coming and the arc of the grenade gives them no time to react. Brilliant. I haven't played around with the Solo tower but I'll give it a go.

Point being, you won't survive long if you setup on one of these aforementioned vantage points. Who lasts longer than 30 seconds in the Firing Range eagle's nest? Things were different in WaW and COD4 because you were gifted two claymores, but with just one, it's very hard to consider "area holding" as camping.

Cool, you can both be wrong. = )
I've lasted a whole round in the Fire Ranger's eagle nest. Mind you, the enemies were horribly bad and we crushed them. But I don't feel bad for what I did. As you said, a simple grenade would have taken me out of there (either killing me, or making me jump... I never seem to have reflex enough to just throw back the 'nade :p).


Kermit The Dog said:
I said several. That means more than one.
zam said:
There are several places on blops maps that only have one or two ways to access. You claymore one of them and you only have to be vigilant of the other.

Kermit The Dog said:
Treyarch has made sure every room or vantage point has several access points
And yet I was able to list three just off the top of my head that only has one access point.

Kermit The Dog said:
Cool, you can both be wrong. = )
So you are saying that in my examples I am not camping?

Camping does not require you to be completely stationary. Being stationary is camping, but just staying in a small area (e.g one room) is also camping.

Kermit The Dog said:
Point being, you won't survive long if you setup on one of these aforementioned vantage points. Who lasts longer than 30 seconds in the Firing Range eagle's nest?
Apparently Mik2121 can, and I easily can too the times I actually go up there.
zam said:
And yet I was able to list three just off the top of my head that only has one access point.

I guess that depends on your definition of access point. I guess there's a difference between access point and entry point.

So you are saying that in my examples I am not camping?

If you're in the eagle's nest or atop the rock in Jungle, you're not camping. Those two positions are perhaps the most iconic of their respective maps and they are visible from across the other side of the map. You're putting yourself in jeopardy being where you are. You are easily killable. You're not camping.

If you can last an entire round on of those vantage points against good opponents, you're some kind of Moggo.

Camping does not require you to be completely stationary. Being stationary is camping, but just staying in a small area (e.g one room) is also camping.

Like I asked our Swedish friend before, what constitutes a 'room'? When does it become a corridor, or a hangar, etc? I'll remind you that the middle area of WDM, which I attempt to control, has two inner rooms inside a 'room' (as you call it), both which are accessible from the respective room's window. All up, there are 4 entry-points in that area, let alone 6 bay windows. So how am I camping?

Edit: Apparently Mik2121 can, and I easily can too the times I actually go up there.

Did you not read his post? He pointed out that the enemies were hopeless and one simple grenade would have ended his streak. Additionally, it is quite simple to easily kill an eagles nester from the building adjacent to the nest, particularly from the back window that looks directly at it.

Trust me, if you kill me once from that nest, I'll have your arse in a body bag within 30 seconds, tops.

Really now?

I never knew that. I do now! Cheers.


zam said:
And yet I was able to list three just off the top of my head that only has one access point.
I cheated and brought up a map list, and looking at it, only Array, Summit, Berlin Wall, Stockpile and Drive-In have alternate routes for every single camping spot, or the camping spot is open to fire from any direction (like the tower on Array). Every other map has an upper floor or two with only one entry point, or towers with great cover and only one ladder, etc.


Kermit The Dog said:
I guess that depends on your definition of access point. I guess there's a difference between access point and entry point.
I assumed that when you said access point you meant "way to get into that area"

Kermit The Dog said:
If you're in the eagle's nest or atop the rock in Jungle, you're not camping. Those two positions are perhaps the most iconic of their respective maps and they are visible from across the other side of the map.
I was talking about the examples that you quoted. These examples to be specific: "If I'm only staying in the top floor of the middle building on WMD, even if I'm moving around looking out different windows, I'm camping. If I'm just staying in the diner on Convoy, even if I am checking each door and looking out the window, I'm camping."

Kermit The Dog said:
You're putting yourself in jeopardy being where you are. You are easily killable. You're not camping.
Camping does not inherently imply that you are hard to kill. Maybe it does to you, but it doesn't to me.

Kermit The Dog said:
Like I asked our Swedish friend before, what constitutes a 'room'? When does it become a corridor, or a hangar, etc? I'll remind you that the middle area of WDM, which I attempt to control, has two inner rooms inside a 'room' (as you call it), both which are accessible from the respective room's window. All up, there are 4 entry-points in that area, let alone 6 bay windows. So how am I camping?
I did not say you have to only be in a room to be camping. I said "a small area (e.g one room)". E.g as in "exempli gratia" or "for example".

Camping (as I see it) is staying in one small area of the map for the majority of the game. Amount of entry points, how easily you can be killed there or if you move or not does not negate camping.

Kermit The Dog said:
Did you not read his post? He pointed out that the enemies were hopeless and one simple grenade would have ended his streak. Additionally, it is quite simple to easily kill an eagles nester from the building adjacent to the nest, particularly from the back window that looks directly at it.
I did read his post. You asked who lasts there longer than 30 seconds. He answered your question.

Oh yeah the building adjacent to the tower, there's another spot with only one access point. Oh wait, "entry point".

Kermit The Dog said:
Trust me, if you kill me once from that nest, I'll have your arse in a body bag within 30 seconds, tops.
Cool, I can last a long time up there against the majority of plays we come up against in demo. I could also probably easily kill you or other players in your favorite camping spots on Array or WMD. As I said earlier, even if you can easily be killed it doesn't mean you aren't camping. But we're not really arguing who can kill each other easier.
zam said:
I assumed that when you said access point you meant "way to get into that area"

You assumed wrong, though when arguing a subject that is fundamentally based on semantics, it's difficult to say someone's definition is wrong.

I was talking about the examples that you quoted. These examples to be specific: "If I'm only staying in the top floor of the middle building on WMD, even if I'm moving around looking out different windows, I'm camping. If I'm just staying in the diner on Convoy, even if I am checking each door and looking out the window, I'm camping."

I'm not sure what you're on about here, can you be clearer please?

Camping does not inherently imply that you are hard to kill. Maybe it does to you, but it doesn't to me.

Well, isn't the entire point of camping to maximise your chances of survival and minimise your chances of dying? If not, what could possibly be the thought-process behind it?

I did not say you have to only be in a room to be camping. I said "a small area (e.g one room)". E.g as in "exempli gratia" or "for example".

For the third time, can one of you please define what is 'small' and what is a 'room'? It's hard to argue specifics when your definitions are so vague and limp-wristed.

Camping (as I see it) is staying in one small area of the map for the majority of the game. Amount of entry points, how easily you can be killed there or if you move or not does not negate camping.

How can 'if you move or not' possibly NOT negate 'camping'?

I did read his post. You asked who lasts there longer than 30 seconds. He answered your question.

And then he asterixed it with some pretty important variables. Even aku conceded a while back that no-one touches the eagles nest anymore. It offers no real advantage unless your playing against utter meatsacks.

Oh yeah the building adjacent to the tower, there's another spot with only one access point. Oh wait, "entry point".

Be more specific. Do you mean the corrugated iron rectangle building parallel to the eagle's nest, or the building/vantage point that overlooks the ladder to the nest?

Cool, I can last a long time up there against the majority of plays we come up against in demo.

You play demolition, where your opponents are distracted by the objective. Come and play TDM and see how long you last. Even someone using Flak Jacket Pro is easily killable with a flash/concussion and the multiple lines of sight that most players don't recognise.

I could also probably easily kill you or other players in your favorite camping spots on Array or WMD.

No you couldn't, because I don't camp. :lol Many try to kill me, most fail. = )

I think it's pretty clear that the main issue in this argument is the vague definition of camping. Most have wildly differing views on what is constitutes, and you couldn't say there's a consensus among anyone as to what defines camping. As much fun as these debates are, they're pretty pointless when nothing can be nailed down in regards to a definition. Ah well.
Really? I've got to say, I fucking love the new maps. All four are great, which is unusual because there's usually a stinker among the pack. Only cost me 8 bucks too so I'm more than happy.

I'm not sure who made the maps, but good fucking job sir!


The map with the Blackbird looking thing in it seemed to be annoying. Everyone just rushed for the plane, I barely explored any of the rest of the map due to that.

Silo was fun the one game I played on it, reminded me a little of Quarry.

Will play the rest of the maps for sure today.


Kermit The Dog said:
I'm not sure what you're on about here, can you be clearer please?
Not really sure how I can be clearer but here goes. I outlined two examples of what I feel is camping. You quoted those examples and said that aku:jiki and I were wrong about that definition of camping. I asked if you thought in my examples that I was not camping. You answered that question by saying that if I'm up in the tower on firing range or the rock on Jungle (which are even more campier places than my examples) then I'm not camping, which I am.

My examples were: "If I'm only staying in the top floor of the middle building on WMD, even if I'm moving around looking out different windows, I'm camping. If I'm just staying in the diner on Convoy, even if I am checking each door and looking out the window, I'm camping."

Is that clear enough?

Kermit The Dog said:
Well, isn't the entire point of camping to maximise your chances of survival and minimise your chances of dying? If not, what could possibly be the thought-process behind it?
I dunno, moving around is hard and they are scared? I'm not privy to the thought-processes of bad campers. They are campers, just not very good at it or not good at getting kills while camping or not good at getting killed etc etc. Shitty camping is still camping.

Kermit The Dog said:
For the third time, can one of you please define what is 'small' and what is a 'room'? It's hard to argue specifics when your definitions are so vague and limp-wristed.
I don't know why you need a room defined for you. It usually has a floor, a roof, generally four walls and oftentimes one or more doors. Sometimes there are windows.

I didn't say that camping can only be done in one single room, or has to even be in a room or not. I used it as an example, hence the "e.g".

Small as in not a big area of the map. My examples and your favorite camping spots on WMD and Array are some examples of small areas.

Kermit The Dog said:
How can 'if you move or not' possibly NOT negate 'camping'?
Because camping (as I and others see it) is not sitting completely still never ever moving.

Kermit The Dog said:
Be more specific. Do you mean the corrugated iron rectangle building parallel to the eagle's nest, or the building/vantage point that overlooks the ladder to the nest?
The vantage point, that house made out of wood. Specifically I was referring to the room with the sandbags with only one way in, through the door.

Kermit The Dog said:
You play demolition, where your opponents are distracted by the objective.
Many people playing demo really aren't though.

Kermit The Dog said:
No you couldn't, because I don't camp. :lol Many try to kill me, most fail. = )
Maybe, maybe not. As I said we aren't really arguing who is the better player or who could kill the other better.

Kermit The Dog said:
I think it's pretty clear that the main issue in this argument is the vague definition of camping. Most have wildly differing views on what is constitutes, and you couldn't say there's a consensus among anyone as to what defines camping. As much fun as these debates are, they're pretty pointless when nothing can be nailed down in regards to a definition. Ah well.
I don't think that I have been vague in my definition. The problem is that we disagree on what constitutes camping. You say that camping is sitting in a corner far from the action and not moving. I disagree.

Slizz said:
Lol this thread is useless now.
Hasn't it been that for a while now though? :p
Zam is correct in his definition of what camping is. Sorry Kermit but your argument gets weaker by the post. I don't see any of you changing your stance anyway, so just enjoy the game the way you like to and camp/run and gun/control choke points as you please.


RJNavarrete said:
Zam is correct in his definition of what camping is. Sorry Kermit but your argument gets weaker by the post. I don't see any of you changing your stance anyway, so just enjoy the game the way you like to and camp/run and gun/control choke points as you please.
Glad I'm not the only one :)
zam said:
I don't agree with your responses, and I'll let your closet attitude through to the keeper because I like you. :lol Not to drag it out any further though, it's been a fun discussion. It's also good to have a back and forth without it descending into farce by way of drive-by trolling. I don't think we got any closer to finding common ground, but meh, I enjoy the differing opinions some of you have.

After another few rounds with new maps, I have to say, these are the DLC maps I've played in a COD. Great stuff.

Milly97 said:
And here I was coming to say that I agree with Kermit.

Feel free to explain your position!


aku:jiki said:
I'm sorry, why are we bragging about tubing and tac-knifing now? You guys have to be kidding.

Who is bragging?! I do it for laughs and I've only ever done it when I'm bored just for griefing purposes, I do play the game normally most of the time.
Kermit The Dog said:
I don't agree with your responses, and I'll let your closet attitude through to the keeper because I like you. :lol Not to drag it out any further though, it's been a fun discussion. It's also good to have a back and forth without it descending into farce by way of drive-by trolling. I don't think we got any closer to finding common ground, but meh, I enjoy the differing opinions some of you have.

After another few rounds with new maps, I have to say, these are the DLC maps I've played in a COD. Great stuff.

You never support your claims, you just type on about nothing.
Kermit The Dog said:
I don't agree with your responses, and I'll let your closet attitude through to the keeper because I like you. :lol Not to drag it out any further though, it's been a fun discussion. It's also good to have a back and forth without it descending into farce by way of drive-by trolling. I don't think we got any closer to finding common ground, but meh, I enjoy the differing opinions some of you have.

After another few rounds with new maps, I have to say, these are the DLC maps I've played in a COD. Great stuff.

Feel free to explain your position!

SERIOUSLY...we're back to this? Can't you guys just take this never-ending, never-winnable debate to PM? You know, for the sake of this thread and everyone else who comes to it?
RJNavarrete said:
Lol patrolling aka camping. Nothing to discuss there.

Um, no. As this video attests, there's plenty of people out there that consider 'patrolling' to be a legitimate strategy. Although the weight of opinion in this thread appears to be framing 'patrolling' as camping, it would be wise to at least hear our side of the argument.

You can throw around your 'LOL's' as though they are underlining some breathtaking point, but it's hollow when only myself and Zam have attempted to approach the argument in some way.
Milly79 said:
To each their own, bud. No reason to knock it.
Who says I'm knocking it? I patrol plenty. Especially when I'm playing with randoms on my team who love going 2-16 for some reason. I'm just saying if it quacks like a duck... just call it what it is. Camping. Plain and simple.
Kermit The Dog said:
If it were simple, there wouldn't be an ongoing debate about it. Think.
Clearly it is outside of your mental ability to grasp the concept of camping, as defined by Zam in thorough detail. Here is a clear and concise take on the matter:

In killing games, (Free-for-All and Team Deathmatch) camping is essentially waiting for enemies to pass by the player's position or area, rather than actively seeking them out, regularly for extended periods of time. Players usually camp in order to gain a tactical advantage over their opponents. Camping is a strategy that relies on a lack of patience in other players, especially when "revenge-killers" become angered by the enemy camping.

The most common type of camper will stay in a corner, or dark space, usually aiming their weapon at a doorway or other chokepoint. If there are other ways for the enemy to attack the camper, they are usually covered with explosive equipment, Camera Spikes or Motion Sensors. After a few kills, it is recommended for the player to move to another nearby location, as the same enemy usually comes back to the position expecting the player in the same place as the last time.

Another type of camping involves the player remaining in the same general area, but covering more area than the above strategy. This strategy is more risky than the first due to more movement required, but as a result can guarantee more kills. Usually, the above mentioned equipment is not used, due to the amount of movement, but they can still prove useful.


You can also see it as waiting for the enemy to come to you, without any prior knowledge of his location.

I'm not knocking the act of camping, patrolling, or controlling choke points. Teams who do those three things usually win, especially considering the different gametypes that require patrolling such as Demolition and Domination. As you stated, I love camping the middle house in WMD. I also love sitting across from it picking off the campers. In the end whether you move an inch or fifteen feet camping is still camping. You don't need to have your shotgun pointed at a doorway to qualify as a camper...

As a sidenote, I'm not here to argue whether it is a legit strategy or not. It most definitely is a legitimate strategy. It's still called camping, though.
RJNavarrete said:
Clearly it is outside of your mental ability to grasp the concept of camping, as defined by Zam in thorough detail. Here is a clear and concise take on the matter:

And clearly you can't get your undeveloped cranium around the fact that there is no consensus of opinion on the matter. This thread and that video attest to a separate cloud of thought to the one you and Zam are presenting. I know precisely what you define camping as, but I fundamentally disagree with you on what constitutes camping.

And as I said before, attempting to underline it with tough-speak and internet acronym's doesn't mask the fact that your position is simply one of many on the issue, and by no means final.


RJNavarrete said:
I'm not knocking the act of camping, patrolling, or controlling choke points. Teams who do those three things usually win, especially considering the different gametypes that require patrolling such as Demolition and Domination. As you stated, I love camping the middle house in WMD. I also love sitting across from it picking off the campers. In the end whether you move an inch or fifteen feet camping is still camping. You don't need to have your shotgun pointed at a doorway to qualify as a camper...
I agree. I'm not knocking camping either, I do it from time to time as well, especially on WMD in the middle house.

Only thing most of the people have been debating the last couple pages is the definition of camping, not the act of camping.


Aaaanyways, on to something different, how is everyone liking the new maps so far? Only played Silo and Hazard so far, since they are the only ones to come up in demo so far (and when I played the map pack playlist briefly last night they were the only ones that came up before I had to go), but I'm liking them so far. Only thing I don't really like so far is that in demo on Hazard the attacking team spawns in line of sight of the other team, so you could get off a quick snipe spawnkill or two..


Man this thread has become such complete garbage.

I'd put Kermit on ignore but then there would be no thread at all...
divisionbyzorro said:
It ends up looking like this: http://i.imgur.com/udcvd.png

Eh, I'll tempt fate.

I'm digging the maps so far, if only because most of them seem to force me out of my comfort zone and play differently than I usually do. Literally 905 of my matches, though, seem to always be Drive-In. I'm not complaining, but I'm starting to get tired of that one. :)
So, in the new maps, are there any interactive elements or moving parts like the doors in Stockpile or the target cutouts in Firing Range? Those are some of my favorite things about BO and would love to see more.
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