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CoD Black Ops |OT| Always Bet On Black

cyberheater said:
Go into the light...


:lol Treyarch, making COD so deep.

PS3 version has become much more laggy in the passed few matches I've played, some connection errors and endless new host screens. Yowza.


Kyoufu said:
It will never sell more on PS3. Most bros are on XBL.

Indeed, PS3 numbers are nothing to scoff at though. CoD is a beast on both the PS3 and 360, last I went on PSN 600k people were online playing.


Neo Member
backflip10019 said:
Ah, true. But it's a step in the right direction! Also, is the multiplayer screen still offset in a weird way with the black boxes in the corners? Or is it full screen?

No black boxes that I can remember (currently at work). It actually looks pretty good and is very playable. I found the only real negative is that I can't listen to footsteps or other important sounds.
syztem said:
No black boxes that I can remember (currently at work). It actually looks pretty good and is very playable. I found the only real negative is that I can't listen to footsteps or other important sounds.
Nice, well the sound thing sucks but that's good that it's full screen. I never understood why they cropped the screens like they did with MW2 and W@W. It was really strange.


man first two games I played, I was on a team with new guys. The other teams are rank 23/24..............wtf

I did good the first time and did decent the second time


Neo Member
backflip10019 said:
Nice, well the sound thing sucks but that's good that it's full screen. I never understood why they cropped the screens like they did with MW2 and W@W. It was really strange.

Well the sounds still WORK, but you hear whats going on in both screens. I'll whip around because I hear bullets whizzing by only to realize it was player2 getting shot up. Not that I expected it to be differently, I'm just stating the obvious here.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
oblo said:
Actually here in Belgium at our store it's nothing like that, more like : PC=12%, 360=18% PS3=70%.

/edit: haven't sold a single copy on DS myself and from past experiences I doubt I will before the price gets slashed, on Wii I'm expecting it to do pretty good for a non-Nintendo title, if it had been released at the same moment I guess it would have stolen away a nice 1% in my above estimates.

So maybe high sales for 360 in the US/UK and PS3 leading in Sonyland. Seems about right.
zero margin said:
spawns on some maps are not good, I shouldn't kill a guy and then see him come around the corner a couple seconds later.

Can happen in all COD games. Best is when you're killed, spawn and turn a corner to see your body still floppin onto the ground :lol


What level do I have to reach until I can view player stats? I'm talking about the PC version if that makes a difference by the way.
zero margin said:
Didn't happen like that in MW2. Not in my 15 days played experience.
Really? That never happened to you? That baffles me. I played through like 7th prestige I think and that used to happen all the time. I've killed a guy only to have him spawn 10 feet behind me and kill me. You've really never killed a guy and then seen him immediately again?
Had an epic Demolition game earlier. First map I joined I believe was Radiation and we got annihilated by spawn camping. It placed us in this building far back and eventually the other team just started camping outside the doors or across the way in high floors of close buildings and then unleashed hell upon us, wave after wave of RC cars, chopper gunners, attack choppers and napalm strikes. They thought they were hot shit in the lobby so we play on Havana. I get a gunship via care package in the second round but it looks like we'll be losing that round and going to round 3 so I save it. In round 3 about halfway through, we have already destroyed one bomb site and I believe it is B that is left, not the one outside but the one in the building close to their spawn. After I die I decide to go ahead and use it and it set up perfectly. Right when one of my teammates planted the last bomb, almost all of the enemy team died and the thing started hovering in a spot where I was down the street from where they kept spawning so I could stop them from leaving their spawn, but they were also stuck beside a tall building so they could not shoot me down :lol

Vengeance was swift and brutal. A couple of them foolishly tried again and again to get to B but half of them knew what was taking place and just sat back in their spawn. After I killed probably 15 of them and the bomb was below 10 seconds it finally switched them to a different spawn but they were still easy to kill. Bomb blows and I am being bombarded with crying about how lucky I am and how cheap that was and all that. One of them rages and cusses one of the other guys out for trying to leave and vows to stay in the room and show me I am not that good (which I never told them I was or anything). So what do I do? I bait him and make him angrier then leave after the map loads but before the game starts :lol

I love Xbox Live.
backflip10019 said:
Really? That never happened to you? That baffles me. I played through like 7th prestige I think and that used to happen all the time. I've killed a guy only to have him spawn 10 feet behind me and kill me. You've really never killed a guy and then seen him immediately again?

I've definitely seen it. You actually see them die and respawn on the killcam.


magicaltrevor said:
PS3 version is choppy sometimes during MP...
I fucking hate the slowdowns. I hope they patch this shit ASAP!!

Hmm this is confusing. Are you saying frame rate or network performance related slowdown?

Because I played SP and MP (with bots) and didn't notice anything, and that's coming from DR2 and Castlevania.


Installing off disc right now (PC). 12 min to go. Can't believe people have had trouble installing Steamworks games before.


Either i get Summit, Jungle (just started turning into a lame sniper match every time i play it now) or firing range, sometimes Hanoi or Launch.

Would like to play some other maps :lol


DarthWoo said:
I wonder if the PC issues are anything similar to that setting in Left 4 Dead relating to multiple cores where if you turn it on, the game just starts intermittently stopping every few seconds, even sometimes if you do have multiple cores.

You might be on to something here. It feels just like when I turn on multi rendering on TF2/CSS. I works on L4D2 for me though, but not those Source games.


Just played 1.5 hours on PS3, MP only, it runs fine, actually quite good...and I was playing versus europeans from the US in most of them.

Overall, this game is so much more rewarding than MW2, there is a hint of realism put back into the gunplay


GodofWine said:
Just played 1.5 hours on PS3, MP only, it runs fine, actually quite good...and I was playing versus europeans from the US in most of them.

Overall, this game is so much more rewarding than MW2, there is a hint of realism put back into the gunplay

define please? framerate is good .. netcode is good? wildly different impressions coming in .. i will stay positive and chalk it up to early lag from all the traffic ....


Loving that callsign editor! I just made a pretty badass callsign with a 6-layer emblem and that nicely eerie night-time background picture of a jungle beach. I love that the titles are WAY darker and gorier than IW's were. There's more nooses and spikes, less my little ponies and hearts. :lol

The new unlocking system feels pretty great too. I have a hard time knowing what to unlock now that I don't know how good each attachment is, but this setup is going to be very nice once I learn everything and start prestiging.

Actually, the whole playercard section is fantastic. CoD is finally catching up to Halo! Can't believe it took the "B team" to pull that off. :lol

.nimrod said:
How's the masterkey compared to MW2? Is it nerfed/buffed/the same?
Decently buffed. It can be a reliable weapon now, but it can also end up needing 4 shells to kill someone.

backflip10019 said:
Really? YESSSSSSSSS! Awesome addition! It would always suck having friends over and not being able to play together on one Xbox. SO EXCITED for this.
Horrendous addition for those of us who take our gaming seriously. Really wish there was an option to search for lobbies with no guests allowed, so everyone can have their fun.

I mean, I just lost a pretty great killstreak because I killed a guy who shared a screen with the next guy around the corner. Yeah, that's not a massively unfair advantage for him or anyting... :/


I have to give props to Treyarch in terms of storytelling, it has me quite interested.

this is just a thought, but does the game just feel weird to anybody? maybe its just me since I had been playing MoH before it.
aku:jiki said:
Horrendous addition for those of us who take our gaming seriously. Really wish there was an option to search for lobbies with no guests allowed, so everyone can have their fun.

I mean, I just lost a pretty great killstreak because I killed a guy who shared a screen with the next guy around the corner. Yeah, that's not a massively unfair advantage for him or anyting... :/
Well, to be fair, it's really no more of an advantage than good communication would be. And then again, how many guests are you going to play again that absolutely suck and will be easy kills? Kind of balances out I think.


aku:jiki said:
Horrendous addition for those of us who take our gaming seriously. Really wish there was an option to search for lobbies with no guests allowed, so everyone can have their fun.

I mean, I just lost a pretty great killstreak because I killed a guy who shared a screen with the next guy around the corner. Yeah, that's not a massively unfair advantage for him or anyting... :/

People on separate Xboxes could do the same thing just by talking to each other, so I don't think this is really that big of an issue.

And this is so much nicer for people who have multiple people that want to play at home that it is worth any incredibly slight advantage that it provides.
ultron87 said:
People on separate Xboxes could do the same thing just by talking to each other, so I don't think this is really that big of an issue.

Exactly. If players want to do that so badly, they'll do it. Skype etc.

Life, uh.. finds a way.
FHIZ said:
I have to give props to Treyarch in terms of storytelling, it has me quite interested.

this is just a thought, but does the game just feel weird to anybody? maybe its just me since I had been playing MoH before it.

Yea kinda felt that way too. Been awhile since I played CoD and been playing a lot of MoH and Battelfield. The sp is pretty fun so far. Playing on Hardened and its been pretty easy.


Where can you find regular leaderboards with things like time played listed? Can;t find anything like that in the combat record

Also took a break from mp to start the campaign, and sofar
(rezkov's flashback)
it's been pretty good. Nice pace, good set pieces, and the story does kind of hook you in. Why there is no kowloon MP map is beyond me.


demolitio said:
Wow, my framerate in MP maxed out is twice as much as what I was getting in SP with the tweaks. There's definitely some sort of bug or major problem. You can go to the Steam forums to see proof of that. Hell, they have multi-GPU on yet multi-threading is off even though the game requires a dual core.

Looks like I'm playing MP for a while. :lol

You had me at tweaks. What are these tweaks you talk about?


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the SP. Just fucking awesome. Loved it! Only flaws were i hit 2 bugs that made me start each level from the beginning but other than that it was awesome.

Also, loved
when you're going up river in the boat
and the music starts playing. Shit just came together so well.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I had a weird bug today. I was in a party with some guys from another forum. When we joined a lobby I got booted. I went to my friends list and used the join option. When it put me in the game I was on the other team but I could still hear everyone from my original party.

NinjaFridge said:
Also, loved
when you're going up river in the boat
and the music starts playing. Shit just came together so well.

Yeah that was sweet.


Just finished SP I liked it but not as much as MW2, the respawning enemies and checkpoints ruined it a bit.

Anyone else having a problem with the colour correction and shadows on the PC version? Sometimes the colour correction keeps changing and the shadows start to flicker, I'm wonder if its a game bug or I need new drivers for my card.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Has this been posted yet?



It's still a shooting gallery but I think it's better designed. You will get shot if you run out in the open but it's not like COD4/MW2 where you're getting shot in the face constantly no matter what you do. Plays a bit more like the older games (COD1/COD2); not quite like that but somewhere inbetween.
Fucking online. I was at level 9 bought a new assault rifle, played a match and didn't register my new gun so I waited for the end of the match and it says I'm level 8. (PC version) What is going on?!
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