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Colin Moriarty doubles down on his 400 million claim...


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Did Colin actually provide any detail for why this guy would be in a position to know the budget who contacted him?

I’m assuming he vetted that person works there but I’m not watching a 5 hour video to get any more detail than that.

Without any corroboration though it really is just one sources word we are supposed to take as gospel. A source who specifically reached out to Colin with a serious bone to pick about the company.
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Colin is a huge asshole, but being front Long Island there was little chance that he wouldn't be. I don't know if he is lying here or if his source is, but running with a single source without corroboration is bad practice, even not being a journalist anymore.

He could easily get a real source who feeds him shit with the express purpose of making him look like a fool and he can't out that source if he wants anyone to talk to him ever again.

Lesson would be to not run with single sources making outlandish claims.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Purple haired black girl boses are the new white space marine.

If that's the case, you should be able to show me 10+ games with these "purple haired black girl bosses" leading games these days.
Seems to me that the console warriors (and the OP which is some mutant GaaS warrior) are the ones bothered by it. I'm not going to go to bat for Colin, the dude has made is bed with this but he has a source. That's something no one else in this thread has. You can call him and the source a liar, but again, you have absolutely nothing to refute his claims besides napkin math.

It's not about what Colin said at this point. It's more about what his source said. Why do we need to have evidence his source is wrong? We don't even know who his source is :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: .


Colin is a huge asshole, but being front Long Island there was little chance that he wouldn't be. I don't know if he is lying here or if his source is, but running with a single source without corroboration is bad practice, even not being a journalist anymore.

He could easily get a real source who feeds him shit with the express purpose of making him look like a fool and he can't out that source if he wants anyone to talk to him ever again.

Lesson would be to not run with single sources making outlandish claims.
the lesson for the rest of us:


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Did Colin actually provide any detail for why this guy would be in a position to know the budget who contacted him?

I’m assuming he vetted that person works there but I’m not watching a 5 hour video to get any more detail than that.

Without any corroboration though it really is just one sources word we are supposed to take as gospel. A source who specifically reached out to Colin with a serious bone to pick about the company.

Exactly this! And Colin said $200 million was spent BEFORE Sony bought the company! How in the world did that developer get access to that much capital in the first place? How can we gamers believe that the developer of Concord (that never made a game before) got access to $200 million?


People lying often have a tell in that they smile and laugh too much, like they can't believe what they are saying and how much they are getting away with.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
ProbablyMonsters announced that it has closed its latest round of fundraising. After announcing last September (2021) that it had already raised $200 million, it has now given the final amount: $250 million. LKCM Headwater Investments, which has served on the company's board since 2018, led the round. (Apr 20, 2022)


ProbablyMonsters had that funding for multiple studios and projects. Firewalk was a small portion of their overall studio efforts


Gold Member
You do have a point when it comes to cult of personalities. Phil Spencer does have his evangelicals where he can lie one week and then they'll carry the water for him the next. He's mastered the art of ambiguous language and wordsmithing, hence he was groomed for that role.

But with this, who the hell cares. It was very, very expensive and I'm glad it failed, but only if they learn from their bubble induced costly mistake.
Doesn’t look like they have given they still want to stick with GaaS moving forward.


I don’t think he’s lying but the problem is you can have a “reliable” source that’s not lying either but it’s easy to misconstrue or even mishear facts and also easy to leave out a lot of important context.

The number sounds far fetch and he did not specify much about who he talked to so it’s reasonable to be skeptical. If you look at other industries journalist who report a scoop will often tell you the broad role of the sources or at least tell you that they are someone who would be privy or close to the details. Colin IIRC just said it was someone who worked on the game. Being a game dev or artist you might hear and be told things but you aren’t always told everything and can’t always access the real details. They also aren’t always that business savvy and might be irresponsibly sharing information.

There are factual statements that can be ambiguous like if I said “this game made a million bucks already” that can be interpreted as revenue or as profit. The “$200M to fix concord in a year” could be somewhat true but thar figure could easily have been money allocated (not spent) for more than a year e.g. season updates and could have included money for marketing too.
Sony was humiliated and ridiculed not by warriors/fanboys, or a "PlayStation tax" but by the actual market, which rejected this trash....And that's something no one will be able to spin. is this truth really hurting some people?:
Hopefully the message gets through to the heads at Playstation and they use this as an opportunity to purge the woke activist assholes from the company.


I was watching the Spawn Wave live show that had that little mongrel Jason Schreier on it, and he was making fun of Colin for only having 1 source for a story. Jason claims he wouldn't go with a story with just 1 source. Well I'm sorry Jason, but I put my faith in Colin FAR more than the bullshit you dribble out.

Anyway, great explanation from Colin. Basically, believe him if you want or not, he has gone with a story from a guy he vetted and spoke to 3 times. He's ONLY reporting what he was told. Is it true? Only those in the know will fully know but he went with it and I'm happy to put my faith in Colin.

I tuned out of that episode the minute I heard his Woody Woodpecker voice.


Gold Member
Well, the most recent State of Play was a pleasant sign. Not a single GaaS game and closed with Ghost.


Gold Member


I'm not the biggest Colin fan but I've been following his podcast long enough to trust he wouldn't just randomly make up a fake source. That said, the source could be bullshitting him or greatly exaggerating. I don't really get game budgets anyway, like how a 7 hours game mostly built on recycled assets like Miles Morales cost almost $200 mill to make.

Either way it would be fun to someday get a proper Insomniac style leak to see the real budget of this. If only to see either the "it's the biggest flop ever" or the "it's totally a small game for Sony and it was made with $15 worth of Wallmart giftcards" camp getting owned.

Did Colin actually provide any detail for why this guy would be in a position to know the budget who contacted him?

I’m assuming he vetted that person works there but I’m not watching a 5 hour video to get any more detail than that.

Without any corroboration though it really is just one sources word we are supposed to take as gospel. A source who specifically reached out to Colin with a serious bone to pick about the company.

He just says the source came to him and provided enough evidence to prove they are who they claim to be at the studio (including a several hours long video chat). He acknowledges they could be lying to him, even though he has no reason to believe that to be the case.


Gold Member
They're not going to cancel what is in development. Not every game is going to be Concord.
I’m not saying that. But if you are to believe Sony at their word, they’re doubling down even on DEI. Which is a major factor on how the market/world rejected Concord/sony’s woke bullshit.


Gold Member
I’m not saying that. But if you are to believe Sony at their word, they’re doubling down even on DEI. Which is a major factor on how the market/world rejected Concord/sony’s woke bullshit.
I also saw Topher Topher 's post that had a 245 page document, where the posts that made up that thread, showed up in less than a page and seemed more passing checkboxes on the global stage the way the full document glossed over it. But, it's also understandable why we over sensationalize the culture war shit as well and being apprehensive.

Again, we will see. I foresee an iron fist to eventually come down via Japan.


This is a five hour podcast, I really don't know how anyone can listen to this for all that time. I know we're just talking about Concord here, but my goodness, it's a 5 hours for a PlayStation podcast is faaaaaar too long. I hope his podcasts aren't always this long.

I mean, it's a podcast you listen to it while commuting, working out, walking, gaming etc. I doubt many people sit down and consume the video version in full.

Colin's content is far superior than competition like Nextlander where 3 dudes discuss each topic at a surface level for 10 minutes. You can also use timestamps to pick and choose the discussions you're interested in.


This is a five hour podcast, I really don't know how anyone can listen to this for all that time. I know we're just talking about Concord here, but my goodness, it's a 5 hours for a PlayStation podcast is faaaaaar too long. I hope his podcasts aren't always this long.

There are timestamps. So just skip around and listen to the topics that interest you.


But with this, who the hell cares. It was very, very expensive and I'm glad it failed, but only if they learn from their bubble induced costly mistake.
Exactly. It's been odd seeing people defend the total cost so hard. At this point that's all just semantics, it was still a shit ton of money and a complete flop that they apparently were very confident about at one point and time.


Gold Member
I also saw Topher Topher 's post that had a 245 page document, where the posts that made up that thread, showed up in less than a page and seemed more passing checkboxes on the global stage the way the full document glossed over it. But, it's also understandable why we over sensationalize the culture war shit as well and being apprehensive.

Again, we will see. I foresee an iron fist to eventually come down via Japan.
We can only hope.


If someone fed you bullshit as a journo, I would think it's free game to put them on blast.

I think he's done that before. Remember that fake Sony insider Tidux? Back in the PSILY days he fed Colin and Greg some PlayStation-related rumors that turned out to be complete BS and then they called him out on it the next episode.


Crazy that Colin would throw away a career long reputation over one news story, but here we are. OP's general observations about liars is indisputably true. Moriarty really played himself.


I'll be honest I actually kinda do find it plausible. If a large downtown company in a state with lots of employer requirements in high end rental office space worked for half a decade and produced zero dollars of revenue I could see >200 mil. Especially if they were CERTAIN they would eventually product a large AAA GAAS as a new IP. ie hubris. Especially if they were also adding office features to recruit talent.

I mean, 200m is a ton to lose but when you count every last dime and not even have a game to ship at the end of it....well that is gonna be a huge loss.

Without evidence we can't say for sure, but I don't think Sony wants to provide evidence on that. Even if it is less than 400m it is probably higher than you think.

My understanding is that Colin believes the figure skyrocketed due to triage needed on certain in game features discovered late in development that needed to be resolved but could not be by the main team. These outsourced developer studios would have charged a premium as the work was short notice, difficult(the hard stuff that their main team couldn't figure out), and urgent, and apparently there was a lot of it. After already being so heavily invested, there was no real solution but to pay the money so they could launch the game. So yeah, I think it was very costly if that is true and if not true, it was also very costly.
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Even at a couple of million a minute (just for the cgi not actors and sound effects) and say the had 30 mins in the can or ordered, i still have a hard time believing this game cost north of 400millon.

Its an arena shooter with a few maps and what 16 avatars? Shit you could double or triple my guess above and still not arrive at 400 million plus

This studio was tiny(under 20 folks) until a couple of years ago.
The $400m thing increasingly looks sus as fuck to me.

The fact that it's been over a week and no one actually came out to corroborate the number is also kinda damaging to the credibility.

It was even ridiculed by Tom Warren, a guy who would definitely jump on it if it's accurate on a technicality.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Colin Moriarty should be ashamed of himself. He should absolutely know better, he just doesn't care. He's looking for as many retweets and reshares as possible and he knows there is an audience that is willing to carry his message if it is related to Concord.

People have been piling on Concord since before it released into beta... for a multitude of reasons. Yes the studio made bad choices and there are people working there who had their priorities askew.

Most studios get a chance to redeem themselves. Just look at CDPR with Cyberpunk and Hello Games with No Man's Sky.

He's spread this rumor that is almost certainly not true based on objective reasoning and all the evidence we do have surrounding the game.

He's right, he's not a journalist and he doesn't care if he is wrong, because he doesn't care about the damage he is doing to people and their livelihoods.

The more negative connotation surrounding Concord whether fair or unfair, the less likely Sony is to let Firewalk try to fix the game or move on to something else. Games and studios should be judged on their merits, not because of hate campaigns or grifters pushing to get views for their podcasts.


Gold Member
Colin Moriarty should be ashamed of himself. He should absolutely know better, he just doesn't care. He's looking for as many retweets and reshares as possible and he knows there is an audience that is willing to carry his message if it is related to Concord.

People have been piling on Concord since before it released into beta... for a multitude of reasons. Yes the studio made bad choices and there are people working there who had their priorities askew.

Most studios get a chance to redeem themselves. Just look at CDPR with Cyberpunk and Hello Games with No Man's Sky.

He's spread this rumor that is almost certainly not true based on objective reasoning and all the evidence we do have surrounding the game.

He's right, he's not a journalist and he doesn't care if he is wrong, because he doesn't care about the damage he is doing to people and their livelihoods.

The more negative connotation surrounding Concord whether fair or unfair, the less likely Sony is to let Firewalk try to fix the game or move on to something else. Games and studios should be judged on their merits, not because of hate campaigns or grifters pushing to get views for their podcasts.
Nah. I think the market judged it fairly for what it is, and perceived to be.


Gold Member
The $200M figure before Sony got involved is inconsistent with the VC funding ProbablyMonsters received to fund many more titles than just Concord
Sony acquired the game + studio + IP. I don't know how you value that. They had to pay PM enough to make it worth their while which would be a healthy ROI on costs spent and then what the IP and team were valued at. Sony obviously thought they were valuable. Sony paid $229 million for just the Insomniac studio in 2019, they were proven, but they didn't have the IP attached and costs have kind of exploded since then. I think $200M to acquire this studio is probably a fair low estimate.


Neo Member
Colin going on a 45m defense of himself without providing any new information to back up what almost everyone in the industry is saying cannot be true, is psychotic behavior.

Look you can say, "I'm not a journalist", but when you're breaking a MAJOR story with extraordinary claims, you cannot be expected to be taken seriously without providing extraordinary evidence or at least more than one source. Not a journalist? That's fine, but don't pump your engagement with claims that at this point seem almost certainly erroneous.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Sony acquired the game + studio + IP. I don't know how you value that. They had to pay PM enough to make it worth their while which would be a healthy ROI on costs spent and then what the IP and team were valued at. Sony obviously thought they were valuable. Sony paid $229 million for just the Insomniac studio in 2019, they were proven, but they didn't have the IP attached and costs have kind of exploded since then. I think $200M to acquire this studio is probably a fair low estimate.

The $400M figure thrown out does not include acquisition costs


Neo Member
And for the record - I think it's possible that stem to stern, the total amount spent on Concord + marketing was maybe 400m, but it's really stretching the numbers to arrive at that conclusion IMO.
Exactly. It's been odd seeing people defend the total cost so hard. At this point that's all just semantics, it was still a shit ton of money and a complete flop that they apparently were very confident about at one point and time.
I think most people here understand that. Its a massive flop, one of the biggest in gaming history and probably the largest for Sony. Having said that, there is a difference between the game itself being a big flop and concord being the most expensive PS studio game ever made by a substantial amount and Sony believing it was their new bell cow IP.


Gold Member
I'll be honest I actually kinda do find it plausible. If a large downtown company in a state with lots of employer requirements in high end rental office space worked for half a decade and produced zero dollars of revenue I could see >200 mil. Especially if they were CERTAIN they would eventually product a large AAA GAAS as a new IP. ie hubris. Especially if they were also adding office features to recruit talent.

I mean, 200m is a ton to lose but when you count every last dime and not even have a game to ship at the end of it....well that is gonna be a huge loss.

Without evidence we can't say for sure, but I don't think Sony wants to provide evidence on that. Even if it is less than 400m it is probably higher than you think.

My understanding is that Colin believes the figure skyrocketed due to triage needed on certain in game features discovered late in development that needed to be resolved but could not be by the main team. These outsourced developer studios would have charged a premium as the work was short notice, difficult(the hard stuff that their main team couldn't figure out), and urgent, and apparently there was a lot of it. After already being so heavily invested, there was no real solution but to pay the money so they could launch the game. So yeah, I think it was very costly if that is true and if not true, it was also very costly.
It's more plausible than people want to believe. If Sony thought this was a true next level, future of the business tier franchise, with major potential across all aspects of their business, as they branch out into TV and movies, then it's like almost no amount of money is not worth spending. There was a thread the other day about the mid MMO Elder Scrolls Online getting almost $200M in revenue for a decade. Games in development right now from these studios, like Wolverine, are going to cost well over $300M. It's possible that Naughty Dog's next game will be a $500M enterprise, if Sony allows it (they will). GTA6 is like, $2B. This is where we are at. People want to believe that these games still cost $50M to make and a high budget is $100M. It hasn't been for a long time and costs have gone way up in the past three years.
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