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College Football 2013 |Week 3| Kiffen/Brown Farewell Tour

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GAF Pick'em Week 3 Games

(THU) TCU @ Texas Tech by 6
Louisville @ Kentucky by 20
UCLA @ Nebraska by 6
Fresno State @ Colorado by 7
Boston College @ USC by 10
Alabama @ Texas A&M by 6
Georgia Tech @ Duke by 4
Ohio State @ California by 17
Mississippi State @ Auburn by 6
Ole Miss @ Texas by 6
Oregon State @ Utah by 4
Wisconsin @ Arizona State by 10


Yeah, I'd say the only funnier sports impersonation over the last 10 years or so in Texas would be Gordon Keith's fake Jerry Jones on the Ticket in Dallas.

If you can find some of the Mack on a Mobiles from after the Texas-OU games, they're pretty hilarious.

The Slocum on a Mobile interviews were also very funny.... he was one of the if not the first to do the interview show. I remember one of them specifically a caller called in afterwards and thought it was real.

I actually still have them all saved somewhere.
Cal game poster, this one is pretty low on my list


I've liked a lot of these but this is the worst one I've seen


Grey uniforms gave me cancer.

Also, "dirt burglars" is a fantastic insult. Adding that to the dictionary, Gondo.
So apparently College Gameday is going off the grid next week.

The popular front runners seem to be Michigan/UConn, Utah/BYU, and Arkansas/RU
Tech's uniforms tonight:

SMH. I'm gonna start calling you Xerox Tech.

Great. Another thing you've copied from us...calling a rival "Xerox ____". Can't wait for you to claim that you actually came up with the insult first, ten years or so from now, as per your tradition. :p

I'm not a fan of the grey, but the kids voted on them, so WTH. At least there is some precedent. We first wore grey wool/flannel unis with red and black numbers in the 20s-30s, when we were The Matadors. We got the bright red unis in 1934 that prompted the name change to Red Raiders. We also wore grey/silver as an alt color in the Jim Carlen yrs. in the 70's. (Likely copying the Dallas Cowboys at the time.) Our basketball teams also regularly wear a grey alt uni at home.


(THU) TCU @ Texas Tech by 7
Louisville @ Kentucky by 21
UCLA @ Nebraska by 6
Fresno State @ Colorado by 3
Boston College @ USC by 3
Alabama @ Texas A&M by 7
Georgia Tech @ Duke by 14
Ohio State @ California by 10
Mississippi State @ Auburn by 3
Ole Miss @ Texas by 10
Oregon State @ Utah by 7
Wisconsin @ Arizona State by 4


GAF Pick'em Week 3 Games
(all games Saturday unless otherwise marked)

(THU) TCU @ Texas Tech by 13

Edit: Finished!

Louisville @ Kentucky by 18
UCLA @ Nebraska by 4
Fresno State @ Colorado by 4 (too late for replacement huh? My sister said it was crazy out there with rain.)
Boston College @ USC by 4
Alabama @ Texas A&M by 13
Georgia Tech @ Duke by 17
Ohio State @ California by 11
Mississippi State @ Auburn by 4
Ole Miss @ Texas by 4
Oregon State @ Utah by 4
Wisconsin @ Arizona State by 4


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
(THU) TCU @ Texas Tech by 10
Louisville @ Kentucky by 21
UCLA @ Nebraska by 7
Fresno State @ Colorado by 9
Boston College @ USC by 7
Alabama @ Texas A&M by 17
Georgia Tech @ Duke by 10
Ohio State @ California by 13
Mississippi State @ Auburn by 10
Ole Miss @ Texas by 3
Oregon State @ Utah by 5
Wisconsin @ Arizona State by 3

I'm just hoping that Tennessee can somehow keep it a close game.
Things to look at for tonight's Tech v TCU game:

When Tech beat TCU in triple-overtime last year at their house, we didn't have any of our top-3 WRs, all due to injury. Ward will be covered all game by their star DB, who will play on Sundays, but TE Jace Amaro is a beast and a physical freak who will play on Sundays too, and will necessitate a safety coming over the middle on him, which should leave mismatches and running lanes for two of our fastest guys, Brad Marquez, and Jakeem Grant.

You guys who haven't seen Jakeem Grant yet may be in for a treat. He's a tiny dude, but he's Mr. Excitement when he touches the ball.

Devonte Fields is a bad dude, no doubt. But honestly, Tech has seen truly dominating guys like Suh and Orakpo in the past in this offense, and they've handled them. I think LaRaven Clark does the job tonight and keeps Fields from causing too much havoc.

The Jones will be ROCKING tonight. TCU returned 3K tickets (lol...nice fanbase) so Texas Tech should set a record for the number of students attending the game. Tortillas will fly.


GAF Pick'em Week 3 Games
(all games Saturday unless otherwise marked)

(THU) TCU @ Texas Tech by 6
Louisville @ Kentucky by 31
UCLA @ Nebraska by 5
Fresno State @ Colorado by 7
Boston College @ USC by 6
Alabama @ Texas A&M by 8
Georgia Tech @ Duke by 11
Ohio State @ California by 16
Mississippi State @ Auburn by 8
Ole Miss @ Texas by 5
Oregon State @ Utah by 6
Wisconsin @ Arizona State by 8


Re: the Spurrier vs. Ron Morris stuff: I... ehhhh... have mixed feelings about this. Most South Carolina fans who read The State couldn't stand Morris. I thought he was okay and at least called things as he saw them (even if he was overly negative and off the mark fairly often). It's notable that Spurrier didn't go off on Morris until he reported something Spurrier said was "completely fabricated", and then again when Morris compared the football program to Penn State's in the wake of the Sandusky scandal. (There's a pretty good take on the first incident here.)

That said, it doesn't seem right for a newspaper to say a sports team is off topic for a sportswriter. If you think the writer is doing a crappy job, fire him, but don't limit what he can write about.

Aaaaand just as I'm typing this, The State says that Morris is free to write about whatever he wants. So, uh, maybe that was a waste of a bunch of words.

Great. Another thing you've copied from us...calling a rival "Xerox ____".


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Still blows my mind that Kliff Kingsbury is the coach for Texas Tech. I still remember him breaking all those records like it was two years ago.
This is fucking embarrassing... What the fuck is going on, tech is shit and were making them look unstoppable. Glad I'm not in Fort Worth, oh well go tcu


Returner's hand never went above his head. It only went to shoulder height. Don't know how you can call that a fair catch signal.


Super Sleuth
Returner's hand never went above his head. It only went to shoulder height. Don't know how you can call that a fair catch signal.

I think NCAA and nfl rules are a bit different. Reading the ncaa rule book that definitely would have been a different call if they could look at a replay. Stuff like that should simply be reviewable.
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