You should get no credit for beating Golden's Miami after FSU beats them. They always quit after losing to us.
But they beat VT last week.
You should get no credit for beating Golden's Miami after FSU beats them. They always quit after losing to us.
But they beat VT last week.
Well, at least this quiets the people that were still talking about making it to the conference championship through some magical combination of wishing and prayer.
Tough loss.
What a weird game considering the time of possession.
You should get no credit for beating Golden's Miami after FSU beats them. They always quit after losing to us.
Apparently a car ran through a crowd at the Oklahoma State Homecoming Parade in Stillwater today. Absolutely terrible. 3 dead, 2 critical condition, 27 airlifted to hospitals as of now.
And all the charter flight and bus companies went 'fuck'
Did Spartans forget to pay the announcers today?
Man, I think this is 3 consecutive CBS games for us. Not sure how much more verne and gary I can take this year.
I thought it was the tv messing up
If the only two home games left on the schedule weren't Iowa & MSU I'd be willing to lay money on the streak ending this year. Next year will be the end instead.
Thought so as well at first. I enjoyed hearing the crowd's commentary, though.
In a turn of good slash bad news, I got laid off from work. Now I can continue to watch Saturday football, and do God's work after the game.
Not with that Oline.I have this funny feeling that OU is going to beat Baylor and TCU and get into the playoff.
the sellout streak will end one year after it actually does - some booster will buy out the tickets and give them away if it looks in danger at first, but nobody has the money to keep that going forever
I'm sorry Adam.. You can also push that local candidate that you talked about.
You don't think this guy does?
Apparently a car ran through a crowd at the Oklahoma State Homecoming Parade in Stillwater today. Absolutely terrible. 3 dead, 2 critical condition, 27 airlifted to hospitals as of now.
Warren is stingy as fuck with his money. Dude still drives his original 56 chevy truck.
the sellout streak will end one year after it actually does - some booster will buy out the tickets and give them away if it looks in danger at first
Joke post?
It's all good. I wanted to kill myself after every shift anyway. I actually started crying tears of joy when they let us go. The only thing that sucks is I spent a couple hundred dollars on a headset for the job. Not sure I can get that back.
Joke post?
No, that's exactly how he's seen inside the state. He's very frugal and, at least publicly, doesn't give a considerable amount to in state institutions and organizations.
You roleplay you are Tom Herman at McDonalds?
No. He literally drives his original truck.
.Tennessee tackling... not so good.