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College Football 2015 Week Four Thread: Keep Calm - There Is No God


I got grudge sucked!
Yep. We are awful. We may not win 5 games this season.

HEY HEY HEY! I have the market cornered on pessimistic ACC football fan here. I'm sure we will fuck up. Our QB is inexperienced. Our OC sucks. Coach Cut, for as good a coach as he is, will make really odd, borderline stupid decisions

I will be convinced we will lose until the game is over and Duke has more points.


10 years of losing to florida ends today.

The worst part isn't going to be losing to the Gators today it's going to have to deal with people calling for Butch's head till we win our next game.

I really do hope we break the streak but i learned a long time ago to go in with low expectations. That being said i have my gator bread from krogers, beer in the fridge and my sweet darth vader vols shirt on.


And Carolina is down to the Fighting O'Leary's

As a UF fan this saddens me. Come on Spur-dog! Go SC (except when playing UF)!

edit: Also I hope UF can keep the streak alive against the Vols like they did against UK. But I have my doubts.... Go Gators!


How was the Darboh catch? The radio announcers were raving.

Was like the Beckham catch. Sick af.

Definitely had a little bit of Odell's catch to it. Darboh twisted to the outside of the defender and reached back, nabbing it with one hand and bringing it in. He didn't quite get the full extension like OBJ's highlight but it was definitely impressive.

Michigan just starting to bully now, this is really exciting.
I dislike MIchigan but I hope they put up 60+ on the zoobs.

Duke had some super questionable coaching calls here in the late 2nd half-the long ball on 3rd and short when they couldn't realistically go for it on 4th if they missed, and declining a holding penalty on a play where there was no real significant lost yardage. I would have taken the holding penalty on the yards and trusted your defense/


You misspelled disgusting.

I, too, am upset that most of our fanbase is trash, but I'd rather at least one of my football teams do decently well this year
and the Detroit Lions sure aren't going to do shit in the NFL this year

That said, I would like for all the Harbaugh hype to go away for a while until he actually accomplishes something worthwhile with the team.


Poet Centuriate
22-0 huskers at the half. Husker O has looked okay but keeps getting stuffed in the redzone, only one TD and lots of FGs. Husker D looks okay too but secondary and pass D is still a damn joke. S. Miss looks largely listless but even then can blow up Nebraska's laughable D with all kinds of bombs, though the run D looks pretty solid.
I, too, am upset that most of our fanbase is trash, but I'd rather at least one of my football teams do decently well this year
and the Detroit Lions sure aren't going to do shit in the NFL this year

That said, I would like for all the Harbaugh hype to go away for a while until he actually accomplishes something worthwhile with the team.

I'm from Ohio. Therefore, on the football field at least, we must be mortal enemies.

I can never, ever, ever root for The Rivals. Sorry. :p

I will say, though, that I do like Detroit. Kinda that underdog mentality that makes me a Browns and Buccs fan.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
BYU and Harbaugh making scrub Rudock and the massively underperforming Michigan Blue look fantastic. Damn...

Nebraska is pitching a shutout so far...but had to kick 5 field goals and for only 1 TD in the first half...against Southern Miss. Damn, conference play is going to be rough this year.


Poet Centuriate
BYU and Harbaugh making scrub Rudock and the massively underperforming Michigan Blue look fantastic. Damn...

Nebraska is pitching a shutout so far...but had to kick 5 field goals and for only 1 TD in the first half...against Southern Miss. Damn, conference play is going to be rough this year.

We're so screwed


Just got caught up in the BYU game. Ugh, what the hell happened to our team? They look terrible, like they've already quit.

I think I'm going to quit too. I've been out of town all week and haven't got to play Destiny, so that's looking like a lot more fun than another half of this mess. We're making UNLV look like all stars compared to this.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
BYU and Harbaugh making scrub Rudock and the massively underperforming Michigan Blue look fantastic. Damn...

Nebraska is pitching a shutout so far...but had to kick 5 field goals and for only 1 TD in the first half...against Southern Miss. Damn, conference play is going to be rough this year.

Or maybe Rudock is finally getting used to an offense he's only had 2 months to learn.
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