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College Football 2015 Week Four Thread: Keep Calm - There Is No God


Poet Centuriate
We have a new contender for mascots with drug problems:


You need to get off your high horse


Nebraska just had their game securing FG blocked, so now So. Miss can try to tie with 30 seconds left.

This does not bode well.
I heard them say they took playcall authority from Ed. Good because Ed, focus on the line. FOCUS on that. That is what we have been waiting to see for the last two weeks and we all feel better
My CBS broadcast has no commentary in the game, just game sound, and most commercials are missing the voice track. I actually kind of like it. I've heard enough fucking Gary and Vern to last me a life time and fuck commercials.


That was more an INT than a fumble, but the original call was dumb as it should've been called a forward pass with PI than a fumble. Feel a bit bad for ECU there


Missed the last half of the MSU game and just got to where I could see the box score. Well, we won I guess. We are so doomed.
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