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College Football 2015 Week Seven: Meet Texas, your 2015 National Champions


Kiffin is the man for the job...again...IMO.


Why not?

Oregon State v. Washington State 77

Auburn (-2.5) v. Kentucky COVER
UCLA v. Stanford (-7.5) NO COVER

Mississippi (-9.5) v. Memphis COVER
Texas Tech (-34.5) v. Kansas NO COVER
Iowa (-6.5) v. Northwestern COVER
Alabama (-3.5) v. TAMU COVER
Michigan State v. Michigan (-6.5) COVER
BC v. Clemson (-17.5) NO COVER
Florida v. LSU (-7.5) COVER
USC v. Notre Dame (-9.5) COVER
PSU v. OSU (-16.5) NO COVER
Are that many out? I don't keep up because you know...why would I keep up with MSU. Is that why you guys have been struggling to beat trashcan teams?

About 12 players in the two-deep. It's been a factor, no doubt.

That's what I'm hoping for because lord knows we need a healthy, prepared line up. I'm thinking that Coach D has been holding LJ Scott back the past few games to make sure he's ready to go - all according to plan...?


Yeah, Dantonio's definitely trying to keep Scott and others healthy, he knows what he has in this team.

Injuries or no I expect the game to be an absolute war. And I expect a Spartan victory.
Oregon State v. Washington State - 85 attempted passes

Auburn (-2.5) v. Kentucky- COVER
UCLA v. Stanford (-7.5)- NO COVER

Mississippi (-9.5) v. Memphis - COVER
Texas Tech (-34.5) v. Kansas - NO COVER
Iowa (-6.5) v. Northwestern - NO COVER
Alabama (-3.5) v. TAMU - NO COVER
Michigan State v. Michigan (-6.5) - COVER
BC v. Clemson (-17.5) - NO COVER
Florida v. LSU (-7.5) - COVER
USC v. Notre Dame (-9.5) - NO COVER
PSU v. OSU (-16.5) - NO COVER


I wonder who USC goes after now. Herman? Chip? Sumlin?

Chip Kelly
Tom Herman
Kyle Whittingham
Hugh Freeze
Dan Mullen
Ed Orgeron

Who am I missing?

USC is, in a lot of ways, a lateral move for Sumlin at this point. With all the money A&M is pouring into that program he's got a pretty sweet arrangement. Plus the administration is probably more willing to look the other way on certain things compared to USC since USC is only starting to really recover from the scholarship losses.
I don't really see anyone from a non bottom tier SEC school leaving for USC. Going 10-2 at Ole Miss or aTm is a whole different ball game from going 10-2 at USC. At those schools you're basically one of the greatest coaches in school history if you manage that. Plus you're getting paid a ton and all you have to do to keep your job is upset Alabama every so often.


Predict the total number of passes attempted!
Oregon State v. Washington State - 82

Auburn (-2.5) v. Kentucky NO COVER
UCLA v. Stanford (-7.5) COVER

Mississippi (-9.5) v. Memphis COVER
Texas Tech (-34.5) v. Kansas NO COVER
Iowa (-6.5) v. Northwestern NO COVER
Alabama (-3.5) v. TAMU NO COVER
Michigan State v. Michigan (-6.5) NO COVER
BC v. Clemson (-17.5) NO COVER
Florida v. LSU (-7.5) COVER
USC v. Notre Dame (-9.5) NO COVER
PSU v. OSU (-16.5) COVER
Congrats fellow UCF fans.

This is the exact opposite of what they wanted him to do.

Goldeneye on suicide watch.

I am sooooo happy the announcement came today at least! Sorry pxleyes. :(

This is one of the worst teams I've ever seen play at any level. The cupboard is bare. Partially from NCAA sanctions and reduced scholarships (one year of which we inexplicably added to ourselves), we have recruited 2 WRs in the last 2 years, our OLine is TERRIBLE and the coach that was there previously was in line to be the new HC, we've had early NFL departures (should otherwise be a good problem to have), and just a mass amount of injuries. All a recipe for dumpster fire for the next few years. We currently have 4 recruits for 2016........

All except the NFL thing and injuries are on the coaches, though. GOL stepping down as AD is fine with me as I was always concerned with his ability to work with non-FB players/staff, be personable constantly, and give a shit about the politics of the role. He's even said throughout the season he doesn't really enjoy the politics side of everything.

So from here I'd like to see the following:

1. National AD search. GOL, despite this season, has put us on the map with the FB program and made us a more respectable name. I think we will see good demand for the role among other G5 ADs or 2nd in commands at P5 schools. Facilities, size, recent successes, location, etc., I think do make us a desirable job. Our finances are a concern, though. Just hard to compete with programs getting 15-20+million checks just from TV.

2. I don't want GOL to go out like this. I think the best route is for him to announce this is it this season. I haven't thought too much about the possibility of him staying on as coach only for another year or two. I'm leaning no because of the recruiting. Every coach in the country can point to his impending exit as a lack of commitment from the program. Hence our current 4 man recruitment class.

3. Brent Key. Our previous OLine coach and current OC. No way he can go on as OC or become the HC. He's a nice guy I hear and has been very loyal to GOL and the program and has been passionate, but either demotion or firing. His Oline unit has always been questionable except for years we were filled with studs he didn't even recruit. And I think I can call better offensive games than him. He just doesn't have it at this level at those positions.

I'll feel better if things play out like that. Sucks that O'Leary's last game might include getting destroyed by USF. I guess for old time sakes, why not. He could bookend his UCF career with 0-12 seasons. Started in 2004 0-12 and will end 2015 0-12! Crazy to think within that time frame there is a SEC bowl win, a BCS bowl win, top 10 rankings, etc.
Chip Kelly
Tom Herman
Kyle Whittingham
Hugh Freeze
Dan Mullen
Ed Orgeron

Who am I missing?

USC is, in a lot of ways, a lateral move for Sumlin at this point. With all the money A&M is pouring into that program he's got a pretty sweet arrangement. Plus the administration is probably more willing to look the other way on certain things compared to USC since USC is only starting to really recover from the scholarship losses.

Going through this:

Chip Kelly - not technically available, has West Coast experience/ties, has sketchy reputation with NCAA, doesn't run pro-style offense.

Tom Herman - has lots of college experience, ran successful offense at non traditional powers and traditional power, no ties or experience with the West Coast, very limited head coaching experience, offense isn't pro-style that I'm aware of.

Kyle Whittingham - has lots of college experience, has decent ties to West Coast from being in MWC/Pac 12, runs a fairly pro-style offense, has produced quality assistants, mediocre results as coach in Pac 12 so far, appears to be squeaky clean off the field.

Hugh Freeze - spent entire career in the south, has produced big time offenses (not sure if pro-style or not), has winning record as head coach in the SEC, no known off the field issues.

Dan Mullen - mostly spent career in the South with some time on the East coast, zero ties to the West Coast, has coached big time offenses, offense is not pro-style, has helped coach a Heisman trophy winner, third all time in Wins at Miss St already (with a whopping 50).

Ed Orgeron - Former Pete Carroll assistant credited with helping produce some of the best defensive lines in school history, limited and unsuccessful head coaching experience at two major division schools (USC and Ole Miss), well known recruiter, some history of off the field incidents.
So....when does Pat Haden get fired? So far his two biggest signings have been massive failures.

As for the Trojans...for the love of god NOBODY with any prior link to the program, especially not to Pete Carroll. They've gone to that well too many times. It's time to say goodbye to that era. It's over and never coming back. I'd love for them to have the balls to pluck some young, hot up and coming assistant from Baylor or TAMU or something, somebody way out of left field who can create a system around the crazy athletes SoCal constantly produces at the skill positions.
Why didn't USC just stick with Ed? I mean the team played their ass off for the guy and wanted him to be the full-time head coach after Kiffin.

So....when does Pat Haden get fired? So far his two biggest signings have been massive failures.

As for the Trojans...for the love of god NOBODY with any prior link to the program, especially not to Pete Carroll. They've gone to that well too many times. It's time to say goodbye to that era. It's over and never coming back. I'd love for them to have the balls to pluck some young, hot up and coming assistant from Baylor or TAMU or something, somebody way out of left field who can create a system around the crazy athletes SoCal constantly produces at the skill positions.

He fucked this hire up so bad that I don't know how the school has any confidence in him. I mean that and he basically kicks Sark when he is down instead of quietly taking care of it in the offseason. It is foolish.

And to your second point.. You are looking at the wrong Texas school for a new head coach. You may want to start looking here.
Why didn't USC just stick with Ed? I mean the team played their ass off for the guy and wanted him to be the full-time head coach after Kiffin.

Concerns about his track record, and his losses to the teams two key rivals are cited pretty heavily. There were other things mentioned at the time but considering the fiasco that is the Sark hire I doubt many of them were true.

I wonder if the Eagles front office considered this.

I think that was part of why they hired him. His offense was the in vogue style and he'd won consistently with it at two different levels. Of course he'd also proven that he couldn't win against certain types of teams with it (ie ones with superior defensive lines) and that it really required a certain type of QB (one with athleticism and accuracy) and so what has he done? Jettisoned his offensive line and acquired a sketchy QB with no knees.

Did any of those people coach under Pete Carroll?

Matt Leinart for HC

The team rallied around Ed O, but I don't think he's HC material, at least not at a place like SC where you basically have to win 10 games every year to get people off your ass.

Chip Kelly would be a dream hire but I don't think he will be available, and if/when he does, Texas would probably outbid anyone for his services.

USC seems to love going after retreads. Look at some of the names that get thrown out when they have an opening: Jack Del Rio, Mike Riley, or people with ties to Pete Carroll. They don't seem very progressive at all to me. Knowing the people pulling the strings at SC, the next head coach will be Jeff Fisher after the Rams can his ass.
Matt Leinart for HC

The team rallied around Ed O, but I don't think he's HC material, at least not at a place like SC where you basically have to win 10 games every year to get people off your ass.

Chip Kelly would be a dream hire but I don't think he will be available, and if/when he does, Texas would probably outbid anyone for his services.

USC seems to love going after retreads. Look at some of the names that get thrown out when they have an opening: Jack Del Rio, Mike Riley, or people with ties to Pete Carroll. They don't seem very progressive at all to me. Knowing the people pulling the strings at SC, the next head coach will be Jeff Fisher after the Rams can his ass.

Eh.. It just seemed like it was a missed opportunity with the little I saw of SC under O and how the kids liked him is all.

Texas isn't firing Charlie now. Not after they pulled off the Upset against the Sooners, that win could get them to bowl eligibility if i recall Longhorn-Gaf correctly saying that they needed to beat WVU, Oklahoma, or Texas Tech to make a bowl as well as beat the teams they should beat (Kansas). So since Texas is off the market, there is no reason SC should be outbid by anyone if Chip does indeed decide/forced to come back to College.
Which is weird given how massively successful their last out-of-the-blue hire was. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm remembering correctly that Carroll was considered a weird choice and the fanbase was pretty upset about the hire.

Carroll was kind of a retread, as he had failed at two NFL stops. He was a pretty controversial hire, and the sentiment back then was that SC had to "settle" for him since nobody else would come. Still Carroll was an outlier though. Most head coaches that have been bad or mediocre at multiple stops...are just bad or mediocre coaches. You aren't going to change that. The game has changed a lot too. A lot of the reason USC would lose recruits to places like Oregon was that the offensive system they ran was seen as more exciting and would get you on highlight reels and Sportscenter more often. SC is in danger of falling into the trap of being dated or archaic, if they haven't already. The administration needs to change with the times.
Yeah, exactly.
People have been arguing Haden should be fired alongside Sark. But to be honest it's less "urgent" to fire Haden than it is Sark.

I predict Haden lasts until the end of the school year, or at least the end of the current semester (Mid December at USC), unless things get really bad.

Which is weird given how massively successful their last out-of-the-blue hire was. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm remembering correctly that Carroll was considered a weird choice and the fanbase was pretty upset about the hire.

If I remember correctly weren't Dennis Erickson (oh god he's coached at every Pac 12 school) and Mike Riley the biggest names? Riley turned the interest into a deal with the Chargers which flamed out and Erickson I think didn't want to work for Mike Garrett so Pete Carroll was like the third or fourth choice and considered a disaster by the alumni.

The thing is though, the college football landscape has changed so much since then. With guys like Saban and Chizik (and yes I realize Chizik is an exception) and Meyer and Harbaugh coming in and turning programs into MNC contenders in like year 1 or year 2, you aren't given as much leeway at a traditional power as you would be at a tier 2 school.
Chip Kelly
Tom Herman
Kyle Whittingham
Hugh Freeze
Dan Mullen
Ed Orgeron

Who am I missing?

USC is, in a lot of ways, a lateral move for Sumlin at this point. With all the money A&M is pouring into that program he's got a pretty sweet arrangement. Plus the administration is probably more willing to look the other way on certain things compared to USC since USC is only starting to really recover from the scholarship losses.

If you're worried about usc not looking the other way due to their recent probation, Hugh Freeze is probably not the guy you want.
Why didn't USC just stick with Ed? I mean the team played their ass off for the guy and wanted him to be the full-time head coach after Kiffin.
One of the main arguments seems to be that Orgeron wouldn't have brought in the $$$, and Nikias is VERY focused on the $$$.

I predict Haden lasts until the end of the school year, or at least the end of the current semester (Mid December at USC), unless things get really bad.
One of the main arguments seems to be that Orgeron wouldn't have brought in the $$$, and Nikias is VERY focused on the $$$.

It's USC. The thing that brings in the money is this word that starts with a W. I don't get why they are concerned about a sexy pick. It's still one of the top ten programs in the country that coaches who aren't there would die to get.
It's USC. The thing that brings in the money is this word that starts with a W. I don't get why they are concerned about a sexy pick. It's still one of the top ten programs in the country that coaches who aren't there would die to get.

I agree, but the boosters have too much influence and I don't think they liked the Orgeron pick
I was reading up on the twitter fallout from the Sark fire and someone mentioned Pat Fitzgerald at Northwestern and Troy Calhoun at Air Force, both of which are pretty interesting candidates but have zero experience with the booster relations and glitz that comes with USC.
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