Yes, please.Please drag Florida down with you Auburn, please.
USC WR George Farmer tore his ACL. Going to redshirt this year.
Please drag Florida down with you Auburn, please.
Pretty sure we've only ever had one Auburn fan, returning again and again.
CouldBeWorse said:While I don't doubt that most of these allegations are at least somewhat true, the source of the article ("I hate Duke" Selena Roberts) and the source of the information (bitter criminal Mike McNeil) are highly questionable. Especially with the former players recanting most of their (alleged) statements. Without physical evidence, I'm not sure where this actually goes.
To address the actual allegations, the money part doesn't really bother me but as an Auburn graduate who worked my ass off in school while working nearly full-time (summa cum laude!), changing grades does piss me off. Players should understand their obligations and their consequences for not making their grades, and if we don't think certain players can make the grade, then don't recruit them. Talent be damned.
Also, this stuff happens ALL OF THE TIME in every major program and frankly, it always has. Every school is just a bitter, scorned player away from having similar allegations.
It's Matt's annual appearance! Seems to always coincide with new allegations regarding Auburn.
I bet students at Auburn are furious. It's one thing to have suspicions that athletes have different standards academically but to have it confirmed? That's awful.
Or when his ban is up from making fun of the Wii. I am sure he would have thoroughly enjoyed thoughtful discussion about the Wii U. RIP
You don't know Auburn students that well. They will be more furious about being on probation than athletes cheating.
:camnewtonWhile I don't doubt that most of these allegations are at least somewhat true, the source of the article ("I hate Duke" Selena Roberts) and the source of the information (bitter criminal Mike McNeil) are highly questionable. Especially with the former players recanting most of their (alleged) statements. Without physical evidence, I'm not sure where this actually goes.
To address the actual allegations, the money part doesn't really bother me but as an Auburn graduate who worked my ass off in school while working nearly full-time (summa cum laude!), changing grades does piss me off. Players should understand their obligations and their consequences for not making their grades, and if we don't think certain players can make the grade, then don't recruit them. Talent be damned.
Also, this stuff happens ALL OF THE TIME in every major program and frankly, it always has. Every school is just a bitter, scorned player away from having similar allegations.
Uh-oh. Someone brought it to the main board. Cue the "shut down all programs" posts.
Yeah, but remember the stupidity that ensued with Sandusky? So far, the only good part about being in community.
Just to let it be known, I always thought the older UGA logo looked like he was at the tail end of a strenuous dump.
This logo is the Georgia equivalent of our:
which they gave us after taking away our:
It won't be long before you miss this:
but it will be too late for that. I know they say that they're not getting rid of your old logo, but you know it will be transitioned out in favor of the new logo.
What a horrible logo (like our "modernized" logo), and I hope, for your sake, that they realize their mistake quickly.
Also, you should feel bad for making it your avatar.
Actually I do feel bad. I don't like it. The old logo was so much better. I have a sticker of that on my car. I just put my avatar up because I got tired of that special Auburn girl.
I fixed the glitch. I'll be able to sleep better tonight.
I think Cyan had an anuerysm over in the Auburn scandal thread.
I did not expect to ensnare one of CFB-GAF's own, that's for sure.You are a madman, mre. A madman!
Peter Berkes @runthedive
Mark Emmert, distributing the bitchface with reckless abandon
@RachelAGeorge: To Dennis Dodd, who wrote Emmert should be out, "By the way, thx for the career advice. Kept my job anyway."
Nicole Auerbach ✔ @NicoleAuerbach
As he walks off stage, Emmert tells @dennisdoddcbs: "I'm still here. I know you're disappointed, but here I am."
Dan Wolken @DanWolken
Never seen an Emmert presser this feisty. Taking shots at Dodd, going at it with Joe Nocera. Crazy.
Cecil Hurt @CecilHurt
Mark Emmert was just a double-fisted-bird farewell away from a Marshall Henderson performance today.
Auburn - gets off scot free.
Rutgers - death penalty.
I'm already prepared. It's a big enough target that it will scare everyone into submission. A small enough target that it won't hurt the bottom line.
Auburn - gets off scot free.
Rutgers - death penalty.
I'm already prepared. It's a big enough target that it will scare everyone into submission. A small enough target that it won't hurt the bottom line.
I don't want to be a laughingstock. I don't want to always be on the defensive.
Yes, you would think that McNeil should have a Halo. I liked the part about how he did "B" work in a class, but never showed up so he got a "F." That sounds like the behavior of a kid who always makes the right decisions.So I finally just read the article. I had no clue that Mike McNeil was such a saint! Selena Roberts is providing better PR for him than any PR agency could hope to provide because she's doing it in the "guise" of journalism, where if she writes it, it must be true!
Seriously, though, that paints a pretty damning picture of the state of big-time college football in small town America. I hope that it's not true but fear that it is. Aspects of the story do seem exaggerated for dramatic effect, but I'm sure there is some truth to all of the allegations. If the allegations are found to be truthful and provable, Auburn should suffer the punishment that they deserve for breaking the rules. It's as simple as that.
I will always love Auburn but I want to be proud of my school. I don't want to be a laughingstock. I don't want to always be on the defensive. If we have to be 3-9 for three more years until we weed out all of the bad elements, so be it. If we have to completely replace the administration, the police leadership, and the city leadership who are all bought and owned by the Auburn athletics machine, so be it.
Malzahn and his staff are on a VERY short leash and must run everything by the book from this point forward, if they haven't been already.
Is there some sort of aggregate list of all the SEC teams that have been on probation the last 20 years or so? When's the last time the conference was 100% probation free?
Look out, guys. The Louisville fan is going all Notre Dame on us.
Is there some sort of aggregate list of all the SEC teams that have been on probation the last 20 years or so? When's the last time the conference was 100% probation free?
What kind of probation we talking? The real kind with postseason bans or the bullshit wrist slap don't talk to recruits as much maybe a reduction in a scholly or two kind? Cause if it is the latter that will never happen for a major conference ever again.
Postseason ban + probation for 2-3 years or whatever after.
What does Louisville have to do with a universal fact such as the SEC is always dirty?
I don't think there are any schools on it right now. We were pretty close in both sports but somehow weaseled our way out of it.
Oh please, Rutgers basketball was dead already with half our team transferring. You could suspsend the team from the post season and it would spare us the embarassement fo losing to a team in the first game of the Big 10 tournament.
I don't like Dodd, I'm glad Emmert gave him shit.
Fair enough.
I'm not going to bump the GAF thread at this point. However, the University is cleaning house. They just bumped off the General Counsel. Pernetti's next. Barchi is probably on the block as well. The NCAA is probably going to give us an accelerated review, Penn State style. I just know it. Perfect program to make an example of...
This is worse than my worst case scenarios. We're going to get screwed worse than Baylor for murder-gate.
Fair enough.
I'm not going to bump the GAF thread at this point. However, the University is cleaning house. They just bumped off the General Counsel. Pernetti's next. Barchi is probably on the block as well. The NCAA is probably going to give us an accelerated review, Penn State style. I just know it. Perfect program to make an example of...
This is worse than my worst case scenarios. We're going to get screwed worse than Baylor for murder-gate.
Over just the coach being a prick? Is there other stuff I missed at Rutgers?