evil solrac v3.0
Blader5489 said:0%
Some guy (who gets his books a week early) posted on another forum that it doesn't reveal Rulk's identity.
how reliable is this poster?
Blader5489 said:0%
Some guy (who gets his books a week early) posted on another forum that it doesn't reveal Rulk's identity.
Christopher said:Didn't Ultimate Spiderman #1 suppose to come out this week? I was looking foward to finally starting fresh with Spiderman.
Also no X-Men Forever this week?
omg rite said:On that note, DC have put out their full October solicitations. Some good stuff: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=22105
Mistouze said:Hmmm it took me this to notice that there's a new Doom Patrol series written by Giffen in the near future. I'm not particularly knowledgeable about his work but I'm loving Morrison's run.
I've only read Giffen first TPB of Justice League International, should I expect good stuff for this?
Blader5489 said:Some guy (who gets his books a week early) posted on another forum that it.doesn't reveal Rulk's identity
Bowser said:You've got another 3 weeks until Ultimate Spider-Man, that and Ultimate Avengers launch August 12th.
omg rite said:Wish you would have spoiler tagged that, since it's a spoiler. I was looking forward to seeing whether or not it happens on my own.
August 12th is going to be a very fun week for the GAF thread:
Blackest Night #2
The Marvels Project #1
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1
Ultimate Comics Avengers #1
Blackest Night: Batman #1
Green Lantern Corps #39
BobTheFork said:I;m just really wondering aboutthe rings for hawkman and girl coming out of the mouth of "Bruce's" skull. That's the skull he specifically picked so I wonder if he NEEDED that skull to make the rings and what it means
Blader5489 said:0%
Some guy (who gets his books a week early) posted on another forum that it doesn't reveal Rulk's identity.
Mistouze said:Hmmm it took me this to notice that there's a new Doom Patrol series written by Giffen in the near future. I'm not particularly knowledgeable about his work but I'm loving Morrison's run.
I've only read Giffen first TPB of Justice League International, should I expect good stuff for this?
Theres a reasonobly priced one in the Amazon marketplaceTokubetsu said:I'm having a really tough time finding a copy of Hack/Slash Omnibus V1. Amazon has it listed but a "1 to 4 months" shipping time, instocktrades doesn't have it and I'd really like to use half/ebay as a last resort. Any help?
Tokubetsu said:I'm having a really tough time finding a copy of Hack/Slash Omnibus V1. Amazon has it listed but a "1 to 4 months" shipping time, instocktrades doesn't have it and I'd really like to use half/ebay as a last resort. Any help?
And I swear to god if Atom eve is dead in the new issue of Invincible I will find kirkman myself and split him down the fucking middle.
What is there to spoiler tag? Look at the fuckin' cover.ReconYoda said:Is it so hard to use spoiler tags? Some of just trade wait certain titles. So, yeah, thanks.
omg_rite said:It actually had nothing to do with the fact that it was Bruce Wayne's skull. He just happened to have some rings chilling in his head.
Until Harry is is corpse again, I don't think it goes awayBattleMonkey said:Have they retconned the stupid 'One more Day' garbage or is Spidey still "all fresh and new" by recycling shit we read already back in the 60's-70's?
BattleMonkey said:Have they retconned the stupid 'One more Day' garbage or is Spidey still "all fresh and new" by recycling shit we read already back in the 60's-70's?
BattleMonkey said:Have they retconned the stupid 'One more Day' garbage or is Spidey still "all fresh and new" by recycling shit we read already back in the 60's-70's?
Coated paper! Praise the Saint of Killers. I can lose my Preacher TPBs now, looks like we have a definitive edition.Publishers Weekly said:Reprinted on the same heavy glossy paper that Vertigo used for the first trade paperback (newsprint was used for some of the later volumes), the series is being reorganized into thick hardback volumes, the first one clocking in at a hefty 352 pages and reprinting issues 1-12
Warren Ellis said:* PLANETARY #27 comes out in October, Im told.
* FELL #10 is underway right now on this end, so dont bug Ben. Were on it. Itll be a while before its ready.
* DESOLATION JONES remains in temporary limbo for various reasons. Wildstorm and I are working on it, is all you need to know.
* NEWUNIVERSAL remains on pause while Steve and I do an IRON MAN thing, and well return to finish it once were done. Scheduling was the enemy after the loss of the computer, there were only so many scripts and stories I could reconstitute simultaneously, and ASTONISHING X-MEN trumped it on the scheduling.
* Phil Jiminez just turned in his first ASTONISHING X-MEN issue. I love working with Phil.
Warren Ellis said:I wrote a short graphic novel really more of a novelette or short story called RED. It was illustrated brilliantly by Cully Hamner. It was a creator-owned work. Summit Entertainment acquired the film rights last year.
And, yes, according to Variety, Morgan Freeman is now in talks to co-star in the putative film adaptation alongside Bruce Willis.
Ex Machina hardcover #2 FINALLY announced. Thought they might have cancelled the HC run, considering how far behind the trades they were. A year and a half between HCs.EX MACHINA DELUXE EDITION VOL. 2 HC
Written by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Tony Harris & Tom Feister and
Chris Sprouse & Karl Story
Cover by Tony Harris
In this new, deluxe volume collecting issues #12-20 of the hit series along with EX MACHINA SPECIAL #1-2, Mayor Mitchell Hundred must make a difficult decision about his own future, becomes part of a shocking trial complicated by the unexpected arrival of an all-new Super Hero, and leaves New York City for the first time since his election to embark on a strange adventure. Plus, shocking tragedy strikes an Iraq War protest in downtown Manhattan.
Advance-solicited; on sale December 2 272 pg, FC, $29.99 US MATURE READERS
I think so. Brand New Day started off strange but once it hit it's second/third story arc I think it was fantastic. I'm playing catchup currently at issue 590, but the last story arc I read about the Menace character I thought was pretty good. Also, overall I don't read much Marvel. I'm mostly DC. I've enjoyed this arc alot and if you don't read Wolverine the "Old Man Logan" story was a great time to jump in as well.SephCast said:Question for Amazing Spider-man readers:
I haven't read since One More Day. Is ASM worth getting back into? I'm thinking about buying books 544-600.
SephCast said:Question for Amazing Spider-man readers:
I haven't read since One More Day. Is ASM worth getting back into? I'm thinking about buying books 544-600.
EviLore said:Nice to see trade releases in the comic thread OP, omg rite. Good job.
Mr_Kitty_Fantastico said:I'm just getting back into it as well. It's a mixed bag. The major story lines (New Ways to Die, Character Assassination, etc..) are all really good, but there is also some crap (basically anything Bob Gale wrote). All in all, I found the good to far outweigh the bad.
I thought Kraven's daughter story was good.Mr_Kitty_Fantastico said:I'm just getting back into it as well. It's a mixed bag. The major story lines (New Ways to Die, Character Assassination, etc..) are all really good, but there is also some crap (basically anything Bob Gale wrote). All in all, I found the good to far outweigh the bad.
I didn't like the last 7 or 8 issues that much but besides those its been ok besides the Freak stuff.SephCast said:Question for Amazing Spider-man readers:
I haven't read since One More Day. Is ASM worth getting back into? I'm thinking about buying books 544-600.
omg rite said:Ugh, yes. Thankfully, they seemed to have sat him in a corner. He hasn't written anything in ASM since early last summer. Over a year now, I think.
SanjuroTsubaki said:I thought Kraven's daughter story was good.
You could be right. The Freak did suck.Mr_Kitty_Fantastico said:I think Guggenheim wrote that one.
SanjuroTsubaki said:You could be right. The Freak did suck.
Special SUPER-sized, ACTION-packed 104-page special to commemorate Deadpool's historic 900th issue! ... Wait, has it really been nine-hundred issues...? Who cares! If this collection of octane-infused stories by some of comics' hottest talent doesn't make you want to genuflect at the Altar of Wade, nothing will. Thrill as the Merc with a Mouth squares off against probe-happy aliens, trigger-happy mimes and one seriously unhappy fanman - and that's just half the book! Wince as Wade bares his soul (and lots more) to a shrink who's got major squirrels in his own attic. Thrill as he travels around the globe and then some to settle a childhood bet. And chill as C.S.I. investigators at a blood-splattered crime scene attempt to piece together why this particular "unsub" needed battery cables, Crisco oil, three stacks of adult magazines and a live chicken to pull off the hit.
104 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$4.99
WordAssassin said:What is there to spoiler tag? Look at the fuckin' cover.
krypt0nian said:![]()
So bright all other books live in deep shadow this week.
DiDio just gave it away on Newsarama. Whoops!evil solrac v3.0 said:all that matters is superboy prime's fate, not conner's. we already know he's back on earth during blackest night.