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Comic Book Day, 7/22/09: Amazing Spider-Man #600, Incredible Hulk #600, Power Girl #3

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Darwyn Cooke's adaptation of The Hunter (the first novel in Richard Stark's wonderfully hard boiled Parker series) is probably going to be the best comic of the year and will be well worth the twenty-five bucks the hardcover will cost you. There's a preview online to help convince you of this, as well as a terrific interview with both Cooke and Ed Brubaker at The Comics Reporter and a nice write-up in the LA Times. I strongly recommend that anyone here with even a remote interest in crime fiction check it out.

evil solrac v3.0 said:
all that matters is superboy prime's fate, not conner's. we already know he's back on earth during blackest night.

Conner's just on the cover. I'm just happy to see my Legion in action!

And I'm all over the The Hunter and anything else Cooke puts out!


I need to get back into collecting Green Lantern, I have a complete set of Vol 3 # 1 - 183... I stopped collecting on Vol 4 # 6 or 7... Kyle was always my favorite GL :D


FnordChan said:

Darwyn Cooke's adaptation of The Hunter (the first novel in Richard Stark's wonderfully hard boiled Parker series) is probably going to be the best comic of the year and will be well worth the twenty-five bucks the hardcover will cost you. There's a preview online to help convince you of this, as well as a terrific interview with both Cooke and Ed Brubaker at The Comics Reporter and a nice write-up in the LA Times. I strongly recommend that anyone here with even a remote interest in crime fiction check it out.


So bought. (Amazon has it going for 16 bucks: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...c_mri?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance)

I might pick it up along with Dames, Dolls and Gun Molls


Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2
Gotham City Sirens #2
Green Lantern #44
Amazing Spider-Man #600
Runaways #12

With comics being pretty expensive where I live this is pretty much all I can get.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Got around to reading Fell vol 1, after seeing that it's being worked on again. I'm generally not into episodic storytelling much, but Ellis does it well (see: Global Frequency), and it doesn't stand still in its characterization. Dig Templesmith's art, and choosing such a fucked up setting allows for the police procedural to have an interesting edge to it. Good stuff.
EviLore said:
Got around to reading Fell vol 1, after seeing that it's being worked on again. I'm generally not into episodic storytelling much, but Ellis does it well (see: Global Frequency), and it doesn't stand still in its characterization. Dig Templesmith's art, and choosing such a fucked up setting allows for the police procedural to have an interesting edge to it. Good stuff.

It's among my favorite's of Ellis' work. It's got the inspired ingenuity of something like Global Frequency because he has to come up with a new hook each issue, but since it's focused on a core cast, he can get a lot more detailed with the characters. Great book.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Yo, Comic-Gaf, I finally gave in and rejoined your ranks today.

I bought myself issues 122-present of Ultimate Spider-Man. That was always my favorite book.

I tried to get Blackest Night, but they were sold out.

So, Basically, I think I want to get into about 4 books a month.

I know I want to keep up with these:
1. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man
2. Amazing Spider-Man

Any suggestions for 3 and 4?

How is the Batman stuff going right now?


SephCast said:
Yo, Comic-Gaf, I finally gave in and rejoined your ranks today.

I bought myself issues 122-present of Ultimate Spider-Man. That was always my favorite book.

I tried to get Blackest Night, but they were sold out.

So, Basically, I think I want to get into about 4 books a month.

I know I want to keep up with these:
1. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man
2. Amazing Spider-Man

Any suggestions for 3 and 4?

How is the Batman stuff going right now?
Batman is massively erect at every corner.

Batman & Robin leading the way along with two Dini series alongside and Red Robin looking very interesting. Only one I didn't care for was Detective Comics, but everyone else enjoyed it and the artwork was beautiful.


Super Member
if you aren't strict about company character sets you can pick up Blackest Night for some clean wholesome fun

it just started too!

edit: lol I missed that part of your post :lol :lol :lol


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Well, yeah. I'm definitely getting Blackest Night. Hearing about crazy dead zombie lanterns and some people dying reignited my comic love.


Dead said:
Wow, I had no idea The Hunter was going to be an OGN. I thought it would a mini-series.

Cooke has mentioned in interviews that if The Hunter does well - and I'm optimistic that it will - then he'd like to adapt up to three more Parker novels, not necessarily in order. So, with luck we'll get a mini-series of graphic novels, which is the best kind of mini-series.

EviLore, glad to hear Fell is going to be coming back from it's hiatus and that you're giving it a go. I don't think Ellis has really been hitting on all cylinders for a while now, but I really enjoyed Fell and am totally stoked for more.



SephCast said:
Yo, Comic-Gaf, I finally gave in and rejoined your ranks today.

I bought myself issues 122-present of Ultimate Spider-Man. That was always my favorite book.

I tried to get Blackest Night, but they were sold out.

So, Basically, I think I want to get into about 4 books a month.

I know I want to keep up with these:
1. Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man
2. Amazing Spider-Man

Any suggestions for 3 and 4?

How is the Batman stuff going right now?

Definitely pick up Batman & Robin by Grant Morrison. It's only had two issues, so I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to find them relatively easily. It's pretty great.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Tackled a bit more of the backlog pile tonight, with Invincible hardcover 4 (#36-47). I was considering dropping Invincible, after one too many encounters with the impossibly vapid relationship melodrama and meandering plot, but I think I'll stick with it and get book 5 when it comes out. This section didn't grate on me too badly, and while there wasn't quite enough ridiculous ultraviolence it mostly held my interest. And the art, man, can't get enough of the art.

Still, at times I wonder why I read anything by Kirkman. He feels required to make all his characters annoying argumentative morons and throw them in sandboxes for hundreds of pages at a time. None of it's what I'd call tightly plotted storytelling, either. Looking at the script in the back of this Invincible hardcover, it's 99% dialogue and just ludicrously sparse, which means that you could just give Ryan Ottley a 20 page outline of the entire Invincible story and he'd probably do a better job with it, since I don't even like Kirkman's dialogue.

Maybe that's too harsh. Invincible and Walking Dead, though, are definitely books I like more conceptually and during the small sections where meaningful things are happening than when I'm trugging through the annoying people arguing with each other.
EviLore said:
Tackled a bit more of the backlog pile tonight, with Invincible hardcover 4 (#36-47). I was considering dropping Invincible, after one too many encounters with the impossibly vapid relationship melodrama and meandering plot, but I think I'll stick with it and get book 5 when it comes out. This section didn't grate on me too badly, and while there wasn't quite enough ridiculous ultraviolence it mostly held my interest. And the art, man, can't get enough of the art.

Damn, I really like Invincible for almost all it's entire run - which is something I find completely rare with the superhero genre. The only part I didn't like was the build up to and including issue #50. The whole
break-up with Cecil and the government
felt way too forced and was written with a poorly conceived cross-over. It picks up after that though, especially with the recent
"girlfriend in a fridge"


Damn, i just read through all the Green Lantern Trades that came today from amazon. Tell me if im missing anything, i got:Rebirth,No Fear,Revenge of the Green Lanterns,Wanted,Sinestro Corps 1-2,Tales of the Sinestro Corps, and Secret Origin.

Double D

ReconYoda said:
Damn, i just read through all the Green Lantern Trades that came today from amazon. Tell me if im missing anything, i got:Rebirth,No Fear,Revenge of the Green Lanterns,Wanted,Sinestro Corps 1-2,Tales of the Sinestro Corps, and Secret Origin.

Damn, man, you read all that in a day? I was pretty impressed by myself for reading the whole sinestro corps war in a day. You really hammered that shit out! Anyways, it looks like your good. I guess you can try and get the Rage of the Red Lanterns as well as the Agent Orange arc. They aren't in trades yet, but they lead right into Blackest Night.
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Batman is massively erect at every corner.

Batman & Robin leading the way along with two Dini series alongside and Red Robin looking very interesting. Only one I didn't care for was Detective Comics, but everyone else enjoyed it and the artwork was beautiful.

I agree with Sanjuro's recommendations. If you a looking for straight up superhero books, I would also suggest Invincible . It's almost completely self contained, so you won't have to worry about crossovers and stuff.


ASM #600. Now that's how an anniversary issue should be done. Not focusing on some game changing huge plot twist, but a damn good story. Loved all the supporting cast interaction and cameos from the other heroes.

Oh, and the Spider-Man/
fake cover made me laugh out loud. As did the Spider-Mobile backup. :lol


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
has anyone read legion #5 yet? i need to know if the spoilers that have been leaked are true......


Parallax said:
has anyone read legion #5 yet? i need to know if the spoilers that have been leaked are true......

I didn't bother getting it, but the guy who runs my local comic shop said he didn't like the ending. Dunno what actually happened though.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
omg rite said:
I didn't bother getting it, but the guy who runs my local comic shop said he didn't like the ending. Dunno what actually happened though.

if what i read is true, DC is truly fucked up towards prime.....


ReconYoda said:
Damn, i just read through all the Green Lantern Trades that came today from amazon. Tell me if im missing anything, i got:Rebirth,No Fear,Revenge of the Green Lanterns,Wanted,Sinestro Corps 1-2,Tales of the Sinestro Corps, and Secret Origin.
Rage of the Red Lanterns just came out. After that you're either going to be waiting a long time or reading single issues.

I'd also recommend the GLC books. I think there are 3 before it connects with Sinestro Corps, and I think one more trade has come out since then.



I just read the spoilers.

What the fuck?

After punching his future Time Trapper self, TT is destroyed and Superboy Prime is blasted back to Earth-Prime (recreated during the 2nd Crisis it seems), where his family is alive, well...and disgusted by his actions.

For, you see.....they've been reading INFINITE CRISIS and LO3W too.....

He's US!!!! He's finished reading LO3W (finally! so long to wait for #5!) and HE'S TAKING TO THE INTERNET TO BITCH ABOUT IT!!!!!!!


you speak so well
Zachack said:
Rage of the Red Lanterns just came out. After that you're either going to be waiting a long time or reading single issues.

I'd also recommend the GLC books. I think there are 3 before it connects with Sinestro Corps, and I think one more trade has come out since then.

Two more GLC trades (Ring Quest + Sins of the Star Sapphires). I'd also recommend picking up the recent singles for the respective two series, they lead directly into Blackest Night (39-44+ for GL, 33-38+ for GLC).

WHAT THE FUCK at those spoilers above :lol :lol


Vik_Vaughn said:
Damn, man, you read all that in a day? I was pretty impressed by myself for reading the whole sinestro corps war in a day. You really hammered that shit out! Anyways, it looks like your good. I guess you can try and get the Rage of the Red Lanterns as well as the Agent Orange arc. They aren't in trades yet, but they lead right into Blackest Night.

Yea, well, Rebirth and Tales of the Corps havnt come in yet, but the rest i read. And i started reading Green Lantern in singles beginning with Rage of the Red Lanterns. I was just making sure i had everything up to that point, thanks though.


Tucah said:
Two more GLC trades (Ring Quest + Sins of the Star Sapphires). I'd also recommend picking up the recent singles for the respective two series, they lead directly into Blackest Night (39-44+ for GL, 33-38+ for GLC).

WHAT THE FUCK at those spoilers above :lol :lol

I think i started reading GLC with Sins of the Star Sapphires. But I will pick up ring quest, thanks.


omg rite said:
... You're not really going to pay $800 for a sketch variant.

No I mean, the variants are like 100+ a piece. So if they are doing a 1/250 sketch variant for each itd be really awesome to have a set.


ReconYoda said:
I think i started reading GLC with Sins of the Star Sapphires. But I will pick up ring quest, thanks.
I'd say just start with Recharge and read them all. They're good.

And I thought those LO3W spoilers were a joke from SA? The punchline being
Superboy-Prime becomes EIC of DC Comics


Zachack said:
I'd say just start with Recharge and read them all. They're good.

And I thought those LO3W spoilers were a joke from SA? The punchline being
Superboy-Prime becomes EIC of DC Comics

Its funny you should mention recharge, because i bought that today since it had Johns name on it.


I can't decide if the ending is the greatest ending in the history of mini series or the dumbest fucking thing ever.
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