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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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I can't read these Marvel liveblogs. It is an embarrassment of fanboys going nuts for every single bit of info or artwork. OMG PLEASE LET HYDRA BE IN IT, I'D GO CRAZZZY! OMG, THIS IS WHY I READ MARVEL!

They make our reactions to WATXM look cultured and civilized in comparison.


oh god, Marco Checchetto is drawing all 3 parts. That DD and Spidey are gonna look awesome. It's weird that the Spidey book involved is Avenging and not Amazing
oh god, Marco Checchetto is drawing all 3 parts. That DD and Spidey are gonna look awesome. It's weird that the Spidey book involved is Avenging and not Amazing

Amazing Spider-Man is tied up with the Ends of the Earth story arc, and has a whole bunch of other plans this year, like a Spidey/Lizard story to tie in with the movie, the 50th Anniversary Special, and ASM #700.


Amazing Spider-Man is tied up with the Ends of the Earth story arc, and has a whole bunch of other plans this year, like a Spidey/Lizard story to tie in with the movie, the 50th Anniversary Special, and ASM #700.
Ahh, of course. That makes sense. Totally forgot about that. But yeah, Waid/Rucka writing the street heroes is gonna be so good

the chris

Justice League #5 has become the first New 52 book to miss its original ship date, albeit only by a week. Impressive that they've gone this far with no delays, though I wonder whether future issues will see Lee (or, god forbid, Burnham on Batman Inc.) falling victim to the now-mandatory fill-in artists for failing to meet deadlines.
I'm honestly surprised that Justice League stayed on schedule for the most part this long.
It probably had far more lead time than any of the other New 52 books (unless you count Batwoman, with all the delays).

Also, the seven-week gap between #1 and #2 gave Lee even more lead time on top of what he presumably had before the relaunch was even announced.

Source (Comic Book Resources)

Now, in the latest of Marvel's Next Big Thing series of press conference calls, the publisher pulled back the curtain on an upcoming crossover between "Avenging Spider-Man," "Punisher" and "Daredevil" in April called "The Omega Effect."

Moderator and Junior Sales Administrator James Viscardi was joined by writers Greg Rucka -- who was making Moroccan Mint green tea -- Mark Waid and Senior Editor Steve Wacker to discuss the upcoming crossover.


Rucka and Waid will hand off "Avenging Spider-Man" scene by scene and Waid referenced their work on "52" in terms of experience in working together in that format.


Marco Checchetto will be the artist for all three parts of the event "Marco has been my secret weapon these past few years," said Wacker, noting the artist has been on "Spider-Man," "Punisher" and "Daredevil" and has exhibited an enthusiasm to draw all three characters in the crossover. "To me, he seemed like just a natural casting."
Two out of three ain't ba- OH GOD I'M CUMMING! :O


So Rucka and Waid will be writing Avenging Spider-Man in tandem or will there be a third party involved? Sorry if I missed it. If so, is AvSM just going to be a revolving door for writers and artists?


So Rucka and Waid will be writing Avenging Spider-Man in tandem or will there be a third party involved? Sorry if I missed it. If so, is AvSM just going to be a revolving door for writers and artists?

Three issues. First issue in Avenging Spider-man #6. I guess Wells continues after that.


marvel seems kinda hype lately and i want to read but i dont want to give them my money. i've put my foot down on this :(

fuck a 4 dollar book!


marvel seems kinda hype lately and i want to read but i dont want to give them my money. i've put my foot down on this :(

fuck a 4 dollar book!

Voting with your wallet is fine and completely understandable.

I have read that Marvel's digital offerings take time to come down in price. How long does it take before it becomes a buck or two cheaper ?


i don't even know if marvel does the price drops on comixology

Wolverine and the X-Men #1 is still 4 bucks, and that came out months ago.

Jedeye Sniv

marvel seems kinda hype lately and i want to read but i dont want to give them my money. i've put my foot down on this :(

fuck a 4 dollar book!

Wait it out and buy the trades from Amazon. Half the price of reading the singles, no ads, no waiting between chapters (other than the wait between trades). And with Marvel, you barely have to wait 6 months between books since they double ship all their good books!


Will drop pants for Sony.
I am loving the art of Batwoman. manga be damned! Picked up a new book Blue Beetle, even bought the smallville episode "Booster".
marvel seems kinda hype lately and i want to read but i dont want to give them my money. i've put my foot down on this :(

fuck a 4 dollar book!
Daredevil, Punisher, Avengers Academy, Journey into Mystery, Venom, FF, Thunderbolts, X-Men Legacy, X-23, New Mutants, and X-Factor are just some of the $2.99 books from Marvel that Comic-GAF regularly enjoys.
WW and Peej have already teamed up once!

In the new 52?

And what kind of tom foolery is that!

Do you know how many issues Supes and Batty had in World's Finest? SO MANY!

i want kate/diana debauchery this time. they can go listen to shitty punk music and cause trouble together

So I take it you're not mad at Brian Azzarello this month? :p

I'm stewing a February Comic OT with the obvious theme of black creators (optional) and characters (optional). I have no ulterior motive! Kee kee kee. . . ^_^

Oh and Adam Hughes will eke out three pages for next weeks Fables. It's no All Star Wonder Woman, but wow! He drew sequentials?! OMG WTF!

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So I just started reading comics for the first time ever this week. I've always wanted to get into comics, but never really bothered wading through the tons and tons of series, books, superheroes, etc. However after randomly stumbling upon an article about how DC was rebooting all its franchises, and after playing the hell out of Arkham City these past few months, I decided to take a plunge on the Batman and Catwoman comics. I figured this would be the perfect time to get started, considering I'll be getting in at the beginning of these new series. So far so good, I'm quite impressed with what I've read so far. Obviously since these are my first comics I don't have a frame of reference, but they're pretty entertaining. Kinda sucks that you only get one comic every month though. Oh well.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
So I just started reading comics for the first time ever this week. I've always wanted to get into comics, but never really bothered wading through the tons and tons of series, books, superheroes, etc. However after randomly stumbling upon an article about how DC was rebooting all its franchises, and after playing the hell out of Arkham City these past few months, I decided to take a plunge on the Batman and Catwoman comics. I figured this would be the perfect time to get started, considering I'll be getting in at the beginning of these new series. So far so good, I'm quite impressed with what I've read so far. Obviously since these are my first comics I don't have a frame of reference, but they're pretty entertaining. Kinda sucks that you only get one comic every month though. Oh well.
One of us!

The good part about getting into comics fresh is there are so many amazing stories out there already (especially if you're a Batman fan) so you don't even need to wait. Just go buy some trades.
Obviously since these are my first comics I don't have a frame of reference, but they're pretty entertaining. Kinda sucks that you only get one comic every month though. Oh well.

There's 60 years of Batman stuff to rummage through for gems. Something something about those who ignore the past are doomed to read David Finch crap.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
True, I guess there's a massive backlog I could check out. I've already read Year One, but I've heard that The Killing Joke and Hush are pretty good, so maybe I'll check those out.

The thing about comics though is that very few superheroes actually interest me. I looked through the New 52 lineup - really the only two that seemed in any way interesting to me were Batman and Catwoman. But then again I haven't read anything else so I guess I'm just speaking out of ignorance.


Will drop pants for Sony.

YES!!!! I think I might have to check out old issue of detective comics.

Anyone know why DC is rebooting everything with the 52s? I'm reading up on the back issue of the Blue Beetle and now I'm into the new 52 #1 series and it feels like almost the same setup again.


Will drop pants for Sony.

they needed a way to increase sales so they could make more money

Yeah but I can see them doing that whole Reach invasion thing again but in different way. I hate the 52s. I want it to end. The blue beetle series before the 52s was excellent, even had a good cast of characters.
What comic is that with the ridiculously-(un)clothed fantasy characters? He seems to bring those covers up multiple times.


Their whole schtick is TITS & ASS fairy tales. Sans actual tits and ass and chock full of shitty 90's image style art. Jedeye would love them! :X

Satchy: Do you have any favorite Marvel Womens?
Oh my god. I finally got around to reading Wolverine and the X-Men. Where's that Spider-Man gif when you need it? That issue was so good. I want Bradshaw and Aaron to run away with this series.



the thick plottens

i dont know about anybody else, but i would laugh and then cry myself to sleep if it were cass cain/steph related
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