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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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It's a gorgeous, well designed logo that looks like it's for a company run by grown ups, so naturally it has no place in comics and has been met with by revulsion by most fans.
Who designed that DC logo? Thats turrible.

It's a gorgeous, well designed logo that looks like it's for a company run by grown ups, so naturally it has no place in comics and has been met with by revulsion by most fans.

They will probably add color to it. DC has changed logos before. Anyone how many they have had ?


LOL Toad. No wonder there were so many bugs, that guy will eat anything. Also, I see they really are setting up that Quire-Broo-Idie love triangle.

Also, DC continues to play musical chairs with their writers instead of bringing in fresh new faces. Howard Mackie? Rob Liefeld on three books? There's a world full of talented comic book creators out there, why don't you try and get them? Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire are two white-hot indy writers, you put them in your relaunch and now they make some of your best books(Batman, Animal Man, Frankenstein, Swamp Thing). More of that, please.

And LOL that logo. Wow. Just totally boring.

I guess we'll get used to it. I remember when the current logo came out in '05, it was universally hated, now...not so much.



Also, DC continues to play musical chairs with their writers instead of bringing in fresh new faces. Howard Mackie? Rob Liefeld on three books? There's a world full of talented comic book creators out there, why don't you try and get them? Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire are two white-hot indy writers, you put them in your relaunch and now they make some of your best books(Batman, Animal Man, Frankenstein, Swamp Thing). More of that, please.
Say what you want about marvel, but i feel like they have this down. First with Hickman, than Spencer and now Bunn. Layman (Chew) has gotten a few gigs here and there


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
LOL Toad. No wonder there were so many bugs, that guy will eat anything. Also, I see they really are setting up that Quire-Broo-Idie love triangle.

Also, DC continues to play musical chairs with their writers instead of bringing in fresh new faces. Howard Mackie? Rob Liefeld on three books? There's a world full of talented comic book creators out there, why don't you try and get them? Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire are two white-hot indy writers, you put them in your relaunch and now they make some of your best books(Batman, Animal Man, Frankenstein, Swamp Thing). More of that, please.

And LOL that logo. Wow. Just totally boring.

I guess we'll get used to it. I remember when the current logo came out in '05, it was universally hated, now...not so much.


It's weird that they're so hesitant to bring in new up-and-comers into the more mainstream books besides Batman. All the newer guys are left to the Dark and Edge.

Oh, and give something to Bryan Q. Miller. I just finished up Batgirl: The Lesson and I'm sad that he's got nothing in the future.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hey guys, I have this great new idea for the new 52: Let's reboot the universe, and then give everything to Geoff Johns and Rob Liefeld!


thats....so bland. why the new logo?

That logo is seriously fucking awful. The one they have right now is great (and btw, I always thought it was great)


I can't believe people ever hated the current logo. I've always thought it was great.

Also, just read the latest Black Panther. I'm gonna miss this when it's gone, which is...next issue?! Nooooooooo. :'{
Hey guys, I have this great new idea for the new 52: Let's reboot the universe, and then give everything to Geoff Johns and Rob Liefeld!


That logo is seriously fucking awful. The one they have right now is great (and btw, I always thought it was great)

If they put the entire company on hold for a year or two and let Johns get a backlog going they could totally do that. No excuse for inconsistent art duties either!
Say what you want about marvel, but i feel like they have this down. First with Hickman, than Spencer and now Bunn. Layman (Chew) has gotten a few gigs here and there

Also, the X-line is currently run by guys who mostly known for their indie work a few years ago. They discovered Jason Aaron, they got Rick Remender from Dark Horse, they brought in Kieron Gillen from Image, now they just stole Brian Wood away from Vertigo to do a mini-series. The writing for the X-men books as of late has been an interesting revelation of relative new faces and ideas unseen since they put Morrison/Milligan/Casey on the books back in 2001.
I've heard that the powers that be at DC can be very difficult to work for if you're not one of their favorites (I think we know who they are). That certainly explains why Marvel has all the young talent and DC has Tony Daniel.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Also, the X-line is currently run by guys who mostly known for their indie work a few years ago. They discovered Jason Aaron, they got Rick Remender from Dark Horse, they brought in Kieron Gillen from Image, now they just stole Brian Wood away from Vertigo to do a mini-series. The writing for the X-men books as of late has been an interesting revelation of relative new faces and ideas unseen since they put Morrison/Milligan/Casey on the books back in 2001.

Don't forget about when they poached Greg Land from Hustler Comics.
Don't forget about when they poached Greg Land from Hustler Comics.

Greg Land still getting work is right on par with Liefeld, IMO.

X-Factor, Uncanny X-Force, and WATXM all have some damn good creative teams, so it makes the artwork of Land and NuPacheco all the most disappointing and sticks out like a sore, ugly thumb.
As someone who was actually enjoying the Deathstroke comic, I'm a little annoyed. Oh well. One less comic to keep up with. Might switch back to Resurrection Man.
So just out of curiosity, how many issues do you guys generally buy every week/month? I'm just getting into this whole comics thing and after doing some quick math I realize that if I want to keep up with all the series that interest me I'm looking at spending ~$30 a month. Now that's not a huge number, but when I'm spending that on books that I will be reading for a grand total of 10-15 minutes, it seems a little steep.

Just wondering how you guys keep up with all these comics without throwing down massive wads of cash every week.

I just started as well. After trying a few different issues, mostly New 52 stuff that got good reviews and Vertigo books, I've narrowed it down to just: Batman, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Fatale. Only $3 books ($3.50 for Fatale), although I hear Batman is going up to $4 soon? So about $13 a month from now on.

The kicker that got me to reduce the amount of comics I buy was finding my old library card while I was cleaning out my desk. Since December, I've read a fuckton of comics and caught up on tv shows I've been missing out on since I cut the cord.

Public Libraries = Poor man's Netflix
It's a gorgeous, well designed logo that looks like it's for a company run by grown ups, so naturally it has no place in comics and has been met with by revulsion by most fans.


Don't mind the idea for the new logo at all, I think it's pretty clever, but the gradient and shadow for the flap seems a bit too busy. I get that they need it to make it clear that it's a page or flap peeling back but a trompe l'œil feature for a comic book logo seems a bit much to me.

If they decide to use this on the covers of their comics they should push it into a corner at an angle so it looks like the cover peeling back.

Also: Thank you to the person that linked that article here, for resisting the temptation to post it as a thread in the OT. I hate 'new logo' threads on Gaf so much, but I can't not click on them.
Picked this up today, along with Heart and the Strain:


It's about a germophobe who has lucid dreams/out of body experiences where he visits people he knows. Just got dumped, has all kinds of issues he's trying to deal with. Doesn't sound very exciting, but I really like it so far.
My wife buys some of that zenescope stuff, they should just go ahead and show everything.

Why? D:

I figured Zenescope's audience was the can't buy porn yet kids market.

Dang. Well, I guess that makes me feel better about my plan to spend $30 a month on comics haha.

I think my issue is I'm comparing comics to other forms of entertainment and the "hours of entertainment per dollar" that I derive from each. In this analysis comic books are easily on the higher end of the spectrum. For games you might spend $60, but even if it's a 6 hour game you're paying $10 per hour of entertainment. If you push that up to 20 hours with a replay or two, it's down to $3 per hour. With comics you're only spending $3, but for a 15 minute read that comes out to $12 per hour.

Yeah I think about everything in these terms. It's kinda weird.

You either have to love the creators or the characters. You really can't come up with some arbitrary formula and tack it onto the hobby. If neither of those criteria fit you then just trade wait. If you're overly concerned with the dollar to minute formula, then trade waiting is the only option.

Comics offer me something no video game offers. Great art and fun, well told stories that don't wear out their welcome. Video games are still just products which make use of art, and / or the talents of artists; but they're rarely on the level of art that moves me the way an Alan Davis page moves me.

There was a time when I would blow $150 a week easy at the comic shop (just being young, dumb and in a job that paid exceedingly well). Now I average around $15-$30 a week unless something pricey I cannot obtain via Amazon comes out.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
You either have to love the creators or the characters. You really can't come up with some arbitrary formula and tack it onto the hobby. If neither of those criteria fit you then just trade wait. If you're overly concerned with the dollar to minute formula, then trade waiting is the only option.

Comics offer me something no video game offers. Great art and fun, well told stories that don't wear out their welcome. Video games are still just products which make use of art, and / or the talents of artists; but they're rarely on the level of art that moves me the way an Alan Davis page moves me.

There was a time when I would blow $150 a week easy at the comic shop (just being young, dumb and in a job that paid exceedingly well). Now I average around $15-$30 a week unless something pricey I cannot obtain via Amazon comes out.

Yeah, and that's what I'm really realizing - I do love the characters and the art. Really the reason I decided to start with comics is because I was playing Catwoman in Arkham City and I was like, "I want more of this character." Then I branched out into Batman and others and realized that I enjoy this medium quite a bit. So, just been trying to plan out my purchase strategy as I have a tendency to go overboard on hobbies I like.
Why? D:

I figured Zenescope's audience was the can't buy porn yet kids market.

The skanky Alice ones...I don't know. She liked those Madame Mirage books and stuff with Thing depending how they draw him. Same thing with Spiderman and Batman but won't really touch any long running books. She liked Cassandra Batgirl, Raven and Wonder Girl but they stopped using them, oh well.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
There are ways to cut elsewhere on nonessentials. On a typical day when I was relatively carefree in my early 20s, I might spend $15 on comics, $10 on some ghastly fast food lunch, and another $10 on beer. Now I skip the beer, make lunch myself, and still buy comics/books.
The skanky Alice ones...I don't know. She liked those Madame Mirage books and stuff with Thing depending how they draw him. Same thing with Spiderman and Batman but won't really touch any long running books. She liked Cassandra Batgirl, Raven and Wonder Girl but they stopped using them, oh well.

You lucky bastard. ;)

Madam Mirage was interesting because of Rocafort's art, but I never kept up with it.

There are ways to cut elsewhere on nonessentials. On a typical day when I was relatively carefree in my early 20s, I might spend $15 on comics, $10 on some ghastly fast food lunch, and another $10 on beer. Now I skip the beer, make lunch myself, and still buy comics/books.

Skip the beer?!

I just found a cheap beer (Coors Light, but may switch to Yuengling since it's now available here) I could handle in place of my fancy micro brews. :p

Back when I was working three jobs and riding the bus that was one of the truly shitty periods of life. The bus would go past the comic shop and I'd stop in to see what was new and pick up this book and that, then I'd look at the prices. . . $2.99, $3.99, $4.99 and I might have $5 to spend on comics total. So I'd have to put them back on the shelf and wait.

Fortunately the shop has overstock boxes where he'd throw stuff for 50¢ an issue, so I stopped looking at new books and started rifling through those boxes for gems.

Eventually I managed to get back on my feet in time, but man those were shitty days. Having no heat in my house during winter I could deal with, not being able to afford comics hurt.
Phone and internet service just came back up for me, been down for the last day-and-a-half. Look at all of the sh*t I missed! DC's awful new "no fun whatsoever" logo, Liefeld plotting the demise of no less than three DC ongoings, a 15th anniversary "Thunderbolts vs Thunderbolts" event... what else have I missed?
Continuing the tradition of leading horses to water, but being unable to make them drink. . .

Gave my buddy a copy of Orchid #1 and foisted off Fail Fraction's Defenders on him.

Today I noticed the jerk left Orchid here. :|

Oh well, I'll just wait for one of the podcasts he listens to to program him to seek it out then mock him. As is the usual cycle for his growth.
This is one of the funniest/saddest things I've read. Not sure which. ;)

BTW you mentioned podcasts - any good ones you suggest?

11 O'Clock Comics - These guys cover a wide range of titles and creators, and unlike other podcasts they don't always agree like little patsies. :p

Sidebar - Great interviews with artists in the industry and comic chat.

SEQAlab is interesting for some creator and process talk, but I can't stomach a lot of it. Mostly college kids trying to be witty and the general high falutin' BS that gets spewed at times. You're making comics, not putting men on the Moon.

he's probably going to say the Word Balloon podcast


This too! It mainly focuses on writer interviews, but they can be interesting people at times too. :p

Completely specialized suggestions would be:

Aw Yeah! Podcast - Art & Franco (Tiny Titans, Gorilla Gorilla, Patrick the Wolf Boy) stream of consciousness madness. Megos, Planet of the Apes, Wrestling, Luis Bond, and Wendy Williams appreciation.

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