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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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Captain Marvel ongoing written and drawn by Rob Liefeld

I believe Geoff Johns and Gary Frank were working on this one.

Batwoman could use more pouches and guns

She's already got lots of pouches from what I understand, if you catch my drift. :3

Also, Static AND Mr. Terrific got canned. Can a brotha get an on-going!?

They had three. Nobody bought two of them. You still got black batman. . . FOR NOW! :O

I'm hard pressed to think of a black DC character I really want to see more of. I'd honestly just prefer for them to give some of the Milestone characters another crack. Hardware could be pretty bad ass. Icon could work with a ridiculous Jim Lee make over.

Just bagged my Batman Gotham Adventures run. Man! I may be missing a handful of issues. >:|

I must go into the attic and fish out the rest of my Batman Beyond run and see if the missing issues are in there.
Bandit is Gotham Adventures the best Batman book based on TAS?

Batman Adventures run by Ty Templeton and Dan Slott, imo

They're both pretty nice little one and done stories with consistent art. Two things that annoyed me about other comics in that period, and today.

Though this was coming out when we were still suffering terribly from artists drawing characters in mainstream books off model because it was "their style". No dog, that's just some shitty ass drawing.

If you can find a run cheap it may be worth your while.

Kind of funny seeing Dan Slott's name on this. Then I think of that horrible ass Spiderman he's crapping out. Maybe not his fault, I just can't stand the god awful redesigns they gave the villains in the book. Slott's enthusiasm is infectious, and he's got mad talented art teams in rotation; but god damn - just hate Spiderman 2 Doc Ock, Power Rangers Scorpion, and just how shitty the old rogues are now. :|

It makes no damn sense. I enjoy Humberto Ramos's work and I've been dying for Marvel to finally put Stefano Casselli on a book worth a shit.
Though this was coming out when we were still suffering terribly from artists drawing characters in mainstream books off model because it was "their style". No dog, that's just some shitty ass drawing.

Kelley Jones?

Kind of funny seeing Dan Slott's name on this. Then I think of that horrible ass Spiderman he's crapping out. Maybe not his fault, I just can't stand the god awful redesigns they gave the villains in the book. Slott's enthusiasm is infectious, and he's got mad talented art teams in rotation; but god damn - just hate Spiderman 2 Doc Ock, Power Rangers Scorpion, and just how shitty the old rogues are now. :|

It makes no damn sense. I enjoy Humberto Ramos's work and I've been dying for Marvel to finally put Stefano Casselli on a book worth a shit.

I stopped reading in like the second issue when he brought back the original Hobgoblin and then decapitated him (I don't have to spoil this right? It was a year ago). It pissed me off so much I haven't read since :(. Plus, I don't need people being decapitated in my Spider-Man comics please.
Kelley Jones?

LOL Kelley "Boulder Knees" Jones was kind of the hotness back then. There were just a bunch of artists who got on my nerves at the time. It bugged me, and still does today (which is why I follow the artists), when characters just look wildly different in every book.

I stopped reading in like the second issue when he brought back the original Hobgoblin and then decapitated him (I don't have to spoil this right? It was a year ago). It pissed me off so much I haven't read since :(. Plus, I don't need people being decapitated in my Spider-Man comics please.

A Spiderman for all seasons! You might want to check out the short lived Marvel Adventures Spiderman from the past couple of years. I was picking it up because the art was top notch, with the book being cancelled I hope that team gets a chance to work on a more prominent title. They were just drawing their asses off. Well done characters, great backgrounds, solid story telling. The writing was also very light and fun. Though there was a part that hit me hard in one of the storylines.

Characters were a bit different from the 616 stuff; but I enjoyed it still. I'll take new characters over fucked up existing characters like what we've got in the Slott run.
Also, Static AND Mr. Terrific got canned. Can a brotha get an on-going!?

To be fair, Mister Terrific was atrocious. Batwing is still around, and actually pretty good.

I'm just pissed OMAC got whacked. Who cares if the numbers are low, everybody that read it loved it. At least we get to keep Frankenstein and his genocidal continent-massacring mummy sidekick.


The blue beetle series before the 52s was excellent, even had a good cast of characters.

I miss the Jamie/Traci relationship. I dropped the new Blue Beetle after i saw that Paco was a freaking stereotype. The old series was so good. Khaji Da bitches.

Finally got around to reading Xfactor 230. it was ok. It's one of those issues where PAD forces horrible puns and writes a few sentences to makes you realize he's old


Fucking Greg Land

Jedeye Sniv


Their whole schtick is TITS & ASS fairy tales. Sans actual tits and ass and chock full of shitty 90's image style art. Jedeye would love them! :X

Satchy: Do you have any favorite Marvel Womens?

Sounds like my kinda thing. I would buy them and draw nipples and labia everywhere. Make it legit yo.
Is that Uncanny? I don't think I feel like buying that shit anymore.

My wife buys some of that zenescope stuff, they should just go ahead and show everything.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So just out of curiosity, how many issues do you guys generally buy every week/month? I'm just getting into this whole comics thing and after doing some quick math I realize that if I want to keep up with all the series that interest me I'm looking at spending ~$30 a month. Now that's not a huge number, but when I'm spending that on books that I will be reading for a grand total of 10-15 minutes, it seems a little steep.

Just wondering how you guys keep up with all these comics without throwing down massive wads of cash every week.
does greg land even give a damn anymore?

Did he ever?

So just out of curiosity, how many issues do you guys generally buy every week/month? I'm just getting into this whole comics thing and after doing some quick math I realize that if I want to keep up with all the series that interest me I'm looking at spending ~$30 a month. Now that's not a huge number, but when I'm spending that on books that I will be reading for a grand total of 10-15 minutes, it seems a little steep.

Just wondering how you guys keep up with all these comics without throwing down massive wads of cash every week.

I limit myself to ten bucks a week buys me a lot less than it used to. That's like two books now. Luckily, there's been a correlation between the price going up and the number of books I want to read going down for about 15 years now.
Up till recently I was only buying trades, but I've gotten too impatient to wait for The Walking Dead and the Boys, both of which I found myself having to reread a lot when the next trade came out to refamiliarize myself with the story. The Boys is coming to an end and the story is really picking up. The trades just take too long, and the next book will just be the Butcher series, which doesn't advance the main story at all.

As long as I'm back to buying regular issues, I pick up other random stuff that I wouldn't have otherwise, but usually only 1-2 comics a week, and not every week, but most weeks.


Just wondering how you guys keep up with all these comics without throwing down massive wads of cash every week.

Im dropping somewhere in the ballpark of 100-150 a month. Not that bad considering it's my only hobby that actually costs me money. So about a day's worth of work.


Online Ho Champ
Also, Static AND Mr. Terrific got canned. Can a brotha get an on-going!?

yeah if they do Hardware or blood syndicate. Mr Terrific ..meh, and static ...seriously i have have the first issues of that comic the tone has totally changed so cant say ill miss the current version of static either.
Wondering where OMAC will turn up. Frankenstein? Stormwatch?

Not sure where he works without the Brother Eye thing at least partially solved.
So for all you X-Men readers out there, whatever happened to the Stepford Cuckoos? They were such a fun part in New X-Men and I never see them. Granted I jumped from that to the current Schism era in the mutant arcs but I feel like I only ever see them in the background. Wish they followed Logan to the new school. I mean, I guess I don't mean what * happened* as I caught up through the Wiki but it seems no one wants to write them. :(

So just out of curiosity, how many issues do you guys generally buy every week/month? I'm just getting into this whole comics thing and after doing some quick math I realize that if I want to keep up with all the series that interest me I'm looking at spending ~$30 a month. Now that's not a huge number, but when I'm spending that on books that I will be reading for a grand total of 10-15 minutes, it seems a little steep.

Just wondering how you guys keep up with all these comics without throwing down massive wads of cash every week.

Sadly I hover around the $20 mark each week. At least for every $10 I spend at my LCS I get a stamp and however many stamps gets me $15 off.
Land's recent Uncanny run has been alright. Nothing stellar but serviceable. Still prone to recycling though.

With you on this one, though I doubt many others will be. Still going to buy the whole Tabula Rasa arc.

I mean, at least Storm's head is different, and her facial expression and pose are actually appropriate for the scene...
So for all you X-Men readers out there, whatever happened to the Stepford Cuckoos? They were such a fun part in New X-Men and I never see them. Granted I jumped from that to the current Schism era in the mutant arcs but I feel like I only ever see them in the background. Wish they followed Logan to the new school. I mean, I guess I don't mean what * happened* as I caught up through the Wiki but it seems no one wants to write them. :(

They've been around here and there. They got an origin in Phoenix Warsong. They showed up pretty often in Astonishing X-Men too IIRC

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Im dropping somewhere in the ballpark of 100-150 a month. Not that bad considering it's my only hobby that actually costs me money. So about a day's worth of work.

VGChampion said:
Sadly I hover around the $20 mark each week. At least for every $10 I spend at my LCS I get a stamp and however many stamps gets me $15 off.

Dang. Well, I guess that makes me feel better about my plan to spend $30 a month on comics haha.

I think my issue is I'm comparing comics to other forms of entertainment and the "hours of entertainment per dollar" that I derive from each. In this analysis comic books are easily on the higher end of the spectrum. For games you might spend $60, but even if it's a 6 hour game you're paying $10 per hour of entertainment. If you push that up to 20 hours with a replay or two, it's down to $3 per hour. With comics you're only spending $3, but for a 15 minute read that comes out to $12 per hour.

Yeah I think about everything in these terms. It's kinda weird.
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