Obviously he's still so totally ripped as he's bursting out of his top strap on the relaunch cover! EXTREEEEME!
Nah, there's nothing
EXTREEEEME! about the new Prophet judging by that cover; I only see two pouches. TWO! In fact, it looks like Rob gathered up all the
EXTREEEEME! he could find laying around the old office, stripped all the
EXTREEEEME! out of the walls and ceiling, ripped up the floorboards for any
EXTREEEEME! that may have fallen through the cracks, bundled all that
EXTREEEEME! up in one great big pouch made of billions of smaller pouches lined with even smaller pouches, and brought all that
EXTREEEEME! with him to the DC offices where he happily distributed it to his "New 52" cohorts, leaving only a few forgotten scraps of
EXTREEEEME! behind for Graham, Roy, and Ballermann to cling to for sustenance.
vincent, you're good starting with "Planet Hulk" and then following Greg Pak's seminal run on the character all the way through to its end last year, with a sidetrip into 'Incredible Hercules' territory for added fun. Beyond that, Peter David put in 12 years on the character in the 80s and 90s, and it's all held in pretty high regard.