Ahh, final crisis supporters, how I love them. I felt that final crisis was a wasted effort. The true human experience? Yeah, I didn't get that from the series. A wasted darkseid resurrection, vampires, and a japanese superteam only seemed to exist to me to in the end tell another batman story. It felt phoned in with the bleak nature, and about the only arc of the epic that I enjoyed was snapper carrs spy adventures with cheetah.
I don't know if I can say what series was the best of The decade. But I can say for certain that, final crisis, identity crisis, and that shit civil war are not nominations for best to me. Actually looking, the only series that didn't bore me was infinite crisis, so I guess that's my pic.
Darkseid was amazing! So creepy and nasty. It's about despair personified, writ large in four-colour glory. Darkseid is that voice in the back of your head that calls you a loser. He's the news and its mantra of 'no future', of peak oil, of the 'current economic climate', of corrupt politicians and America as fundamentalist theocracy.
There's an extended section, I think it's at the end of #3, about the industrialisation of despair and when I read it I knew at once that it had perfectly nailed what I was feeling but could never articulate, about how the media and industry and the drudgery of the work week all mixed up together go to sucking away your soul. The story becomes totally bleak for a while, this black hole of hope with Darkseid at the centre.
And then when it can't get any worse the heroes start to regroup and come back more multi-coloured and ridiculous and fantastic than ever. The whole idea that Superman wins the day with a song is just magical and kind of perfect. Music is the antidote to depression (for me at least).
And at the same time, it was Morrison trying to inject colour and the fantastic back into comics as a whole with this infusion of new characters and mile-a-minute hyper compression. What I love about Morrison is that he tries to sprinkle new concepts and characters into all his comics, hoping that others will come along and pick up the baton. Often they're ignored, like with the Ultramarines or the Super Young Team, but sometimes they stick, like with Damian Wayne.
I totally agree that the ending was rushed and slightly garbled, but I appreciate what it was trying to do in presenting the ultimate battle between the void and the idea, maybe if only from an intellectual point by then.
But still, it's insanely ambitious, and if it only pulled off 50% of what it tried to acheive then it still acheived more than most fight-comics can even imagine.
But yeah come on people, what's better than this? Whiny emo-Boy-Prime punching the universe as Geoff Johns rages against comics fandom? Burny rapey Dr Light? Something by Mark fucking Millar?