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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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Please tell me you slogged through all of Invisibles.

Final Crisis is most of the concepts from Invisibles warmed over for superheroes.

Another reason it fell so flat. Keep your Vertigo work out of your superhero work Grant, it's what made your work in the 90's so memorable.

JLA was a thinly veiled adaptation of The Invisibles, actually. They even had the same Magic Hand. You can line them up storyline by storyline and they match pretty much perfectly. Same with The Filth and New X-Men.

So he never really kept those two separate.

Jedeye Sniv

Please tell me you slogged through all of Invisibles.

Final Crisis is most of the concepts from Invisibles warmed over for superheroes.

Another reason it fell so flat. Keep your Vertigo work out of your superhero work Grant, it's what made your work in the 90's so memorable.

Dude, don't even get me started on the Invisibles, that book made me who I am today, and started me off on long path of fucked up books and halucinogens. Good times :D

The themes in the Invisibles are no less true whenever Grant warms them over again. Vertigo themes and superhero books should definitely be mixed together. The problem with a lot of superhero books is how superficial and meaningless they are. I wish more writers had the balls to try and say something profound (even if they fail, as Morrison can do too).

And shit, at least he's not telling the same boring "What it means to be a hero" shit like every other hack in the capes and tights industry.
Dude, don't even get me started on the Invisibles, that book made me who I am today, and started me off on long path of fucked up books and halucinogens. Good times :D

The themes in the Invisibles are no less true whenever Grant warms them over again. Vertigo themes and superhero books should definitely be mixed together. The problem with a lot of superhero books is how superficial and meaningless they are. I wish more writers had the balls to try and say something profound (even if they fail, as Morrison can do too).

And shit, at least he's not telling the same boring "What it means to be a hero" shit like every other hack in the capes and tights industry.

It may seem odd, but I partially agree with you on writers shitting out bland work.

Which is why I don't follow much of anything monthly. :D

If something is good, I'll stumble upon it at some point; but I don't need Spiderman/Superman/Batman every month like some people.

People are crying about the New 52 titles that got shelved, but you know what? That's fine for me. I'm of the mind that not every character needs a monthly book. Get a passionate creative team, let them have their fun; then put those characters back on the shelf until someone with similar passion comes along and writes another great story with them.

With Morrison I'd like to see him try something different, not spin his wheels in the mud. Slogging through Invisibles was trying, but the end was a great payoff. No matter how I read Final Crisis it's consistently shit. Be it release order or even shittier Morrison reading order.
It may seem odd, but I partially agree with you on writers shitting out bland work.

Which is why I don't follow much of anything monthly. :D

If something is good, I'll stumble upon it at some point; but I don't need Spiderman/Superman/Batman every month like some people.

People are crying about the New 52 titles that got shelved, but you know what? That's fine for me. I'm of the mind that not every character needs a monthly book. Get a passionate creative team, let them have their fun; then put those characters back on the shelf until someone with similar passion comes along and writes another great story with them.

With Morrison I'd like to see him try something different, not spin his wheels in the mud. Slogging through Invisibles was trying, but the end was a great payoff. No matter how I read Final Crisis it's consistently shit. Be it release order or even shittier Morrison reading order.

If it helps, I think his Action Comics is pretty much garbage.

hey cool I didn't know they were making a No Country for Old Men comic series

W Hudson

Ok so I finally moved into the smartphone era, and got the DC Comics app. Growing up I was a pretty big Batman comic fan, but haven't really read many over the past ten years or so. To show how our of the loop I am, just yesterday I discovered this whole DC "New 52" reboot/whatever. What's the general GAF consensus for the best Batman series currently going? Any non-Batman series of these new 52 that would be worth taking a look at?
I haven't liked much of anything Morrison has done in years. He's seems contend to spin his wheels writing trippy yet mediocre superhero books and being a corporate shill in Rolling Stone interviews.

We'll always have Doom Patrol, though.
Ok so I finally moved into the smartphone era, and got the DC Comics app. Growing up I was a pretty big Batman comic fan, but haven't really read many over the past ten years or so. To show how our of the loop I am, just yesterday I discovered this whole DC "New 52" reboot/whatever. What's the general GAF consensus for the best Batman series currently going? Any non-Batman series of these new 52 that would be worth taking a look at?

Batman is the best bat family book. Batwing, batman and robin, and batwoman are also good. Other good new 52 series include animal man and swamp thing.there's tons more i could reccomend but below that is probably personal preference rather than being objectively awesome.
I haven't liked much of anything Morrison has done in years. He's seems contend to spin his wheels writing trippy yet mediocre superhero books and being a corporate shill in Rolling Stone interviews.

We'll always have Doom Patrol, though.

(I actually never really dug Doom Patrol, except for the last issue, which always kills me.)


I heard Bendis reconned Wonderman
So that he never really came back, he was still just a dream of Scarlet Witch's.
Hey, that was me who bit the bullet and bought Avengers Annual, not Spike!

Retconned is a strong word. It's more like Wonderman's theory at this point. And I dont think it's that bad, since he's not really human anymore anyways. But the main purpose of him saying that is that it bring's Hawkeye's existence into question too.

The last issue was mindblowingly cool.
Well, the last page of the main story was certainly mindblowingly cool

W Hudson

Batman is the best bat family book. Batwing, batman and robin, and batwoman are also good. Other good new 52 series include animal man and swamp thing.there's tons more i could reccomend but below that is probably personal preference rather than being objectively awesome.

Nice thanks for the input. I'll probably download Batman and Batman & Robin to start with, see how I like them then go from there.
I'm enjoying Morrison's Action Comics, but I have to admit that it isn't quite as good as I had hoped. I wonder whether the quality of his scripts might be suffering a bit from the increased deadline pressure.

Jedeye Sniv

Ok so I finally moved into the smartphone era, and got the DC Comics app. Growing up I was a pretty big Batman comic fan, but haven't really read many over the past ten years or so. To show how our of the loop I am, just yesterday I discovered this whole DC "New 52" reboot/whatever. What's the general GAF consensus for the best Batman series currently going? Any non-Batman series of these new 52 that would be worth taking a look at?

Batman and Batwoman are stunning. You need to know nothing going into Batman at all, but if you like the look of Batwoman (and if you have eyes you will), check out the Elegy trade first.

Non-Batman, try Animal Man and Swamp thing. They're about perfect.

edit: beaten like Tina Turner with a shoe... but we're both right!

W Hudson

Batman and Batwoman are stunning. You need to know nothing going into Batman at all, but if you like the look of Batwoman (and if you have eyes you will), check out the Elegy trade first.

Non-Batman, try Animal Man and Swamp thing. They're about perfect.

edit: beaten like Tina Turner with a shoe... but we're both right!

Yeah browsing this and the previous comic book threads it seems like Animal Man and Swamp Thing are getting really high marks. Never read them before but will give them a go.


Wait, they're still calling him "Grunge"? Is he supposed to be the Disco Stu of the DCnU?



He also used to be asian if I'm not mistaken. And he also had dark hair.

Writer: "Maybe we should change his name to something more in line with the times?"

Editor: "Nah. Let's just turn him into a blonde, blue eyed white guy. Afterall, white is always in style!"


it's like somebody decided it'd be a good idea to combine my favorite video game character with my favorite comic book character

Solicit says they're (love) guns borrowed from Eros. She's going to be taking on Hades and the Underworld, but first she's gotta raid the gods' armory and gear up like John Matrix in 'Commando'; you can't be a big-time 80s/90s action hero armed with just a lasso, right?


Could be worse, I suppose -- they could've turned the lasso into the guns. Or a sword.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm always disappointed when there are no new trades in the solicitations that haven't already appeared on Amazon.

On the plus side, the Starman collections are getting reprinted. That's cool.
Also, Ramos on Impulse pretty much defined my childhood, so he's a-OK in my book. I wish he'd draw that character again, if Bart still existed :(

Ramos' run on Impulse is was a major part of my childhood and made Impulse one of my favorite characters. Still have my copy of issue one and the first TPB - his artstyle was perfect for the book.

Dug his style on Crimson enough to collect the TPBs, story was fairly decent to me when I was reading it in high school but that's that.

If he could draw Bart as Impulse again - I'd probably die happy.
How do you know they didn't? Hmmmmmmmmm

I'd have a meltdown if they did
Say, doesn't that lasso sort of look 'shopped in? It's not casting a shadow on the wall behind her, like the rest of her figure... you don't think...

I joke because I'm scared.
it's like somebody decided it'd be a good idea to combine my favorite video game character with my favorite comic book character


Aw yeah Lara Croft!

That cover is pretty great, the heart shaped flare as Wondy gets her kicks from discharging those fist phalluses. :3



bayonetta, not lara croft

and i might try glory if it's on comixology

hopefully everything else will be able to distract me from the baby faces
If she had any sense at all, she'd realize that firing two guns while diving through the air only works in John Woo movies and video games; firing one gun from a stable position of cover yields much better results than simply blasting away with guns akimbo. Oh Wisdom of Athena, why have you forsaken he- wait, that's right. "Bastard child of Zeus" so she never got that blessing.

Never mind. Carry on, Warrior Woman.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
What is the "Morrison reading order" for Final Crisis? I would like to re-read it that way. Only read it once. I have all the minis I think.


What is the "Morrison reading order" for Final Crisis? I would like to re-read it that way. Only read it once. I have all the minis I think.

BATMAN #682 – 683

While we're on the subject, I'm going to eat some crow...

In the past, I've talked some serious shit about FC being unreadable and dense in a bad way. Well, about six months ago, I decided to re-read all of it, in Grant's reading order, and, well, it was pretty good.

Not great. I wouldn't go that far.

But it's vastly easier to comprehend. It's a good story. It's got its problems, and I wouldn't say it succeeds on all fronts. But it's quite good. I liked it.
BATMAN #682 – 683

While we're on the subject, I'm going to eat some crow...

In the past, I've talked some serious shit about FC being unreadable and dense in a bad way. Well, about six months ago, I decided to re-read all of it, in Grant's reading order, and, well, it was pretty good.

Not great. I wouldn't go that far.

But it's vastly easier to comprehend. It's a good story. It's got its problems, and I wouldn't say it succeeds on all fronts. But it's quite good. I liked it.

If you have to read it in some specific reading order that is not Final Crisis 1-7 doesn't that make it unreadable from the start?
If you have to read it in some specific reading order that is not Final Crisis 1-7 doesn't that make it unreadable from the start?

Well, there's the reading order of "how it's arranged when you buy the final crisis trade paperback" which includes superman beyond and submit someplace in the middle, and I quite liked it. "Exactly as printed in a single volume" is a pretty straightforward way to do things, though I recognize they were originally printed as single issues and that was probably less ideal.

And for me, personally, final crisis was initially unintelligible because I've only been into comics for a few years and it was the first big dcu crossover I'd ever read. The deluge of characters and references confused me more than the attempts at metafiction and at conveying a sense of reality falling apart. By the time I'd learned everything I needed to know character- and allusion-wise, I'd already read it enough times that the other bits had straightened themselves out. It's one of my favorite comics now, though I recognize that the context I experienced it in is a part of that preference.


Online Ho Champ
Solicit says they're (love) guns borrowed from Eros. She's going to be taking on Hades and the Underworld, but first she's gotta raid the gods' armory and gear up like John Matrix in 'Commando'; you can't be a big-time 80s/90s action hero armed with just a lasso, right?


Could be worse, I suppose -- they could've turned the lasso into the guns. Or a sword.

i dont mind a sword, shes a trained amazonian shes probably proficient in many weapons like spears, shield, swords, etc but sayin fuck it gimme the HK USP .45 with gold plating...custom..

just no.
Kindle Fire demo unit was at Target.

With the comic reader on it and JLA#1 and some other crap.

Double page spreads suck on it. Touchpad:1, Kindle Fire:0

Looking forward to Kindle Fire 2.

Oh hey! Carlos D'Anda filling in on JLA? NICE! Glad to see him getting work on something that isn't a licensed / tie-in comic.
Well, there's the reading order of "how it's arranged when you buy the final crisis trade paperback" which includes superman beyond and submit someplace in the middle, and I quite liked it. "Exactly as printed in a single volume" is a pretty straightforward way to do things, though I recognize they were originally printed as single issues and that was probably less ideal.

And for me, personally, final crisis was initially unintelligible because I've only been into comics for a few years and it was the first big dcu crossover I'd ever read. The deluge of characters and references confused me more than the attempts at metafiction and at conveying a sense of reality falling apart. By the time I'd learned everything I needed to know character- and allusion-wise, I'd already read it enough times that the other bits had straightened themselves out. It's one of my favorite comics now, though I recognize that the context I experienced it in is a part of that preference.

The Batman issues aren't in the trade, which makes it pretty jarring when he randomly shows up and shoots Darkseid
Solicit says they're (love) guns borrowed from Eros. She's going to be taking on Hades and the Underworld, but first she's gotta raid the gods' armory and gear up like John Matrix in 'Commando'; you can't be a big-time 80s/90s action hero armed with just a lasso, right?


Could be worse, I suppose -- they could've turned the lasso into the guns. Or a sword.

Doesn't she have a sword in JL?

On the topic of Wonder Woman in Justice League, she is just drawn so much better in Wonder Woman. She seems to tower over everyone and is imposing, whereas in Justice League not so much.
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