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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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In other news, same old same old. Chris Samnee is one of the best artists working today. The man has a nearly unparalleled sense of shadows and negative space.



This is a case of the work being better in black and white.

Color isn't adding anything.

I can see where you're coming from, but since The Phoenix is a character so closely associated with fire, it makes sense to add the red as a highlight to that fact. I think it adds a nice stark quality. Speaking of color, though, here's some full-color actually-from-comic-books Samnee art from his recent stint on Cap & Bucky:





If it weren't for the fact that his replacement is Francavilla, I'd be pretty pissed that he's off the book now.
I can see where you're coming from, but since The Phoenix is a character so closely associated with fire, it makes sense to add the red as a highlight to that fact. I think it adds a nice stark quality. Speaking of color, though, here's some full-color actually-from-comic-books Samnee art from his recent stint on Cap & Bucky:

Yeah I figured somebody would go and take that wrong.

I meant his interior work.
First six issues of Kirby Kamandi run are supposed to be 99¢ on your fancy Internet comic shop today you dicks.

If you don't buy this you can be assured I hate you even more than I already did.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Am I the only person that had a major problem with the art in X-Force 20? Everyone had ridiculous rubbernecks and it drove me crazy throughout the entire book. Also there was like no damned purple! I've been dying waiting for this book and I don't even recognize it anymore.
Am I the only person that had a major problem with the art in X-Force 20? Everyone had ridiculous rubbernecks and it drove me crazy throughout the entire book. Also there was like no damned purple! I've been dying waiting for this book and I don't even recognize it anymore.

Nope! I love Tocchini but something was very wrong here.

W Hudson

Reading a couple of internet reviews it sounds like Batman #5 is really good. Anyone here had a chance to pick it up yet? Just started the series this week and so far I'm really enjoying it.


And for Satchwar:

dat bat

i kinda want him to illustrate a batwoman book

in other news...

So it's been five months now, and I've been faithfully reading Wonder Woman like I always do (Blood Contract™, understand). Five issues is plenty of time for a story to like... go somewhere, right?


Neo Member
Did any of you all hear the story of Grant Morrison taking LSD(or was it acid?) on a plane and shitting his all white pant?
"I think this is my super villain origin." Poor, lonely Petey. :lol

Reading a couple of internet reviews it sounds like Batman #5 is really good. Anyone here had a chance to pick it up yet? Just started the series this week and so far I'm really enjoying it.
Another brilliant issue, BUT... I get what they were going for with the narrative layout, and Capullo handles it brilliantly, but the
having to turn the comic first on its side and then upside down to read the story
was... well, I'd say I ultimately found it just as annoying as I did clever.
"I think this is my super villain origin." Poor, lonely Petey. :lol

Another brilliant issue, BUT... I get what they were going for with the narrative layout, and Capullo handles it brilliantly, but the
having to turn the comic first on its side and then upside down to read the story
was... well, I'd say I ultimately found it just as annoying as I did clever.

I thought my comic book had a messed up printing when I opened it
Would really hate it if Black Cat / Daredevil becomes a thing as I am big fan of her pairing with Spidey. Matt leave Felicia alone, I don't want to see her fridged.
Oh, she's totally playing them both. She was clearly eyeing Spidey as she was making out with DD, implying a show put on to his detriment, AND she just got offered a sh*tload of money to steal the Omegadrive from DD, a job made easier by getting close to him.


Oh, she's totally playing them both. She was clearly eyeing Spidey as she was making out with DD, implying a show put on to his detriment, AND she just got offered a sh*tload of money to steal the Omegadrive from DD, a job made easier by getting close to him.

But Matt told her about the importance of the omegadrive earlier in the issue and it would be unlike Felicia to hand over the drive to the Secret Empire which she knows is an organization up to no good. I am just worried Felicia will be written further out of character and OMD has really affected and regressed her character a lot.

Also hate the whole have to seduce to get object angle someone can easily resort to in the case of Felicia. She is a world class thief (with her own support group now thanks to Van Meter) who can easily get what she wants by just breaking in the old fashioned way. I know Waid is probably setting up the ADA as a long term love interest, but I hate still don't like this short term fling as it goes against my preferred pairing.


Jim Shooter's review of WW 4 did a pretty good job of articulating the good and bad of the writing.

I agree with him on pretty much all of those points.

Wonder Woman is kinda like Bendis' Avengers. Everybody has the same voice, and what's worse is that everybody has the same level of wit, so they can all play off of each others' jokes. It's nice in doses, but when every discussion rides on the back of a pun, it makes me roll my eyes. There are a lot of words being spoken in the book and hardly anything being said.

The titular character isn't even the one moving the story along... because there's a new God introduced at every turn to start up another potential storyline that we don't get to see make any progress.

Having said all of that, the book isn't bad; it's a serviceable enough story about Olympians doing their thing in a modern setting. Wonder Woman is just kinda there to react to what the Gods do (hint: they hardly do anything of significance, so she doesn't do anything of significance either).
But Matt told her about the importance of the omegadrive earlier in the issue and it would be unlike Felicia to hand over the drive to the Secret Empire which she knows is an organization up to no good. I am just worried Felicia will be written further out of character and OMD has really affected and regressed her character a lot.

Also hate the whole have to seduce to get object angle someone can easily resort to in the case of Felicia. She is a world class thief (with her own support group now thanks to Van Meter) who can easily get what she wants by just breaking in the old fashioned way. I know Waid is probably setting up the ADA as a long term love interest, but I hate still don't like this short term fling as it goes against my preferred pairing.
Pete was acting pretty damn desperate in the ASM issue, though, and she told him flatly that she wasn't a rebound kind of girl. What happened could definitely be seen as a way to reinforce her "not a rebound" stance.

Oh, and Satchwar... you WILL want to pick up this issue of Tiny Titans. It's very heavy on Donna Troy Wonder Girl. And cute.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Nope! I love Tocchini but something was very wrong here.

Ok good. This is my first time ever seeing him that I know of and I never like to judge an artist based on a single issue, but this one was just terrible. If not for the ridiculous neck/head posing, I'd just say it's a matter of the art style not fitting this particular book but there were far more problems than that.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
... I like it :|

It's OK as a mid-tier cape book but it's not blowing my mind like Batman did

And I find that really disappointing. His Batman run was epic.

Now I find myself more blown away by Snyder's work, both on Batman and on Swamp Thing.


Oh, and Satchwar... you WILL want to pick up this issue of Tiny Titans. It's very heavy on Donna Troy Wonder Girl. And cute.

god damnit its not on comixology!!!


dsiugfkjhbd D:

edit: any of you dudes reading Birds of Prey? Starling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *
in other news...

So it's been five months now, and I've been faithfully reading Wonder Woman like I always do (Blood Contract™, understand). Five issues is plenty of time for a story to like... go somewhere, right?

Well if you're disappointed with Wondy you should go seeking Glory with me! :D

The Glory (Image / Extreme) Relaunch: an 80s Take on a 90s Book

In many ways, Rob Leifeld’s old Extreme line was the epitome of the Direct Market in the mid-90s. Imagine my surprise when I’m reading the relaunch of one of those books at realize it’s very much a mid-80s comic.

As with the Prophet re-launch, the Glory re-launch is something a bit different. This time out writer Joe Keatinge and artist Ross Campbell channel Miracleman and Airboy for their new series, debuting with Glory #23. Miracleman and Airboy? Yes, I said it.

If you go back to the mid-80s, the post-modern era really started a little bit before Watchmen. Marvelman really started that movement back in 1982 over in Warrior magazine. Eclipse brought the re-christened Miracleman over to the US in ‘85, to reprint and then continue the story. Airboy added to the mix in ‘86, along with Miller’s Dark Knight and Moore’s Watchmen (Dark Knight and Watchmen are the two comics that really popularized the pos-tmodern movement).

To varying degrees, Marvel/Miracleman, Dark Knight, Airboy and Watchmen are spin out of trying to find out what happened to missing/retired heroes as a threat from the past emerges. (And yes, that’s EXACTLY what happened in the first arc of Airboy – Chuck Dixon was doing the action take on post-modernism before it was the fad.)

Glory #23 opens with a young woman who has dreams of the Glory heroine. Glory has disappeared, and she’s made it her mission to find her. We see flashbacks to Glory’s birth, the peace-brokered child of the leaders of war races, one god-like and the other demon-like. We see flashbacks to Glory (or perhaps “Gory” would be more apt – she could teach the Savage Hawkman something about being Savage). We also see sinister things lurking in the shadows as the young lady quests.

Glory is an analogue to Wonder Woman, much the same way the better known Supreme is an analogue to Superman. The flashbacks reminded me of Alan Moore’s run on Supreme, where he was having fun playing with the tropes of Superman from specific time periods. This is a more violent take on Wonder Woman, more savage and aloof a warrior than DC’s pushed the character towards, but still in the basic mold. This is still a little darker than the current Azzarello/Chiang edition of Wonder Woman.

All in all, this is a set-up issue. Where’s Glory gone to? Has something bad happened to her? Sinister forces are lurking. The transitions from past to present are smooth and the mood of impending doom is set up properly. This is _so_ an 80s post-modern comic. The ironic thing is, it’s post-modern on a heroine that really doesn’t have all that deep a publishing history and wasn’t published in the time period the flashbacks occur in.

The unusual thing about the Campbell art is that he’s not drawing Glory as a swimsuit model. She’s a bruiser built more like a linebacker. While I’m not blinking my eyes, muttering “where did this come from,” like I was with the Prophet relaunch, Glory is solid book that seems to know what it is. If the tropes I described are your cup o’ tea, it’s well worth your time. The Extreme relaunch is two-for-two and I’m waiting to see what Erik Larsen is doing with those old Alan Moore scripts. And yes, it cracks me up how comfortably this comic would have sit in the Eclipse section in 1986, right between Airboy and Miracleman.

Glory #23 comes out on February 15th.

Did any of you all hear the story of Grant Morrison taking LSD(or was it acid?) on a plane and shitting his all white pant?

Poo tell.

I mean, do tell.

god damnit its not on comixology!!!


dsiugfkjhbd D:

Kids can't afford ipads ya ditzy chick! Go get dat dead tree! :3

If you need something digital, then get this!


It's pretty awesome covering a bunch of cool female superheroes. A summary of their origins, exploits, and best stories.

Preview here.

Filthy digital copies here.

Something about the Simonson Legion felt off. Not sure if it was the inker. I think it may be the fancy computer colors. They add a depth and dimensions that I don't expect from Simonson's work. Plus the lack of hand lettering didn't help much. And the story kind of sucked.

I'm having trouble remembering what else I bought and I haven't even started drinking tonight! >:O

I did order that Spiderman Green Goblin book by Jenkins/Ramos since some of you knobs suggested it.

And Kryptonian, I wasn't talking about you! I too have the entire Kamandi run AND Omnibus - MEET ME SOMEWHERE!
i'll try your Baby Glory book but if it sucks i'm gonna... be mad or something i guess


Next you will renounce your allegiance to William Moulton Marston's creation and pledge allegiance to Liefeld. :p

Hey maybe you'll dig his TMNT one-shot more...


That's just a sample he did and kept adding panels to, but it's the best looking TMNT stuff I've seen in a while. Sorry to fans of the current series, not my cuppa.

Glory, best issue of the week

Speaking of which, did anybody snag Prophet?

My shop was sold out by the time I got there. I just wanted to flip through it.
Oh, I guess it didn't come everywhere yet. Whoops!

Thanks for giving me that advanced preview copy then LCS lady!

This motherfucker here. #ENVY


Glory's look has changed over the years, too. In the past, she was drawn mostly athletic but also wispy-waisted and extremely curvy — it might not seem like she'd do much damage if she, say, punched a Nazi tank.

With Campbell's new rendering of her — built muscular and sturdy — if this Glory punches a tank, that thing is wrecked.

"Even though she looks completely different from past interpretations, the idea is that it'll make her true to the spirit of the character," Keatinge says. "She's a warrior on a level that's almost god-like, and she's been training her whole life to basically be a weapon. I don't buy that she'd look like a supermodel."

you should put Wonder Woman #8 as the magazine diana is holding up


You can thank me next month Satchy. ^_^
Pfft all it will take is for wonder woman to point the guns of Hephaestus at glory's head and she'll be cryin like a little bitch. That's how we do


I'll always have an appreciation for Wonder Woman, but I'm just enjoying Satchwar's love/hate relationship with the new take on the character.

Which probably won't last.

The New 52 publicity stunt will peter out and DC/Warner Bros. will be left wondering why the sales dried up, and the answer is obvious = you stopped advertising the damned things on national television.

Then it will be back to the old familiar faces and classic numbering because like it or not, the several hundred issue run is also important / historic.

Jedeye Sniv

I read Batman #5 on this morning's commute and I've got to say as a lifelong Batman fan - that may be the best issue I've ever read.

Fucking Scott Snyder man, nobody does that slow buildup of dread and creeping horror as well as he does. From that page where you first see Batman in the dark I knew that I was in for something really special, this unravelling of the character until he's just this raving mess. And Capullo was sick as well, that bulging insane eye instead of Batman's usual sharp white slit was a great touch along with all the formal fuckery he was playing with. It made reading the book disoritenting as well as the actual content.

But just on a visceral enjoyment level, I loved this book. I was gripped, I didn't know where it was headed, and when we got there I actually yelped aloud on a packed commuter bus. Now that's a victory right there.

I really can't wait for the end, for that "FUCK YEAH BATMAN!!" moment (which Snyder nailed in his Tec run so well). It's gonna be so sweet.

Man, if Snyder keeps this up he'll have written two of my favourite Batman runs ever. The guy is a damn machine.

W Hudson

I read Batman #5 on this morning's commute and I've got to say as a lifelong Batman fan - that may be the best issue I've ever read.

Fucking Scott Snyder man, nobody does that slow buildup of dread and creeping horror as well as he does. From that page where you first see Batman in the dark I knew that I was in for something really special, this unravelling of the character until he's just this raving mess. And Capullo was sick as well, that bulging insane eye instead of Batman's usual sharp white slit was a great touch along with all the formal fuckery he was playing with. It made reading the book disoritenting as well as the actual content.

But just on a visceral enjoyment level, I loved this book. I was gripped, I didn't know where it was headed, and when we got there I actually yelped aloud on a packed commuter bus. Now that's a victory right there.

I really can't wait for the end, for that "FUCK YEAH BATMAN!!" moment (which Snyder nailed in his Tec run so well). It's gonna be so sweet.

Man, if Snyder keeps this up he'll have written two of my favourite Batman runs ever. The guy is a damn machine.

Couldn't agree more. Fantastic issue and Snyder really is the man. Based on his work in Batman and the praise on GAF, I recently picked up the first 5 issues of Swamp Thing, will start on after work today.

Jedeye Sniv

Couldn't agree more. Fantastic issue and Snyder really is the man. Based on his work in Batman and the praise on GAF, I recently picked up the first 5 issues of Swamp Thing, will start on after work today.

When it comes out in April make sure to pick up Severed in trade, it's amaaaaaazing and is so damn scary. Snyder is comics' new best writer, IMO (yeah, you read that right. Not even best new writer. New BEST writer).
The only thing I'm tired about with Snyder's Batman run is the play on Bruce's parents murder once again. It's still one great story but considering Morrison just finished up some stories with "Thomas Wayne" I'm a little tired.

That eye though. So good.


anyone else getting a little disappointed with morning glories lately? more things keep happening that i have questions about, and nothing is ever answered

it's like lost all over again
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