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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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Waiting until Birds of Prey gains some momentum. The whole origins redux thing annoys me. Loved the books before, crossing paths with the Secret Six was a highlight, but waiting for them to catch a stride post shakeup is kind of tedious. I have the first 3 books, but will miss the next few for sure.
I've always wondered what exactly Adam Hughes does for a living.

Covers, covers are sold to private collectors before DC even pays him, commissions via eBay now (previously it was $200 for a bust, and I forget how much for a full figure), selling sketchbooks, and jobs designing statues for Sideshow, etc.

You should blame Frank Miller for ruining the All-Star books. If it wasn't for him we probably would have got Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, and who knows what else.

Nah, Hughes just can't do interiors in any reasonable amount of time. Plus he was writing the damned thing IIRC. Maybe if somebody would put a script in front of him and put him on a clearly defined path so that his ambition won't out pace his ability then we would see ASWW. :\
Nah, Hughes just can't do interiors in any reasonable amount of time. Plus he was writing the damned thing IIRC. Maybe if somebody would put a script in front of him and put him on a clearly defined path so that his ambition won't out pace his ability then we would see ASWW. :\

I don't think getting comics done on time was a priority for the All-Star line. I think their whole purpose was to let the artists take as long as they want so that they would have a graphic novel with 264 pages of Jim Lee art. It took Frank Quitely 3 years to do All-Star Superman, it would be pretty hard to do worse than that (unless you're Jim Lee).
I don't think getting comics done on time was a priority for the All-Star line. I think their whole purpose was to let the artists take as long as they want so that they would have a graphic novel with 264 pages of Jim Lee art. It took Frank Quitely 3 years to do All-Star Superman, it would be pretty hard to do worse than that (unless you're Jim Lee).

Again, from what I recall he was also writing it and from what he described at Mid Ohio Con he was pretty much going off the rails with all sorts of shit. Basically he was doing what all artists do and letting his ambition outpace his ability.

That's not a knock, but if he's left to run wild with no end in sight; then of course nothing will ever happen with the book.

Beside, the original plan was for him to finish a chunk of it then DC would solicit it.

And here we are today.


bandit if i try Glory you have to try BOP

i have zero people to talk to about that book :(

i would talk to tumblr people about it but good grief they are the worst
Again, from what I recall he was also writing it and from what he described at Mid Ohio Con he was pretty much going off the rails with all sorts of shit. Basically he was doing what all artists do and letting his ambition outpace his ability.

That's not a knock, but if he's left to run wild with no end in sight; then of course nothing will ever happen with the book.

Beside, the original plan was for him to finish a chunk of it then DC would solicit it.

And here we are today.

Has he ever written anything? Why would DC make him do both?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Batman was phenomenal this week, the artwork with his eye and cape was just fantastic. Plus the story is going places that make you wonder what could possibly come next. I thought Catwoman was good too, but I was disappointed with Wonder Woman - was hoping for more Chiang artwork but I didn't realize there was a guest artist for two issues. Supergirl and Birds of Prey were also disappointing.
bandit if i try Glory you have to try BOP

i have zero people to talk to about that book :(

i would talk to tumblr people about it but good grief they are the worst




Who is on the team presently and who is doing the art?

Has he ever written anything? Why would DC make him do both?

A Gen 13 mini series. Let's see what else. . .

A1 True Life Bikini Confidential (1990)
Batman/Superman Sonderband (2009)
Dark Horse Presents (1986)
DC Comics Covergirls (2007)
Gen13: Ordinary Heroes (1996)
Superman/Batman (2003)
Superman/Gen13 (2000)
Tomb Raider: Tankobon (2006)
Tomb Raider: The Series (1999)
Wildstorm Thunderbook (2000)

I yanked out artbooks and forewords. Not sure if these are all comics though.

Batman was phenomenal this week, the artwork with his eye and cape was just fantastic. Plus the story is going places that make you wonder what could possibly come next. I thought Catwoman was good too, but I was disappointed with Wonder Woman - was hoping for more Chiang artwork but I didn't realize there was a guest artist for two issues. Supergirl and Birds of Prey were also disappointing.

I was surprised by how Chiang-y the fill in artist was. Not exactly Chiang, but very close.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I was surprised by how Chiang-y the fill in artist was. Not exactly Chiang, but very close.

Yeah I thought he was pretty good as well. Maybe not as densely detailed, but other New 52 books have had worse fill ins.


bandit if i try Glory you have to try BOP

i have zero people to talk to about that book :(

i would talk to tumblr people about it but good grief they are the worst

I'm reading BoP too. I'm loving how hilarious Katana is and everyone's reactions to the crazy lady.

Jedeye Sniv

latissimi dorsi are not supposed to be in front of the deltoids like that god damnit

edit: and im sad that none of you guys are reading birds of prey :'(

I'm reading Birds of Prey, it's great. Nice story which runs along at a good clip, and Jesus Saiz can draw the hell out of some pretty ladies. I especially like the way he draws Dinah's hair and Starling's pirate smiles, and theres a really fluid quality to his linework that is a pleasure to look at. It's not going to set the world on fire, but it's refreshing to get a book with an all-female cast that doesn't rely on t'n'a.

Jedeye Sniv

oh, and RE: that Fox news thing...

The report was total bullshit, that much was obvious. Taking the art out of context, dumb comments by little kids ("this book is good because its... uh, more colors") and a news story 5 months past its sell-by date.

BUT. It did make a very valid point about the adverts in the floppies. They are indeed aimed directly at young children, and at this point in the lifecycle of the industry it's an embarrassment. We defend violence and sexy themes in comics by saying they're not for kids. But the adverts are for Star Wars lego and drinking milk (sure this is something we should all be doing but I digress).

I just don't understand where both sides of the ad buying fence are coming from. DC must know what their demographics are for their books, and surely they'd be able to charge more for adspace if the ads were actually targeted at their readers. And even worse, the companies that advertise must have some idea that the readership does not give two shits about the products they're hawking. Much like you wouldn't try to sell a car to a ten year old, don't try and sell me lego as a 29 year old man...

And of course, this is why digital comics rock. No ads at all :D

God damn.

If only he was drawing the interiors too. :(

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Not happy Uncanny X-Force has hit its first snag with underwhelming art (most of it seemed like sketches coloured over, little to no inking involved), also never really been too fond of the Captain Britain lot at all.

Officially out of USM, feel like one issue of the new Scarlet Spider had more of a character arc than all six of this slow moving drivel.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I enjoyed the Schism hardcover and have read all the raves here about the x-books, but I can't quite justify buying all those $4 double-shipped books.
Wierd.. they only have up to number 3 on Birds of Prey if I go through the Fire to buy it

I fuckin' LOVE that comic!!!!

I've been keeping up with DC when the stuff hits $2 in the app. My reads:
Batm'n & Brob'n
Aminal Man
Swamp Things
Green Lanterns
Brids Of Pray

I love comics!


I'm reading BoP too. I'm loving how hilarious Katana is and everyone's reactions to the crazy lady.
I'm reading Birds of Prey, it's great. Nice story which runs along at a good clip, and Jesus Saiz can draw the hell out of some pretty ladies. I especially like the way he draws Dinah's hair and Starling's pirate smiles, and theres a really fluid quality to his linework that is a pleasure to look at. It's not going to set the world on fire, but it's refreshing to get a book with an all-female cast that doesn't rely on t'n'a.
I fuckin' LOVE that comic!!!!


hugs all around!
Wait, they actually made a comic based on that TV show about Batman's daughter and that lady in the wheelchair? That show's been off the air for years!


Wait, Black Canary wears fishnets over pants in this new series?

That's like wearing socks with sandals. :|

i dont know what the hell it is that she's wearing but i hate it

i wasn't that big of a fan of pre-nu52 Canary's costume anyway, so that wasn't a huge loss for me. it's just that they took her costume in the correct direction (imo) but then fucked it up from the waist down.

the top part could still use streamlining (what's the point of those yellow things on her forearms?) but it's serviceable

Katana's costume could use a lot more synergy, and Ivy looks perfect... from the neck up. i wish they would have gone more leafy for her instead of mostly black

Jedeye Sniv

Just read this week's Birds of Prey. Enjoyed the book a lot, felt a bit distressed for Starling at the end, especially since she thinks Dinah set her up. Good stuff. My only issue with the book is that the colorist keeps making their noses red! It's like they all have colds or something! Saiz draws cute noses on the girls and then the colorist comes along and makes them light up like Rudolph... Very distracting.

Also just saw that Comixology has a sale on the first 4 issues of Uncanny X-Force which is great, I've been wanting to catch up with this series for a while now, great way of letting me in on the ground floor. I spend so much money on this app, the sales are too good to pass up. I still can't believe I got the Dark Knight Returns and Stumptown for 69p and issue, such a bargain.
John Rozum speaks out on his tenure as writer of the newly-canceled 'Static Shock' (Bleeding Cool)

[Rozum:] I went into Static Shock with a lot of high hopes. Among them was showing that Static wasn’t simply an A-list character, but one of the most powerful in the DCnU. I really wanted this series to be fun and exciting and to bring the same degree of creativity to it that I put into Xombi balanced with making Virgil’s personal life at least as engaging as his superhero life. I also saw Static Shock as an excellent gateway through which to pull the rest of the Milestone characters into the DCnU.

I quickly learned that none of these plans were going to see fruition. I wound up being shunted to the sidelines as the writer while Scott McDaniel’s “high concept” criminal syndicate made up of Power Rangers and a big monosyllabic thug took center stage and Harvey [Richards, editor]‘s ideas of the 2 Sharon’s and slicing off Static’s arm were implemented as desperate means of trying to draw attention to the book.

I tried my best to keep it from being a total turd, but as I said, I was completely sidelined. My main contributions were the Pale Man character, Guillotina, naming the school after Dwayne McDuffie, and including Hardware, along with random lines of dialogue. I decided it was unethical to stick with a title that a) I thought was garbage b) that people were buying because of my involvement, due to Xombi, when really I had nothing to do with it c) because I wasn’t being utilized on the title.

Frankly, Static deserved a lot better.
He also goes on to say that overall he enjoys working for DC and plans to continue doing so. Just not, I'm guessing, with Scott McDaniel or Harvey Richards.
Waiting until Birds of Prey gains some momentum. The whole origins redux thing annoys me. Loved the books before, crossing paths with the Secret Six was a highlight, but waiting for them to catch a stride post shakeup is kind of tedious. I have the first 3 books, but will miss the next few for sure.

I read a few of the first issues but now im gonna wait until each series has at least 8 issues under the belt before I read them again.


John Rozum speaks out on his tenure as writer of the newly-canceled 'Static Shock' (Bleeding Cool)

He also goes on to say that overall he enjoys working for DC and plans to continue doing so. Just not, I'm guessing, with Scott McDaniel or Harvey Richards.

holy shit, mcdaniel got EXPOSED :lol

reading that is pretty frustrating because i wanted that book to do really well. obviously you just can't win with some people.

which one is Wonder Woman's and whos is the purple one with the cables running through it?

i thought that the first one was Wonder Woman because the texture made me think of her current title logo for her book, but apparently it's Darkseid/New Gods.

the one with the cables might be Catwoman. maybe her whip?


I think DC has the publishing rights locked up but the characters belong to their creators. Anyone?

Yeah, I had read that DC just had the publishing rights. To me it never made sense and I never thought DC would actively promote the Milestone characters since it is not beneficial to them in any way. Since the rights don't belong to them there seems to be no profit or incentive for DC to promote Milestone.
The McDuffie estate should just give the publishing rights to IDW or Dynamite who make licensed comics. Books will probably last longer there.

Jedeye Sniv

I just read the first issue of Uncanny X Force. Two thoughts - ah, that's who that kid is from WatXM, neat. I think I'll enjoy this story (I know various random bits of x-history but not a lot. But I'm not daunted, I get a lot of stuff through context). And second... ah, that's why people are always freaking about Opena. Dude is a fucking powerhouse. Love Dean White's colors as well, those two work so well together.

Great stuff, I think I may end up reading the whole run over the next few months.
I just read the first issue of Uncanny X Force. Two thoughts - ah, that's who that kid is from WatXM, neat. I think I'll enjoy this story (I know various random bits of x-history but not a lot. But I'm not daunted, I get a lot of stuff through context). And second... ah, that's why people are always freaking about Opena. Dude is a fucking powerhouse. Love Dean White's colors as well, those two work so well together.

Great stuff, I think I may end up reading the whole run over the next few months.

You better. It's Morrison-y goodness, and the best X-Story since New X-Men.

I prefer this kind of introduction of LGBT characters in superhero comics. . A big deal wasn’t made to CNN, Fox News or USA Today. This is something that is largely under the radar if you aren’t a Spider-Man fan. The fact that he is gay is secondary to his personality. Max Modell is a scientist, one of the smartest in the world. He's the CEO of Horizon Labs. He is a friend/mentor to Peter Parker. He also happens to be gay. This is a stark contrast to characters like Bunker or Batwoman whose sexualitys were promoted over their actual characters. Modell was a new character and we’re still learning about him, even after two years worth of Spider-Man comics since his introduction. The revelation of his sexuality was subtle and not a full page splash. It’s more real life and “as a matter of fact”.



I prefer this kind of introduction of LGBT characters in superhero comics. . A big deal wasn’t made to CNN, Fox News or USA Today. This is something that is largely under the radar if you aren’t a Spider-Man fan. The fact that he is gay is secondary to his personality. Max Modell is a scientist, one of the smartest in the world. He's the CEO of Horizon Labs. He is a friend/mentor to Peter Parker. He also happens to be gay. This is a stark contrast to characters like Bunker or Batwoman whose sexualitys were promoted over their actual characters. Modell was a new character and we’re still learning about him, even after two years worth of Spider-Man comics since his introduction. The revelation of his sexuality was subtle and not a full page splash. It’s more real life and “as a matter of fact”.

read BOP #5

edit: actually dont unless you read from the beginning
How do we know he's gay?

Could be his partner from the Donut Shop they run.

Plus heterosexuals have adopted the mutation of the term "partner" to be inclusive and further confused matters. :D
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