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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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I thought it was pretty obvious from the beginning. Then again, it's not as matter of fact as the Modell one, so im not entirely sure yet


@parallax: i'm talking about Ev Crawford

i mean i guess the signs were there but i didn't think anything of it. girls call each other "sweetie" and "babe" all the time without being bisexual/gay so i kinda shrugged it off.

anyway, she's made the nu52 for me. i need her one-shot to come out ASAP. i want to see her drive another car through another building and break her hand on somebody's face again


Does maths and stuff
So, did anyone buy the new Prophet?

I liked it. Actually best book I got this week now that I think about it.


Junior Member
Anybody else here read Northlanders? I bought and read the first book and was wondering if the subsequent stories lived up to it.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I read the first BoP in the New 52 hardcover and loved the art, but the story was forgettable to me. But I'll give it a shot with all of the positive feedback. What about Justice League Dark? How has that held up so far?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Birds of Prey is indeed a good book. The latest issue was a bit of a letdown (nothing really happens until the very end), but it's a great series overall. I personally like Justice League Dark as well, but I, Vampire is definitely my pick of the litter. Fantastic book, great characters, wonderfully evocative and emotive art, and so far I don't think they've gone wrong with anything. Really looking forward to picking up issue #5 next week. Plus, that issue starts a 2-issue crossover with Batman, followed by a 2-issue crossover with JLD, so should be great!

I started reading the first few issues of American Vampire yesterday and I have to say it's pretty damn good. I love the art, but I think there's a bit too much swearing sometimes. In the Stephen King sections I swear he drops the F bomb like he's giving out candy at Halloween. I also tried reading Scalped, but I couldn't get past the art in the first issue; I can hardly tell what's going on from panel to panel.

Edit: Oh, on another note, the Avengers cartoon on Netflix is phenomenal. They only have one season (Season 2 is in development), but hot damn I couldn't stop watching it, and that's saying a lot since I rarely enjoy new shows.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
All the cool kids are reading BoP and I'm feelin left out. It's like high school all over again. :(


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Huge week for me, biggest in a long time. I wish Archie would spread the Jughead publications out a little better.


And my pick of the week, because comics from the 70s like Ghost Rider fascinate me:


I prefer this kind of introduction of LGBT characters in superhero comics. . A big deal wasn’t made to CNN, Fox News or USA Today. This is something that is largely under the radar if you aren’t a Spider-Man fan. The fact that he is gay is secondary to his personality. Max Modell is a scientist, one of the smartest in the world. He's the CEO of Horizon Labs. He is a friend/mentor to Peter Parker. He also happens to be gay. This is a stark contrast to characters like Bunker or Batwoman whose sexualitys were promoted over their actual characters. Modell was a new character and we’re still learning about him, even after two years worth of Spider-Man comics since his introduction. The revelation of his sexuality was subtle and not a full page splash. It’s more real life and “as a matter of fact”.

I completely agree with you on all points except batwoman. I think the whole publicity thing undermines the characterization.

Batwoman on the other hand I feel is really well handled (having not really paid attention during her initial appearances) due to the art style. I'm pretty worried about the upcoming Batwoman arc.
THe funny thing is the long running starman series from dc had gay charecters in the 90s and nobody cared. I hate when DC and Marvel try to create sensationalist news stories now adays.


Just started reading the latest wonder woman, and the very first page starts off by saying Wenger needs to be sacked!?!

fuck this I'm burning my copy
Ramos rocks. He drew one of the best modern Spidey arcs too. The one with Green Goblin written by Paul Jenkins.

If this is a good modern Spidey run, I'm glad I got out in the early 90's. :X

Some of Ramos's worst art as well. Just not up to his normal stuff. Really poor story telling, trying to add anatomical notation to his figures but it was all wrong so it just looks grotesque, and some plain derpy looking poses for Spidey.

The sanctimonious twat verbal dressing down ending to the story was also shit.

Went to the back up shop tonight. No Prophet. Apparently everybody has been ROBTURED but me.

Instead I picked up Valen the Outcast #1 and. . .


And got this for free:


Jedeye Sniv

Went to the back up shop tonight. No Prophet. Apparently everybody has been ROBTURED but me.

If only you had an iPad, you could be reading that right now :)

I went back to my local(ish) comic store today for possibly the very last time, finally getting time to go in and buy a paper version of Batman Inc Leviathan to finish off the vol 1 run that I already have in paper. Was very strange. And flicking through the book (beautiful art), I really do not miss adverts in comics at all, such an ugly thing to put in a medium that's all about visual aesthetics. Digital + trades is the way to go from now on for me for sure.

I also picked up Area 10 by Gage and Samnee since it was on the shelf and I can't resist a whole book of black and white Samnee. Really looking forward to getting into it tomorrow.

I finished reading vol 1 of Shade the Changing Man today as well. Hmmm, that was kinda a mess, I really don't know if I'll continue reading this series. I know it's widely acknowledged as a classic, but a combination of brittle, ugly art (especially the colours) and a fairly nonsensical story with boring characters does not call me back for more. Can anyone who's read the rest of the book let me know how it gets better later? Or is it more of the same? So far it just feels like really low budget Doom Patrol without the awesome characters or cohesion.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I was just rereading this week's comics and came across a funny little hidden item in Birds of Prey. Go to the page where Canary is sitting in the diner reading a newspaper, and try to read the text of the article she's looking at. Hahaha. Of all the documents they could have used to fill up a page of text...
All-Star Western #5, TMNT #6, and probably the first issue of Infestation, although I'm disappointed that there's no Ghostbusters, Star Trek, or Godzilla involved.


I was just rereading this week's comics and came across a funny little hidden item in Birds of Prey. Go to the page where Canary is sitting in the diner reading a newspaper, and try to read the text of the article she's looking at. Hahaha. Of all the documents they could have used to fill up a page of text...


i can't even read it :(
If only you had an iPad, you could be reading that right now :)

I can read los Funnies Digitalés on my Touchpad just fine.

hell, he has a computer

buy it on your computer, bandit

In response to both of yous:

Until they get the pricing of this shit right, I'm not paying absurd money for single DRM'd files.

I realize the Image guy argued that a digital comic is no different from a print comic, so why should it cost less - easy:

- No print cost involved.
- No solicitation through Diamond BS.
- No shipping costs.
- You're getting full price on your retail product.
- Your los Funnies Digitalés are directly competing with digital content that is a better value per dollar!

I've been hankering to read old shit I have in the attic, but seeing as how it's the dead of winter and I'm not venturing into that cramped, cold, dark place (it's like my heart only I store comics there) so I picked up a month card for Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited. Still the best value for your dollar in all this los Funnies Digitalés bullshit.

Now I'm gonna go read West Coast Avengers #30 and Captain America Annual #8 if you don't mind!

Internet - why don't you have more love for The Composite Avenger?! God damn. :|
Pro-tip: It's printed backwards.

It looks like somebody copy pasta'd a EULA and flipped it. I keep seeing "Software Copyright" in there, but my backward reading isn't so skilled that I can sift through all of it to get a better picture.

Also Archie's Mega Man is pretty good. :O

Great coloring which superhero books need to take note of. It's just vibrant and fun to look at, the way superhero comics used to be.

Avenging Spiderman #1-3 are a good example of how to color a superhero comic.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
It's easier to read on the hard copy of the comic, but it's essentially some sort of instruction manual of how to properly put together a legal document regarding software copyrights (it has instructions like "make sure there is a line after this term" etc...). I thought it was hilarious.


Hi all!

I have always wanted to get into comics, and since I just got an ipad I figured this would be a good time ti start. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone just starting out? Thanks :D


Hi all!

I have always wanted to get into comics, and since I just got an ipad I figured this would be a good time ti start. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone just starting out? Thanks :D

DETECTIVE COMICS 854 - 860 and if you like those then get BATWOMAN


Hi all!

I have always wanted to get into comics, and since I just got an ipad I figured this would be a good time ti start. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone just starting out? Thanks :D

Marvel's entire line goes day and date in March. Once it does, get Daredevil (best series of 2012 by many publications) and Remender's Uncanny X-force.

I think the Spider-man books (Amazing and Avenging) are already released the same day and date.

Marvel also bunch other number ones, both flagship X-books (Uncanny and Wolverine and the X-men), Punisher, Moon Knight, Incredible Hulk etc.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Haha awesome. Looks like it's a video game-related document (I see "Video Game Title" towards the left side of the page).

Hi all!

I have always wanted to get into comics, and since I just got an ipad I figured this would be a good time ti start. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone just starting out? Thanks :D

I literally just started reading comics 2 weeks ago so I'll tell you what I did personally. I started with DC Comics because they rebooted their entire line last year. Most of their series are currently on issue #4 or #5, so it's super easy to pick a few comics that you enjoy and get into them. My favorite ones so far are Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, and I, Vampire.

With Marvel I've just been reading a lot of their older stuff, I'm not really buying any of their ongoing issues because I don't know where to jump in. I will say that Amazing Spider-Man had a fun issue this week so I think I may stick with it.

In fact I would suggest buying old trade paperbacks (a collection of ~6 issues into one book) from series that you think are interesting, and then see if you enjoy them or not. You can buy a lot of them on Amazon for cheap. The Avengers is a fun comic but I wouldn't know what the best point to jump in is, maybe someone here can point you in the right direction. I bought the first two trades of X-Force and I'm really enjoying it, so maybe check that out? Each trade is going for ~$10 on Amazon.

Other series that I liked were American Vampire and Fables. American Vampire is written by the same guy who is currently writing Batman, he's pretty good. It's a vampire story set in 1925 Los Angeles, so it's a fun read. Fables is about fairy tale characters that live in modern day New York and hide their nature from human beings. It's a refreshing take on the genre. It's up to issue 120 though or something, so I'm starting from the beginning, but it will take ages to catch up so this might not be the best option for you.

I'm kind of just rambling here so I'll just stop now.


Comixology is having an X-Factor sale. This series is ace quality so give it a shot people if you haven't already.


Comixology is having an X-Factor sale. This series is ace quality so give it a shot people if you haven't already.

Only one tip, if you hate puns, you might hate X-Factor. Never before have I seen so many puns used before.

Jedeye Sniv

Haha awesome. Looks like it's a video game-related document (I see "Video Game Title" towards the left side of the page).

I literally just started reading comics 2 weeks ago so I'll tell you what I did personally. I started with DC Comics because they rebooted their entire line last year. Most of their series are currently on issue #4 or #5, so it's super easy to pick a few comics that you enjoy and get into them. My favorite ones so far are Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, and I, Vampire.

With Marvel I've just been reading a lot of their older stuff, I'm not really buying any of their ongoing issues because I don't know where to jump in. I will say that Amazing Spider-Man had a fun issue this week so I think I may stick with it.

In fact I would suggest buying old trade paperbacks (a collection of ~6 issues into one book) from series that you think are interesting, and then see if you enjoy them or not. You can buy a lot of them on Amazon for cheap. The Avengers is a fun comic but I wouldn't know what the best point to jump in is, maybe someone here can point you in the right direction. I bought the first two trades of X-Force and I'm really enjoying it, so maybe check that out? Each trade is going for ~$10 on Amazon.

Other series that I liked were American Vampire and Fables. American Vampire is written by the same guy who is currently writing Batman, he's pretty good. It's a vampire story set in 1925 Los Angeles, so it's a fun read. Fables is about fairy tale characters that live in modern day New York and hide their nature from human beings. It's a refreshing take on the genre. It's up to issue 120 though or something, so I'm starting from the beginning, but it will take ages to catch up so this might not be the best option for you.

I'm kind of just rambling here so I'll just stop now.

I second almost everything you've said here, and it's kinda fascinating to see how new readers get into comics too.

Most importantly, you're dead on the money that Trade Paperbacks are the best way in. I would never advise new readers to start reading single issues (or floppies) though. They're more for total addicts that need to support themselves week to week. For new readers, buying a series in collections just makes so much more sense. It's a more satisfying experience and it's much cheaper, especially if you're reading the classics or buying online.

The new DC books are fantastic and the recommendations above are all good. And luckily, all the trade paperbacks will be available soon so you're really best off waiting for them to get started with DC.

But then again, there are decades of AMAZING comics out there already. Books that defined modern comics like Sandman and Batman Year One and Watchmen and Preacher. Basically, anything by Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller (pre 2000s) and Alan Moore will see you in good stead. And then when you get used to the medium you can dig into Grant Morrison, that's the real shit :D And even books by the best modern guys, like Jonathan Hickman and Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire...

Man, there is so much, it's super bewildering at first. I don't even know where to start with recommendations... actually, here's a weird one - as soon as you can, read Top Ten by Alan Moore. It's amazing, it's self contained and it's very funny and serious at the same time. It doesn't often get mentioned in these kinds of conversations but it's a great intro to comics.

Actually this is interesting. ComicsGAF - what are some interesting, leftfield introductions to the industry outside of the usual Watchmen/Dark Knight/Hush recommendations?


user-friendly man-cashews
I always like to throw a Squadron Supreme recommendation. Great story and actually sort of a forgotten milestone in comic books history.

Love some of the creator owned work of the current "famous" mainstream writers : Hickman's Nightly News and Pax Romana, Fraction's Casanova, Lemire's Essex County.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
The first volume of Runaways is my favorite recommendation to anyone. It seems to satisfy a really broad range of people regardless of whether or not they're opposed to the idea of traditional superhero comics.

Jedeye Sniv

The first volume of Runaways is my favorite recommendation to anyone. It seems to satisfy a really broad range of people regardless of whether or not they're opposed to the idea of traditional superhero comics.

Oh yeah totally! That book is so fun. I love it all the way up to the end of Whedon's run, after which it turns to shite. Great characters in that book, and it reads at a fantastic clip.
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