Aquaman is a great book.
I'm...not the only one? Praise be. :') *brofist*Aquaman is a great book.
I'm...not the only one? Praise be. :') *brofist*
I've been loving Aquaman too! DOUBLE BROFIST!
Chilling. :O :O :O
Cyclops = Magneto = Xorn
UXM #11's artwork is terrible, but every word Gillen writes inside the pages is perfect. Including that letter.
The cycle of mischaracterization complete.
Side note: finally took your suggestion of X-Factor and I have to say I was a fool to have missed this for so long. Started with the Rahne wolf baby hunt issue, and am now current through the Alex/Lorna stuff.![]()
Everyone that picked up AvX Versus should have bought Uncanny X-Men #11 instead. Worth it for the Colossernaut introspection alone.
And Cyclops' "A Letter to Humanity"?
Chilling. :O :O :O
"Villainous"? Foreign invaders have just set foot on his nation's soil with the intent to kidnap one of his people, who also happens to be his adoptive granddaughter.I didn't think Cyclops could be more annoying than he has been during the past couple of months but his character in the whole A vs X thing has gone to downright villainous.
"Villainous"? Foreign invaders have just set foot on his nation's soil with the intent to kidnap one of his people, who also happens to be his adoptive granddaughter.
"Villainous"? Foreign invaders have just set foot on his nation's soil with the intent to kidnap one of his people, who also happens to be his adoptive granddaughter.
The cycle of mischaracterization complete.
Side note: finally took your suggestion of X-Factor and I have to say I was a fool to have missed this for so long. Started with the Rahne wolf baby hunt issue, and am now current through the Alex/Lorna stuff.![]()
Welcome to the real sisterhood, kryp.
Any great starting points prior to the ish I began with? One of the reasons I kept from reading was the huge number of issues the series enjoys.
Honestly, the first issue of PADs second run is a good a point as any. He lays groundwork for characters here and there that you might enjoy. And even at its worst X-Factor is still entertaining to read. Plus, you get to enjoy Layla and Madrox's back and forth when she was just a kid "who knows stuff".
So that was number 1? When does it jump numbering? How many issues in?
Thanks big time!
Yeah, this TPB
Ok cool. When does it start using the XF numbering?
I dont think I ever paid attention to it. So I'm not really sure. Probably when they brought back Havok and Polaris?
I love AvX. it's stupid fun. AvX Vs on the other hand is just stupid.
So picked up DD and Secret Avengers this week. And this bad boy
This is so amazing
Get it. The art is just simply the most amazing thing ever. OGN of the year for sure so far. Gonna be hard to top. Ramon Perez is just incredible. Look at his art.
His work on the John Carter mini is amazing.
Speaking of people drawing amazing things, Ivan Reis continues to kill it. First that amazing MM spread in JL8 and now The Others spread in Aquaman 8. Soooooo good.
Link please on where to buy!ITT we buy batman statues?
Will be hard passing that up in the next May pre-orders.
Okies. Just googled and it said after issue 50.
AvX: VS. What the fuck am I reading?
Everyone that picked up AvX Versus should have bought Uncanny X-Men #11 instead. Worth it for the Colossernaut introspection alone.
And Cyclops' "A Letter to Humanity"?
Chilling. :O :O :O
Big jump from "She is Dangerous" to the "She's a mutant". No you fuckhead, it's because a cosmic force that kills everything is going to inhabit her.
Cyclops = Magneto = Xorn
Seriously. Cyclops' current characterization pushes me away from X-men comics.
I think they've made him too stoic. Mutantkind is so close to coming back from the edge of extinction that Cyclops will do just about anything, sacrifice anything, to make that happen for his people and future generations. Yet they rarely reveal his personal levels of desperation, or just how stressed that kind of responsibility must make him, and he comes across as impassive and "villainous".
Obviously Cap has decided that getting suckered twice in one day by an angry mutant is one too many, and took the initiative instead.
My favorite thing about scenes with Wolverine. No one EVER breaks their hand punching his face, and he never breaks anyone else's skull when he swings at them.
Always been something I found humorous.
I can't believe this Batman and Robin arc is going a full 8 issues. The New 52, overall from what i read, dragggggggggggggggggggggggggs.
I bet Cyclops has an ulterior motive for wanting the Phoenix. Maybe use it to restore mutants or...Jean.![]()
I bet Cyclops has an ulterior motive for wanting the Phoenix. Maybe use it to restore mutants or...Jean.![]()
Yup, called that one when this whole thing was announced.
Phoenix + Hope's power + (perhaps Scarlet Witch's ultimate sacrifice) = end to No More Mutants