I meant circling the drain as in going nowhere before ending. I suppose there's an apt comparison of the quality of WD to the tone of WD but the prison sequence, which was already silly, ended like 4 years ago. When I quit reading WD it had moved well beyond "sense of dread" and into "still sells, TV show incoming, gotta keep writing this mindless churn".
If anything Invincible is like the reverse of WD. Invincible started a bit slow but then sped way up, whereas WD started fast and now goes nowhere.
Don't worry, I've been doing the same thing.
Lawl awesome. We can only be X-Bros though if you're pro-Vampire Jubilee. So far I'm the only one I know.
for good reason. because its stupid. lets not improve her damn abilities, and put her in some decent storylines, but make her a vampire instead.
Yeah, it's so great! That Jubi/Wolvie team up mini right after she got transformed, where they get lost in that weird junkyard dimension and had to fight a dragon... I'm like "wtf yo?"
The crazy junkyard dragon stuff is funny as hell, especially the Rockslide stuff. Helps that Phil Noto draws the hell out of it. But my favorite parts were just Logan and Jubilee interacting with each other, since they have a long history and easy chemistry.
Would it really be that bad if it mellowed out and focused on the goings on of the school? Between the attack, Angel and Genesis joining the book and now this amazing nonsense with Kitty there is plenty of stuff going on that fits the crisis of the month mold but my favorite scene are still all the class room stuff. There are a dozen+ X-books on the shelf right now and they're all telling the same kind of stories arc after arc.
I wouldn't be worried about it being better when focusing on showing school life instead of moving an overarching plot forward because it already is. I'm worried that it won't get to do that for as long as I want it to.
Small character moments are the best parts of cape comics when done well, for me.
Since you guys seem to be down on Morrison's Action Comics, is there anything new-ish of his that you would recommend? I love his Animal Man (one of my favorite runs of a comic book ever), Filth, WE3, etc. How's Joe the Barbarian?
That's true but they still need to have a plot. Joss Whedon's X-Men run for example was all character moments and the plot and villains left a lot to be desired.
Since you guys seem to be down on Morrison's Action Comics, is there anything new-ish of his that you would recommend? I love his Animal Man (one of my favorite runs of a comic book ever), Filth, WE3, etc. How's Joe the Barbarian?
LTTP: read my first Deadpool comic (want you to want me arc) i'm a fan now.
picked up issue #50 loved it
Haven't finished it yet but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Soldiers
Speaking of, when is she going to stop celebrating Christmas?Oh trust me, I know. That was what led to me dropping Wonder Woman.
Don't forget Joe Kelly's Classic Deadpool run either.read Gail Simone's Deadpool, which goes into Agent X
This is probably all my fault since I'm a big X-Men fan and I've been buying all that shit, even the not-so-great ones, since I got into comics in September.
Also, is it really that surprising considering Schism was generally well received and lead to a paradigm shift in the dynamics of the X-Men teams and Fear Itself was relatively poorly received and there has been a lot of people getting burned out on Bendis' Avengers. This doesn't seem all that shocking to me.
Valentine's Day is approaching, might I recommend something more... appropriate? Involving bats?
Robert Kirkman's longtime collaborator and childhood friend Tony Moore is suing "The Walking Dead" creator over the proceeds for the wildly successful zombie property. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Moore filed suit today, claiming he was duped into signing his interest in "The Walking Dead" over to Kirkman in 2005. Moore launched "The Walking Dead" comic at Image Comics with Robert Kirkman in 2003, serving as ongoing artist from issues #1-6 before current artist Charlie Adlard took over. Moore provided cover art for "The Walking Dead" until issue #24 and also collaborated with Kirkman on "Battle Pope" and "Brit."
X-Men 24... why do I continue to pick this book up?
X-Men 24... why do I continue to pick this book up?
Yes, exactly! >
Oh, who can remember what's going on with the DCNu anyway?im already wearing my valentines day avatar
she's shooting cupid's guns on the cover, remember? >:]
Why drop GenHope? There's only a couple issues left to come, it's ending in April.I had to drop that one and Gen Hope. ugh
Anyone want to post their collection? I will in a few when my camera works, or I buy a new one.
Oh, I love this thread btw.
Lawl awesome. We can only be X-Bros though if you're pro-Vampire Jubilee. So far I'm the only one I know.
Picked up just two books today - Batgirl and Secret Avengers 22.1, and the only reason I picked up SA was because there was nothing in the store that really interested me. I really enjoyed SA, a lot more than I thought I would. Do you guys think it's worth jumping into the series, or should I just wait for Avengers Assemble which is starting up in a few months? The only characters in that roster that I know are Hawkeye and Ant-Man, everyone else on the cover looks weird/out of place.
Secret Avengers #22 starts a new arc with a new writer (same as 22.1..) so it would be a good jumping on point.[/spoiler]