I'm pleased to report that Tim Seeley taking over Witchblade works for me. I haven't been a long time fan of the book. I read the first Christina Z. issues and Tales of the Witchblade back when I worked in the comic shop and that was it. I've always enjoyed the look of the character and the Japanese hit the nail on the head for pure T&A with Witchblade Takeru and the Titsblade anime.
With issue #151 Tim Seeley takes over as writer and Sara Pezzini is no longer a New York cop. She's a private investigator in Chicago. Barring some spelling errors and missing capitalization by the letter the story was enjoyable and felt like what I recall reading in the early issues of the 90's.
An interesting angle that is hard to notice due to the art is Sara is aging and becoming Ms. Baggy Pussy. It's hard to tell with the Top Cow everybody looking like a Hollywood star art, but the writing indicates at one point that she's snubbed by a hunky guy while on investigation. It was just an interesting human moment that you rarely see acknowledged in comics since characters rarely age.
Anyhow Witchblade #151, check it out if you're interested. Issue #153 came out last week so there's a couple issues under the belt for you to read.