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COMICS!!! |OT| April 2017 - Now Featuring Superstar Artist Brett Booth - APRIL FOALS!


I think y'all are underestimating how hype I was for this book. I wanna this to be massive.

We are were.




I hate everything about the America book and I fucking love that character. But this book is crap and it hurts. fuck. At least I really enjoy Hawkeye.


My Zelda botw case never arrived when I used the keep it feature from gamefly. This is worse than being a digital buyer. I trusted you mail system and you betrayed me!
Heading out to my therapy meeting soonish. Happy to see the Reverse-Flash skin in I2. Such a dick.
Man I've bought a lot of manga this week. Started with that Viz CMX sale then escalated to IST orders

Dang that OT thread and sales. But I've worked off a lot of my wishlist. Now to find time to read it.
Link to thread? Was asleep and missed it.

Next Cho variant:
NXT is better than pretty much anything else. But RAW was really solid this week, especially with the Revival getting called up. #SayYeah #TopGuys

lol all I know is I love Roode's theme/entrance. So good. The Orlando takeover show was amazing, I love Asuka and Nakamura, although I think I saw Nakamura moved up?

First my Switch delay and now this. I can't have nice things nowadays.

I have no funny, I just feel bad you have to wait on it man. All in good time, you will be rewarded.

Working my way towards reading Black Science 4 & 5, so reread vol 1 & 2 last night. Yea, I dunno, I must have got hit on the head and had a personality change or something. Of Remender's three main ongoings for the last few years, this one was the one that drove me nuts the most every time I read it, but I've just 180'ed right around on the Remender stuff is wasn't enjoying, I was loving that shit. Scalera is just off the hook though which is a huge part of the experience. I just love how they tear through worlds that other books would take time to set up and spend an entire series exploring, and they just blast through in 1 or 2 issues, and the creature/world designs Scalera comes up with is incredible.


Extremity is the next big thing. I haven't read a book with such a strong identity and sense of its own world in YEARS.

IGN 10/10

Weird follow-up to Reborn, but I still liked it. Glad their finally dealing with that obviously creepy old neighbor.

All-New Wolverine

Pretty good set-up for a story. I'm fine with Laura's costume, but what the fuck is up with Gabby's mask? IDK what I think about that...


A lot of nice little hints of world building, but a bit of a down issue compared to all the action and blood in the first. Still really liking this though.

Nichijou is amazing.

But the one true King is Luffy. That's the best comic being published in the world, period.

While I do agree a little with your spoiler,
I have to strongly disagree with that first statement. Funnily enough, I read the first volume of Nichijou just this last week and found it trying too hard with the "lol I am so random" situations. Which is surprising because I usually like that kind of humour. e.g., Supermutant Magic Academy that I just started reading!

Manged to catch up on a few trades this week, starting rebirth with green arrow and superman.

I enjoyed Superman though I think a few things went over my head as not really a superman fan previously, Is the sailor guy from the bar someone who's been in comics in the past? Still it had plenty of heart over the issues and with the promise of them mixing with the bat family in the next volume I'm definitely going to pick it up and stay with it.

Green arrow I wasn't so impressed with, I really can't see why this got so higly praised at the start of rebirth. Just all seemed a bit cliche and on the nose for me. Theres even a part where something blows up and oliver is on his knees in front of the explosion with his arms out in the classic "Noooooooo" position, was really cheesy. Plus the ending of the volume
where hes back on the island was instant nope for more
, such a lazy story route to go for. I'm sure they seem to drag it out for every new run/writer. I know this is comics but it also seemed really far fetched with
Emiko knowing that even though she tranqued him and left him floating in water that he of course would be fine and she was really helping him. Bullshit he'd drown ha

Think Batman and WW are the next rebirth picks to go for

After liking Terry Moore Motor Girl stuff and talking with you guys about trying a few more of his series here before I also got a cheap copy of the first volume of Strangers in Paradise. Hmm I don't know, was okay but just seemed a bit like a daytime soap opera, wasn't really the depth I was looking for. I seem to remember someone saying here that it gets a lot better as it goes on? Does it get less soapy?

Oh well, I've got a new volume of Giant Days to read next, guaranteed quality comic material :)
Green arrow I wasn't so impressed with, I really can't see why this got so higly praised at the start of rebirth. Just all seemed a bit cliche and on the nose for me. Theres even a part where something blows up and oliver is on his knees in front of the explosion with his arms out in the classic "Noooooooo" position, was really cheesy. Plus the ending of the volume
where hes back on the island was instant nope for more
, such a lazy story route to go for. I'm sure they seem to drag it out for every new run/writer. I know this is comics but it also seemed really far fetched with
Emiko knowing that even though she tranqued him and left him floating in water that he of course would be fine and she was really helping him. Bullshit he'd drown ha

At least with me, going from reading Percy's GA before Rebirth and after, it was feeling so different and so much more fun that the cheese and camp sort of played into it for that first arc. Before Rebirth Percy was insanely on the nose and over the top as well, but instead of on the camp it was all the justice warrior stuff and how white people are horrible and all that stuff. I'm not even going against that stuff it was just so on the nose and over the top it was stupid. There was literally an African tribe that called themselves the whites because they pillaged raped and killed everyone they came across. It was just hitting you on the head so much it was stupid.

With Rebirth it was such a change of note that it seemed suddenly fun and stupid in a camp way that it was all just a fun time to read. After the first arc though I feel like the fun went out of it and t's just been over the top and dumb again but not so much hitting you on the head with shit.

I gave it up because there was really no story structure. Shit just happened and then more shit just happened just to change what was going on. It doesn't really happen til after that arc but everything is just so random and stupid and nothing ever adds up or set up. They go on that island, randomly find a couple that make electronic animals, then they found out it's a drug island, then they find a underwater subway that at first is just a drug running train, but then when they get on it suddenly it's this huge worldwide subway that is actually for transit and people are protesting, then there's an assassin on the train that is there to kill a diplomat. Random shit just continues to happen. Nothing every really concludes or feels like it ends, random shit just happens for no reason and with no explanation. Not only does it make no sense ever, but half the time it changes from issue to issue.

If not for me liking Teen Titans at the moment I'd put Percy up there with Hitch as the absolute worst writers at DC.
I enjoyed Superman though I think a few things went over my head as not really a superman fan previously, Is the sailor guy from the bar someone who's been in comics in the past? Still it had plenty of heart over the issues and with the promise of them mixing with the bat family in the next volume I'm definitely going to pick it up and stay with it.

I had a pretty similar experience with this book to you. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to recognise or know the sailor guy or if Tomasi was just using these new characters as a different view. It came off confusing regardless. I think my outcome was different though ha, I'll stick on for the next volume for the bat family but I'm gonna jump ship for Super Sons after that. Exactly where Krypto had came for and some of that part of the plot confused me too. How did you get on with the art changing so frequently?

WW is a good shout for a followup, I enjoyed the first volume of that alot.
At least with me, going from reading Percy's GA before Rebirth and after, it was feeling so different and so much more fun that the cheese and camp sort of played into it for that first arc. Before Rebirth Percy was insanely on the nose and over the top as well, but instead of on the camp it was all the justice warrior stuff and how white people are horrible and all that stuff. I'm not even going against that stuff it was just so on the nose and over the top it was stupid. There was literally an African tribe that called themselves the whites because they pillaged raped and killed everyone they came across. It was just hitting you on the head so much it was stupid.

With Rebirth it was such a change of note that it seemed suddenly fun and stupid in a camp way that it was all just a fun time to read. After the first arc though I feel like the fun went out of it and t's just been over the top and dumb again but not so much hitting you on the head with shit.

I gave it up because there was really no story structure. Shit just happened and then more shit just happened just to change what was going on. It doesn't really happen til after that arc but everything is just so random and stupid and nothing ever adds up or set up. They go on that island, randomly find a couple that make electronic animals, then they found out it's a drug island, then they find a underwater subway that at first is just a drug running train, but then when they get on it suddenly it's this huge worldwide subway that is actually for transit and people are protesting, then there's an assassin on the train that is there to kill a diplomat. Random shit just continues to happen. Nothing every really concludes or feels like it ends, random shit just happens for no reason and with no explanation. Not only does it make no sense ever, but half the time it changes from issue to issue.

If not for me liking Teen Titans at the moment I'd put Percy up there with Hitch as the absolute worst writers at DC.

Yeah maybe because I wasn't reading GA before rebirth I judged it more harshly. Sounds like it was an improvement on his previous work but nothing too great. Looks like the end of the first volume is a good place to stop though.
Yeah maybe because I wasn't reading GA before rebirth I judged it more harshly. Sounds like it was an improvement on his previous work but nothing too great. Looks like the end of the first volume is a good place to stop though.

There was a little 2 part story with Emiko I think right after that, that was pretty good on it's own but yeah I wouldn't recommend much beyond that.
I had a pretty similar experience with this book to you. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to recognise or know the sailor guy or if Tomasi was just using these new characters as a different view. It came off confusing regardless. I think my outcome was different though ha, I'll stick on for the next volume for the bat family but I'm gonna jump ship for Super Sons after that. Exactly where Krypto had came for and some of that part of the plot confused me too. How did you get on with the art changing so frequently?

WW is a good shout for a followup, I enjoyed the first volume of that alot.

I'm guessing he's someone from Superman continuity but honestly no idea. I think by the sounds of it the things I liked about it were the same things you did. The action and the call backs from previous supes stuff I could take or leave but the family drama stuff was the main thing I enjoyed. If they keep focus more on that I'll probably stick with it for the time being. I will go onto Super Sons when I get to it though, read the first issue and thats got the same charm, pretty much like two super hero brothers squabbling and fighting bad guys :)

To be honest didn't notice the art changes too much, maybe because I read it over a couple of nights. Or maybe I'm sadly just used to art changing every few issues in books nowadays. So many good comic runs recently could have been made great runs by just having one steady artist tied to it.

Yep lookinh forward to digging into WW & Batman next. Then probably going to try TEC, Titans and New Superman to round things out.
I'm guessing he's someone from Superman continuity but honestly no idea. I think by the sounds of it the things I liked about it were the same things you did. The action and the call backs from previous supes stuff I could take or leave but the family drama stuff was the main thing I enjoyed. If they keep focus more on that I'll probably stick with it for the time being. I will go onto Super Sons when I get to it though, read the first issue and thats got the same charm, pretty much like two super hero brothers squabbling and fighting bad guys :)

To be honest didn't notice the art changes too much, maybe because I read it over a couple of nights. Or maybe I'm sadly just used to art changing every few issues in books nowadays. So many good comic runs recently could have been made great runs by just having one steady artist tied to it.

Yep lookinh forward to digging into WW & Batman next. Then probably going to try TEC, Titans and New Superman to round things out.

Yea 100% on the family aspect, Tomasi has a great mind for that stuff. It was my favourite aspect of the Batman and Robin run in the new 52 as well. Haha fair enough in the art, it distracted me the most out of the Rebirth trades I read previously but then again, I love the rapid schedule so it is what it is.

Literally my favourites so far were WW and TEC followed by Batman so definitely interested in your thoughts on those when the time comes. I would love to check Titans out, I've never read a Titans book but Booth...I just can't haha.
Yea 100% on the family aspect, Tomasi has a great mind for that stuff. It was my favourite aspect of the Batman and Robin run in the new 52 as well. Haha fair enough in the art, it distracted me the most out of the Rebirth trades I read previously but then again, I love the rapid schedule so it is what it is.

Literally my favourites so far were WW and TEC followed by Batman so definitely interested in your thoughts on those when the time comes. I would love to check Titans out, I've never read a Titans book but Booth...I just can't haha.

Well I've been a fan of a lot of the titans/teen titans series in the past so am looking forward to catching up with the rebirth version. Ha yeah I know Booth gets a lot of stick, but I don't think hes as bad as people make out, just a bit static. It's not Greg Land tier bad or anything like that. I also think Dan Abnett is an under rated writer, hes not top tier but I usually enjoy his stuff. I just really wish they would have done a design for Roy without that god awful cap.

Batman should be fun to dig into, seems to have really split opinion, general consensus is its okay not as good as Synders run, but some people seem to think it really picks up into the Bane arc.

Need to get a few missing volumes first though. Got Hickman Secret Warriors complete vol 1 cheap after talking about it here the other day so need to pick up volume 2 now at higher prices sadly.
Is the Sailor guy you are talking about Bibbo?
He's a very long standing superman character since the original Crisis.


Ah okay thanks, that makes a bit more sense now. Like I said, I really haven't read much Supes over the years, prefer other characters mainly. Always thought Supes was a bit straight laced ha. I'm also probably one of the few people in the world who though All Star Supes was pretty bad. Not as bad as All Star Batman & Robin and his yellow painted room but still.
Batman should be fun to dig into, seems to have really split opinion, general consensus is its okay not as good as Synders run, but some people seem to think it really picks up into the Bane arc.

Need to get a few missing volumes first though. Got Hickman Secret Warriors complete vol 1 cheap after talking about it here the other day so need to pick up volume 2 now at higher prices sadly.

Lol, some folks would even object that comment about Snyder's run haha. Yea, I've only read the first arc plus the monster men issues of King's run. I think I can see why people are so split on it. Personally, and some would take this as a criticism on the book, but right now I don't really feel like ive read enough to make my mind up on the book,like at least. It seems very thoughtful from King like his other books, but more so than others I felt at the end of vol 1 that it was a thought half expressed and put on pause. Although, I might have felt the same about Omega Men if they had split that in half. Definitely going to have to read act 2 to really put an opinion down. I feel like King has earned that though, with his other books being such complete well expressed and involved thoughts and ideas.

Secret Warriors is SO good btw you will devour it, Hickman really strings it together in just the right way where you want to read another issue and another issue and so on.


I am not a fan of the current Batman run.
But I can't really put my finger on why, the tone is just off slightly and the dialogue is just off enough that it doesn't sit right with me. It's weird :(

Although the last Batman run I really loved was Morrison's giant epic.
And I am sure people would be split on that.

The current Detective Comics is a lot better than Batman IMO.
I am not a fan of the current Batman run.
But I can't really put my finger on why, the tone is just off slightly and the dialogue is just off enough that it doesn't sit right with me. It's weird :(

Although the last Batman run I really loved was Morrison's giant epic.
And I am sure people would be split on that.

The currently Detective Comics is a lot better than Batman IMO.

I'm a fan of the run, but I still understand what you mean. I feel like King's emotional and personal approach isn't working very well for the story he is putting together. It's like he's trying to go with a big and bombastic battle between Batman and Bane, but he's using it to tell a very personal and emotion filled story with Batman. They just don't fit very well.

I want to see more of King's Grayson in his Batman writing. Not his Vision style.

With a lot of his talk lately on Twitter I wonder how he feels about this run now that it is done. He's talked a lot about going back and reading his old favorites and trying to refresh his approach to writing, but I wonder if it's about Batman or not.
Lol, some folks would even object that comment about Snyder's run haha. Yea, I've only read the first arc plus the monster men issues of King's run. I think I can see why people are so split on it. Personally, and some would take this as a criticism on the book, but right now I don't really feel like ive read enough to make my mind up on the book,like at least. It seems very thoughtful from King like his other books, but more so than others I felt at the end of vol 1 that it was a thought half expressed and put on pause. Although, I might have felt the same about Omega Men if they had split that in half. Definitely going to have to read act 2 to really put an opinion down. I feel like King has earned that though, with his other books being such complete well expressed and involved thoughts and ideas.

Secret Warriors is SO good btw you will devour it, Hickman really strings it together in just the right way where you want to read another issue and another issue and so on.

Ha yeah well I'm mainly going off opinions on here and I'd say on the whole people seem to prefer Snyders run so far. Looks like theres some exciting stuff coming up though with the button and then war of jokes and riddles. I enjoyed Snyders main series run a lot, don't get me started on his All Star run though.

Well I'm trying to take Secret Warriors a few issues a night to make the most of it but enjoying it so far in the early issues, can't believe how much of the tv show has been directly taken from this already.


So are the Marvel Resurrection books going to be good for a complete comic noob to jump right into?

In particular, I am interested in the Xmen series. I have seen all the movies but that is about it.

The new Mignola book.

I'm surprised the book wasn't nominated for a Harvey.

Oh shiiiiit I am pumped for this. Really cool he's writing it himself and and not passing off scripting to a Co writer. Telling that he isn't pencilling even an ogn that's entirely on his own schedule, I doubt we ever see much out of him sequentially again. Scripting himself though, that's fantastic. Super down!


Captain America Steve Rogers 15

Red Skull being undone by a fundamental misunderstanding of Captain America's nature has a delicious irony to it.
Even with his past so corrupted, some of the true Cap shines through.


Captain America Steve Rogers 15

Red Skull being undone by a fundamental misunderstanding of Captain America's nature has a delicious irony to it.
Even with his past so corrupted, some of the true Cap shines through.
Posts like this make super excited on this book 😭
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