Is Spiderman 2099 legit good?
sleepwalker is what you should be reading... A revival is happening any day now, ANY DAY NOW DAMNIT!!!
You need to be reading Hawkeye. There is an issue told from a dog's perspective. A DOG. The colors, the smells, the voices, everything is from the DOG's perspective.
I really want to get into Batman Beyond, but I need to figure out what to cut.
Does anyone have any pics available of Hickma's graph comics? Trying to work on this Image submission. I gotta know if my writing can stand on its own, i gotta know.
Oh, I thought Batman Beyond was a normal priced series and the 99c ones were if you wanted some short story extras?
I'm reading through the complete Dark Phoenix Saga for the first time since the early 90s. Most of what I remember was actually from the cartoon. But it made me think about something. When Jean or the Professor make a telepathic link with someone, and that person then can communicate telepathically, wouldn't that mean that the person on the other side of the link has latent telepathic abilities? Or am I just over thinking it because I'm drinking?
Trinity War ends today. DC plans to release the trade in mid March...
If that was a Marvel series, the HC would be out next month.
This is sick, someone needs to slap the shit out of DC's editorial staff.
I've come to terms that if i don't pick up a DC book monthly, there's a good chance i'll never bother with it because of the trade waiting period.
Nah, they're all 99c. They're digital only, too, so the price kinda makes sense.
I think it's more like if you have a tin-can versus a cell tower. Like, Scott can communicate, but only with Jean, and only because Jean set the connection up.
I think this is a Didio thing. A very stupid thing. I understand wanting to make some space between the issues and the trades, but this sucks.
There is no goddamned reason that the Death of the Family hardcover should just be coming out eight months after the event ended.
EDIT: Oh, and I want Trinity War spoilers too!
PM'd you! The spoilers I mean.![]()
FInally caught up on XMen Legacy. Im not worried about Mighty Avengers and its bad art after getting through Tan Eng Huat's art. Blindfold looks real rough.
Saying that ANYONE is worse than Greg Land might be the wrongest opinion on anything ever. That Greg Land's shitty terrible no good traced bullshit made to look that much worse by some of the worst coloring in modern comics is on a book as important as it is in the wider context of minority representations in the comic medium is A. FUCKING. TRAVESTY.
I never said Huat was worse than Land! just that it's prepping me for Land!
Greg Land makes me really fucking angry, but also Huat's art is good. It's dynamic. It's weird and it's on a weird book full of weirdos.
Its awful. Don't read it.Why do you guys support Land? Is it a masochistic thing? Being part of a train wreck? Moth to a flame? I just don't understand. Bad art kills my soul. I've almost dropped entire series because of a bad fill in artist.
Also, question, how good/bad is the Iron Man Secret Origin? It sounds... Uh... Special. I have a weird thing with secret origins. Like, I kind of liked the Legion one because it implies that the Time Trapper inadvertently created the Legion by trying to stop their creation. So it undermines the original reason a bit, but ends up ironically fun.
I suppose that makes enough sense to me.
I've come to terms that if i don't pick up a DC book monthly, there's a good chance i'll never bother with it because of the trade waiting period.
Is anyone still reading Nightwing? How is it?
Good stories will be good forever. All DC is doing is letting you see than 90% of their output are bad stories with no longevity at all. They're doing you a favour really.
Is anyone still reading Nightwing? How is it?
I'm with Shin Johnpv on this. Since Night of the Owls it was okay with moments of greatness and since the death of Damien/the move to Chicago it has been good to very good.
It is okay. Higgins has Richard's voice and character down. Only the storylines thus far were not that good. Many great ideas got cut short, while others got padded to match the flow of Snyders Batman.
Kinda the problem Bernard and Tomasi had with GLC/GL:NG were they had to pace themselves accordingly to the main title.
If he continues to add some supporting cast, the move to Chicago might just prove to be the best idea he has had yet. Of course, Forever Evil is going to interfere, so we'll have to see where that goes.
The identity of the Reverse Flash was completely predictable. I think I'm done with that book for awhile.
The identity of the Reverse Flash was completely predictable. I think I'm done with that book for awhile.
The identity of the Reverse Flash was completely predictable. I think I'm done with that book for awhile.
So you're saying you don't want a Brian Buchawhogivesashit shirt with Brian Buchafuckthisguy's face on it? Plz don't support this
Good stories will be good forever. All DC is doing is letting you see than 90% of their output are bad stories with no longevity at all. They're doing you a favour really.
well, if half my motivation for getting Trinity War derives from wanting to read that before i pick up Forever Evil....I can't disagree.
Who's going to care about Trinity War after Forever Evil is already over and the next DC phase will already be rolling out?
And Marvel have been very guilty of the endless soapy events in previous years, so they're not exempt from my ire at all, they're just doing it better these days.
Cityfall is going to end up being a legendary TMNT story.TMNT has been a surprisingly good book, never read any of the earlier comics but I've got into this new series quite a bit.
Instead of taking that single step to "why am i buying this?" i take a hop in the other direction and complain it's not coming out sooner so that i can buy it.