my strengths, like being socially conscious, remember that time i got shouted the fuck off the internet.
I decided to find the original accusations, and wow.
I'm going to say it. And fuck anyone who doesn't like it. Brian Wood is a DICK. And he's preyed on women for too long.
There. I said it. Now you don't have to hide anymore, ladies. I stopped being polite. Fuck that guy. And fuck any other pro who thinks...
that he has a right to sexual favors because he writes funny books. You are of more value than that. And any industry that would...
blacklist you for calling out a lying sack of misogynistic pig offal (or his ilk) isn't worth a good god DAMN.
Too many stories in my inbox about ONE man. This has to STOP.
If you're an editor/publisher and you know you have a predator in your stable of talent, REIN. HIM. IN. Or else you're to blame too.
NO ONE should have so much clout that they can do this countless times and get away with it. Least of all in comics. FUCK YOU, WOOD.
Why am I always the one beating the drum? Because no one else will do it. You come to me, and I'll defend you. Always.
It's up to u to talk to ur editors and ur fellow pros. It's up to u to set up policies for the safety of those around u. It's a workplace.
If you want women to feel safe in comics, start making some top tier changes to prove it. That's STEP ONE.
Either that or they follow me into the nether woods of the internet and u end up stuck with all the BW perverts and no sales.
This is COMICS. Aren't you rebels and artists and naysayers? Or are you pervs drunk on ur taste of "fame?"
CLEAN IT UP, gentlemen. I'm so not kidding right now.
I LOVE comics; I know you do 2. I understand that sometimes douchebags make the stuff we love.But those DBs don't have a right 2 harm people