hottest typo on record
I want more groinded characters in my comics
hottest typo on record
So instock trades website doesn't have the ability to tell you a book is out of stock when ordering? Seems like a pretty basic function of an online retailer.
I also have a Master's in Library Science which was by necessity and not really choice, as you need a MLS to be a professional librarian.
Loved Guardians 100th. I keep calling this book Avengers 100th and I don't know why. The art was phenomenal though. Very unique. I'll have to look into some more Duarte.
Oh man. Just saw this panel from Rocket Rackoon #2:
Too good.
I assume you're a professional librarian then? If so, that's way cool. That's something I've always thought would be a cool career.
Welcome to the best party on Earth.
It's only $10. I think all of ComicGAF should read this as homework.
I'm trying to find it on Amazon, nothing's showing up. Did you buy the only copy? Looks fantastic!
Type in "Monster Duarte"
There should be about 7 or so copies left. So hyped. Loved the art I saw on Google.
I am honestly so thrilled to get you guys into Duarte. When I first saw Birds it literally changed the way I draw overnight.
He's just incredible.
That makes every order a surprise.
I know in the past I have made jokes about French comics, criterion collections, vinyl, and fedoras, but I do legitimately want to know if there are any French/foreign comics that I should be reading.
More specifically, I'm looking for some French Sci-Fi/Fantasy epics.
I legitimately bought it right after you mentioned the art. Came to $11 and will be here by Friday.
It's 7 on instock. Looks really fun.
I know in the past I have made jokes about French comics, criterion collections, vinyl, and fedoras, but I do legitimately want to know if there are any French/foreign comics that I should be reading.
More specifically, I'm looking for some French Sci-Fi/Fantasy epics.
I legitimately bought it right after you mentioned the art. Came to $11 and will be here by Friday.
As far as fern comics, not sure if this counts but I saw this recommended at comics & cola and it looks tremendous
Makes me wish Moebius stuff wasn't so damn expensive...
I know in the past I have made jokes about French comics, criterion collections, vinyl, and fedoras, but I do legitimately want to know if there are any French/foreign comics that I should be reading.
More specifically, I'm looking for some French Sci-Fi/Fantasy epics.
those are the best kinds of French comics
that and Tintin, anyway
I also want to check out Asterix & Obelix.
Blacksad is pretty fucking great.
Blacksad is pretty fucking great.
Blacksad is pretty fucking great.
English translation of the new book should be out in a couple of months.
Looks like I'll wait to pick this one up then. Does it collect all the current releases?
Looks like I'll wait to pick this one up then. Does it collect all the current releases?
Whoa, hold up: really? That was basically the first indication that he's a bit crap at them, yeah? The most interesting thing about Black Mirror is that Snyder did a legit solid job at making the reader uncertain whether this dude was a fucking nutso or not and he just murders the only really great thing with the "ooga booga imma serial killer!!!" ending.
yeah. last ish was killer though
Anyone interested in purchasing Saga #1 first printing signed by BKV?
It's a graphic novel.
You should pick up the first two books which are fucking mind blowing.
A silent hell is volume 2 and Blacksad is the name of the first volume.
It's just the newest book, Amarillo. You'll still want Blacksad, and Blacksad: A Silent Hell.
Please buy Batmanga. It is so far ahead of it's time and I would really like to continue to get more books like these.
Ahh okay, I wasn't sure if it was or not. Looks like I'll make note of it then!
I was really curious about this one; almost asked about it the other day. So you enjoyed it?
It's Batman and Speed Racer. The scans are a bit iffy, but the colored pages are wonderful. It made me laugh and I loved Lord Death Man. His power is dying on command.
I know in the past I have made jokes about French comics, criterion collections, vinyl, and fedoras, but I do legitimately want to know if there are any French/foreign comics that I should be reading.
More specifically, I'm looking for some French Sci-Fi/Fantasy epics.
I legitimately bought it right after you mentioned the art. Came to $11 and will be here by Friday.
Wow another amazing book. This stuff is awesome.