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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Read some Bloodshot up to #6 or something and it's okay, feels very generic action comic but it holds my interest nonetheless. They could make a cool movie out of this I think.
Same difference in America, I think?

Anyway, I was more focused on the part about showing up and reading comics lol

Well, yeah. Mandatory attendance so what else could i do? It's either that or sleep.

Digital revolution, bro. All the prof sees is a dude using a netbook and some weirdly colored reflection on his spectacles.
Read some Bloodshot up to #6 or something and it's okay, feels very generic action comic but it holds my interest nonetheless. They could make a cool movie out of this I think.

Bloodshot is pretty mindless action. The sequel, Reborn, is much better.

I would even recommend, if you're not totally invested in it, to just go read The Valiant then start Bloodshot Reborn.

Well, yeah. Mandatory attendance so what else could i do? It's either that or sleep.

So it's one of those bogus courses that they force you to take and you learn nothing from, like a seminar?


Guys what am I going to do with my life after I finish Gotham Central? I'm scared
The only way I am facing this dellima is by working twelve hour shifts. However, I think I am going to read Fell by Ennis as a follow up. Maybe finally getting around to reading Judge Dredd apocolypse wars will help ease the pain as well.

Maybe you should reread Rai.
The only way I am facing this dellima is by working twelve hour shifts. However, I think I am going to read Fell by Ennis as a follow up. Maybe finally getting around to reading Judge Dredd apocolypse wars will help ease the pain as well.

Maybe you should reread Rai.

Who are you and how do you know I've read (and loved) Rai?
So it's one of those bogus courses that they force you to take and you learn nothing from, like a seminar?

Nah, it's legit and in the best uni in the state. Just that everything here has mandatory attendance. When profs are good, i engage them. When a prof is shite, i read more comics. The current prof is megashite. We don't get to pick and choose our courses.

Plus i gotta wake up 5:40am to be here in time for class,so fuck 'em.


For real though, is there any explanation for Groot's abrupt shift from being a chatty, proud monarch guy to someone who can only say "I am Groot"? Like, IIRC it just happens midway between the Annihilation Conquest stuff and GotG somewhere, but at least in those runs it just kind of abruptly shifts and nobody mentions it or seems to think anything of it. It's just plain weird.
Nah, it's legit and in the best uni in the state. Just that everything here has mandatory attendance. When profs are good, i engage them. When a prof is shite, i read more comics. The current prof is megashite. We don't get to pick and choose our courses.

Plus i gotta wake up 5:40am to be here in time for class,so fuck 'em.

Hmm guess I kinda know that feel. I was actually talking from experience, I've got this shitty grad course on my schedule where I have to listen to guest lecturers the entire semester. Maybe 3/20 of them are actually interesting to listen to.

You constantly post about Valiant and Rai is dope.

I guess that checks out...


Bloodshot is pretty mindless action. The sequel, Reborn, is much better.

I would even recommend, if you're not totally invested in it, to just go read The Valiant then start Bloodshot Reborn.

It's okay I just reached the part where Harbinger Wars starts so I'm going to read Harbinger then continue on with Bloodshot when I catch up to where the event begins.


For real though, is there any explanation for Groot's abrupt shift from being a chatty, proud monarch guy to someone who can only say "I am Groot"? Like, IIRC it just happens midway between the Annihilation Conquest stuff and GotG somewhere, but at least in those runs it just kind of abruptly shifts and nobody mentions it or seems to think anything of it. It's just plain weird.

Maybe he just got older? I think I remember that being a thing with his species, when they mature it gets harder to understand their speech. It's a dumb thing but where every alien race can speak English or everyone understands everything I kinda like that Rocket is one of the only people that knows Groots language.
It's okay I just reached the part where Harbinger Wars starts so I'm going to read Harbinger then continue on with Bloodshot when I catch up to where the event begins.

Disclaimer though, I haven't read anything Bloodshot after Harbinger Wars; still waiting for that second OHC. However, Dysart comes on for the HARD Corps stuff, so that's gotta be at least sticking around for.

Phew, man, Harbinger. I wish I could mindwipe and experience that again. :s


That Guardians Team-Up with Groot and Silver Surfer was really bad. Bengals art was so meh and couldn't carry the lack of dialog.
Justice League 3000 #1 - #13: The premise is rather interesting and the world set-up in the first couple of issues was great. The Five started off like they would be a great adversary and I thought they would be built up over the series in the background. But the the actual issues themselves are a bit boring for me. The dialogue is very cliched and from the little I've read of JLI, Giffen just seems to be using the new dickish Superman in the Guy Gardner role to recapture Batman vs Gardner. The JL vs The Five also happened so quickly and the reveal was a bit of a let down. Maybe I would have enjoyed the series more if I had read all of JLI and was also more aware of DC back history. But for now, dropped.


Maybe he just got older? I think I remember that being a thing with his species, when they mature it gets harder to understand their speech. It's a dumb thing but where every alien race can speak English or everyone understands everything I kinda like that Rocket is one of the only people that knows Groots language.
Yeah, I think they kind of had Maximus explain it as such at some point in War/Realm of Kings, which is something. But it's just a crazy big character change for them to have just done it abruptly in the comics with none of the characters commenting on it. And actually now that I think about it, I'm not sure they were super consistent about whether or not Rocket can understand him, even. Since he was definitely calling Maximus crazy for saying he understood Groot.

But yeah, it definitely makes the character more interesting. Just a weird change to do without a solid explanation, at least for a while.
Everybody understands everybody else due to universal translator, iirc. Can always excuse it as Groot regrowing in a way that the translator cant cope with the sounds, but Rocket, due to extensive contact, can.

Of course, why a device that can translate the phlegmaphorous digisounds of the holozoid slugcubes from taragar 8 wouldnt be able to translate the language of the bark people from planet X is a mystery unto itself.



The Malekith arc from the secon Aaron Thor OHC is so boring, I can just read one Panel on a daily base.

I just want to come to the King Thor part again...
Happy Birthday Ed!

Went for post-birthday lunch, I've eaten way too much food today, send help, send after dinner mints.

Got some unexpected stuff, which was very nice of my friends:

Also read Thor: Who Holds the Hammer? while on the bus home. This is some top-tier comicing. I'll be adding The Mighty Thor to my post-Secret Wars list. I get the feeling I'll be like Messi with SpOck once the new Thor inevitably leaves. I love that her dialogue is different between when she speaks and thinks. Really nice touch. Dauterman's art is great too, he has a great knack for big action scenes IMO.

As much as I love Jane in the role, and her ending monologue was just perfect, I was REALLY hoping it was Ros. It would have made the kiss in the first book ten times funnier.

"Do you think I am your mother now?"
"....I hope not."


That's what I did. I could see what was about to happen. That shit has lost plastered all over it.

Yeah that's pretty much it. I can't even say the next volume or two wasn't interesting either for the most part, but...yeah...


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Happy birthday, Ed! Our true comics superstar.

Nah, it's legit and in the best uni in the state. Just that everything here has mandatory attendance. When profs are good, i engage them. When a prof is shite, i read more comics. The current prof is megashite. We don't get to pick and choose our courses.

Plus i gotta wake up 5:40am to be here in time for class,so fuck 'em.

Mandatory classes are the most ridiculous thing ever. If they're actually helpful and you don't go, it will show on your grades. If it doesn't show on your grades that you didn't attend, then it wasn't worth going to in the first place.
I was never one to skip classes at school, but I totally defend the right for a student to choose whether or not they want to go to class. After all, they are attending school (well, implying college and post-grad here) voluntarily.

Hmm guess I kinda know that feel. I was actually talking from experience, I've got this shitty grad course on my schedule where I have to listen to guest lecturers the entire semester. Maybe 3/20 of them are actually interesting to listen to.

What are you (and Coriolanus too) studying?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Trump 2016.

Did you watch his Michigan speech?
...I kinda started to see what people like about him. Especially the press conference afterwards.

I can't believe I get another year and a half of glorious campaign politics. It's like Christmas for a year and a half straight.


Did you watch his Michigan speech?
...I kinda started to see what people like about him. Especially the press conference afterwards.

I can't believe I get another year and a half of glorious campaign politics. It's like Christmas for a year and a half straight.

He's giving helicopter rides to kids in Iowa today while Hilary answers questions about her emails. It's over people, we're making America great again. We had one slip-up when we let Messi in but we're turning things around come 2016.


He's giving helicopter rides to kids in Iowa today while Hilary answers questions about her emails. It's over people, we're making America great again. We had one slip-up when we let Messi in but we're turning things around come 2016.

I am the first great thing to happen to America since beef jerkey

I came in am stimulated your economy with 7k
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