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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Black Widow (2001) has a better story and art than the 1999 series. Unfortunately, it feels like the conclusion of a bigger story arc that doesn't exist, since the previous series didn't lay a very good foundation. I imagine both would have somewhat more potency if I had more context for Black Widow as a character.

It seems the follow up series Black Widow: Pale Little Spider isn't easy to obtain, digitally at least.

I've honestly haven't heard about the Marvel Knights series before, but was curious about checking it out when I had my MU trial. Have you heard of Marjorie Liu's short BW run?
As a kid I liked Colossus cuz he looked cool. I guess he's at his best int his game at least
Oh he's amazing in XML1. But in each subsequent game he's outclassed. In XML1, he's the tank, second only to Wolverine and right above Rogue, and that's just as a tank. His role is strictly tank, since Wolverine is more melee DPS. Emma Frost has some tanking abilities, since she has radial debuffs and her diamond form is a good buff. But she's a weird tank and doesn't work nearly as well as Colossus. Worst character in XML1 is Beast by a lot. He has few tanking options, no support options, his Xtreme is terrible (not as bad as Rogue's though), and his melee DPS, while his strong suit, is bottom-tier when stacked up to about half the cast. He fulfills no true role.

Thing is in XML2, Colossus is now the worst tank in the game with some support abilities and poor DPS. His role is dominated by Wolverine and Juggernaut. He has some support abilities, but in comparison to pretty much the entire cast (particularly Scarlet Witch), then he has no use. In MUA he was bested by either The Thing or Luke Cage as far as straight tanking goes. Since that's his primary role, he now has support, but again is bested by Dr. Strange, Captain America, and a good chunk of the rest. As far as melee DPS, he gets straight bodied by sooooooo many other cast members it isn't even funny. Then, they decided that with the Gold Edition, they would add Hulk as a playable character, who is literally just a better Colossus in every conceivable role.

And that's why Colossus is terrible, even though I love that big, Russian, tractor-punching, metal bastard.
Is anyone reading the new Black Canary stuff? That cover looked neat.
I like it, and it seems like they're giving her something of her own. As far as I'm aware, it's the first time they've ever really given her mythos that aren't reliant on other existing properties (Green Arrow, Wildcat, etc.).
I've honestly haven't heard about the Marvel Knights series before, but was curious about checking it out when I had my MU trial. Have you heard of Marjorie Liu's short BW run?
Just finished reading it. It's alright. Seems like a decent blueprint if they wanted to make a Black Widow film.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Only if you want to catch up to the main story, but you're liable to miss out on some good stuff by skipping the issues in between.

Oh I wasn't going to skip over the other stuff completely. I was just a little curious why 27 comes between 18 and 19 and if I should read it before moving on to 19. I'll just skip it I and read it after 26 like a normal person.


My Batman Incorporated Trade arrived \o/
GM be thanked.

Burnhams art is fucking awesome, cant wait until I can sit down and read it.


Oh I wasn't going to skip over the other stuff completely. I was just a little curious why 27 comes between 18 and 19 and if I should read it before moving on to 19. I'll just skip it I and read it after 26 like a normal person.
It was the order they were published in. They did #27 between #18 and #19 as a publicity stunt/sales gimmick/jumping-on point and then did another version of #27 a year later with some extras but no changes to the story.
Pretty dumb that they only have vol 3 of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on sale. What are you even supposed to do with that?

Might buy some Harley.


What an awful sale. Even the Harley one is nonsensical.

Not really. It's just kinda half-hearted. The older trades were just added to Comixology today. May as well peddle your current series' Vol 1 while you're at it, plus the defining story for the character with Mad Love, and screw it, just call it a Harley sale!


Not really. It's just kinda half-hearted. The older trades were just added to Comixology today. May as well peddle your current series' Vol 1 while you're at it, plus the defining story for the character with Mad Love, and screw it, just call it a Harley sale!

Agree. It's a boring one but it makes sense.

Awesome new Sejic art



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Pretty dumb that they only have vol 3 of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on sale. What are you even supposed to do with that?
Er, a different publisher has the other books, so blame DC. The sale is for what Top Shelf/Knockabout publish.


I think I'm going to get Mad Love and the first Palmiotti trade

Amazing art. That man is a God.

And I do blame them.

Mad Love is incredible and you should own it. Palmiotti's Vol 1 is good. But it's not mad love Harley. These are like two separate characters.
I talked to a LCS owner yesterday Messi. We chatted about random stuff and somehow got onto Sejic. He agreed with me that he has same face syndrome. But I also discovered he's collected Sunstone.


Don't get me wrong on not saying TAS Harley wasn't random and impulsive but the current one could be swapped out with Deadpool and no one would notice.

Nah, wasnt aimed against you, I just wanted to show a scene from Mad Love that I think is hilarious:D


I talked to a LCS owner yesterday Messi. We chatted about random stuff and somehow got onto Sejic. He agreed with me that he has same face syndrome. But I also discovered he's collected Sunstone.

How did you not know that he had collected Sunstone? You do post here right? Lol.

As for the faces. I think he does some of the best faces in comics and expressions. Most artists have the same face thing.

Edit : reading comprehension fail
How did you not know that he had collected Sunstone? You do post here right? Lol.

As for the faces. I think he does some of the best faces in comics and expressions. Most artists have the same face thing.

But I also discovered he's [THE LCS OWNER] collected Sunstone.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
My Batman Incorporated Trade arrived \o/
GM be thanked.

Burnhams art is fucking awesome, cant wait until I can sit down and read it.

Yesss. Burnham is the man.

As for the faces. I think he does some of the best faces in comics and expressions. Most artists have the same face thing.

To add to this, Terry Moore also has same-face-syndrome to an extent, and he is literally the GOAT at facial expressions. Maybe there's something to be said about having a certain face template that you're very familiar with that you can manipulate easier in order to draw top-tier expressions.

Why do you all use LCS instead of just CS? L seems quite superfluous. No one goes to their LMCD, LKFC or what have you.

People also say LBS (Local Bike Shop). Must have something to do with "local" implying a ma-and-pop operation of sorts.
Edit: Probably also mostly means that it's specifically local, AKA, it's just one location and it's not a chain.



Get out.

Yesss. Burnham is the man.

To add to this, Terry Moore also has same-face-syndrome to an extent, and he is literally the GOAT at facial expressions. Maybe there's something to be said about having a certain face template that you're very familiar with that you can manipulate easier in order to draw top-tier expressions.

I absolutely agree. I have no problem with the same face thing. Amanda Conner does it too. Next they will tell us Terry Moore is bad at art.
Bought Mad Love! I remember really enjoying the animated series episode of it, but I've never read the original comic, so I'm looking forward to it.
People also say LBS (Local Bike Shop). Must have something to do with "local" implying a ma-and-pop operation of sorts.
Edit: Probably also mostly means that it's specifically local, AKA, it's just one location and it's not a chain.

So... for hipster cred, then?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
So... for hipster cred, then?

I mean, there's that whole thing about people who in general don't want chain stores to flush out all the mom-and-pop operations. It's just an extension of that.
I've never felt very strongly about that idea though. I shop at Performance Bike for my bike stuff, for example, which is a chain store, but they have cheaper prices and I don't really care too much beyond that.
Oh he's amazing in XML1. But in each subsequent game he's outclassed. In XML1, he's the tank, second only to Wolverine and right above Rogue, and that's just as a tank. His role is strictly tank, since Wolverine is more melee DPS. Emma Frost has some tanking abilities, since she has radial debuffs and her diamond form is a good buff. But she's a weird tank and doesn't work nearly as well as Colossus. Worst character in XML1 is Beast by a lot. He has few tanking options, no support options, his Xtreme is terrible (not as bad as Rogue's though), and his melee DPS, while his strong suit, is bottom-tier when stacked up to about half the cast. He fulfills no true role.

Thing is in XML2, Colossus is now the worst tank in the game with some support abilities and poor DPS. His role is dominated by Wolverine and Juggernaut. He has some support abilities, but in comparison to pretty much the entire cast (particularly Scarlet Witch), then he has no use. In MUA he was bested by either The Thing or Luke Cage as far as straight tanking goes. Since that's his primary role, he now has support, but again is bested by Dr. Strange, Captain America, and a good chunk of the rest. As far as melee DPS, he gets straight bodied by sooooooo many other cast members it isn't even funny. Then, they decided that with the Gold Edition, they would add Hulk as a playable character, who is literally just a better Colossus in every conceivable role.

And that's why Colossus is terrible, even though I love that big, Russian, tractor-punching, metal bastard.

I like it, and it seems like they're giving her something of her own. As far as I'm aware, it's the first time they've ever really given her mythos that aren't reliant on other existing properties (Green Arrow, Wildcat, etc.).

They really need a MUA3 (or a DC version). I'd settle for an HD port of X-men legends MUA1/2 at this point.
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