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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Is this bike shade? Lol

No way man, I love cycling. I ride my road bike like three times a week and I've got the whole outfit with the spandex shorts and biking jersey and everything. I've got no shade to throw.

Sounds more like Kipp wants to justify his cheap craigslist bike purchase.

Nah man, I bought my bike new. When I spend big, I go for quality. Haha

If you delve into the bike community, you'll find that their nerdery is quite similar to the custom pc people.

Yeah, it's silly how much people will spend just to save a gram of weight. Especially when they don't even ride competitively.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Never trust a man who cycles on his weekends. Almost as bad as people who boulder.

Don't worry, I try to avoid cycling on weekends. Too many cyclists on the road. :D
Getting in a traffic jam in the bike lane is the most annoying thing ever.
Most certainly did no expect BPRD to be this good. Hollow Earth, with all its actors, seems to hit the ground running. Legit better than any of the Hellbro volumes up to the Conqueror Worm.
To be honest, I feel like bicycle traffic jams are more of a problem in third world cities. I feel for them.

You'd be wrong. Used to be a problem in China and the like, but in say, South America? hah. In most cities you'll be competing for street space with cars and motorbikers that would gladly run you over.


but I am taking tiny steps forward

Lol. Hilarious
But no, I'm a silent cyclist. Cars cut me off quite a bit but I don't really care.
It is funny watching other cyclists get super pissed at cars though. One time this cyclist in front of me flipped off a bus because it got too close to the bike lane (didn't even go into the bike lane).

You'd be wrong. Used to be a problem in China and the like, but in say, South America? hah. In most cities you'll be competing for street space with cars and motorbikers that would gladly run you over.

True. I suppose that's a bigger problem than bicycle traffic jams.
Lol. Hilarious
But no, I'm a silent cyclist. Cars cut me off quite a bit but I don't really care.
It is funny watching other cyclists get super pissed at cars though. One time this cyclist in front of me flipped off a bus because it got too close to the bike lane (didn't even go into the bike lane).

I try to be courteous to your kind when I drive, for whatever it's worth. Haven't hit one of you yet :D


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hahaha. Holy shit. I'm watching Carly Fiorina's Q&A at the Iowa State Fair and she said this:

All the people who tell us we can't do this, we can't drill, we can't keep the coal industry going, well they all cite the "science" of climate change. Well let me tell you what the scientists say. If you want to quote science you need to read the fine print. All the scientists who say that climate change is real and man-made say this: A single nation acting alone will make no difference at all.

She literally just said "Yeah, sure, climate change is real and we're destroying the earth, but everyone else is shitting on the earth, so we might as well keep doing it too."

She seems like an intelligent person 80% of the time, but then she'll say something just straight baffling.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I try to be courteous to your kind when I drive, for whatever it's worth. Haven't hit one of you yet :D

Hahaha. You're the man, Launchpad.

Oh, that reminds me. Similarly, I try to be courteous to motorcyclists when I'm driving on the freeway and give them plenty of room when they split lanes. One time I was driving with my windows down and my arm hanging out of the window on the freeway and went all the way to the side of my lane to give a motorcyclist plenty of room as he was coming through. And as he comes through, he gives my hand a fist bump.
That was like the highlight of my life. I felt like the coolest person ever.
I was also on my way to my interview for the FroYo job, so I like to think that his fistbump gave me the spark I needed to land the job.


Woah Scarlet #8 is listed for next month.


Please Bendis. Don't let me down.
The Red Ten #0-5: This series caught my eye because a pseudo-spinoff for the series, Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare, has been getting some positive buzz and I figured I may as well get acquainted with the universe since Red Ten seems to have been well-received. Let me say outright, the premise is crude, if not somewhat uninspired; basically, the writers have this idea for a murder mystery revolving around the Justice League where each one is systematically killed off, but they couldn’t use the JL for obvious reasons, so they instead create their own miniverse where most of the history of its characters aligns with that of JL.

However, as execution is everything, let me just say that the writing is phenomenal. It starts off very simply, yet with a great sense of foreboding - the team is assembled to investigate the murder of their Batman parallel, Red. The immediate suspect is Red’s archnemesis and Joker parallel, Oxymoron. First, I want to say that even though the designs are straight rips from DC, they are really well done. I particularly like Red’s design, as well as Oxymoron’s. They are simple twists, but they are very memorable. As things start to pick up, the Alliance (as they are called) start discovering more clues and revelations about the murders, as well as themselves. I must say, some of the stuff that happens in this is really haunting, as things are obviously not what they immediately seem to be. It goes from feeling like a stock JL story, to “why has JL done something like this?” I also think that dialogue is on point for what you would figure are the JL’s personalities, although there are some very interesting and dark twists to some of the characters as things start to come to light.

My main problem with the book is the art. It’s the only tell of this being an indie/low-budget comic. While it’s definitely serviceable and I’m sure Feliciano does his best, it’s really raw at times. Some of the facial expressions are weird and it’s more miss than hit. However, when it does hit, it is really good, so I wonder if it would be much better if the artist spent some time with it. However, the story is good enough that I can look past this most of the time. That said, it does have some pretty great covers.

So yeah, it was a pretty neat find and very memorable. I made a post about how awesome it is to find niche comics on CMX and just take them for a spin, and this is really the one I was referring to. I’ll likely be adding the Oxymoron mini to my list this week.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just read a tiny bit of Tank Girl. So ridiculous. This is going to be a fun read.

Woah Scarlet #8 is listed for next month.

Please Bendis. Don't let me down.

Omg. Yes. Scarlet is one of my favorite things.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I love Presidential Election season. We are so blessed that it gets longer and longer every election. We still get almost another year and a half of these shenanigans :D
So WicDiv 11 and 12, I know some people aren't digging where it's going, but I'm liking it still, even if I don't agree with
all the deaths


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I love these figures so much :D

Only downside is that there are very few points of articulation, but the silver lining is that they look better because of that fact (since there aren't tons of joints mucking up the aesthetics).


I love these figures so much :D

Only downside is that there are very few points of articulation, but the silver lining is that they look better because of that fact (since there aren't tons of joints mucking up the aesthetics).

Kipp did you purposefully not get Harley to hurt me? It's the only one you missed :(


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Kipp did you purposefully not get Harley to hurt me? It's the only one you missed :(

The LCS didn't have Harley, only those three.
Though to be honest, even if they did have Harley, I'm not sure I would've gotten her... Well, I maybe would've just for the sake of completeness.

Edit: Actually, Harley's accessories are awesome. I probably would've gotten her.

I really hope they do another round of these figures. I want more.
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