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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Boogiepop, you were right, The Fear Machine arc of Hellblazer is kind of a drag. It's not bad by any means, but it sure is mediocre. And it's SO LONG. How many issues does this last!? I'm like 4 issues into the arc right now and there's not an end in sight. If it was just a two-issue arc it'd be good, but being this long doesn't help its cause one bit.

Speaking of, what do you guys think is the funniest comic you've read?

Easily The Auteur. That comic slayed me. I've been meaning to reread it. Maybe today.

Yeah Mignola put a lot of work into the whole Hellboyverse and it does take some reading to really notice all of it. He was very smart with how it was all laid out. The whole jump from Hellboy's discovery to 1993 or whenever Seeds of Destruction takes place basically leaves this big blank space just waiting to be filled with stories with the cast of characters.

BPRD is also excellent and shows more of the world without Hellboy. I highly recommend it if you enjoy Hellboy and want more.

It makes me so happy that you're a massive Hellboy fanboy now.
...I'll read more Hellboy eventually

Manifest Destiny is the best comic that nobody is reading though.

No joke, I've been waiting on the OHC since the day the preview for the first issue came out. It looks like the best comic ever.
I've never hear that second bit about Invincible. You really don't like it?

I mean, it's tough.


The dialogue is so good at propelling the narrative forward like a goddamned rocket, all while answering, and asking, critical and thrilling questions.

We know what people with on first lunch period are going to do but Jesus, what about second?? And holy shit, THIRD???

And what if this guy, he takes LONGER than fifteen minutes to get to his office? And what exactly is "the rest of the day"?? Are you telling me if there's someone with a problem at 5:01, he's bounce???

Just CLASSIC comics storytelling right there. You couldn't have moment like this in any other medium. Ever.

Kirkman knows what makes comics great, and he delivers in every single panel.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I mean, it's tough.


The dialogue is so good at propelling the narrative forward like a goddamned rocket, all while answering, and asking, critical and thrilling questions.

We know what people with on first lunch period are going to do but Jesus, what about second?? And holy shit, THIRD???

And what if this guy, he takes LONGER than fifteen minutes to get to his office? And what exactly is "the rest of the day"?? Are you telling me if there's someone with a problem at 5:01, he's bounce???

Just CLASSIC comics storytelling right there. You couldn't have moment like this in any other medium. Ever.

Kirkman knows what makes comics great, and he delivers in every single panel.

Hahaha. I cannot believe that is real.

I tried reading one issue of The Walking Dead once and Kirkman's dialogue stopped me dead in my tracks. I just can't handle it.
I thought Superior Foes of Spider-Man was a riot at points. Visual humor (especially in comics) is very difficult to do but Steve Lieber really managed to get the timing and composition and everything down pretty perfectly. Lots of really funny moments throughout.

Besides that, I'd probably say Prison School is the funniest comic/manga I've ever read. I legit laughed out loud during it and just thinking about some of the scenes is enough to make me smile. I know it's not Western comics, but shit's funny.
Visual comedy isn't especially difficult imo. It's just that it's not practiced as often. I blame Judd Appatow style movies that rarely rely on visual humor and place the emphasis on dialogue instead. Edgar Wright is really good at visual humor.

Superior Foes is pretty great tho and people should read it


Is The Walking Dead comic still considered good?

It's amazing, but we have a Kirkman hate-group here. There's only been one relatively weak arc due to the increased release schedule. All Out War was lopsided and more like a pre-lude to the current arc which is mind blowingly good.
Visual comedy isn't especially difficult imo. It's just that it's not practiced as often. I blame Judd Appatow style movies that rarely rely on visual humor and place the emphasis on dialogue instead. Edgar Wright is really good at visual humor.
Not like we don't have decades of terrific silent comedy films to serve as inspiration or anything


so, for the record, Gail Simone totally went there in the latest Secret Six and, gotta say, it actually makes some amount of sense? It's handled reasonably well and I mean, shit, I'm completely okay with it because there isn't really a comic like that anywhere else.
It's amazing, but we have a Kirkman hate-group here. There's only been one relatively weak arc due to the increased release schedule. All Out War was lopsided and more like a pre-lude to the current arc which is mind blowingly good.

I buy all his comics, so I'd be hesitant to throw that terminology around where I'm concerned.


so, for the record, Gail Simone totally went there in the latest Secret Six and, gotta say, it actually makes some amount of sense? It's handled reasonably well and I mean, shit, I'm completely okay with it because there isn't really a comic like that anywhere else.

Secret Six has been so much fun. Excited for the new issue today.


Is that a hate group if people don't like the book? Not sure how to feel about that. For the record I enjoy what ive read of it.

Haters anonymous.

I detailed where my problem lies. It's with those who jump on the hate train and deter people from trying it even though they haven't read it themselves.


Boogiepop, you were right, The Fear Machine arc of Hellblazer is kind of a drag. It's not bad by any means, but it sure is mediocre. And it's SO LONG. How many issues does this last!? I'm like 4 issues into the arc right now and there's not an end in sight. If it was just a two-issue arc it'd be good, but being this long doesn't help its cause one bit.
IIRC it's like that whole volume and yeeeeah, wasn't for me. There was like one really nice chapter IIRC, but for the most part I just wasn't feeling it and it was definitely a long one.

Also, before I forget again. What the actual hell at Alpha Primitives being a thing that's still around?! Like, the Inhumans are literally running their city with a freaking straight up slave caste? And they just let that keep going on, and apparently none of the other world's heroes give enough of a damn to do anything about this? Like, I don't know much Inhumans, but that seems like an insane thing to let "heroes" keep doing.
It's amazing, but we have a Kirkman hate-group here. There's only been one relatively weak arc due to the increased release schedule. All Out War was lopsided and more like a pre-lude to the current arc which is mind blowingly good.

I somehow breadcrumbed back to this post lol

Am I in the minority in saying I loved All Out War? I'm not sure if it changes things, but I read it once it was all released and I enjoyed it a lot.


I somehow breadcrumbed back to this post lol

Am I in the minority in saying I loved All Out War? I'm not sure if it changes things, but I read it once it was all released and I enjoyed it a lot.

I don't think it's a bad arc by any means, but I do think that there are a few rushed points in the middle due to double shipping. I did quiet enjoy the end, and I'm going to read it all collected soon.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I somehow breadcrumbed back to this post lol

Am I in the minority in saying I loved All Out War? I'm not sure if it changes things, but I read it once it was all released and I enjoyed it a lot.

I loved it too, loved how we had issues more frequently too


Why does he wear the mask!?
The comic's release schedule has been bumped up like crazy since that event. I love it. They're trying to outpace the show and hit #150 ASAP.

I've lost nearly all interest in the show, but the comic keeps me coming back each month. Love it.


I've lost nearly all interest in the show, but the comic keeps me coming back each month. Love it.

I learned to love the show. I enjoy it for what it is and its bonding time for me and a positive way to start a shitty work week. Sunday TV in general helps get me mentally prepared for the new week.
Christopher Priest is the coolest. When I was a teenager dreaming of a writing career, he came into my dad's store to buy a car. My dad told him how into comics I was and he sent me a huge box of DC comics and a personalized guide on how to break into the industry, as well as one of his scripts for Justice League.

Anyway, I just started reading these but I'm sure I'll read all of it. Thanks for posting.

That was an amazing thing for him to do.

i'm like halfway through the 2nd one. they're really good.

It was a bit sad to see what drove him away from the industry. At least the industry is in a place now where writers or artists who feel similarly have other avenues to explore. (Image, self publishing, web comics, etc).

Thanks for this, and which Unknown Soldier comic is that, I don't think I've heard of it til now o_O


This one right here. He wrote it under his birth name, Jim Owsley.
I learned to love the show. I enjoy it for what it is and its bonding time for me and a positive way to start a shitty work week. Sunday TV in general helps get me mentally prepared for the new week.
Watching poor old
getting torn up was such a nice start to that week.
The comic's release schedule has been bumped up like crazy since that event. I love it. They're trying to outpace the show and hit #150 ASAP.

I've been pretty vocal about not liking the show, but the faster pacing for the comic works for me regardless of the reason. I really love this book.


OK wow, I never knew this was ever an issue when working on comic books o_O

I am reminded of Howard Porter's work on Morrison's JLA run where there were some panels where the character drawn...and the dialog bubbles didn't fit with the way the character is drawn or their body language.
Mind you Porter's later work is miles better than his JLA art, but I'm reminded of it from reading that paragraph.

Howard Porter's JLA is honest to god my least favourite art in a superhero comic of all time.

a decent panel or page here and their but as a whole -- yech

Writing comic books is a collaboration. A good writer will leave room for interpretation while giving the artist strong guidelines of what has to happen to move the plot forward, and the artists job is to be able to execute what is asked of them while highlighting the strengths of their style.

This is a difficult thing to do when you have two strong people trying to work with one another, and it becomes even harder when one of those people are no good at what they do.

otoh Hard Boiled and Elektra Assassin are two of the best collaborations of all time soooo yeah no hard rules or nothin
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