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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

I know. :( But it had some truly great moments. The
walk to the spaceship and the finger-gun shootout with the accountants were both fantastic scenes. And is it me, or is Yvette Sasha's sister or something?
Amazing how great Borderlands can be without Gearbox attached.

finger-gun shootout
would be the best QTE sequence I've ever played if not for the ending of The Wonderful 101.


Hey Messi, I heard that when your mum went to church, she received communion with her tongue like a floozy.



Coming in late to the New Comics Wednesday hype... anything in particular I should be picking up after work today (or anything that sucked that I should drop off my list)? My potential pick ups so far:

Non-Big Two
Archie #2
BPRD #134
Infinite Loop #5
Island #2
Rat Queens #11
Stray Bullets: Sunshine & Roses #7
Wolf #2

1872 #2
Captain Britain & the Mighty Defenders #2
Howard the Human #1
Runaways #3
Secret Wars: Secret Love #1
Weirdworld #3

Black Canary #3
Harley Quinn & Power Girl #3


I like it waaaaaaaay more than AW already.

If I wasn't planning on get Destiny I might've have got it but this fall is stacked enough as it is so I probably never play it. I just can't CoD like I could when I was younger, Modern Warfare feels like a decade ago and it scarily nearly is.

Phantom Pain in 12 days!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
If I wasn't planning on get Destiny I might've have got it but this fall is stacked enough as it is so I probably never play it. I just can't CoD like I could when I was younger, Modern Warfare feels like a decade ago and it scarily nearly is.

Phantom Pain in 12 days!

I know the feeling. I peaked with Mw2/BO. Back then it was as much a social thing as anything. I had 10-12 friends who also played. Now if I'm lucky I'll have 1. That is why I might go with Destiny as well just because I might have 3 or 4 people to play with.


I know the feeling. I peaked with Mw2/BO. Back then it was as much a social thing as anything. I had 10-12 friends who also played. Now if I'm lucky I'll have 1. That is why I might go with Destiny as well just because I might have 3 or 4 people to play with.

Yeah playing CoD with randoms is zero fun for me. I get burnt out on multiplayer games so fast these days it's kinda sad. Hopefully it doesn't happen with Battlefront going to try and get my brother to buy it. Having no real life friends to play games with sucks, the people I used to play with are all on the One now.


Yeah playing CoD with randoms is zero fun for me. I get burnt out on multiplayer games so fast these days it's kinda sad. Hopefully it doesn't happen with Battlefront going to try and get my brother to buy it. Having no real life friends to play games with sucks, the people I used to play with are all on the One now.

yo, I'm getting Battlefront. It would be my second retail PS4 game purchase and I've had a PS4 since its launch.


I love it.

At least someone gets it.

I'm Xbox on that too. It will always be my main. PS4 is just a backup Destiny jukebox to me.

Generally I try to pick up games on whoever the marketing partner is first, but my brother is Xbox only and I won't be seeing him much anymore so I figure I'll pick it up there and we can play for hours like we used to play Battlefront 2 when we were kids.
Dear gods, a lot of you will legit buy Battlefront Day 0. Kristoff wept.
If only Loki: AoA could go on forever, can't wait to see what's next for him.

Daniel Way sees that everybody is loving the trickster god, thinks it's because he's such a lovable rascal, takes over writing duties.
Alright Birdie how is this Xbox one friend request work. I went back to zombeens friend and it shows as friends. So how I understand it, one makes a person a follower and if the other then adds them from their follower list then they're friends?


Alright Birdie how is this Xbox one friend request work. I went back to zombeens friend and it shows as friends. So how I understand it, one makes a person a follower and if the other then adds them from their follower list then they're friends?


Im going to buy battlefront. I think.
Hey guys, what's the policy in this thread about plugging your own comics?

The first issue of my new series went up on Comixology today so I'm kinda excited by this but really don't need to be banned right now ><

I don't see the harm in doing a quick plug. Which one's yours?

And Hagi, we aren't friends on PSN so I'm gonna go ahead and add you. Think I got everyone else.

Im going to buy battlefront. I think.
I am...on ps4. I only buy exclusives on Xbox one. I like the controller more and the usually better performance. The DS4 is my favorite controller ever. So comfortable.

So essentially my Xbox/PS buying habits did a complete reversal from last gen
I'd buy it to be a part of the mustard race as well but I still have nightmares of playing Battlefield 3 on PC. I don't fuck around with Origin either.

It's gotten better, honestly. I think BF4 is either the best or close to the best shooting experience on PC.
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