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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Immonem is an unknown monster art-wise. Just watch the pages in Nextwave where he apes various styles PERFECTLY. Shame he isn't getting more work.

Unknown monster? Immonem did various work since Nextwave, although I can't remember many of them at the moment :X
I've nearly made it through 500 issues of Marvel's 616 universe (starting from FF #1) in a suggested reading order. There's so much filler, but it's been interesting to read. My only real complaint is that nearly everything revolves around a Love Triangle or fury over a woman. I guess that's just a sign of the times (along with Sue Storm not being allowed out of the kitchen).

I'm enjoying The Hulk the most, probably due to it having less words crammed into each frame and I can relate to the Hulk just wanting to chill. All he wants to do is sleep, but people won't leave him alone. Poor guy.
After that Hercules' arrival was like a shot of sugar in the veins, and it really showed Thor up as the arrogant arsehole I've always thought he was. Herc is loving life as a God!

Spiderman has been pretty strong at times, but there's been a bit of a lull in his stories in the reading order as it catches up with Namor, Thor and AntGiantGoliathMan.


What're the best collections for Miller DD/Elektra? I was gonna grab the omni buuuuut if it's mostly filler, then...?

Sometimes goodbye is a Second Chance...

naah, most of this is all just dumb whinging on my part, both the omni and the paperbacks are dope and fine ways to read the stuff
No he just signed an exclusive deal with Top Cow. They are a partner of Image comics. Just not the one that puts out Rat Queens.

Oh very cool, looking forward to seeing him on a book again.
I know it may be controversial or whatever,, but besides personal bullshit.. I was a big fan of his, and meeting him at C2E2 he was a humble down to earth guy.

I've said this a couple times to a few people (I think Kipp) but Stokoe was only on issue #1 of Godzilla in Hell.

This reminds me I have #1 sitting at my LCS
I feel bad I haven't been there in like 3 weeks,, I get most of my books through DCBS.
Justice League Dark #1-#6: Not feeling this at all. Jumps all over the place and the book doesn't give me enough time to care about any of the characters.

I need some honest opinions on Powers by BMB. Worth the read? Any highlight characters?

Take into account that I like BMB.

I thought it was really good for about 25 issues and then pretty ok for the rest of volume 1. Drops in quality after that. I would say the first omnibus is definitely worth it if you've never read it.

Adam Hughes is amazing. Imagine him on a monthly comic? Although we'd probably only end up with two or three issues per year. Dat Aja speed.

Track down Maze Agency. Some early work of his, but great nonetheless. Fits the book perfectly.
It's a good to great book but just wait for the hardcover coming out soon. It collects all 3 volumes.

Shit i just ordered the first 2 on amazon... maybe i can still cancel out though?

So the series is DONE for already? or just the FIRST 3 volumes and then it keeps going?

Also: Will this hardcover edition come out in the EU as well?


Shit i just ordered the first 2 on amazon... maybe i can still cancel out though?

So the series is DONE for already? or just the FIRST 3 volumes and then it keeps going?

Also: Will this hardcover edition come out in the EU as well?

Yeah you can still cancel. It's not done but the hardcover of the first 3 is out in November. So it will look really nice.

It's on amazon UK. Search black science hardcover. It's out December 10th there. Earlier in comic shops.
Yeah you can still cancel. It's not done but the hardcover of the first 3 is out in November. So it will look really nice.

It's on amazon UK. Search black science hardcover. It's out December 10th there. Earlier in comic shops.

Yeah i just checked... says they will try their best to cancel lol...

Not sure if it is the better deal costwise but that HC will look a lot classier indeed :)


I hated Immonem's art on USM, especially coming from Bagley's work. But I've really grown to like his work on virtually everything else.


Stokoe isn't involved in the book anymore. He only did #1

The only exciting thing is that Bob Eggleton is doing the next issue on Wednesday.

Hmm that's disappointing but whatever I still haven't read Half Century War yet. need to get that hardcover.

Tales of the Borderlands is super fun btw haven't finished episode 1 yet but it's already leagues better than everything else Telltale shits out.
naah, most of this is all just dumb whinging on my part, both the omni and the paperbacks are dope and fine ways to read the stuff

ah, i see. when there are multiple options, i like to have the best, most complete one. usually though it just means i'm super picky and i hold off forever but i'll probably actually buy the DD stuff
Read a bunch of stuff last night:

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4 - This is DARK for a Slott book. Some crazy stuff happening here. This is definitely the most pleasant surprise of the whole event, Dan has been on good form for this arc. Maybe there's hope for him after all.

Archie #2 - Another fantastic issue. Waid's Archie is just so likable. The art of his day on the job with the others helping him avoid disaster was great, really lovely stuff. Loved the Jughead mini-origin ("It cost a THOUSAND DOLLARS!"). Also, #TeamVeronica, then, now, forever.

Captain Britain & The Mighty Defenders #2 - I'd forgotten how much ass Faiza Hussain kicks. Makes me want to go back to Captain Britain & MI-13 again, what a series that was.

Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2 - Gabby's storybook intro was priceless. I think she's becoming my favourite non-TV companion. Hoping Eleven gets more to do later, this was mostly a Ten and Twelve issue. Ten being worried that Twelve is related to
the Valeyard, because the Twelfth Doctor shouldn't exist
was an excellent touch and one I would never have thought of.

Rat Queens #11 - This was mainly a set-up issue, but it's just nice to see the Queens again after another lot of delays. The whole "We're friends FOREVER!" feels super omnious given the solits for the next few issues. Also, that hardcover will be mine, oh yes.

Secret Wars: Secret Love: The Fiffe story was good with wonderful art. I need Copra in my life for more of that art. LOVED the Misty/Iron Fist and Kamala/Ghost Rider stories
. The Thor/Squirrel Girl story gave me a laugh or two, I think I need to check out Unbeatable.

Star Wars #7 - Haven't been reading it monthly, but a stand-alone Obi-Wan story sounded good. I hope these are going to be a thing between arcs, because I'll definitely read more. Aaron really captured the character, I could definitely hear a bit of McGregor in the narration.


Immonen is like 10 levels above Bagley. No offense to Bagley. Yall are crazy

Bagley's art was my least fav. thing about Ultimate Spiderman, I mean his style is fine, but it wasn't for me. He does deserve credit for doing 100+ issues of Ultimate Spiderman though.
Star Wars #7 - Haven't been reading it monthly, but a stand-alone Obi-Wan story sounded good. I hope these are going to be a thing between arcs, because I'll definitely read more. Aaron really captured the character, I could definitely hear a bit of McGregor in the narration.

Yeah, they will keep doing the Obi-Wan one-shots between arcs I believe.
I'd recommend something from Valiant, but they're all in the middle of arcs. Then again, so are JL and Robin. You've been following those?

Yeah, I've read the first two issues of Robin, and the first two issues of "The Darkseid War."

I think Robin is pretty good, not great, but I'm enjoying it. I'm liking JL quite a bit though.
Yeah, I've read the first two issues of Robin, and the first two issues of "The Darkseid War."

I think Robin is pretty good, not great, but I'm enjoying it. I'm liking JL quite a bit though.

Actually, I take that back. X-O Manowar #39 is a great jumping on point for that series. Fantastic art and a gripping story. It certainly builds on past events, but the synopsis at the front covers what you need to know.


Full werewolf off the buckle
No dude
2001 I think.
Here check this link out instead.
Very helpful for getting into Daredevil. It's what I used.

Miller's run is absolutely legendary. His first run was Daredevil 158-191. He came on as just the artist and then took over writing as well with issue 168. That run can be bought as an Omnibus, which is probably well worth it, but still fairly expensive. It's also collected in 3 volumes, and you actually get more in these volumes such as 2 issues of Spiderman Miller did, a What If story and Daredevil 219, a one shot he came back to write.




These were originally released under the name: Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller (which I bought) but these newer editions have some extra issues in them, which I am more than a little jealous about.

When you finish up with these, if anything it gets even better. You get to read the magnificent Born Again, which was his return to Daredevil after a few years.


The Kevin Smith run isn't terrible, it seemed better at the time than I think it is now, but yes, Bendis's run absolutely crushes it, and Brubaker's follow up was terrific as well, especially the Devil Inside and Out, his first arc. Referring to it as Daredevil 2009 is confusing to me, because it started in 1998 and ended in 2009. That's why I thought you were referring to Waid's run, which didn't actually start until 2011.
I really want to thank everyone for all the help. Sometimes just approaching comics later in life can be pretty daunting because there's just so much history. I appreciate all these suggestions.
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